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Suryadatta Education Foundation’s

Suryadatta Institute of Management &

Mass Communication (SIMMC)










Submitted to


In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of





I do hereby declare that the Summer Internship Project Report titled “IDENTIFYING
CAPITAL LIMITED” submitted by me towards the partial fulfilment of the requirement of
Integrated Master of Business Administration, exclusively prepared and conceptualized by me and is
not submitted to any other Institution or University or published anywhere before for the reward of
any Degree Certificate. It is the original work of mine and has not been obtained from any other part.

Date: - Signature



The internship opportunity I had with Bajaj Capital was a great chance for learning and
professional development.

The completion of any task depends upon the cooperation, coordination, and consolidated
efforts of several resources of knowledge, energy, time and above all on the proper guidance.

I owe this moment of satisfaction, with a deep sense of gratitude to my project guide Prof.
Shweta Singh and the Dean (Academics) Dr. Pratiksha Wable for their technical guidance,
persistent encouragement, perpetual motivation and everlasting patience, without whom this
project would not have been successfully completed. Working under their guidance has been a
very fruitful and valuable experience.

I am also grateful to our (Director), Dr Shailesh Kasande for providing us with numerous
facilities and opportunities in the form of project work guidelines, suggestions for covering up
various areas and aspects of management to complete the given project report

I am sincerely thankful to all the members of staff of Suryadatta Institute of Management and
Mass Communication, Pune and all those who have helped us directly or indirectly throughout
the project work.



Suryadatta Education Foundation’s
Suryadatta Institute of Management
& Mass Communication (SIMMC)



This is to certify that MANJEERI R. KHANDARE of MBA II Year (Specialization:

Marketing) at SIMMC has completed the Summer Internship Project titled “IDENTIFYING
CAPITAL LIMITED” to my satisfaction and as per the requirements of the two year full-time
MBA program (2020-2021) of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.


Director Sign & Institute seal

Project Internal Guide Name & Sign











A Mutual Fund is a body corporate registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of
India (SEBI) that pools up the money from individual/corporate investors and invests the same on
behalf of the investors/unit holders, in Equity shares, Government securities, Bonds, Call Money
Markets etc., and distributes the profits. In the other words, a Mutual Fund allows investors to
indirectly take a position in a basket of assets. The study level of satisfaction of customers towards
BAJAJ CAPITAL Mutual Fund. To study the extent of awareness on Mutual Funds with in relation
to age, income and education. To find the factors which are responsible for slow growth of mutual
funds. To find the customer’s preference to various options available in BAJAJ CAPITAL Mutual
Fund. To know the kind of benefit people expected from BAJAJ CAPITAL Mutual Fund.
A mutual fund's portfolio is structured and maintained to match the investment objectives stated in
its prospectus. In this project researcher achieved to study the thoughts of investors on financial
avenue called mutual funds and to study the financial awareness of mutual fund investment. To
study investors behavior reluctance while initiating for mutual funds as well as to study the risk
appetite of a particular investor who is willing to invest in mutual funds. To study about the
marketing and features of mutual funds which attracts attention of an investor for initiating for an
investment in mutual funds. Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to professionally
managed portfolios of equities, bonds, and other securities. Each shareholder, therefore, participates
proportionally in the gains or losses of the fund. Mutual funds invest in a vast number of securities,
and performance is usually tracked as the change in the total market cap of the fund - derived by the
aggregating performance of the underlying investments. Mutual Fund is an investment intermediary
set up in the form of a trust that collects funds from investors, pools it and allocates the funds to the
financial market instruments like Equity, Debentures etc. It issues securities (known as units) to the
investors (known as unit-holders) in accordance with the quantum of money invested by them.
Every Mutual Fund is managed by a fund manager, who, by using his investment management skills
and the necessary research work, ensures better returns than what an investor can manage on his
own. The capital appreciation and the other incomes earned from these investments are subject to
market risk and every fund manager is expected to design the portfolio keeping in view the
investment objective of a particular mutual fund scheme. The SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations
1996 defines a mutual fund as “a fund establishment in the form of a trust to raise money through
the sale of units to the public or a section of the public under one or more schemes for the investing
in securities, including money market instrument.” Presently, there are 46 Mutual Funds in India.
The total number of schemes which were 756 in number in March 2007 increased to 1638 in March

2014. The total AUM of mutual funds was Rs 326388 crores in March 2007 that went up to 825240
crores in March 2014. Due to the benefits accrued by investments in mutual funds, they have gained
popularity in the Indian market.
Bajaj Capital Ltd was incorporated in the year 1964 in New Delhi, India. It is India’s premier
financial services provider, which has been providing investment services with about 55 years of
experience in helping people protect and grow their wealth. Bajaj Capital Ltd provides a wide
variety of services, including personalized investment services which uses 360-degree financial
assessment tool. It also provides its customers an incredible range of financial products, such as
mutual funds, fixed deposits, bonds, insurance policies, stock investment options, and options for
buying and selling of real estate properties.
Bajaj Capital provides services to its customers with 24X7 online support and has registered its
presence in over 120 offices in 70 cities across India.



Marketing is a societal process that is needed to discern consumers’ want focusing on a product
/service to those want and to mould the consumers towards the product/services marketing is fund
amental to any business growth. The marketing terms (marketers) have the task to create the consu
mer awareness of the product/services their consumer demographics the business would not be abl
e to endure longevity.

Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising distribution and selli
ng. It is also concerned with anticipating the customer future needs and wants often through marke
t research.

Its specialist areas include:

Advertising and Branding

Direct Marketing

International Marketing

Public Relation


Strategic Management

Market Research

Event Organization

Database Management

Search Engine Marketing

Digital Marketing

A market- focused or customer –focused, organization first determines what its potential customer
desire, and then builds the product or services. Marketing theory and practice is justified in the bel
ief that costumer use a product or service because they have a need or because it provides a percei
ved benefit.

Two major factors of marketing are the recruitment of new customers (acquisition) and the retenti
on and expansion of relationships with existing costumers (base management). Once a marketer ha
s converted the prospective buyer, management shifts the marketer to building a relationship, nurtu
ring the links, the enhancing the benefits that sold the buyer in the first place, and improving the pr
oduct/services continuously to protect the business form competitive encroachments.

