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This provides an alternative for those older adults who do not feel safe living
alone, who wish to live in a community setting, or who need some additional help
with activities of daily living (ADLs). *

1 point

Home Care
Retirement Living
Day Care Centers
Hospice care facilities

2. The scope of practice for gerontological nursing includes all older adults from
the time of “old ___” until death. *

1 point

3. This role of a Gerontologist Nurse acts on behalf of the older adult to promote
their best interests and strengthen their autonomy and decision making. *

1 point

Research Consumer
Provider of Care

4. Statement A: It is not important to include all patients with aphasia into social
groups. Statement B: Language is typically non-functional in all modalities,
speaking, reading, and writing. *

1 point

Statement A is correct
Statement B is correct
All of the statements are correct
None of the statements are correct

5. This kind of assistive technology includes modifications to buildings, rooms, or

other facilities that allow people with physical impairments to use ramps and door
openers to enter, allow people with visual disabilities and move more freely within
a facility, and allow people of short stature or people who use wheelchairs to reach
payphones or operate elevators. *

1 point

sensory impairment
position and mobility
environmental access and control

6. The following are the objectives of the health and wellness program for senior
citizens by DOH except: *

1 point

enhance the capacity of health providers and other stakeholders

achieve equitable health financing
provision of focused service delivery packages and integrated continuum of
quality care
limit the development of patient-centered and environment standards
7. The following strategies can help patients manage their medications and
improve adherence except? *

1 point

Explain the purpose, adverse effects, and dosage of each medication.

Review the medication schedule periodically, and update it as necessary
Recommend using one supplier for prescriptions; pharmacies frequently track
patients and are not likely to notice a prescription problem such as duplication or
contraindications in the medication regimen.
All the statement are correct.

8. Services include health & medical services, psychological services, skills

training, group work activities, dietary services, home life /group living services,
spiritual services *

1 point

Home Care Support Services for Senior Citizens (HCSSC)

Community-based Services for Senior Citizens and their families
Volunteer Resource Services (VRS)
Residential Care Service (RCS)
9. Refers to the use of facial gestures, body posture, eye contact, and touch as a
means of communication. *

1 point

Verbal Communication
Non-verbal Communication
None of the above

10. A primary care physician who specializes in treating condition that affects
older adult. (Mauk,2010) *

1 point

Occupational Therapist
11. Refers to loyalty and a championing of the needs and interests of others *
1 point

Fiduciary Responsibility

12. It is defined as loyalty and advocating the needs and interest of others, which
necessitates the nurse educating patient and families so that they are aware of their
rights, and able to receive all the benefits to which they are entitled *

1 point


13. Statement A: The type of occupational therapy a person receives will vary
greatly on their family’s needs.Statement B: The goal of physical therapy is to help
restore and improve functionality, reduce pain, and increase mobility for better
strength and balance. Statement C: The scope of practice for gerontological
nursing includes all older adults from the time of being terminally-ill until death. *
1 point

Statement A and B are correct

None of the statement is correct
Statement A and C are incorrect
All of the statements are correct

14. Statement A: Doctor of Nursing Practice emphasizes the development of

research and writing skills, with specific emphasis on utilizing quantitative and
qualitative methods Statement B: Doctor of Nursing Practice intended to prepare
the nurse to be a researcher. *

1 point

Statement A and B are correct

Statement A and B are incorrect
Only statement A is correct
Only statement B is correct
15. The type of occupational therapy a person receives will vary greatly on their
wants. *

1 point


16. This physical therapy helps seniors learn how to maintain their stability as it
relates to gravity when they’re mobile. *

1 point

Decreasing pain from chronic conditions

Lowering the risk of injury
Lessening the need for prescription drugs
Maintaining an independent lifestyle
17. to Mauk, 2010. Occupational therapy is a process that involves helping people
at all stages of life (from toddlers to elderly) develop, maintain, or recover the
skills they need to daily activities (aka occupations) that are meaningful and
necessary. *

1 point


18. All of the following are risk identified that resulted in long term care except: *

1 point

Nutritional preference
Health and family history

19. Statement A: Gerontologists are professionals who specialize in issues of

aging.Statement B: A geriatrician is a primary care physician who specializes in
treating conditions that affect older adults. *

1 point
Statement A and B are correct
Only statement B is correct
Statement A and B are incorrect
Only statement A is correct

20. Describe actions to be taken in a situation where the patient is no longer able to
provide informed consent. *

1 point

Advance Directive
Long Term care
Palliative care
End-of-life care

21. It involves balancing the benefits of treatment against the risks and cost
involved *

1 point

22. Gerontological nurses focus their teaching on modifiable risk factors. Many
diseases of aging can be prevented through lifestyle modifications such as a
healthy diet, smoking cessation, appropriate weight maintenance, increased
physical activity, and stress management. *

1 point

Research Consumer

23. Which of the following is the management for an elderly with memory or
cognitive deficits? *

1 point

Use medical terms in conversing with the patient

Be respectful of space
Ask too many questions at once
Show concern only when necessary.

