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EXE First Yariv bape Forming passive sentences and a past parsciple. Passive verb 2 - passive verb forms have one of the renses of the verb t0 be forms aze somnacsed ia Appendi. ‘Verbs which eake an object (ranstive vers) <2 have a passive form, So we ean rack SSrresponding passive sentences for A They destroyed the building. > “The building was destroyed. 8 Thenews surprised me. ace Tass ‘by the news sre un object (intransitive verbs) do NOt “have passive forms. ‘Verbs which do not Sere re ao passive form for the following sentences: ee ep for nearly ten hours last Ee © ac ship slowly disappeared from View A good dictionary wil you whether ‘reebs are transitive oF intransitive, However, many vers can be wed at dion ‘times with and without objects Hopi cransicive and intransitive. COMBI oe they meeting him atthe station! (aransitive) Is be being met at che 2 © Gen hall we meet? (trast: no PASS possible) object + object or object * Pre?’ ding passive forms. The S For example, — that is, they ca port? (passive) jositional object in active ae passive forra you choose om BEBO Kh “verbs that can be followed by either clauses (see Unie 42) can have (WO correspon pardeular context Sepends on which is mote ADpFOPHANS ina ‘Compare: active | Shchandedme the plate. ¥ She landed the plare tome, ¥ > Twar handed the plate. 7 @ The plate was handed to me. v ‘his include give, lend offer, promise $6, ‘wach, tell, cheow. However followed by object+ object in the active hhave only one of these (Other verbs like verbs that can’t D Faves desesibed-the-sirastion- x described tome. fe The situation was report, suggest. Unit 114). Compare: Gone verbs ike this include demomstete explain, introduce, mention, vie can ake a passin frm of teansiiv VGA tnroe-word verbs (62 oartha talked me into buying = ire bike (= V + object + preposition) © Tevas talked into buying &: natosbike by Martha. 5 Tey gave over the whole programe so ® report from Bosals. (V+ adverb + object + preposition) and ; «he whole programme was Bivee overto a report from Bosnia. some transiiveewor and thres-word vet 2% rarely used in he passive: a pe money hack for bet, DUCE OK <6 a a han Tbe money wae gor bACK~) one a ea ape rather hon hand wos oot.) nee eis ncade get down = ME thay eae) tin (= when soracthing has a hole in jt that allows water; Jight, etc. ‘to get into it), let owt (eg 2 ‘scream), Show off {= qneourage people £0 SC Sse you are proud Of) take afer ‘(c resemble}- ‘eth and wiast bees ESTEE swo-andtyes.voves=> EEE Pasbenen ais Pic] ple, aA 292 EXERCISES First, look in your dictionary to find out whether these verbs are transitive or intransitive Vamrive destroy deteriorate /develop “follow exist vbappen need ~ prevent “recede release wear ‘Then complete these sentences with appropriate passive (if possible) or active forms of the verbs. (A) 1 A namber of priceless works of art in the earthquake. 2 ‘we had finished eating and were ready to £0. 3 of the visit he claimed to have made to Paris in 1941 4 from re-entering the country. $v is generally agreed that new industries for the southern part of the country. ‘6 7 8 9 IFNick hadn't come along, I don't know what would .. : The economic situation in the region __. quite sharply over the last year. The coastline... into the distance as our ship sailed further away. It’s incredible to think thar these clothes... by Queen Victoria. 10 A new drug uum. to combat asthma in small children, LL When Kathy left the room, everyone 12 A number of political prisoners w~- Within the next few days. ‘Make one corresponding passive sentence or two, if possible, as in 1. (B) 1 Someone threw a lifebelt to me. | was thrown a. lifebelt. / A Ufebelt was thrown to me. Someone mentioned the problem to me. Someone had reported the theft to the police. Someone told the story to me. Someone has given £1,000 to the charity. ‘Someone will demonstrate the game to the children. Someone was offering drinks to the guests. Someone explained the procedure to me. 9 Someone sold the car to Tom. wan If possible, make a corresponding passive sentence as in 1, If tis not possible, write ‘No passive’. (C) 1 The committee called on Paula to explain her reasons for the proposed changes. Paula was called on to explain her reasons for the proposed. changes (by the, committee). 