For a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four ‘Ps’ must reflect the wants and desire of
the consumers in the target market. Trying to convince a market segment to buy something they do
n’t want is extremely expensive and seldom determines what consumers want and what they are w
illing to pay for it. Marketer’s hope that has process will give them a sustainable competitive adva
ntage. Marketing management is the practical application of this process. The offer is also an impo
rtant addition to the 4P’s theory.

Within most organization the activities encroachment by the marketing function are led by a Vice
President or Director of marketing. A growing number of organizations, especially large US comp
anies, have a Chief Marketing Officer position, reporting to the Chief Executive Officer.

The American Marketing Association (AMA) states “Marketing” is the process of planning and ex
ecuting the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create e
xchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.



Needs and Wants:

All the marketing activities are carried out to fulfill this objective. A need can be defined as sum
total of all those items which are basic to human beings for example, food, shelter, clothing, water
etc. Culturally defined objects that are potential satisfiers of needs are known as Wants. For
example, basic need for water can take many forms such as cold drink or lemon water or tea or
coffee etc. These forms are known as wants.

An organization must identify the various needs of their customers and should develop products
and services that satisfy the same.

Creating a Market Offering:

Market offering means giving an offer for goods and services by describing its features like shape,
size, quality, uses etc. Suppose a computer is offered in a market; its various features like different
sizes and prices at which it is available, technologies used, location of the shops at which it is
available etc. are described. A good ‘market offer’ is one which aims at complete consumers’

3. Customer Value:

The customer is willing to purchase the product or services only when its value is satisfying their
needs, in relation to its cost i.e. the product or service is providing them maximum benefit.
Therefore, the marketer’s job is to add some value to its product so that it is preferred by the
customers over the competitors’ product.

4. Exchange Mechanism

The process of marketing consists of exchange of goods and services for money or money’s worth.
This mechanism helps both buyers and sellers to get what they desire. Exchange is defined as an
essence of marketing. Products can be exchanged through various middlemen at different levels of


Marketing Creates Employment:

Marketing is complex mechanism involving many people in one form or the other. The major
marketing functions are buying, selling, financing, transport, warehousing, risk bearing and
standardization, etc. In each such function different activities are performed by a large number of
individuals and bodies.

Marketing as a Source of Income and Revenue:

The performance of marketing function is all important, because it is the only way through which
the concern could generate revenue or income and bring in profits. Buskirk has pointed out that,
“Any activity connected with obtaining income is a marketing action. It is all too easy for the
accountant, engineer, etc., to operate under the broad assumption that the Company will realize
many dollars in total sales volume.

Marketing Acts as a Basis for Making Decisions:

A businessman is confronted with many problems in the form of what, how, when, how much and
for whom to produce? In the past problems was less on account of local markets. There was a direct
link between producer and consumer.

In modern times marketing has become a very complex and tedious task. Marketing has emerged
as new specialized activity along with production.

Marketing Acts as a Source of New Ideas:

The concept of marketing is a dynamic concept. It has changed altogether with the passage of time.
Such changes have far reaching effects on production and distribution. With the rapid change in
tastes and preference of people, marketing has to come up with the same.

Marketing Is Helpful in Development of An Economy:

Adam Smith has remarked that “nothing happens in our country until somebody sells something”.
Marketing is the kingpin that sets the economy revolving. The marketing organization, more
scientifically organized, makes the economy strong and stable, the lesser the stress on the marketing
function, the weaker will be the economy.


The promotion strategies of marketing are concerned with activities that are undertaken to
communicate with customers and distribution channels to enhance the sales of the firm.

The promotional strategy aims at informing and persuading the customer to buy the product and
informing him about the merits of the products.

It refers to all the decisions related to promotion of sales of products and services. The important
decisions of promotion mix are selecting advertising media, selecting promotional techniques, using
publicity measures and public relations etc.

There are various tools and elements available for promotion. These are adopted by firms to carry
on its promotional activities. The marketer generally chooses a combination of these promotional

Following are the tools or elements of promotion. They are also called elements of promotion mix:

1. Advertising

2. Sales promotion

3. Personal selling

4. Public relation

1. Advertising:

Advertisement can be defined as the “paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of idea,
goods or services by an identified sponsor”.

It is an impersonal presentation where a standard or common message regarding the merits, price
and availability of product or service is given by the producer or marketer. The advertisement builds
pull effect as advertising tries to pull the product by directly appealing to customer to buy it.

2. Sales Promotion:

Sales promotion refers to short term use of incentives or other promotional activities that stimulate
the customer to buy the product. Sales promotion techniques are very useful because they bring:

(a) Short and immediate effect on sale.

(b) Stock clearance is possible with sales promotion.

(c) Sales promotion techniques induce customers as well as distribution channels.

(d) Sales promotion techniques help to win over the competitor.

3. Personal Selling:

Personal selling means selling personally. This involves face to face interaction between seller and
buyer for the purpose of sale.

The personal selling does not mean getting the prospects to desire what seller wants but the concept
of personal selling is also based on customer satisfaction.

4. Public Relations:

Apart from four major elements of marketing mix, another important tool of marketing is
maintaining Public Relations. In simple words, a public relations means maintaining public relations
with public. By maintaining public relations, companies create goodwill.

Public relations evaluate public attitudes; identify the policies and procedures of an Organization
with the public interest to earn public understanding and acceptance.

Public does not mean only customers, but it includes shareholders, suppliers, intermediaries,
customers etc. The firm’s success and achievement depend upon the support of these parties for
example, firm needs active support of middle men to survive in market, it must have good relations
with existing shareholders who provide capital. The consumers’ group is the most important part of
public as success of business depends upon the support and demand of customers only.

Promotion Strategies

A successful product or service means nothing unless the benefit of such a service can be
communicated clearly to the target market. An organizations promotional strategy can consist of
several aspects as follows.

Advertising: Is any non-personal paid form of communication using any form of mass media.

Public relations: Involves developing positive relationships with the organization media public.
The art of good public relations is not only to obtain favorable publicity within the media, but it is
also involves being able to handle successfully negative attention.

Sales promotion: Commonly used to obtain an increase in sales short term. Could involve using
money off coupons or special offers.

Personal selling: Selling a product service one to one.

Direct Mail: Is the sending of publicity material to a named person within an organization. There
has been a massive growth in direct mail campaigns over the last 5 years. Spending on direct mail
now amounts to £18 bn a year representing 11.8% of advertising expenditure (Source: Royal Mail
2000). Organizations can pay thousands of pounds for databases, which contain names and
addresses of potential customers.