24. Gerontological nurses work with healthy elderly persons in their communities,
the acutely ill elderly requiring hospitalization and treatment, and the chronically
ill or disabled elderly in short-term care facilities, skilled care, home care, and
hospice. *

1 point


25. Refers to all forms of communication that enhance or supplement speech and
writing, either temporarily or permanently *

1 point

Emergency Response System

Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Personal Emergency Response System
Social Interaction and Recreation

26. Statement A: Long term care is a type of care that is focused on providing
relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness.Statement B: Palliative care is
based on the prognosis of the patient, not on the patient's needs. *

1 point
Only statement A is correct
Statement A and B are correct
None of the statements are correct
Only statement B is correct

27. These concepts of doing good and do no harm integral to health care. *
1 point

Fiduciary Responsibility
Beneficence / Nonmaleficence

28. Statement A: Communication is the essence of nursing. Statement B: We rely

on our communication skills to provide information and education, and to
encourage patients to change behavior and promote health. *

1 point

Statement A is correct
Statement B is correct
All of the statements are correct
None of the statements are correct
29. An acquired loss or impairment of language that occurs as a result of damage
to the speech centers in the dominant hemisphere of the brain. *

1 point

Cognitive Deficit
Global Aphasia
Broca’s Aphasia

30. Even though seniors cannot fully describe what they need in general,
emergency seldomly occurs. *

1 point


31. This is the provision of a planned temporary alternative family care for older
persons who are abandoned, neglected, unattached from the community *

1 point

Hospice care service

Foster home
Family or Kinship Care
Support Services for Caregivers

32. Mechanical aids that substitute for or enhance the function of some physical or
mental ability that is impaired *

1 point

Technology Tools
Computer-Based Assistive Devices
Assistive Technology
Software Devices

33. A 24-hour facility that provides long term or temporary multidisciplinary care
to senior citizens who are abandoned by their families or with no significant others
to provide the needed supervision and supportive care. *

1 point

Volunteer Resource Services (VRS)

Home Care Support Services for Senior Citizens (HCSSC)
Community-based Services for Senior Citizens and their families
Residential Care Service (RCS)

34. Statement A: The primary purpose of assistive technology is to bridge the gap
between an older person’s declining capabilities and the unchanging environmental
demands of home and community.Statement B: Assistive Technology are not just
for those who are disabled or have functional limitations.Statement C: The term
assistive devices encompass a broad range of strategies from “low tech” (e.g.,
pencil grips, splints, paper stabilizers) to “high tech” (e.g., computers, voice
synthesizers).Statement D: Assistive devices can also help individuals who are
aging and who may benefit from using them to promote injury and increase the
risk of injury. *

1 point

Statement A and C are correct

Statement B and C are correct
Statement C and D are incorrect
Statement B and D are incorrect

35. Refers to the use of facial gestures, body posture, eye contact, and touch as a
means of communication. *

1 point

Verbal Communication
None of the above
Non-verbal Communication

36. Nursing Strategies for Improving Medication Management and Adherence are
the following except: *

1 point

Explain the purpose, adverse effects, and dosage of each medication.

Destroy or remove old, unused medications.
Encourage the patient to keep a list of all medications.
If the patient’s competence is doubtful, advise the patient not to take the

37. Statement A: Effective communication depends on the ability of both to engage

in the process of sharing not merely words, but also concepts, emotions, and
thoughts.Statement B: communication is a process that involves one person. *

1 point

Statement A is correct
Statement B is correct
None of the statements are correct
All of the statements are correct
38. The following are the effective communication to an elderly with Aphasia
except: *
Speak naturally. Don’t raise your voice—it won’t help.
Speak slowly using simple words and sentences.
Treat the person as a child.
Tell the patient one thing at a time.