2 Tot down most of what he said in his lecture. Most of what he said in bis lecture... 3. When I was young my aunt and uncle looked after me. When | was young I... 4 The surgeons operated on him for nearly 12 hours, He. ‘5 Sandra let out a scream and she collapsed vo the floor. A scream... 6 Hugh takes after Edward — they're both very well oxganised. Edward... 7 Allhis relatives approved of his decision. His decision... fer nit the dof unr EXERCISES 30 Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using ‘people’, ‘somebody’, or ‘they’, write a passive sentence ‘with an appropriate verb form. (A & B) Somebody introduced me to Dr Felix last year. | was introduced to Dr Felix last year. People are destroying large areas of forest every day. Somebody has bought the land next vo our house. ‘Somebody had already reported the accident before I phoned. Thope they will have completed all the marking by tomorrow. People were using the tennis court, so we couldn't play. Somebody wil tll you when you should go in to see the doctor. They should have finished the hotel by the time you arrive. No doubt somebody will blame me for the problem. 10 People expect better results soon. 11 They have found an unexploded bomb in Herbert Square, and they are evacuating the area. Here is the beginning of a report of an experiment. Rewrite it, putting verbs in the passive where appropriate and making any other necessary changes. (B) oun Rene sainimise notse. T conducted the test in the school Nbrary to seo ne onil@ren our of their normal jescons and T tested Teem cro tye of four. 1 carried out all the taste in January 1898, She eae ecvasisted of tro components. First, I showed the children & in Chapter ) and I asked them to ‘recorded all their answers. I then gave them a set of anagrams ‘Gwords with jumbled letters) which Gretructed them 10 solve in os abort a time as possible T jemained in the Team while the children did this design C prosented these describe what thoy saw. Ttape Rewrite these sentences beginning with (The) + a noun formed from the underlined verb and a passive verb. Choose an appropriate verb tense and make any other necessary changes. (B) 1 They will consider the issue at neat week’s meeting, Consideration willbe. gwen to the issue ab next week's mesting 2. They eventually peraniteed the site to be used for the festival 3 They have transferred the money to my bank account. 4 They will present the ccophy after the speeches, 5 They will nor announce the findings until next week. 6 They demolished the building in only two days. 7 They will produce the new car in a purpose-built factory. Using passives ‘The choice between an active and passive sentence allows us to present the same information in wo different orders. Compare: active © The storm damaged the roof, passive @ The roof was damaged by the storm. “This sentence is about she storm, and This sentence is about the roof, and says what says what it did. (The storm is the happened to it, (The ‘agent’ goes in a ‘agent’.) prepositional phrase wich by after the verb.) “Here are some situations where we typically choose a passive rather than an active. } m When the agentis not known, is ‘people in general’, is unimportant, or is obvious, we prefer ppassives. In an active sentence we need to include the agent as subject; using a passive allows us 22 toomit the agent by leaving out the prepositional phrase with by: 8g» Myoffice was broken into when Twas om holiday. (unknown agent) ©» Anorder form can be found on page 2. (agent = people in general) @ These boxes should be handled with care. (unimportant agent) She is being treated in hospital. (obvious agent; presumably ‘doctors’) 1 In factual writing, particularly in describing procedures or processes, we often wish to omit the agent, and use passives: # Nuclear waste will sill be radioactive even after 20,000 years, so ic must be disposed of very carefully. It ean be stored as a liquid in stainless-steel containers which are encased in concrete. The most dangerous nuclear waste can be turned into glass. Itis planned to store this glass in deep underground