Direct mail allows an organization to use their resources more effectively by allowing them to send
publicity material to a named person within their target segment. By personalizing advertising,
response rates increase thus increasing the chance of improving sales.

Listed below are links to organization whose business involves direct mail.

Message & Media Strategy

An effective communication campaign should comprise of a well thought out message

strategy. What message are you trying to put across to your target audience? How will you deliver
that message? Will it be through the appropriate use of branding? Logos or slogan design? The
message should reinforce the benefit of the product and should also help the company in developing
the positioning strategy of the product. Companies with effective message strategies include:

Media strategy refers to how the organization is going to deliver their message. What aspects
of the promotional mix will the company use to deliver their message strategy? Where will they
promote? Clearly the company must take into account the readership and general behavior of their
target audience before they select their media strategy. What newspapers do their target market
read? What TV programmers do they Biscuit? Effective targeting of their media campaign could
save the company on valuable financial resources.


What is mean by mutual fund?

Mutual funds are pools of money that are managed by an investment company. They offer investors
a variety of goals, depending on the fund and its investment charter. Some funds, for example, seek
to generate income on a regular basis. Others seek to preserve an investor's money. Still others seek
to invest in companies that are growing at a rapid pace. Funds can impose a sales charge, or load,
on investors when they buy or sell shares. Many funds these days are no load and impose no sales
charge. Mutual funds are investment companies regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Related: open-end fund, closed-end fund.

Concept of mutual funds

A mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a no. of investors, who share a common financial
goal. The money thus collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares,
debentures and other securities. The income earned through these investments and the capital
appreciations realized are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by
them. Thus, a mutual fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an
opportunity to invest in diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low

Mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings of a number of investors who share a common
financial goal. This pool of money is invested in accordance with a stated objective. The joint
ownership of the fund is thus “Mutual”, i.e. the fund belongs to all investors. The money thus
collected is then invested in capital market instruments such as shares, debentures and other
securities. The income earned through these investments and the capital appreciations realized are
shared by its unit holders in proportion the number of units owned by them. Thus, a Mutual Fund is
the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a
diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost. A Mutual Fund is
an investment tool that allows small investors access to a well- diversified portfolio of equities,
bonds and other securities. Each shareholder participates in the gain or loss of the fund. Units are
issued and can be redeemed as needed. The fund’s Net Asset value (NAV) is determined each day.

Investments in securities are spread across a wide cross-section of industries and sectors
and thus the risk is reduced. Diversification reduces the risk because all stocks may not move in the
same direction in the same proportion at the same time. Mutual fund issues units to the investors in

accordance with quantum of money invested by them. Investors of mutual funds are known as unit

Background & Present Scenario

Mutual funds pool money from the investing public and use that money to buy other securities,
usually stocks and bonds. The value of the mutual fund company depends on the performance of
the securities it decides to buy. So, when you buy a unit or share of a mutual fund, you are buying
the performance of its portfolio or, more precisely, a part of the portfolio's value. Investing in a
share of a mutual fund is different from investing in shares of stock. Unlike stock, mutual fund
shares do not give its holders any voting rights. A share of a mutual fund represents investments in
many different stocks (or other securities) instead of just one holding. That's why the price of a
mutual fund share is referred to as the net asset value (NAV) per share, sometimes expressed as
NAVPS. A fund's NAV is derived by dividing the total value of the securities in the portfolio by the
total amount of shares outstanding. Outstanding shares are those held by all shareholders,
institutional investors, and company officers or insiders. Mutual fund shares can typically be
purchased or redeemed as needed at the fund's current NAV, which—unlike a stock price—doesn't
fluctuate during market hours, but it is settled at the end of each trading day. Ergo, the price of a
mutual fund is also updated when the NAVPS is settled. The average mutual fund holds over a
hundred different securities, which means mutual fund shareholders gain important diversification
at a low price. Consider an investor who buys only Google stock before the company has a bad
quarter. He stands to lose a great deal of value because all of his dollars are tied to one company.
On the other hand, a different investor may buy shares of a mutual fund that happens to own some
Google stock. When Google has a bad quarter, she loses significantly less because Google is just a
small part of the fund's portfolio.

Present Scenario

The Indian Mutual Fund Industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Indian capital and
financial markets. The mutual fund industry in India has seen dramatic improvements in quantity as
well as quality of products and services offering in recent years. Mutual funds as an investment
vehicle have gained immense popularity in the current scenario, which is clearly reflected in the
robust growth levels of Assets under Management. The Indian Mutual fund industry has witnessed
considerable growth since its inception in 1963. The assets under management (AUM) have surged
to Rs 825240 crores as on 31st Mar, 2014 from just Rs 25 crores in March, 1965. The impressive
growth in the Indian Mutual Fund Industry in recent years can largely be attributed to various factors
such as rising household savings, comprehensive regulatory framework, favorable tax policies, and
introduction of several new products, investor education campaign and role of distributors. In the
last few years, household’s income levels have grown significantly, leading to commensurate
increase in household’s savings. The considerable rise in household’s financial savings, point
towards the huge market potential of the Mutual fund industry in India. Besides, SEBI has
introduced various regulatory measures in order to protect the interest of small investors that augurs
well for the long-term growth of the industry. The tax benefits allowed on mutual fund schemes (for
example investment made in Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS) is qualified for tax deductions
under section 80C of the Income Tax Act) also have helped mutual funds to evolve as the preferred
form of investment among the salaried income earners. Besides, the Indian Mutual fund industry
that started with traditional products like equity fund, debt fund and balanced fund has significantly
expanded its product portfolio. Today, the industry has introduced an array of products such as
liquid/money market funds, sector-specific funds, index funds, gilt funds, capital protection-
oriented schemes, special category funds, insurance linked funds, exchange traded funds, etc. It also
has introduced Gold ETF fund in 2007 which allow mutual funds to invest in gold or gold related
instruments. Further, the industry has launched special schemes to invest in foreign securities. The
wide variety of schemes offered by the Indian Mutual fund industry provides multiple options of
investment to common man.

The flow chart below describes broadly the working of a Mutual Fund.

How Mutual Funds Work

1. A mutual fund is both an investment and an actual company. This dual nature may seem strange,
but it is no different from how a share of AAPL is a representation of Apple Inc. When an investor
buys Apple stock, he is buying partial ownership of the company and its assets. Similarly, a mutual
fund investor is buying partial ownership of the mutual fund company and its assets. The difference
is that Apple is in the business of making innovative devices and tablets, while a mutual fund
company is in the business of making investments.

