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What is your gender?

Tabulation: Gender
Gender Count - Gender Total
Female 36
Male 44
Total Result 80 23% Male
50% Total Result


What is your age?

Tabulation: Age
Age Count - Age 11+ hours
18-24 years 25
25 - 40 years 30
41 years + 25
Total Result 80 (empty)
Total Result

Hours Spent OnCount - Hours Spent Online per Week

11+ hours 21 Total
6 - 10 hours 23
Upto 5 hours 36 Total Result 80
Total Result 80 (empty)
Count - Hour
Upto 5 hours 36

6 - 10 hours 23

11+ hours 21

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Satisfaction_LevCount - Satisfaction_Level
Not Satisfied 39 Total
Satisfied 41
Total Result 80 80

Count -

39 41

Not Satisfied (empty) Total Result

Total Result


Count - Hours Spent Online per


80 90
Count -
Tabulation gendar
Gendar Frequency
Female 36
Male 44
G 80
Count - Gender Hours Spent Online per Week
Gender 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours Upto 5 hours (empty) Total Result
Female 6 9 21 36
Male 15 14 15 44
Total Result 21 23 36 80

11+ hours

Total Result
Total Result
Hours Spent OnCount - Hours Spent Online per Week
11+ hours 21
6 - 10 hours 23
Upto 5 hours 36
Total Result 80
Total Result 80

Count - Hours Spent On
per Week
Upto 5 hours 36

6 - 10 hours 23

11+ hours 21

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Count - Hours Spent Online
per Week

Satisfaction_LevCount - Satisfaction_Level
Not Satisfied 39
Satisfied 41
Total Result 80



Count - Satisfaction_Le

39 41

Not Satisfied Satisfied (empty) Total Result

Count - Satisfaction_Level

Count - Hours Spent Online per Week Hours Spent Online per Week
Gender 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours Upto 5 hours (empty) Total Result
Female 6 9 21 36
Male 15 14 15 44
Total Result 21 23 36 80
Crosstabultion: Gender Vs. Hours spent online per week

Count - Hours Spent Online per Week Hours Spent Online per Week
Gender 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours Upto 5 hours Total Result
Female 6 9 21 36
Male 15 14 15 44
Total Result 21 23 36 80

Crosstabultion: Gender Vs. Hours spent online per week

Hours spent online per week

Count - Satisfaction_Level Satisfaction_Level
Gender Not Satisfied Satisfied Total Result
Female 15 21 36
Male 24 20 44
Total Result 39 41 80
Count - Satisfaction_Level Satisfaction_Level
Age Not Satisfied Satisfied Total Result
18-24 years 12 13 25
25 - 40 years 17 13 30
41 years + 10 15 25
Total Result 39 41 80

Crosstabulation: Age Vs Satisfaction level

Satisfaction level
Age Not satisfied
18-24 years 12
25 - 40 years 17
41 years + 10
Total 39
Count - Hours SpeHours Spent Online per Week
Age 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours Upto 5 hours Total Result
18-24 years 8 8 9 25
25 - 40 years 7 8 15 30
41 years + 6 7 12 25
Total Result 21 23 36 80

n: Age Vs Satisfaction level Finding:

Satisfaction level 25-40 years of age group are not satisfied

Satisfied Total
13 25
13 30
15 25
41 80
Count - Hours Spent Online per Week Hours Spent Online per Week
Gender 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours Upto 5 hours Total Result
Female 6 9 21 36
Male 15 14 15 44
Total Result 21 23 36 80

Crosstabulation: Gender Vs Satisfaction level

Satisfaction level
Age Not satisfied Satisfied Total
18-24 years 12 13 25
25 - 40 years 17 13 30
41 years + 10 15 25
Total 39 41 80

25-40 years of age group are not satisfied

Gender (empty)
Total Result

Crosstabulation: Gender Vs Satisfaction level Finding:

Satisfaction level 24 males are not satisfied

Age Not satisfied Satisfied Total
Female 15 21 36
Male 24 20 44
Total 39 41 80
Count - Hours Spent Online per Week Hours Spent Online per Week
Age 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours Upto 5 hours Total Result
18-24 years 8 8 9 25
25 - 40 years 7 8 15 30
41 years + 6 7 12 25
Total Result 21 23 36 80

