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NOx analyser basics simplified C&I Section, NTPC Kayamkulam

AAQMS NOx analyser – Fundamentals Simplified

P.S.Harikrishnan, O&M-C&I, NTPC Kayamkulam

NOx (is the generic term for oxides of Nitrogen - NO & NO2)analyser is a very important
parameter in ambient air quality monitoring system (AAQMS), this is especially true in case of
gas power plants, since higher temperatures are encountered compared to coal based plants.
Water injection is done in gas power plants to maintain NOX levels to permissible limits.

NOx gases react to form acid rain, smog and troposheric ozone - all having significant ill effects
to health.

NOx concentration in ambient air is stipulated by Pollution control boards – as per CPCB
standard - it should be within 80 ppm for a 24 hour average.

This paper tries to explain in a simplified manner, the working principle and basic operation
details of Model 42i, M/s ThermoFisher Scientific make NOx analyser.

Principle of Operation
The analyser works on the principle that nitric oxide (NO) on reaction with ozone produces a
characteristic luminescence whose intensity is directly proportional to the nitric oxide
concentration. This principle is called chemiluminescence. The luminescent emission takes
place when electronically excited NO2 molecules decay to lower stable energy state.

Chemically it can be represented as below

NO + O3 = NO2 + O2 + Energy (as luminescent radiation at particular wavelength)

Hence Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) must be converted to NO before it can be measured using this
principle. This is taken care in the NO2-to-NO molybdenum converter present in the analyser.

NOx analyser basics simplified C&I Section, NTPC Kayamkulam

Measurement cycle
If in one cycle raw sample is sent to the measurement unit, in the next cycle molybdenum
converter output is sent to the measuring unit. This simply means in the first cycle
concentration of NO is obtained, in the next cycle combined concentration of NO & NO2 is

The processor calculates the NO2 values by subtracting the values obtained in the second cycle
to that of first one.

The processor algorithm has correction factor for taking care of temperature difference which
affects these readings.

NOx analyser basics simplified C&I Section, NTPC Kayamkulam

Ozonator Safety
The Ozonator safety screen is used to turn ‘ON’ & turn ‘OFF’ the Ozonator safety feature. This is
a very important safety feature as it turns OFF of the Ozonator when the converter
temperature is not achieved and thus prevents chances of escape of ozone into atmosphere.

Tips for good calibration

1) Allow instrument to warm up and stabilize.

2) Make sure Ozonator is ‘ON’
3) Unit should be in NO/NOX ‘Auto’ mode
4) Select correct measurement ranges
5) Set maximum averaging time for good results.
6) Verify that filters used in normal operation are the same used in calibration.
7) Connect measurement signals to PC for better cross verification.

Zero calibration corrections

The NO & NOx background corrections are determined during the zero calibration. The NO &
NOx backgrounds are the amount of signal read by the analyser in the corresponding channels
respectively during sampling zero air. This value is the cumulative effect of electrical and PMT
errors and stray chemiluminescence. This value is typically below 15 ppb and is stored for
making appropriate correction in reading.

NOx analyser basics simplified C&I Section, NTPC Kayamkulam

Preventive maintenance
1) Cleaning outside case
2) Ozonator air feed drying column replacement (silica gel)
3) Capillaries inspection
4) Thermoelectric cooler fins Inspection & cleaning
5) Fan filters cleaning
6) Checking sample pump healthiness and refurbishments.
7) Checking for moisture in sample and ensuring healthiness of sample drain pumps.

By following these simple tips along with the detailed procedures given in the equipment
manual, one could get reliable and accurate reading from the NOx analyser.

1) NOx analyser 42i equipment manual

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