2. Income is earned from dividends on stocks and interest on bonds held in the fund's portfolio. A
fund pays out nearly all of the income it receives over the year to fund owners in the form of a
distribution. Funds often give investors a choice either to receive a check for distributions or to
reinvest the earnings and get more shares.

3. If the fund sells securities that have increased in price, the fund has a capital gain. Most funds
also pass on these gains to investors in a distribution. If a mutual fund is construed as a virtual
company, its CEO is the fund manager, sometimes called its investment adviser. The fund manager
is hired by a board of directors and is legally obligated to work in the best interest of mutual fund
shareholders. Most fund managers are also owners of the fund. There are very few other employees
in a mutual fund company. The investment adviser or fund manager may employ some analysts to
help pick investments or perform market research. A fund accountant is kept on staff to calculate
the fund's NAV, the daily value of the portfolio that determines if share prices go up or down.
Mutual funds need to have a compliance officer or two, and probably an attorney, to keep up with
government regulations.

A Mutual Fund is a body corporate registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) that pools up the money from individual/corporate investors and invests the same on behalf
of the investors/unit holders, in Equity shares, Government securities, Bonds, Call Money Markets
etc., and distributes the profits. In the other words, a Mutual Fund allows investors to indirectly
take a position in a basket of assets.
Mutual Fund is a mechanism for pooling the resources by issuing units to the investors and
investing funds in securities in accordance with objectives as disclosed in offer document.
Investments in securities are spread among a wide cross-section of industries and sectors thus the
risk is reduced. Diversification reduces the risk because all stocks may not move in the same
direction in the same proportion at same time. Investors of mutual funds are known as unit holders.

Brief Conceptual Background

Mutual funds are divided into several kinds of categories, representing the kinds of securities they
have targeted for their portfolios and the type of returns they seek. There is a fund for nearly every
type of investor or investment approach. Other common types of mutual funds include money
market funds, sector funds, alternative funds, smart-beta funds, target-date funds, and even funds of
funds, or mutual funds that buy shares of other mutual funds.

Equity Funds
The largest category is that of equity or stock funds. As the name implies, this sort of fund
invests principally in stocks. Within this group are various subcategories. Some equity funds are
named for the size of the companies they invest in: small-, mid-, or large-cap. Others are named by
their investment approach: aggressive growth, income-oriented, value, and others. Equity funds are
also categorized by whether they invest in domestic (U.S.) stocks or foreign equities. There are so
many different types of equity funds because there are many different types of equities. A great way
to understand the universe of equity funds is to use a style box, an example of which is below.
The idea here is to classify funds based on both the size of the companies invested in (their
market caps) and the growth prospects of the invested stocks. The term value fund refers to a style
of investing that looks for high-quality, low-growth companies that are out of favor with the market.
These companies are characterized by low price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios, low price-to-book (P/B)
ratios, and high dividend yields. Conversely, spectrums are growth funds, which look to companies
that have had (and are expected to have) strong growth in earnings, sales, and cash flows. These
companies typically have high P/E ratios and do not pay dividends. A compromise between strict

value and growth investment is a "blend," which simply refers to companies that are neither value
nor growth stocks and are classified as being somewhere in the middle.

Debt Mutual fund

BAJAJ CAPITAL Mutual Fund (BAJAJ CAPITAL MF) is one of the largest
mutual funds in the country with an investor base of over 5.8 million. With over 55 years
of rich experience in fund management, BAJAJ CAPITAL MF brings f orward its expertise
in consistently delivering value to its investors. BAJAJ CAPITAL MF draws its strength
from India's Largest Bank State Bank of India and Societe Generale. Asset Management,
France. Mutual fund in India is a kind of collective investment that is managed professionally. In
Mutual fund in India, the money is collected from a large number of investors and then it is invested
in bonds, stocks, and various other securities. The fund manager of Mutual fund 0in India collects
the interest income which is then distributed among the individual investors on the basis of the
number of units that they hold. Mutual fund’s value of a share is calculated on a daily basis and is
known as per share Net Asset Value (NAV).

Classification of Mutual Funds in India has been done on the basis of their investment objective and
structure. Classification of Mutual Funds in India has been done into main types such as Income
Funds, Sector- Specific Funds, Large Cap Funds, Fixed- Income Funds, Interval Funds, Closed-
End Funds, and Tax Saving Funds. Income Funds in India are a kind of mutual fund whose aim is
to provide to the investors with steady and regular income. They usually invest their principal in
securities such as corporate debentures, bonds, and government securities. Sector- Specific Funds
in India are funds that make investments in specified sectors only. They give importance to one
sector only such as pharmaceuticals, software, infrastructure, and health care. Large Cap Funds in
India are a kind of mutual fund that makes investment in the shares of large blue-chip companies.
Fixed- Income Funds in India makes investment in debt securities that have been issued either by
the banks, government, or companies.

Fixed-Income Funds
Another big group is the fixed income category. A fixed-income mutual fund focuses on
investments that pay a set rate of return, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, or other debt

instruments. The idea is that the fund portfolio generates interest income, which it then passes on to
the shareholders.
Sometimes referred to as bond funds, these funds are often actively managed and seek to buy
relatively undervalued bonds in order to sell them at a profit. These mutual funds are likely to pay
higher returns than certificates of deposit and money market investments, but bond funds aren't
without risk. Because there are many different types of bonds, bond funds can vary dramatically
depending on where they invest. For example, a fund specializing in high-yield junk bonds is much
riskier than a fund that invests in government securities. Furthermore, nearly all bond funds are
subject to interest rate risk, which means that if rates go up, the value of the fund goes down.

Index Funds
Another group, which has become extremely popular in the last few years, falls under the moniker
"index funds." Their investment strategy is based on the belief that it is very hard, and often
expensive, to try to beat the market consistently. So, the index fund manager buys stocks that
correspond with a major market index such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average
(DJIA). This strategy requires less research from analysts and advisors, so there are fewer expenses
to eat up returns before they are passed on to shareholders. These funds are often designed with
cost-sensitive investors in mind.

