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Case Study on Distributed Generation for Electric Vehicle and Energy Storage

Conference Paper · September 2014

DOI: 10.1109/TDC-LA.2014.6955252


2 397

8 authors, including:

Fabiano Araujo Santos Ferronato Alexandre Rasi Aoki

Exati Tecnologia Universidade Federal do Paraná


Alexandre Fonseca Felipe Heuer

Instituto de Pesquisa para o Desenvolvimento Instituto de Pesquisa para o Desenvolvimento


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Case Study on Distributed Generation for Electric
Vehicle and Energy Storage Integration
Fabiano A. S. Ferronato, Alexandre R. Aoki, Fernanda Particelli
Alexandre G. Fonseca, Felipe Heuer, Luciano C. Light SESA
Siebert, Rodrigo J. Riella, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
LACTEC – Institute of Technology for Development
Curitiba, Brazil Thelma S. P. Fernandes UFPR – Universidade Federal do Paraná
Curitiba, Brazil

Abstract— This paper presents an integrated system of The control algorithm of the system that will manage the
photovoltaic (PV), energy storage and a charging station for an energy generated, stored or exported to the grid will also be
electric vehicle (EV). The operation mode of the integrated system presented. The decision whether to use energy locally, export or
is controlled by an algorithm which is based on a new Brazilian store considers energy price variations from a given time-of-use
tariff supported on different prices depending on the hour and the
tariff, the cost and life cycle of the batteries, the State of Charge
day of the week. It will be also presented a panorama of the
distributed generation in Brazil, and the challenges faced during (SoC) of the EV, user settings and the power utility settings.
the project and construction of this system. In [3] a methodology to control the stored energy to reduce
operational costs in the long term is presented. The operational
Index Terms—Photovoltaic, Charging Station, Control cost is modeled as a convex function of instantaneous total
Algorithm, Distributed Generation, Electric Vehicle, Energy power consumption to reflect the fact that each additional Watt
Storage. of power needed to serve power demands becomes more
expensive as the total power demand increases. [4] presents a
policy to storage and energy consumption for end users
Nowadays, electrical power systems have grown in considering price variations. The policy problem is formulated
complexity due to the increasing search for greater reliability, minimizing the cost of energy storage purchases subject to both
security, efficiency and sustainability. In the meantime, there is user demands and prices as a Markov Decision Process and
also an increasing demand for electricity by end consumers. To show that the optimal policy has a threshold structure. In [5]
face these challenges, the power sector has sought on several methods used to control energy storage considering the
information technology (IT), telecommunications and sensing intermittent renewable power generation are presented. A low
tools to modernize and automate the grid aiming to greater complexity algorithm for demand response with energy storage
reliability and efficiency. management was developed in [6] solving a small convex
The need for smart grid implementation in Brazil is driven optimization problem with 6 variables and 6 linear constraints
by both the growth of energy demand due to economy growth every time for decision making, achieving near-optimal
and the Brazilian hydrothermal power sources. While Brazil performance and explicitly computing the required energy
requires huge expansion in generation and other infrastructure, storage size
it faces high economic costs and environmental concerns. This work is part of the Smart Grid R&D Program of Light,
Seeking to encourage energy consumption in times of low the power utility of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It aims at
demand (valley) the Brazilian government instituted in the form implementing new automation, telecommunication and
of the normative resolution 479 of 2012, the White tariff, which metering technologies, covering from the distribution networks
allows time-of-use billing for residential customers. to inside customers’ home. Within the Smart Grid program
The insertion of distributed generation (DG) was established smart meters, street lighting meters, smart plugs, displays,
in 2012 with the Normative Resolution 482 [1]. Distributed gateways, terminal charge for EVs, digital certification, an
generators must comply with the procedures presented in energy balance system and a measurement management system
PRODIST documents [1] to connect to the distribution grid and were developed.
to sell energy to power utilities.
This paper aims to present the development of a grid-connect
DG system with energy storage applied to smart grids, with II. SCENARIO FOR THE INTEGRATION OF DISTRIBUTED
focus on the characteristics and regulations of the Brazilian GENERATION IN BRAZIL
electrical power system. The system contains an AC power As in [7], Brazil currently has an installed capacity of 4.95
output for priority loads which remains energized even in the MW of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, which corresponds to