mines. = In spoken English we often use a subject such as people, somebody, they, we, or you even when we do not know who the agent is. In formal English, particularly writing, we often prefer to use a passive. Compare: They're installing the new computer system next month. ‘«. The new computer system is being installed next month. (more formal) Notice also that some verbs have corresponding nouns. These nouns can be used as the subject cf passive sentences, with a new passive verb introduced: ‘The installation of che new computer system will be completed by next month. m= In Frnglish we usually prefer to put old information at the beginning of a sentence (or clause) ‘and new information ar the end. Choosing the passive often allows us to do this. Compare these two texts and notice where the old information (in italics) and new information (in bold) is placed in the second sentence of each. The second text uses a passive: ‘@ The thrce machines tested for the report contained different types of safcty valve. The Boron Group in Germany manufactured the machines. ‘© Thetthree machines tested for the report contained different types of safety valve. The ‘machines were manufactored by the Boron Group in Germany. = Ieis often more natural to put agents (subjects) which consist of long expressions at che end of a sentence. Using the passive allows us to do this. So, for example: e- Iwas surprised by Don's decision to give up his job and move to Sydney. is more natucal than ‘Don's decision to give up bis job and move to Sydney surprised me.’ Focming passive sentences => ESE] Passive verb forms —> pm wy 01 30.2 Verb + -ing or to-infinitive: passive forms Active patterns with verb + -ing ‘active pattern: Verb + -ing + object passive ~ Lenjoyed taking the children tothe 200, | © The children enjoyed being taken to the 200. % Other verbs in this pattern include avoid, consider, delay, deny, describe, imagine, remember, resent. (Notice that the verbs in this group do nor have corresponding meanings in active and passive sentences. See also B below.) ‘active pattern: Vetb + object + -ing passive ‘They saw him climbing over the fence. | © He was seen climbing over the fence. ‘Other verbs in this pattera include bring, catch, hear, find, keep, notice, send, show. Passives with these verbs and the verbs inthe group above are only possible when the subject and object of the active and the subject of the passive are people. Some verbs followed by an object+~ing in the active have no passive: ¢ [appreciated you coming to see me, (but not You were appreciated...) Other verbs like this include anticipate, dislike, dread, forget, hate, imagin: Active patterns with vara +-10-infinitive ‘active pattern: Verb + t0 infinitive + object [ passive ‘ Hiss colleagues started to respect Tim. | « Tim started to be respected (by his colleagues). (Other verbs in this pattem include appear, begin, come, continue, seem, tend; also agree, aim, attempt, hope, refuse, struggle, try. The verbs in the fist group (and start) have corresponding meanings in active and passive sentences, but the verbs in the second group do not. Compare: fe People came to recognise her as the leading violinist of her generation. (active) corresponds to @ She came to be recognised as che leading violinist of her gencration. (passive) ¢ The ream captain hoped to select Kevin. (active) does not correspond to @ Kevin hoped to be selected by the team caprain. (passive) ‘active pattern: Verb + object «to infinitive | passive ~ Mr Price taught Peter to sing. Petar was taught fo sing (by Mir Price). Other verbs in this pattern inchade advise, allow, ask, believe, consider, expect, fel, instruct, ‘mean, order, report, require, tell, understand. Notice that in some contexts it is possible to make both verbs passive: ‘© Changes to the taxation system are expected to be proposed. She was required ro be interviewed. Some verbs followed by an object + to-infinitive in the active have no passive: Be °F Susan liked Tom to be there. (but not Tom was liked tobe there.) (Other verbs like this include (can’t) bear, hate, love, nced, prefer, want, wish. Verbsto-infnitve > EAR] Verb + Ino = EEC 314 7 1 2 3 4 : ‘ m2 1 a3 4 s with vf the a1 31.2 313 4 