Balanced Funds
Balanced funds invest in a hybrid of asset classes, whether stocks, bonds, money market
instruments, or alternative investments. The objective is to reduce the risk of exposure across asset
classes. This kind of fund is also known as an asset allocation fund. There are two variations of such
funds designed to cater to the investor’s objectives. Some funds are defined with a specific
allocation strategy that is fixed, so the investor can have a predictable exposure to various asset
classes. Other funds follow a strategy for dynamic allocation percentages to meet various investor
objectives. This may include responding to market conditions, business cycle changes, or the
changing phases of the investor's own life While the objectives are similar to those of a balanced
fund, dynamic allocation funds do not have to hold a specified percentage of any asset class. The
portfolio manager is therefore given freedom to switch the ratio of asset classes as needed to
maintain the integrity of the fund's stated strategy.
Money Market Funds
The money market consists of safe (risk-free), short-term debt instruments, mostly government
treasury bills. This is a safe place to park your money. You won't get substantial returns, but you

won't have to worry about losing your principal. A typical return is a little more than the amount
you would earn in a regular checking or savings account and a little less than the average certificate
of deposit (CD). While money market funds invest in ultra-safe assets, during the 2008 financial
crisis, some money market funds did experience losses after the share price of these funds, typically
pegged at $1, fell below that level and broke the buck.

Income Funds
Income funds are named for their purpose: to provide current income on a steady basis. These funds
invest primarily in government and high-quality corporate debt, holding these bonds until maturity
in order to provide interest streams. While fund holdings may appreciate in value, the primary
objective of these funds is to provide steady cash flow to investors. As such, the audience for these
funds consists of conservative investors and retirees. Because they produce regular income, tax-
conscious investors may want to avoid these funds.

International/Global Funds
An international fund (or foreign fund) invests only in assets located outside your home country.
Global funds, meanwhile, can invest anywhere around the world, including within your home
country. It's tough to classify these funds as either riskier or safer than domestic investments, but
they have tended to be more volatile and have unique country and political risks. On the flip side,
they can, as part of a well-balanced portfolio, actually reduce risk by increasing diversification,
since the returns in foreign countries may be uncorrelated with returns at home. Although the world's
economies are becoming more interrelated, it is still likely that another economy somewhere is
outperforming the economy of your home country


1. Mutual funds are allowed to start and operate both closed-end and open-end schemes;
2. Each closed-end scheme must have a Minimum corpus (pooling up) of Rs 20 crore.
3. Each open-end scheme must have a Minimum corpus of Rs 50 crore.
4. In the case of a Closed –End scheme if the Minimum amount of Rs 20 crore or 60% of
the target amount, whichever is higher is not raised then the entire subscription has to be
refunded to the investors.

5. In the case of Open-Ended schemes, if the Minimum amount of Rs 50 crore or 60 percent
of the targeted amount, whichever is higher, is not raised then the entire subscription has
to be refunded to the investors.

❖ Characteristics of Mutual Funds

The characteristics of mutual funds can be divided into 2, closed-end fund and open-end

a. Closed-End Fund - It means mutual funds that cannot be bought back of shares that
have been sold to investors. Shareholders cannot sell back their shares to the investment
manager. If the shareholders want to sell the shares, this should be done through the
stock exchange where the shares of mutual funds recorded.

b. Open-End Fund - This means mutual funds that can be offered and bought back of
shares from investors until the amount of capital has been issued. Shareholders of this
type can resell the shares / units at any time if desired. Investment managers of mutual
funds, through the custodian bank, compulsory purchase appropriately with the NAV
shares / units at that time.

❖ Modes of investing in mutual funds

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

• SIP is a disciplined Mode of Investment.
• You can start SIP with a lower investment amount.
• SIP can help you steadily build a corpus over time.
• SIPs provide you the benefit of Rupee Cost Averaging.
• You can start your SIP with a One-Time Instruction.

Systematic Transfer Plan (STP)

• STP helps in gradually investing a large corpus in a selected asset class.
• STP is a relatively safer investment method than lump sum investment and may prove to
be a higher yielding method than SIP investment. STPs can be a smart financial planning

• STPs provide you with the benefit of Rupee Cost Averaging.
• You can start your STP with a Single Mandate.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)

• SWP helps Systematically Withdraw money from pre-invested mutual fund scheme on a
regular basis to meet the ongoing expenses of the investor.
• The money withdrawn through SWP can be credited to the bank account of the investor.
• SWP offers ‘Fixed Withdrawal’ as well as ‘Appreciation Withdrawal’ facility.
• SWP can help manage regular expenses without keeping the savings idle.

Lump Sum or One Time Investment

• Lump Sum Mode helps invest all your investible surplus at one go.
• Lump Sum investment attracts market risk.
• Lump Sum investment can be rewarding only if the long-term trend of the economy is
• Suitable if you are ready to take High Risk for High Return or are willing to compromise
on the returns by parking your entire surplus in Low Risk option such as liquid funds.


There are a variety of reasons that mutual funds have been the retail investor's vehicle of
choice for decades. The overwhelming majority of money in employer-sponsored
retirement plans goes into mutual funds. Multiple mergers have equated to mutual funds
over time.

• Portfolio Diversification
Portfolio Diversification, or the mixing of investments and assets within a portfolio to
reduce risk, is one of the advantages of investing in mutual funds. Experts advocate
diversification as a way of enhancing a portfolio's returns, while reducing its risk. Buying
individual company stocks and offsetting them with industrial sector stocks, for example,
offers some diversification. However, a truly diversified portfolio has securities with
different capitalizations and industries and bonds with varying maturities and issuers.
Buying a mutual fund can achieve diversification cheaper and faster than by buying
individual securities. Large mutual funds typically own hundreds of different stocks in

many different industries. It wouldn't be practical for an investor to build this kind of a
portfolio with a small amount of money.

• Professional management
A primary advantage of mutual funds is not having to pick stocks and manage investments.
Instead, a professional investment manager takes care of all of this using careful research
and skillful trading. Investors purchase funds because they often do not have the time or the
expertise to manage their own portfolios, or they don't have access to the same kind of
information that a professional fund has. A mutual fund is a relatively inexpensive way for
small investor to get a full-time manager to make and monitor investments. Most private,
non-institutional money managers deal only with high-net-worth individuals—people with
at least six figures to invest. However, mutual funds, as noted above, require much lower
investment minimums. So, these funds provide a low-cost way for individual investors to
experience and hopefully benefit from professional money management.