event of faults on the grid. An electric vehicle (EV) was used as 0.004% of its total installed capacity. This paper describes a
a priority load. 30.36 kWp PV system, the largest among PV installation in
southern Brazil and the 7th largest in Brazil. This survey takes test the developed functionalities, which will be detailed in
into account only PV projects registered in the National Electric Section IV.
Energy Agency (ANEEL) of Brazil until January 2014. As a result of these considerations, the site for installation of
However, the system itself is not yet registered due to the need the PV panels was defined as the covering of an existing parking
to conclude formal procedures for the inclusion of the system in lot, replacing the old roof in order to become a Building
the database. Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV). The parking is located
Since 2010 the Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency inside the facilities of LACTEC, the research institute
has been studying proposals to reduce barriers to integrate DG responsible for the system development, located at latitude 25º
in distribution systems. In April 2012, as a result of these studies 27'02, 62'' south, longitude 49 ° 14'11 .98'' west and 904m
and discussions, the normative Resolution 482 was published, altitude, in Curitiba, southern Brazil.
which establishes the conditions for access of DG up to 1 MW By using the existing metal structure to mount the panels, the
in distribution systems and also the net metering billing system, original tilt of 7º and the orientation were maintained. The
in which the active power generated by a consumer unit orientation of both structures is not north, the “optimal”
compensates for the use of this energy in other periods (the condition for Curitiba. Even though the installation does not
credits expire every 36 months) [1]. This compensation system represent an optimal orientation for energy generation, this
must be performed by time of use when the client uses time of arrangement has been chosen to represent a real case of
use tariffs. The net metering system does not reward the integration of PV generation in urban areas.
customer directly; however, the credits generated will be used to The system connection is expected to be made in a low
offset the consumption of other consumer units of the same voltage panel of one of the buildings of LACTEC. A power
holder. quality analyzer has been connected to the power input of this
According to Normative Resolution 482, all power utilities building and its demand has been monitored for 35 days. An
must formulate or review technical standards to address the average demand of 28.7 kW, with peaks up to 54 kW was
connection procedures of DG up to 1 MW in distribution measured, showing a compatible demand with the installed
systems. The power utility of the state of Paraná (southern capacity of the photovoltaic generation, allowing the test of the
Brazil), Copel, formulated the NTC 90510, which states that DG control algorithm.
up to 75kWp must be connected to the low voltage, with visible
B. System characteristics
disconnection switches and circuit breakers [8]. Adjustments to
grid and 34.5/13.8 kV substations protection system are not The PV system consists of 132 panels with 230 Wp
requested when the installed capacity does not surplus 40% of manufactured by WSolar, totaling 30.36 kWp of installed
the feeder capacity in light load platform. Adjustments to power. The electrical schematic is shown in Fig. 3.
69/138kV substations are not required if the installed capacity These panels are integrated to a 24 lead-acid battery bank
does no surplus 20 % of the feeder capacity in light load Moura Clean 220Ah / 12V connected in six parallel groups.
platform. The power factor should be at least 0.92 at the Each one of these groups has 4 series batteries, reaching an
connection point. expected voltage of 48 V each group. The total storage capacity
Another point that may ultimately encourage customer to is 63.36 kWh. The output voltage integration to the DC bus is
invest on DG is the recent application of differential rates for made by 9 Outback FLEXmax 80 charge controllers with
residential customers. In Brazil, as provided in [9], low voltage maximum power point tracking (MPPT) function.
consumers up to 400V may subscribe to use the White Tariff. Nine Outback GVFX3648LA frequency inverters with 3.6
This new pricing model provides different energy prices kVA of nominal power each transform the continuous voltage
according to the time of use. In three hours considered cutting from the DC bus to alternating voltage, thus allowing the system
edge (peak) by the local utility and the adjacent two hours to to export and import energy with the grid. Each inverter is
these, the fare will be more expensive than conventional, synchronized individually with the electric grid, three for each
whereas in the remaining hours of the day the fare will be phase, characterizing a tri-phase connection between the system
cheaper, thus stimulating consumption outside of peak hours for and the grid.
distribution system. The Outback system, composed by the nine inverters and
nine charge controllers is divided in three groups, which each
III. DEVELOPED SYSTEM one has three inverters and three charge controllers. Each
A. Assumptions and challenges equipment group is connected to a communication network by
