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"No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created

it. We need to see the world anew." - Albert Einstein

Identify a problem in the world of science or engineering that can be

solved by looking at the world anew. Describe your solution.

To look at the world anew, we need to look from the eyes of a scavenger. I know this sounds
ludicrous, but let me explain myself. Scavengers are usually considered to be a negative entity,
surviving of leftover and dead material but in reality, they keep an ecosystem free of the bodies of
dead animals, or carrion. Scavengers break down this organic material and recycle it into the
ecosystem as nutrients. Thus, completing this crucial cycle.

Similarly, we expect some materials to perform just a sole task for human beings, without
contemplating its other uses. For example, we expect our roads to perform only one task, which
although helps us to travel doesn’t contribute much to the field of science. Now you might be
wondering how come a road be anything more than a road, few months back I used to think the
same but then an idea struck us friends, that by embedding piezo-electric sensors along with
storage units we can generate energy through the daily traffic. Moreover, if we change our
mindset to fully utilize and equip what’s available, we’ll be able to accomplish more than we ever
have. Sometimes the solution is hiding in plain sight and all you need to do is change your
perspective and be just more defiant, innovative, and unrelenting.

Let’s consider the current situation of us planning to colonize mars and moon, but we aren’t ready
to even think about restoring earth’s atmosphere. What if the latter is a more viable option?
We will require colossal machines to match mars’ atmosphere to Earth’s for survival, but wouldn’t
it be better to just make efforts to make our planet a haven?
Hence, Science and Engineering needs to look at avenues which were before not considered

Looking at the most crucial problem humanity faces: climate change. The Doomsday clock is one
and a half minutes to midnight, yet we fail to understand that climate change might be the reason
that it strikes midnight one day.

Lithium hydroxide is fixed in exhaust gas outlet of vehicle such that it absorbs carbon dioxide and
form lithium carbonate. From lithium carbonate with the initiation of transition metal and solar
energy we can produce carbon nano-fibres and oxygen. Through this carbon dioxide emission is
reduced and oxygen is produced. Why just vehicles, let’s implement this in factory chimneys too.

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