• Liquidity
Liquidity of assets not only helps you be prepared for financial exigencies; it also provides
of flexibility of managing your investment portfolio with changing needs or situations.
Open ended mutual funds are ideal investment options which provide both liquidity and
good returns according to your investment needs. There is a vast array of mutual fund
products that are suitable for a wide range of risk appetites and investment needs. While we
are not suggesting that you exclude products that do not provide short term liquidity from
your investment portfolio, you should ensure that substantial part of your portfolio has
sufficiently high liquidity so that you are prepared for most situations.

❖ Variety and Freedom of Choice

Investors have the freedom to research and select from managers with a variety of styles
and management goals. For instance, a fund manager may focus on value investing, growth
investing, developed markets, emerging markets, income, or macroeconomic investing,
among many other styles. One manager may also oversee funds that employ several
different styles. This variety allows investors to gain exposure to not only stocks and bonds
but also commodities, foreign assets, and real estate through specialized mutual funds.

Some mutual funds are even structured to profit from a falling market (known as bear
funds). Mutual funds provide opportunities for foreign and domestic investment that may
not otherwise be directly accessible to ordinary investors.

❖ Economies of Scale
Mutual funds also provide economies of scale. Buying one spares the investor of the
numerous commission charges needed to create a diversified portfolio. Buying only one
security at a time leads to large transaction fees, which will eat up a good chunk of the
investment. Also, the $100 to $200 an individual investor might be able to afford is usually
not enough to buy a round lot of the stock, but it will purchase many mutual fund shares.
The smaller denominations of mutual funds allow investors to take advantage of dollar cost
averaging. Because a mutual fund buys and sells large amounts of securities at a time, its
transaction costs are lower than what an individual would pay for securities transactions.
Moreover, a mutual fund, since it pools money from many smaller investors, can invest in
certain assets or take larger positions than a smaller investor could. For example, the fund
may have access to IPO placements or certain structured products only available to
institutional investors.

• Easy Access
Trading on the major stock exchanges, mutual funds can be bought and sold with relative
ease, making them highly liquid investments. Also, when it comes to certain types of assets,
like foreign equities or exotic commodities, mutual funds are often the most feasible way -
in fact, sometimes the only way - for individual investors to participate.

• Transparency
Mutual funds are subject to industry regulation that ensures accountability and fairness to

• Flexibility & Convenience

• Reduction in Transaction cost
• Safety of regulated environment

Mutual funds are the avenues for common investors to reap the benefits of share market
performance. Investing in equity directly by investors is fraught with highest level of risk &

uncertainly Retail investors do not actively participate in share market but inflation edged
investment return demands the exploitation of the equity market as an investment avenue.


• Identifying promotional areas for awareness about mutual fund and other financial tools

• Planning marketing and processing for mutual fund.

• To study the investor behavior while initiating for mutual fund.



• Jambodekar (1999) conducted the study to identify the various information sources that had
influenced buying decision and the factors that had influenced the selection of choices of
funds. This study has revealed that under the prevalent market conditions, income and open-
ended schemes are more preferred that growth and close ended schemes. Investors more
focus on safety of principal and liquidity and choose newspapers and televisions as their

mode of awareness regarding this investment.

• Priti Mane (2004) has stated Mutual Funds as one among the best options available for
information in today’s world. A number of researches have been carried out on investors
behavior regarding Mutual Funds. In order to attract investors into financial industries
require innovation in developing and delivering financial nature services for growth.

• Paul and Garodia (2012) have observed that the various demographic variables like age, sex,
occupation, income level has a significant impact on the pattern of investment. It states that
the expectation level of different investors varies with their category.

• Grinblatt M and Kelohraju (2000) in their study analyses the extent to which past data has
an impact on the decisions to buy and sell. It has also analyzed the investors sophistication
drive towards the various modes of investment.

• J.Lilly and DrAnasuya published a research paper “An empirical study of performance
evaluation of selected ELSS mutual fund schemes” published on International journal of
scientific research (2014) which examined the performance of 49 selected tax saving elss
schemes by applying Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, Sortino ratio and Jensen’s alpha measure
and found out LIC NOMURA MF GROWTH and dividend schemes has the highest return
and are risk borne when compared to other schemes.

• Lonnie L. Bryant,Hao-Chen liu published a research paper “Mutual fund industry

management structure, risk and the impacts to shareholders” published on Global finance
journal(2011) investigates the effects of a multiple fund management structure on the risk
volatility of the funds managed with the help of Sharpe ratio .They found out the impacts
that mutual fund management structure has in fund risk volatility using a sample of 1480
funds managed by 407 managers. They also found out that the multiple fund management
structure appears to be motivated by the need to achieve economies of scale and reduce cost
of the shareholders, fund managers which are driven by strategic reason.

• Singh and Jha (2009) conducted a study on awareness and acceptability of mutual fund and
found that consumers basically prefer mutual fund due to return potential, liquidity and
safety and they were not fully aware about the systematic investment plan. In this respect V
Rathnamani (2013) concluded in her research that many investors prefer to invest in mutual
fund in order to gain high gain at low level of risk, safety and liquidity

• Das Bhagaban, Mohanty Sangeeta, Shil Chandra Nikhil (2008) has thrown light on the

selection behavior of Indian retail investors towards mutual funds and life insurances
particularly in post-liberalization period. With this background, their report made an earnest
attempt to study the behavior of the investors in the selection of these two investment
vehicles in an Indian perspective by making a comparative study.

• Shanmugham (2000) conducted a survey of individual investors with the objective to find
out what information source investor depends on. The results explained that they are
economical, sociological and psychological factors which control investment decisions.

• Parihar B B S, Sharma R and Parihar D.S (2009) also studied that respondent’s age, gender
and income are significantly associated with their attitude. Desigan G, Lalaiselvi S and
Anusuya L (2006) conducted a study on women investors’ perception towards investment
and found that women investors generally hesitate in investing in mutual funds due to lack
of their knowledge and awareness regarding investment protection, procedure of making
investment, valuation of investment and redressal of grievances regarding their investment
related problems.

• Madhusudhan V Jambodekar (1996) conducted his study to size-up the direction of mutual
funds in investors and to identify factors that influence mutual fund investment decision.
The study tells that open-ended scheme is most favored among other things and that income
schemes and open-ended schemes are preferred over closed- ended and growth schemes.
Newspapers are used as information source; safety of principal amount and investor services
are priority points for investing in mutual funds.



