Recruitment and Selection Process.

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Personnel Planning and Recruitment:

The purpose of this study is to focus on Aarong's Human Resource Policies and Practices.
However, covering all aspects of human resource management in the limited scope of this paper
will be quite challenging. As a result, this research concentrated on Aarong's overall HR policy,
as well as employee satisfaction, recruiting and selection, employee morale, performance
evaluations, training regime, and general HR policy and procedures. Aarong seems to have its
own recruitment and selection team that handles the entire recruitment and selection process.
Aarong has its own Training and Development Unit, which is also involved in the hiring process.
The policies and processes are designed to aid in the recruitment and selection of individuals
with the essential talents, skills, qualifications, and capacities to effectively contribute to Aarong.

Choosing and recruiting good personnel for a company is one of the most important and
significant areas of running a business, as the decisions made in this area can propel the company
to new heights of success. In this regard, it is important to remember that each individual,
regardless of their position or standing within the business, makes a meaningful contribution.
The process of recruiting and selecting job candidates is known as staffing, and it is a critical
strategic area of Human Resource Management. The success of an organization is directly
proportional to the people it employs, according to the author. The techniques utilized and
decisions made during the hiring process have a direct impact on an organization's success or

Because Aarong employs a large number of people across the country, they hire a variety of
people for different occupations. Aarong hires five different sorts of employees:

 full-time
 part-time
 temporary
 contract and project-based.
Aarong recruits’ candidates from two different types of sources.

1. Internal Source

2.External source

1. Internal source:

With the exception of entry-level employment, Aarong considers that current employees are a
substantial method of recruitment. Internal applicants have the benefit of being familiar with the
organization's environment and having extensive knowledge of its official processes and
regulations, whether they are applying for a new position or a later job transfer. Promotions and
transfers are usually decided by the department manager with the HR department's cooperation.

2. External Source:

Aarong also values innovation and creativity, thus the HR department seeks out talented
individuals from outside the company. Job postings in various media are a significant tool for
attracting external candidates.

Recruitment method:

Aarong hires its employees mostly through viva voce interviews and does not conduct a written
examination. However, the interviews are carried out in two stages: initially, if anybody fits for
the interview, they are selected for the next round of the interview; second, if someone qualifies
for the interview, they are selected for the third round of the interview. Officers, executives, and
managers are all subjected to these types of interviews. But appropriate training is tested for
technical positions such as IT departments. However, Aarong has lately said that they will be
conducting written examinations on a computer for the finance and accounts department, as well
as other divisions. Only in the case of a design studio must candidates display their portfolio.
Aarong goes through numerous procedures to recruit personnel for various areas, which are
handled by the HR department. The list of departments responsible for the recruitment process
are as follows:

 Staff Requisition
 Check & Verify Organizational Chart
 Approval
 Short listing the potential applicants
 Collecting & Screening
 Job Advertisement
 Schedule & arrange the interview
 Conduct Interview
 Compile Interview Results
 Issue Appointment letter
 Inform Selected Candidates
 Candidates’ Verification
 Joining and Orientation

Aarong's entire recruitment and selection procedure is outlined above. They go through these
processes in order to conduct recruitment and selection activities. If these steps can be linked to
the six core staffing components, then indicates Human Resource Planning, Analysis and Design
of Jobs, Recruiting, selection, performance appraisal, career planning and development, human
resource administration, and effective evaluation are all theoretical concepts that can be

Human resource management is clearly a critical job in every firm. Human resource planning,
recruitment, and selection are critical procedures that influence an organization's performance to
a great extent; as a result, they must be managed with care to ensure their achievement, and thus
the effectiveness of the company as a whole. The processes are interdependent, and achievement
in one leads to the success in the other, as well as the other way around.
The recognition of the value of human resources, and hence the requirement for appropriate
selection, hiring, and retention, has fuelled changes in the procedures involved in these three
disciplines, as well as others in the human resource management docket. The realization that
employees are the driving force behind an organization's success has also aided in the process of
change in the human resource management.

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