an Outback HUB10. A ModBus interface hardware (Outback
The pilot project was developed in order to implement a DG AXS Port) is connected as well to the hub, allowing an external
system and an energy storage system which can coordinate controller to access and modify the equipment’s set points.
energy flow according to time-of-use tariffs. Fig. 1 shows a picture of the equipment room.
One of the premises of the system was the integration of an
EV, allowing its recharge via the PV system, storage system or
the grid.
Various locations were studied for the installation, aiming to
consider the possibility of using the system for demonstrative
purposes as well to reduce the construction civil works and to
utility’s transformer. The system is still not yet grid-connected
due to the DG access-to-grid procedures that are still in progress.
However, some commissioning tests of the equipment and
battery discharge have been performed with the system in
islanded operation. Fig. 3 provides a complete schematic of the
system electrical installation.
Fig. 4 shows the system’s communication architecture. The
control can be performed through the MATE3 (locally setting
the equipment presented in Fig. 1), or remote controlled through
an Ethernet connection on the AXS Port.
In order to make the system has a smart operation regarding
the different tariff values involved, a control algorithm is
Fig. 1. Frequency Inverters Set (above), Charge Controllers (middle, in black) This algorithm has to take into consideration the
and batteries (below); between then, Mate 3 Display (white) and HUB10.
equipment’s status and also the grid status to make a decision
A control algorithm will be implemented inside an industrial based on the lower economical cost. The code will be
computer that will communicate with the AXS Port device. The implemented in an embedded board PCM-9375 manufactured
system can be manually operated as well by using the Outback by Advantech, which will be connected to the AXS port. The
MATE3 terminal attached to the hub. AXS port interface allows other devices connected to it to
An EV charging station has been developed by LACTEC acquire information of the Outback equipment and also change
and it has been connected to one of the inverters output as a its set points.
priority load. The connection as a priority load allows the The system’s basic operation modes of the system will be
charging station to be supplied by the DC bus (battery banks / divided in three:
PV) or by the AC grid. The charging station has been developed  Mode 1: Energy Export (selling to utility);
as part of this research program, and it uses digital identification  Mode 2: Energy Storage (battery charging);
via an RFID keychain to enable the recharge. The charging  Mode 3: Priority Load (EV charging).
station allows any EV to make a slow recharge under 127V in In Mode 1, the PV panels and/or the energy stored in the
alternating voltage. batteries are exported to grid. The battery discharge only
A vehicle from Mitsubishi (i-MIEV) with a battery storage happens if there is economic viability between battery cycling
capacity of 16 kWh was as well acquired within the project. Its and tariff price. This calculation for battery life cycle is made
recharge is made under a constant power of 1 kW making a full using the methodology presented in [10]. Its result in $/KWh
recharge possible in 16 hours. The car’s display system has been will be compared with tariff prices. The control of the exported
integrated with the platform developed in the LIGHT Smart Grid energy is made by changing the discharge voltage set point of
program, enabling a real-time visualization of the recharging the charge controllers and the selling voltage set point of the
expenses and its integration with the utility billing system. inverters. When it is desired to discharge the batteries and export
Fig. 2 shows the vehicle connected to the recharging station. its energy to the grid, the inverter selling voltage set point is set
to a value that is lower than the battery’s current voltage.
In Mode 2, the batteries are charged by the PV panels and/or
grid. If there is no energy being generated (cloudy sky, for
example), and tariff cost is low, the batteries are charged from
grid. In order to control the battery recharge by the grid, the
control algorithm changes the inverter’s voltage set point for
battery recharging. When it is desired to recharge the battery, the
set point value is set to the batteries floating voltage. When it is
not desired to recharge them, the set point is lower than the
current voltage of the batteries.
In Mode 3, a load (EV) is connected into the Inverter’s
Priority Load output. This load is fed at the moment it is
connected to the EV’s charging station. The algorithm decides
the most economical way to provide energy to the vehicle. In
Fig. 2. Electric Vehicle connected to the charging station
cases which the battery is fully charged, the tariff price is
analyzed in order to decide which way is the most economical.
The system’s connection to the grid will be made inside a
low voltage panel located under the connection point with the
Utility’s Tri-phase power
electronic Utility’s electric
9 charge controllers with 48V meter grid
300 kVA
MPPT feature 9 frequency inverters A B C