Bajaj Capital Limited Details

CIN U67120DL1965PLC004338

Date of Incorporation 19 Feb, 1965

Status Active

Company Category Company limited by Shares

Company Sub-category Non-govt company

Company Class Public

Business Activity Finance

Authorized Capital 100 million

Paid-up Capital 430.0 lakhs

Paid-up Capital % 95.55556

Registrar Office City Delhi

Registered State Delhi

Registration Number 4338

Registration Date 19 Feb, 1965

Listing Status Unlisted

AGM last held on 30 Sep, 2019

Balance Sheet last updated on 31 Mar, 2019

❖ Industry Profile

Financial services Industry

The financial services industry manages money for individuals and corporations. It comprises
such organizations as commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, hedge funds,
credit-card companies, consumer finance firms, accounting agencies, and brokerage firms. The
industry’s services are mainly related to banking and insurance services, asset management,
investments, foreign exchange, and accounting. Financial services form the lifeblood of economic
growth and development. They facilitate the setting up of big and small businesses and the
expansion of businesses. Employment and entrepreneurship created with the help of the services
enable people to earn and save. Financial services show the poor ways out of poverty and of
leading better lives. To the wealthy, financial services offers opportunities to make money grow.
The financial services industry is the largest-earning sector in the world. Through interventions in
industry and agriculture and other formal sectors, they provide lines of credit and investment.
However, financial services have largely eluded the poor and small and micro units, and there is
great potential to extend the services to the informal sector, too. P. T. Barnum, the nineteenth-
century showman and politician, once said that money is a great master but an excellent servant.
He was only repeating what man had realized centuries before him. Indeed, the well-to-do had
already started trying out ways to make wealth work for them. Today’s financial services industry,
with its many products and services, is the result of this age-old endeavor.

Financial services in India | History and trends

The financial services sector in India, which accounts for 6 percent of the nation’s GDP, is
growing rapidly. Although the sector consists of commercial banks, development finance

institutions, nonbanking financial companies, insurance companies, cooperatives, mutual funds,
and the new “payment banks,” it is dominated by banks, which holds over 60 percent share.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the apex bank of the country, controlling all activities in the
financial sector. Commercial banks include public sector and private sector banks and are under
the regulatory supervision of the RBI. Development finance institutions include industrial and
agriculture banks.

Non-banking finance companies (NBFC) provide loans, purchase stocks and debentures, and offer
leasing, hire purchase, and insurance services.

Insurance companies’ function in both public and private sectors and are controlled by the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA).

India also has a vibrant capital market with stocks exchanges controlled by the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

According to “India in Business,” a website of the Union Government, India’s banking sector
assets were worth $1.8 trillion in the 2014-15 financial year.

According to a report by KPMG-CII, India’s banking sector is on the way to becoming the fifth
largest in the world by 2020.

The country’s life insurance sector is the biggest in the world, and the market size is expected to
touch about $400 billion by 2020. The assets of the mutual fund industry are worth $190 billion.
The pension corpus fund is projected to record $1 trillion by 2025. Reforms to put the financial
services industry and the economy on the fast track include measures to make finance available to
medium, small, and micro industries.

India once had a heavily government-dominated financial services industry, and most services
were provided by nationalized banks. Financial sector reforms were initiated in 1991 with the aim
of accelerating economic growth.

In the following years, industry and service sectors were opened up for foreign direct investment.
The reforms ended the dominance of the public sector and reduced direct government control on
industrial investments. Financial sector reforms in India have improved resource mobilizations
and allocation. The liberalization of interest rates and the easing of cash reserve norms have
helped make funds available to various sectors. However, prudential norms have been tightened

and transparency and regulation increased to avoid a systemic collapse that other countries have

The history of Mutual Fund Industry in India can be traced back to 1963, with the launch of the
Unit Trust of India by the Government of India under an Act of Parliament. UTI was launched
under the regulatory and administrative control of RBI. In 1978, the regulatory and administrative
control of UTI was transferred from the Reserve Bank of India to IDBI (Industrial Development
Bank of India). The first mutual fund scheme that was introduced in India by UTI was in the Unit
Scheme (1964). UTI had Assets Under Management worth Rs. 6,700 Crores, by the end of the
year 1988.

In 1987, public sector enterprises such as State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Canara
Bank, etc. and other non-UTI segments such as General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) and
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) entered the market and established public sector mutual
funds. The funds introduced by the public sector banks, by way of historic progression, are listed

1. SBI Mutual Fund

2. Punjab National Bank Mutual Fund

3. Indian Bank Mutual Fund

4. Bank of India Mutual Fund

5. Bank of Baroda Mutual Fund

From the year 1993 onwards, private sector funds were established in the mutual fund industry. In
the same year, Mutual Fund Regulations were introduced in India under which all mutual funds
except UTI has to be registered. The first private sector mutual fund that was registered was the
Kothari Pioneer Fund, which was merged with Franklin Templeton later on. In 1996, the Mutual
Fund Regulations were revised and this substituted the earlier version.

In 2003, the Unit Trust of India Act 1963 was repealed and was divided into 2 separate entities –
the UTI Mutual Fund, which is sponsored by Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India, Life
Insurance Corporation of India and Bank of Baroda and the second entity is the Specified
Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India. This bifurcation was effective from February 2003.

Investor Servicing

The Mutual Fund Industry in India has outsourced the work of servicing investors, to Registrar
and Transfer Agents (RTAs). These RTAs are Karvy and CAMS, with CAMS covering almost
65% of asset servicing. The only exception is Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund services, which
has its own RTA set up on an in-house basis. These RTAs have investor service centers which
offer a wide range of services such as KYC fulfillment formalities, financial transaction
acceptance and processing, nomination registration, non-financial changes, statement of accounts,
transmission of units, etc.

Asset Management Companies in India

• Axis Asset Management Company

• Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company

• Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company

• BNP Paribas Asset Management Company

• BOI AXA Asset Management Company

• Canara Robeco Asset Management Company

• Deutsche Asset Management Company

• DHFL Pramerica Asset Management Company

• DSP BlackRock Asset Management Company

• Edelweiss Asset Management Company

• Escorts Asset Management Company

• Franklin Templeton Asset Management Company

• Goldman Sachs Asset Management Company

• HDFC Asset Management Company

• HSBC Global Asset Management Company

• ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company

• IDBI Asset Management Company

• IDFC Asset Management Company

• IIFCL Asset Management Asset

• IIFL Asset Management Company

• IL & FS Infra Asset Management Company

• India bulls Asset Management Company

• J.P. Morgan Asset Management Company

• JM Financial Asset Management

• Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company

• L&T Asset Management Company

• LIC Nomura Mutual Fund Asset Management Company

• Mirae Asset Management Company

• Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company

And many more

Current Status of Indian Mutual Fund Industry

The Indian Mutual Fund Industry has recorded Rs. 13, 460 billion Assets Under Management
(AUM) by December 2015 and is reporting a steady growth till date. Initially, corporates had been
the main contributor to AUM but soon, the retail segment proved to be the segment that
contributed the most to AUM growth in India. GST rate of 18% applicable for all financial
services effective July 1, 2017.