Crosstabulation: Age Vs Hours spend online Finding:

Hours spend online 25-40 years of age grou

Age 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours upto 5 hours Grand total
18-24 years 8 8 9 25
25-40 years 7 8 15 30
41 years + 6 7 12 25
Total 21 23 36 80
25-40 years of age group spent upto 5 hours online
Respondent_No. Gender Age Hours Spent Online per Week Satisfaction_Level
1 Male 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
2 Male 41 years + 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
3 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
4 Male 41 years + 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
5 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
6 Male 18-24 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
7 Male 41 years + 11+ hours Not Satisfied
8 Female 25 - 40 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
9 Male 41 years + Upto 5 hours Satisfied
10 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
11 Male 18-24 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
12 Male 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
13 Male 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
14 Male 18-24 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
15 Male 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
16 Female 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
17 Female 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
18 Male 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
19 Female 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
20 Male 18-24 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
21 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
22 Female 41 years + 11+ hours Satisfied
23 Male 41 years + 11+ hours Satisfied
24 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
25 Male 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
26 Male 41 years + Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
27 Female 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
28 Female 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
29 Female 41 years + 11+ hours Satisfied
30 Male 41 years + Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
31 Male 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
32 Female 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
33 Male 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
34 Female 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
35 Male 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
36 Female 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
37 Male 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
38 Male 25 - 40 years 11+ hours Satisfied
39 Male 41 years + Upto 5 hours Satisfied
40 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
41 Male 18-24 years 11+ hours Satisfied
42 Male 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
43 Female 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
44 Female 41 years + 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
45 Male 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
46 Male 25 - 40 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
47 Female 41 years + Upto 5 hours Satisfied
48 Male 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
49 Male 41 years + Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
50 Female 18-24 years 11+ hours Satisfied
51 Female 41 years + Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
52 Female 25 - 40 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
53 Male 41 years + 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
54 Male 18-24 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
55 Male 25 - 40 years 11+ hours Satisfied
56 Female 41 years + 11+ hours Satisfied
57 Male 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
58 Female 41 years + Upto 5 hours Satisfied
59 Female 41 years + Upto 5 hours Satisfied
60 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
61 Male 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
62 Female 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
63 Female 41 years + Upto 5 hours Satisfied
64 Female 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
65 Male 25 - 40 years 11+ hours Not Satisfied
66 Male 41 years + 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
67 Male 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
68 Female 25 - 40 years 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
69 Female 41 years + 6 - 10 hours Not Satisfied
70 Female 41 years + Upto 5 hours Satisfied
71 Female 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
72 Male 18-24 years 11+ hours Satisfied
73 Male 41 years + 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
74 Male 25 - 40 years 11+ hours Satisfied
75 Female 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
76 Female 18-24 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
77 Male 41 years + 11+ hours Satisfied
78 Male 18-24 years 6 - 10 hours Satisfied
79 Male 25 - 40 years Upto 5 hours Satisfied
80 Male 41 years + Upto 5 hours Not Satisfied
Crosstabulation: Age Vs Hours spend online Finding:

Hours spend online 25-40 years of age group spent upto 5

Age 11+ hours 6 - 10 hours upto 5 hours Grand total
18-24 years 8 8 9 25
25-40 years 7 8 15 30
41 years + 6 7 12 25
Total 21 23 36 80

Crosstabulation: Gender Vs Satisfaction level Finding:

Satisfaction level 24 males are not satisfied

Age Not satisfied Satisfied Total
Female 15 21 36
Male 24 20 44
Total 39 41 80

Crosstabulation: Age Vs Satisfaction level Finding:

Satisfaction level 25-40 years of age group are not satis

Age Not satisfied Satisfied Total
18-24 years 12 13 25
25 - 40 years 17 13 30
41 years + 10 15 25
Total 39 41 80
years of age group spent upto 5 hours online

ales are not satisfied

years of age group are not satisfied

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