39. Statement A: As the government cares for the health of senior citizens, they
have mandatory PhilHealth coverage as stipulated in RA 9995. Statement B: When
they are confined in private hospitals, they can only avail of PhilHealth benefits
and cannot avail of the 20% discount and VAT exemption. Statement C: In
government hospitals, the No Balance Billing Policy applies. *

1 point

Statement A and B are correct

Statement B and C are correct
Only statement A is correct
Only statement B is correct

40. are Key Benefits of Occupational Therapy except: *

1 point
Keeps arthritis at bay
Increases movement range
Improves Hearing
Boosts Memory and Cognitive Skills

41. This pertains to services provided to senior citizens while in their homes such
as assisting senior citizens in their daily living activities. *

1 point

Home Care Support Services for Senior Citizens (HCSSC)

Residential Care Service (RCS)
Volunteer Resource Services (VRS)
Community-based Services for Senior Citizens and their families

42. Refers to all forms of communication that enhance or supplement speech and
writing, either temporarily or permanently *

1 point

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Emergency Response System
Personal Emergency Response System
Social Interaction and Recreation
43. The majority of patients are elderly and experience a variety of problems
needing nursing, such as chronic wounds, intravenous therapy, long-term
indwelling urinary catheters, and tube feedings. *

1 point

Hospice care facilities

Day Care Centers
Retirement Living
Home Care

44. The following are the effective communication to an elderly with visual
impairments except: *

1 point

Use short sentences.

Alert the person when you will be touching them
If the individual can see shapes or outlines, stand where he or she can see you.
Explain what you are doing, especially when you are moving and creating sounds
in the room

45. A nonfluent, agrammatic expressive aphasia. *

1 point
Global Aphasia
Broca’s Aphasia
Wernicke’s Aphasia

46. Which of the following are the roles of a gerontological nurse? *

1 point

All of the choices

Provider of Care

47. Encourage and mobilize individuals, interested groups, and intermediaries to

voluntarily contribute their time, skills, and capabilities for the delivery of
programs/services for the benefit of the impoverished senior citizens. *

1 point

Community-based Services for Senior Citizens and their families

Residential Care Service (RCS)
Volunteer Resource Services (VRS)
Home Care Support Services for Senior Citizens (HCSSC)
48. the leading case of Accidents among seniors and often result in bone fractures
and other injuries. *

1 point


49. The term communication originates from the Latin word “____________,”
which means “_________________.” *

1 point

Commune; to hold a commonality

Commonality; to be one
Commune; to hold in common
Common; to hold common

50. Statement A: Nurses and physicians work closely with social workers,
chaplains, psychologists, and other hospice professionals to make death as
comfortable and as easy a transition as possible.Statement B: Several team
members who specialize in palliative care work together to provide quality care for
patients in their last months, weeks, days, and hours of life.
1 point

Statement A and B are correct

Statement A and B are incorrect
Only statement A is correct
Only statement B is correct

51. Focuses on how the health care provider is caring about the patient and his or
her feelings and emotions. *

1 point

Task-focused communications
Non-verbal communication
Behavioral communication
Affective communication

52. Statement A: Nurses and physicians work closely with social workers,
chaplains, psychologists, and other hospice professionals to make death as
comfortable and as easy a transition as possible.Statement B: Several team
members who specialize in palliative care work together to provide quality care for
patients in their last months, weeks, days, and hours of life. *

1 point
Only statement B is correct
Statement A and B are incorrect
Statement A and B are correct
Only statement A is correct

53. Refers to health, mental health, social, and residential services provided to a
temporarily or chronically disabled person over an extended period to enable the
person to function as independently as possible. *

1 point

Nursing homes
Assisted living facilities
Retirement homes
All of the choices

54. Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003 *

1 point

Republic Act No. 7432

Republic Act of 9257
Republic Act 9994
Republic Act of 9600
55. The gerontological nurse gives direct, hands-on care to older adults in a variety
of settings. The nurse as a care provider should be educated about the common
disease processes seen in the older population. *

1 point

Research Consumer

56. The purpose of this code is to provide nurses with tools for identifying ethical
responsibilities and to guide decision making within the primary goals, values, and
obligations of the profession. *

1 point

Moral Principle
57. Statement A: As the government cares for the health of senior citizens, they
have mandatory PhilHealth coverage as stipulated in RA 9995. Statement B: When
they are confined in private hospitals, they can only avail of PhilHealth benefits
and cannot avail of the 20% discount and VAT exemption. Statement C: In
government hospitals, the No Balance Billing Policy applies. *

1 point

Only statement C is correct

Only statement A is correct
Statement A and B are correct
Statement B and C are correct

58. Statement A: Senior citizens are entitled to a 10% discount and exemption
from the value-added tax (VAT) on certain goods and services for their exclusive
use. Statement B: The law also provides a grant of a minimum of 5% discount on
water and electric bills registered in the name of the senior citizen residing therein.