EXERGISES Using one was/were + past participle (passive) form, and one past simple (active) form, which one of the two verbs can complete both sentences ix the pair? (A) 1 a She .woe.nebiced.., coming into class late. (recall / Giories)) b her carrying a yellow bag. a them taking apples from my garden. (catch / not mind) b stealing apples from the farmer's fields. a into the pool, he himself shouting for help imagine / hear) D shouting at Mrs Markham before the robbery. a ‘waiting for at least an hour. (dislike / keep} b getting caught in the rain without an umbrella. a ~ the bills waiting for us when we gor home. (ind / dread) b ~entering the building with knives. the birthday presents that Uncle Joseph sent. (see / like) playing foorball in the park this morning. Complete the sentences using a pair of verbs. Use the past simple for the first verb and a passive form with being + past participle or to be + past participle for the second. (A & B) avoid/run down _seem/ design appear/ crack deserve--given not mind / photograph deny/ pay resent /ask tend / forget 1 He ..deperved. to be given_an award for bravery. 2 The tin opener for left-handed people. 3 He ‘any money for giving his advice to the company. 4 She to make tea for everyone at the meeting. 5. Many reliable methods of storing information -ween---- when computers arrived, 6 narrowly by the bus as it came round the corner. 7 The parents -omnve With their children. 8 The window veer ina number of places. If necessary, correct these sentences. (A GB) 1. Ken was wanted to be the leader of the party. 2 Thad been taught to be played chess by the time I was four. 3. Monica is considered to be the best student in the class. 4 The painting has been reported being missing. 5. Derek is hated wo be away from home so often. 6 Joan and Frank are being allowed to keep the prize money. 7 Jane is preferred to ride her bike where her parents can see her. Make passive sentences beginning with the underlined word(s). Does the sentence you have ‘written have a corresponding meaning to the original, or a different meaning? (B) 1 The Japanese visitors struggled to understand James, 2, The questions appeared to confuse David. 3. The teacher tended to ignore the girls at the front. 4 Lesley refused to congratulate Tim, UNIT 31 Reporting with passive verbs | ‘We often use a passive to report what people say, think, ete. particularly if we want to avoid mentioning who said or thought what we are reporting: ‘e People in the area have been told that they should stay indoors. 2 Bveryone was asked to bring some food to the party. © A common way af reporting what is end by people in general or by an unspecified group of + people is to use it+ passive verb + hat-lanse (see Units 44 and 45 for morc on that-clauses): ‘¢ Teis reported that the finance minister isto resign « Icbas been acknowledged that underfunding is part of the problem. ‘a Tecan be seen that prices rose sharply in September. es ee i 5 ae a cea = Notice that many othcr verbs are not used in this pattern, including inform, persuade, reassure, eremind, tell, warm. "pith the verbs agree, decide, forbid, hops, plan, and propose, we can use it+ passive verb + 1o- infinitive (notice that some of these are also used in the patcen it + passive verb + shat-clause): ‘e It was agreed to postpone the meeting. 1» Ithas been decided to build a road around the village. “Amalternative co it + passive verb + that-clanse is to use subject + passive verb + to-infinitive: ‘e It was expected that the damage would be extensive. or The damage was expected to be extensive. & Irhad been thought that the chemicals convey important informatios to the beain. o7 2 The chemicals had been thought to convey important formation co the brain. “Most of the verbs listed in the box in A can also be used in this pattern except for agree, Yannounce, decide, mention, propose, recommend, suggest. ‘We can only use tell in this pattern when it means ‘order’. So we can say: “> Twas told (= ordered) 0 go with them to the railway station. but not “The accident was told (= said) to have happened just after midnight. “When a that-clause begins that + there... we can make a passive form there + passive verb + 10 be, Compare: ‘eis