My Country's Public Transportation System Is Big, Like Bus, Taxi, Plane,... Yes My National Transportation System Is in Good Condition, Because The

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• I often late for school, because I often wake up late every morning.
• When we have a runny nose we should dring warm tea, gargle with salf water;
• I think nature in good for health, because it gives us fresh air to breathe.
• After a difficult day, family meals make me feel the most comfortable dispel difficulties and
• I think laughter is better than other form of execise, because laughter helps us fight stress, relax
the soul, regain a good attitude to study ang work mo effectively.
• After a long day at work, I usually like to go home to listen to music and watch movies to relax
• I feel that nature is great, because is not only brings fresh air, but also reates many beautifull
scense for to admire.
• When we have a sore throat , we should dring a lot of warm water and gargle with warm salf
• I join the laughter club, because it helps me relax after stressful school time.
• Yes. I usually wake up in the middle of the night , I usually wake up to go to the bathroom.
• I thinh soccer, because it is player by most of the countries in the world.
• I see female wrestlers are really strong and beautiful. Their muscles are not inferior to men.
• No, just a few. In my country, boxing or wrestling aren’t popular.
• I want to join the voluntary club. Because I want to participate in activities and be able to help
• Hores racing is an equestrian sport that that has been around for centuries. I think hores racing
is not as very popular as other sport.
• There are a lot of sports in the olympic games, but I just know some, such as: basket ball,
football, water sport…
• I love watchinh wrestling, because it’s a sport that requires strength it’s attractive, interesting.
• I think it is very rare in my country.
• There are many celebrations in my country, but I just remember some popular ones, such as:
new year’s day, valentine’sday, international women’s day,….
• I want to go to the beach in Nha Trang, because here there are many beautiful beaches, clear
blue water, many fresh seafood disher,….
1/My country's public transportation system is big, like bus, taxi, plane,...
Yes my national transportation system is in good condition, because the
security system here is very tight
2/ I think a bicycle is a slow but reliable form of transportation, because it is
highly secure.
3/I think both the plane and the train have their advantages But the plane
travel time is faster
4. Becasue, It can make the recipient happier.
5. In my opinion email can replace handwritten mail because email is quick,
easy and cost-effective
1/Convenient to reduce traffic jams and good for the environment
2/I fell stressed in studing.Because of the upcoming exam anh too much
3/Yes,Because help cost saving and safety in traffic
4/I think an apology letter is the hardest to write,Because of worrying about the
5/Yes. Because email is quick, easy to use, and doesn't take much time to write.

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