1 point

Only statement B is correct

None of the statement is correct
Statement A and B are correct
Only statement A is correct
59. Apraxia is the condition wherein a patient’s speech is halting or unclear. *
1 point


60. Guidelines when introducing assistive technology devices to the elderly are the
following: Check all the appropriate answers. (4 points) *

4 points

Only selective, central facts should be presented.

The attitudes of the instructors toward the aged do not need to be positive and
A generous amount of time as well as repeated short training sessions should be
More stress should be placed on the practical application of the device than on its
technical features.
Cautions and disbelief in one’s capability is not an obstacle in accepting new
technology and must not be considered when creating the learning environment.
Training sessions should be held in the clinic or hospital.
The instructor should be well-known by the elderly or introduced well in advance
of the training.
61. Mechanical aids that substitute for or enhance the function of some physical or
mental ability that is impaired *
1 point

Assistive Technology
Technology Tools
Computer-Based Assistive Devices
Software Devices

62. The following are the uses of the assistive device except: *

1 point

Improve balance and mobility

Increase complications of an illness or disability
Reduce the risk of injury
Increase safety
63. Nursing Strategies for Improving Medication Management and Adherence are
the following except: *

1 point

If the patient’s competence is doubtful, advise the patient not to take the
Encourage the patient to keep a list of all medications.
Explain the purpose, adverse effects, and dosage of each medication.
Destroy or remove old, unused medications.

64. The following are the effective communication to an elderly with hearing
impairments except: *

1 point

Use short sentences.

Keep objects away from your face when speaking
Minimize background noise
Allow limited time for the conversation

65. a therapy for seniors is often necessary when recovering from the debilitating
consequences of a stroke or dementia. *

1 point

Vocal therapist
speech therapy
speech therapist

66. Refers to behavior necessary for assessing and solving problems *

1 point

Task-focused communications
Non-verbal communication
Affective communication
Behavioral communication

67. This law requires that patients are provided the opportunity to express their
preferences regarding life-saving or life-sustaining care on entering any health care
service, including hospitals, long-term care centers, and home care agencies. *

1 point

End-of-life care
Patient Self-Determination Act
Palliative care
Long Term care

68. Statement A: Senior citizens are entitled to a 10% discount and exemption
from the value-added tax (VAT) on certain goods and services for their exclusive
use. Statement B: The law also provides a grant of a minimum of 5% discount on
water and electric bills registered in the name of the senior citizen residing therein.

1 point
Statement A and B are correct
None of the statement is correct
Only statement A is correct
Only statement B is correct

69. The therapist can help elderly people with eye-conditions. The therapist starts
by identifying whether the damage is repairable or not, after which they give the
patient treatments tailored to their needs. *

1 point

Boosts Memory and Cognitive Skills

Improves Vision
Increases movement range
Keeps arthritis at bay

70. The term communication originates from the Latin word “____________,”
which means “_________________.” *

1 point

Commune; to hold in common

Commune; to hold a commonality
Commonality; to be one
Common; to hold common

71. All of these are Principles of Medical Ethics EXCEPT *

1 point


72. Statement A: Effective communication depends on the ability of both to engage

in the process of sharing not merely words, but also concepts, emotions, and
thoughts. Statement B: communication is a process that involves one person. *

1 point

Statement A is correct
Statement B is correct
All of the statements are correct
None of the statements are correct

73. Nurse managers need to develop skills in staff coordination, time

mismanagement, assertiveness, communication and organization. *
1 point


74. A feature of integrity concerned with the ability to be true to one’s self while
respecting and supporting the values and views of another *

1 point


75. The concept of this is centered around holistic, interdisciplinary care that helps
the dying person “live until they die”. *

1 point

Day Care Centers

Retirement Living
Hospice care facilities
Home Care
76. This includes the provision of caregiving training to the main family carer;
establishing a community-based support system to prevent burn-out of the carer;
and prevent institutionalization of the senior citizens. *

1 point

Hospice care service

Foster home
Family or Kinship Care
Support Services for Caregivers

77. This program aims to produce a cadre of doctorally-prepared nurses who will
facilitate the development of theory-based nursing care practices in the Philippines.