thought (that) there are coo many obstacles to peace. or ‘There are thought to be too many obstacles to peace. In 1981 it was reported (that) there were only two experts on the disease in the country. OF 1h 1981 there were reported to be only two experts on the disease in the country. It was alleged (that) there had been a fight. or There was alleged to have been a fight. “We can use the same verbs in this pattern as with subject + passive verb + #0-infinitive (see B) epartng = = eeeee unr EXERCISES 32 32.1 If possible, rewrite these newspaper headlines as passive sentences, as in 1. Begin each sentence with Tthas heen ... that .. If this is not possible, write X after the headline. (A) 1 (DISCOVERY THATASPIRIN CAN HEI PFIGHT CANCER) void w i g i é z g t i £ z i | ‘AGREEMENT THAT ON WILL SEND WN TROOPS, | I) WORKERS TELL OF MASSACRE) * SHARTH SHRINKING BY Ten meveEs ZACH YEAR CLAIM SCIENTISTS 5 ATHQUAKE CALCULATED TO HAVE COST $3 BILLION. 6 GOUNGPEOPLE ENCOURAGED 10 APPLY FOR GOVERNMENT GR 7 (REPORTS OF REBEL TROOPS ENTERING GAPIT 32.2 Tony has taken his old car in for an inspection, The news is not good. Read what he was told and report it using a passive + to-infinitive, as in 1. (B) ‘We've found that the tyres are unsafe. ‘The tyres have been found. to be unsade. use): 2 (wer 3. (We consider that the petrol tank is dangerous. 4 5 4 4 g a al E/E 2 g a By) a) |E E a B 5 (We expect the repairs to be very expensive indeed. i 32.3 Write a past simple passive sentence beginning with There... from the notes, as in 1. If no | passive sentence with There... is possible, write a sentence with It... that.... (C) i 30,000 people at che concert / report There: were reported, to be 30,000 people at the concert. half a million refugees in the camps / estimate ‘gas was poisonous / assume sto the President would make a statement later / expect oF \ E B). EXER Forming questions; reporting questions 33.1 Whats Forming questions Some questions begin with a iwh-word. We can call these wh-questions: ‘¢ Whatare youdoing tomorrow? ‘Where have you been? Some questions can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. We can call these yes/no questions. Have you had to come far? ‘e Did she leave any message? if there is an auxiliary verb (be, do, have, can, will, ec.) we put it in front of the subject: WG e Have you over visited California? Why are you telling me this now? vi "there is more than one auxiliary verb, we put only the first auxiliary in front of the subject: ‘e Will rhey be arrested if they refuse to eave? (rot Will be chey arrested...2) ‘We can make questions in a similar way when be is @ main verb: ;, _« Was she happy when she lived in France? © ‘When he likely wo arrive? 1 oghen we ask yes/no questions with have asthe main verb, we usually use oF Do..bave...? Questions such as ‘Have yon a pen? are rather formal (see also Unit 27}: 7 Do you have.../ lave you got a zeservation? (rather than Have you a..?) Ii there is no other auxiliary verb, we make a question by pusting do or does (present simple), or did (pase simple) in front of che subject. A bare infinitive comes after che subject: + “a Docs anyone know where lleftmy diary? «When did you last see Mary? \. Ifwe use what, which, who or whose as the subject, we don’t use doz ‘e What happened to your cat? (rot What did happen...2) Compare: e Who (= subject) did you speak to at the party? arid» Who {- object) spoke to you? Wl "Notice that we can sometimes use do when what, which, who or whose is subject if we want to 2 encourage the speaker to give an answrer. Do is stressed in spoken English: ai ‘© Come on, bc honest — who did tll you? a ‘ Smidy how we ask questions abour what people think or say using a zhat-clause: : 4 ® When do you think (that) he will arrive? & ‘What do you suggest {that] I should do next? 7 “We can ask questions like this with advise, propose, recommend, say, suggest, suppose, think 7 “When the wh-word is the subject ofthe second clause we don’c includ that: Who did you say was coming to see me this morning? (rot ..say that was coming...) 