63 A 40 A
220 V 13800 V

9 surge protectors A B C

132 photovoltaic panels 40 A

(230 Wp each)
630 A

24 batteries x 220 Ah
EV charger

AC loads

Equipment room Distribution panel

Fig. 3. DG system installation and grid connection

Fig. 4. Data Communication Architecture

Load system real-time

Start  PV Generation capacity

 Load parameters;
 Battery Level;
 Tariff type

Is the EV charging?

Load battery
constant specs

Is the grid on? Is the grid on?

Yes Yes

Yes Yes
Is the battery Is the battery
charged? charged?


No No Yes
Is the tariff low? Is the tariff low? Is the tariff low?

Yes No

Is the PV generation Yes

capacity low?


Inverter allows the

Inverter allows the
system to sell energy Inverter allows the EV charged by the grid and EV charged EV charged by the grid and EV charged by
system to sell energy PV charges the Grid charges the PV charges the
from the batteries to system to sell energy photovoltaics (if possible) by the photovoltaics (if possible) the battery if
from the photovoltaics battery battery battery if possible
the grid if there is to the grid combined battery combined possible
to the grid (Mode 2) (Mode 2) (Mode 2)
economic viability (Mode 1) (Mode 3) (Mode 3) (Mode 3) (Mode 3)
(Mode 1)
(Mode 1)

Fig. 5. System's operation modes

the grid. Positive values mean that the DG system is exporting
V. OPERATION TEST RESULTS energy, while negative values means that the system is
Once that the algorithm has been implemented and consuming energy from the utility.
communication tests were made, the functionality of the Fig. 7 shows the system voltages during the test.
system has been tested. InvA_V_In is the RMS voltage measured at the “AC Hot In”
A test has been performed using the software’s borne (grid voltage), CCA_V_PV is the direct voltage from
functionalities. For this test, only the third group of inverters the photovoltaics, measured at the charge controller input, and
was controlled, the other two groups were disconnected. CCA_V_Batt is the direct voltage measured at the output of
Current, voltage, and scenario information were acquired for the charge controller which is a common value for the voltage
the phase A in order to analyze the system operation. Fig. 6 at the DC bus between battery, charge controller output and
shows the system currents during the operation test. I_PV inverter input.
refers to the direct current coming from the photovoltaics and For these two figures, the vertical bars represent a change
entering the charge controller. I_EV is the root mean square in the operation scenario.
(RMS) current value that feeds the electric vehicle charging
station, and I_Grid is the RMS current that comes or goes to

Fig. 6. Currents during the operation test

Fig. 7. Voltages during the operation test

The scenario changes shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 are current chart: at this moment, the grid and PV currents are
described in Table I. positive, while the EV current is zero (the current spikes are
The test starts in the condition where the battery is result of the measuring uncertainty of the equipment).
charged, the EV is disconnected, the grid in connected and
synchronized to the inverters and the tariff is forced low by
software. In this condition, following the software flowchart,
it operates in mode 3. This condition can be confirmed by the
Time Mode Scenario description Utility tariff This paper presented the implementation of a PV system
14:24 – 14:30 1 PV exporting energy to the grid Low with battery storage, as well as the development of a control
EV charged by grid and Low algorithm focused on the optimal use of these assets in a smart
14:30 – 15:05 3
photovoltaics grid environment. The system was developed considered the
EV charged by battery (grid High Brazilian DG standards and tariffs.
15:05 – 15:08 3
The developed control algorithm shows a simple way to
EV charged by battery (grid High
15:08 – 15:09 3 optimize DG use on a smart grid environment. The authors
EV charged by battery (grid High believe that this project contributes to the technology
15:09 – 15:11 3 integration into the Brazilian electric grid, and also
15:11 – 15:11 3
EV charged by battery (grid High encourages other similar implementations by sharing our
disconnected) experience acquired with the design and construction of this
EV charged by battery (grid High system.
15:11 – 15:12 3
EV charged by battery (grid High ACKNOWLEDGMENT
15:12 – 15:12 3
EV charged by battery (grid High The authors acknowledge the support of Light SESA
15:12 – 15:13 3
connected) through the Light Smart Grid Program.
EV charged by battery (grid High
15:13 – 15:13 3
disconnected) REFERENCES
EV charged by battery (grid High
15:13 – 15:15 3 [1] Brazilian Energy Agency (ANEEL), Resolução Normativa n°
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EV charged by grid and Low
15:15 – 15:26 3 [2] Brazilian Energy Agency (ANEEL), Procedimentos de
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Between 15:28 and 15:37 the PV switch is disconnected,
ceasing the energy export.
At 15:44 the grid switch is disconnected, changing the
operation mode to battery recharging. At this moment, the
battery is considered recharged (CCA_V_BATT > 53V), so
there is no energy flow from the PV to the battery. Also at this
moment, the PV voltage rises to its open circuit voltage.
At 15:46 the grid switch is reconnected, switching the
operation mode to energy export.

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