1 point

Doctor of Nursing Practice

None of the above
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
Doctor of Education in Nursing

78. Being faithful to commitments and responsibilities *

1 point


79. The discount for senior citizen applies on the following except: *

1 point

medical and dental services

purchase of non-essential goods
diagnostic and laboratory fees in private hospitals
purchase of medicines and essential medical supplies

80. The following are the uses of communication in health care except: *

1 point

Encourage patients to change behavior

Providing information and education
Promoting distress and pain
Promoting health

81. Statement A: The primary purpose of assistive technology is to bridge the gap
between an older person’s declining capabilities and the unchanging environmental
demands of home and community.Statement B: Assistive Technology are not just
for those who are disabled or have functional limitations.Statement C: The term
assistive devices encompass a broad range of strategies from “low tech” (e.g.,
pencil grips, splints, paper stabilizers) to “high tech” (e.g., computers, voice
synthesizers).Statement D: Assistive devices can also help individuals who are
aging and who may benefit from using them to promote injury and increase the
risk of injury. *

1 point

Statement A and C are correct

Statement B and C are correct
Statement C and D are incorrect
Statement B and D are incorrect

82. The discount for senior citizen applies on the following except: *

1 point
purchase of medicines and essential medical supplies
medical and dental services
diagnostic and laboratory fees in private hospitals
purchase of non-essential goods

83. therapists also educate but doesn’t work with the patient’s support team such as
(parents, caregivers, teachers, etc) to make sure everyone understands their role in
the patient’s care program. *

1 point


84. Common applications of assistive technology are the following except: *

1 point

Computer-based Technology
Sensory Impairment
Access and Control
Social Interaction and Recreation
85. This kind of assistive technology includes modifications to buildings, rooms, or
other facilities that allow people with physical impairments to use ramps and door
openers to enter, allow people with visual disabilities and move more freely within
a facility, and allow people of short stature or people who use wheelchairs to reach
payphones or operate elevators. *

1 point

position and mobility

environmental access and control
sensory impairment
86. A type of aphasia wherein the individual can speak and produce language,
although the speech may contain many odd words and sounds. *

1 point

Broca’s Aphasia
Global Aphasia
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Auditory Aphasia

87. These are the conditions and diseases that affect people as they age and that a
geriatrician can diagnose and treat, except. *
1 point


88. The following are the uses of the assistive device except: *

1 point

Reduce the risk of injury

Improve balance and mobility
Increase safety
Increase complications of an illness or disability

89. This refers to the programs and services rendered when the helping process
takes place in the community as the primary client system, or when social welfare
and development activities are provided to individuals, groups, and families while
they remain in their own homes. *

1 point

Volunteer Resource Services (VRS)

Community-based Services for Senior Citizens and their families
Home Care Support Services for Senior Citizens (HCSSC)
Residential Care Service (RCS)

90. Refers to behavior necessary for assessing and solving problems *

1 point

Task-focused communications
Non-verbal communication
Behavioral communication
Affective communication

91. Involves gerontological nurses being aware of current research literature,

continuing to read and put into practice the results of reliable and valid studies.
Using evidence-based keep gerontological nurses can improve the quality of
patient care in all settings. *

1 point

Gerontologist Nurse
Research Consumer
92. It can help seniors retain their independence, whether they are managing a
long-term illness or just want to improve their general health and mobility. *

1 point

Physical therapy
physical therapist
Speech therapy

93. _______ are professionals who specialize in issues of aging or professionals in

various fields from dentistry and psychology to nursing and social work who study
and may receive certification in gerontology. These professionals are prepared to
provide their services and care to older adults. *

1 point

Gerontologists Nurse
Speech Therapist
94. The following are examples of nonverbal communication except: *

1 point

Phone call
Eye roll
Thumbs Up

95. This are The goal of physical therapy .Except *

1 point

is to help restore and improve functionality

reduce pain,
increase mobility for better strength and balance.
None of the above

96. Seeks to relieve caregivers/ family careers of stress arising from the
responsibility of providing daily care *

1 point

Hospice care service

Foster home
Family or Kinship Care
Support Services for Caregivers

97. This involves gerontological nurses being aware of current research literature,
continuing to read and put into practice the results of reliable and valid studies. *

1 point

Research Consumer
Provider of Care

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