333° Re ch Reporting quostions “When we report a wh-question we use a reporting clause (see Unit 43) followed by a clause 1 beginning with a wh-word. When we report a yes/no question we use a ‘reporting clause 2 followed by a clause beginning with either if or whether: 3 'e. She asked me what the problem was. Liz wanted to know if/whether I'd seen Tony- 4 ‘We usvally pur the subject before the verb in the wh-, if-, or whether-clause: 7 3 ‘e ‘Have you seen Paul recently? > She wanted to know if I had seer Paul recently. hs ‘However, if the original question begins what, which, or who followed by be + complement, we ‘can put the complement before or after be in the report: ‘ We "Who was the winner?" +r Lasked who the winner was. (or ».who was the winner. ) : Notice that we don'r use a form of do in the wh, if, or whether-clausc: 1 °s She asked me where I (had) found it. (not ..where did I find it/..where 1 did find it.) BS. However, if we are reporting a negative question, we can use a negative form of do: E's He asked (me) why I didn’t want anything to cat. Negatio quastons =» Wn-quesions = EEE] Velbewircauses = Repodlng = REIN] Wand whether => SET i EXERCISES 33 93.1 What questions did Jill ask Peter? (B & C) _.if you know my sister. Do you know my sister? swhat needs to be done next. who really gave you that ring. /ho invited you to the restaurant. “Vif you have finished your project. Tif you went to the concert last aight. ‘what the result of your exam was. wwwhich you like best — chicken or turkey. ‘who you invited to the meeting. i wwif you bave any brothers or sisters. q what you need from the shop. 7 f where you went last weekend. | if you were pleased with the present. ‘which comes first - your birthday or your brother's. 1 if you are playing cricket this weekend. what zeally happened to your eye. whether you speak Italian. “where your friend Jobn lives. e), or 58.2. Use any appropriate wh-wvord and the verb given to complete the question, asim 2. Putin (chat) if it is possible to include that. (D) |. you don't like Carl? (say) ‘would be a good person to ask? (think) “he'll be arriving? (suppose) I should do to lose weight? (recommend) is a good time to arrive? (suggest) ‘we should go in towa for 2 good meal? (advise) Max should be asked to resign? (propose) is wrong with Daniel? (suppose) : on? | nto 1 un 339 Report these questions using a whe, if or whether-clause, as appropriate. Make any necessary changes 10 verb tense, pronosen, etc. (Study Units 45 and 49 sf necessary.) (D) 1 ‘How much will they pay you2” Se asked. me how much they would pay re- 2. “Will you he coming back later?” She. asked me... 3 «When do you expect to finish the book?” She asked, me... 4 ‘When are you leaving? She asked. me... 5 “Where did you get the computer from?” She asked me... 6 7 8 t 3 i 4 Fy 5 next? . 6 1 7 1 ‘Why dida’t you tell me earliex?” She asked me. “How do you get to Northfield?” She asked. me. ‘Are meals included in the price, or not?” She asked me... 9 “What do you want?” She asked, me... 410 ‘Are you happy in your new job?” She asked. we.. 41 “What did you think of the performance yesterday? 12 ‘Have you ever eaten snails?” She asked me... at, We ile INC Passive F103] Complete the sentences using words from cach box. build design direct discover discover invent -name- paint play write the Ancient Egyptians Crick and Watson Maric Curic Gustave Eiffel ExetheRed — Angelina Jolie Akira Kurosawa Guglielmo Marconi Picasso Philip Pullman. 1 Greenland _.» 2. Northern Lights 3 The Pyramids .. 4 The wireless 5 Guernica . 6 Lara Croft. 7 The Statue of Liberty 8 The structure of DNA 9 The Seven Samurai 10 Radium .. The passive ‘The thievés made their escape Gough the Kitchen, where hotel safe. They also G; broke into several of the bedrooms and unconscious on the floor + 4 removed articles of yale, .,... Police (9, arrested the, thieves Rene ean Put the verbs into the correct passive form. 1 Te collected all the documents thar —.¢rs..needed. them to the lawyer's office igned. (sign)? 2. Look, this is a secret. Come into the garden where We emu (not / overhear). 3 IE you hadn't been so late for work, you 4 This office is very inefficient, The phone ... promptly, no proper records ul keep), and, worst of all, no reports — (wsieten) since I started work here. 5 Twas so worried about my garden while [ was in hospital, but I have very good neighbours. ‘When T got home, I could see that the vegetables ul (water) every day and the grass 6 Can you come to the police station? The man who (need) for the house sale. Can you take — (not { sack}. (never / answer) (cut) regulart (arrest) and (question) at che moment. The police hope he a : snow (identify), either by you or another witness. 7 We had hoped to sve several famous paintings, bat the gallery (scorganised) at the time of our visit and most of the really _.- (move) for safe keeping. (suspect) of stealing your wallet... valuable works 65 5 ANUUUTERTERTERTERTERTRATERTRREIL Key to exercises 10 rook power ‘LL takethave a look 27.8 11 He had « meal /someting to 2 Thay hada quaceel 43 Hehad awash. 4 He rook 2 photograph, 5 They haditook a break. 6 They hadicook a walk sol 7 They hadleook a swian. ane 1 Why dow’s you have a go? think is one of the most sutpesing or stupid chings Pe (ver icard of someone doing) 3 Pllnave to take the plange and tell her. (= desde to do something, particularly enmething that T don't want 20 oand have been thinking about for 2 fone rime) 44 She was always taking the iickey out of me. (= making fun of me in an unkind way, particularly by copying what 1 sud or did) 20. fe 2b ab fa 28.2 2 She does lot of lecor-writing 5 Tealoy doing the cooking 4x 5 Til do she toning if you do she ‘washing up 46 some bied watching. Te a3 2 made a defnie acangement 43 mado a staring discovery 4 maademakes an important ‘consribstion 5. doing some researc 6-10 Possible answers: 6 id borself serous injury. 7 doing him a favour. 8 made an excuse 9 make a choice 10 dida’e do any good (‘ide make any difference’ would also be possible) 28.4 Possible answers: 2 Tehink i woold make a useful penal holder. 4 Leink it would make a perfect ‘home for my pet mouse. 234 1 passive: were deswoyed /have fren deszoved 2 actives atived 5 dese: eiswexined 4 panne: ws prevented 5 passives are needed & derives have happened 9 ctv: dexeriorated has deceorated 8 active receded 9 pasive were worn 40 passive tas been dovoped Ipteing developed / was dereoped 14 aetver allowed 52 passive wil he sleaved are being released 292 2 The problems was mentioned t0 3 The their had been reported to the police. 4 Towas tod the story. The story ‘was told 10 me. 5 The charity has been given £1,000. / 61,000 has been iiven 0 the chariy. 46 The game will be demonstrated ode chldsen, 7 The guess were being offered Links. Drinks were being ‘offered to she puss. 8 The procedure war explained 9 Tom wat gold the cae. The car swat tld v9 Tom. 29.3 2 No passive, 3 When was young 1 was Tooke after by my aune and uncle 4 He was operated on for aetsly 412 Fuss (by the rargeoas)- 3. No 6 No passive 7 Mis decision war approved of (by all hia elaiver) 30.1 y 2 Large areas of forest are being destroyed everyday. 3 The land next ro our house has beea bough. 4 The accident hal alteady been reported before phoned. 5 Thope (hat ll whe marking, will hve been completed by (6 The tennis oon was being teed, s0 we coulda’ play. 7 You will be told whea you should go in to sce the doctor ‘The hove! should have been finshed for should be Bashed) by the tate you arrive. 9 No doube [il be blamed for the problem, 30 Beste rvoler are expected 114 Ap unexploded bomb has bpeen found in Fioert Square and the area is being evacuated. 30.2 ‘Tae (est was condueted in the seliootHbzaty co minimise nei ‘The cildceu were taken ovt of thie normal lewons and (rere) texted in groups of four All the tena were carted out Janusey 1996. The ete consizeed of wo ‘components, Fira, the children ‘rere shown a des (ora desea ‘ae shoven a the children) (these srere presented in Chapter 3) and (they were) asked to describe what chey saw, Alltheir answers were ape recorded. They were then given a set of anagrams (or Aser of anagrams was given ro them) (wocds with jumbled Tere} which they were inntracted to salve in 2s short a time as possible, I remained inthe ‘room while the chiléren did this. 20.8 Suggested answers are given. 2 Permission ro se the site for the festival was eventually sivenlerantediseceived. 3 The transfer ofthe money :0 ‘my bank account has taken place / gone through / been made

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