Types of financial services | List and overview

Brief profiles of some of the services offered by the financial services sector are given below.

• Accounting
Accounting is the process of measuring the financial parameters of a company and presenting
them to investors and managers of the company for making investment decisions and evolving
management strategies.

• Brokerage
A firm that functions as an agent for the purchase of stocks or other financial securities is known
as a brokerage. Full-service brokerage firms study the market and advise their clients on which
securities to buy. Portfolio and pension fund managers are among their clients.

• Consumer finance
The grant of loans or other credit lines to consumers is called consumer finance, and includes auto
loans and credit cards.

• Credit cards
Credit cards are instruments that help the cardholder to make payments for goods or services
without using cash. The bank issuing a credit card offers the cardholder a line of credit on which
an interest is charged.

• Foreign exchange
Foreign exchange is the conversion of one currency into another by individuals or corporations for
completing transnational deals. It is the biggest segment of the financial market, and its daily
turnover runs into trillions of dollars. Hedge funds Hedge funds are private limited investment
partnerships that use a large initial investment. They have low liquidity, and funds usually have a
lock-up period of at least one year. Hedge funds are flexible and help investors spread their risk
through their diverse investment opportunities.

• Insurance
Insurance is a risk management tool that an individual or company uses to transfer risk of
financial loss to an insurance company in return for a one-time or periodic premium.

• Investment banking
An investment bank enables corporations to raise capital and assists them in issuing stocks.
Investment banks underwrite new debts and equity securities for companies. They provide their
clients guidance in mergers and acquisitions.

• Private banking
Private banking is the set of specialty financial services offered by banks to high-net-worth
individuals who make very large investments.

• Private equity
Private equity is a method by which an investor takes control of a significant portion of a
company’s stock in the hope of maximizing his or her returns. A typical method of operation of a
private equity fund is to take control of a company and use its returns to repay themselves.

• Retail banking
Retail banking services are offered to individuals rather than to organizations. Retail banking
helps people open savings accounts, take personal and housing loans, make deposits, and use
credit/debit and ATM cards.

• Venture capital
Venture capital is the initial seed money provided by an investor to the holder of a new,
potentially financially rewarding business idea for a share in the returns of the start-up business.
Venture capital companies make investments from a long-term perspective. Venture capital funds
are a big boon for start-ups that do not have access to financial markets.

• Wealth management
Wealth management (or asset management) is a strategy to help the affluent maximize returns
from their investments by alerting them to investment opportunities and helping them choose
appropriate financial products.

❖ Company Profile
Bajaj Capital Ltd was incorporated in the year 1964 in New Delhi, India. It is India’s premier
financial services provider, which has been providing investment services with about 55 years of
experience in helping people protect and grow their wealth.
Bajaj Capital Ltd provides a wide variety of services, including personalized investment services
which uses 360-degree financial assessment tool. It also provides its customers an incredible range
of financial products, such as mutual funds, fixed deposits, bonds, insurance policies, stock
investment options, and options for buying and selling of real estate properties.

Bajaj Capital provides services to its customers with 24X7 online support and has registered its
presence in over 120 offices in 70 cities across India.

Our Mission
Provide need-based solutions at the right value, gaining lifetime client relationships through a happy
team & service excellence.

Our Vision
India's most admired & recommended wealth creation & protection brand.


1.1 Company Name Bajaj Capital limited

1.2 Company Status Active
1.3 Roc Roc Delhi
1.4 Registration Number 4338
1.5 Company Category Company Limited by shares
1.6 Company Sub Category Non - Govt Company
1.7 Class of company Public
1.8 Date of incorporation 19 feb 1965
1.9 Activities Activities Auxiliary to financial Intermediation except
insurance and pending funds.
1.10 Location Bajaj house 97, Nehru palace new Delhi

Director Details

Rajiv Bajaj Managing Director

Sanjiv Bajaj Managing Director
Anupam Prakash Director
Raman Chadha Director
Kuldip Kumar Bajaj Director

Five Decades of Excellence

For over five decades, we have been helping people realize BCIBL aspirations by helping them
make their wealth grow, and plan their financial lives. Today, Bajaj Capital is a one of the largest
financial planning and investment advisory companies in India, with a strong work ethics.

presence all over the country. It takes pride in serving our customers both individual and
institutional, and is known for our strong professionalism and our decades of excellence:

Wide range of services

Wide range of services:

We offer a comprehensive range of services including financial planning and investment advice,
and the entire gamut of financial instruments and investment products of almost all major
companies, both public and private. In addition, we also provide investment assistance by helping
you complete all the formalities, and help you keep regular track of your investments.

These services and products are delivered through our network of 134 Capital Investment Centers
located all over the country.

Bajaj Capital is also a SEBI- approved Category Merchant Banker. They raise resources for over
1,000 top institutions and corporate houses every year, and offer specialized services to Non-
Resident Indian (NRIs) and High Net worth Clients.

Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Mr. Rajiv Deep Bajaj

Vice Chairman & Managing Director

Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj

Joint Managing Director

Mr. Anil Chopra

CEO & Director

Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Key Personnel

Mr. K.K. Bajaj


Mr. Rajiv Deep Bajaj

Vice Chairman & Managing Director

Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj

Joint Managing Director

Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj

Joint Managing Director

Mr. Sanjiv Bajaj

Joint Managing Director

Mr. Anil Chopra

CEO & Director

Introducing Bajaj Capital Insurance Broking Ltd (BCIBL looking after your rights and interests in
case of a claim, with a mission- “we’ll be by as a true partner, BCIBL promises to use their

knowledge for customer benefit. Be it advice on the right insurance products or your side...
whenever you need us”.

That's exactly where they at Bajaj Capital Insurance Broking Ltd. step in. At BCIBL, an

IRDA licensed "Composite Insurance Broker" bearing license number CB 042/02, they call

it Risk Management. They help customers to identify the potential risks and pass some of them on
to insurance companies.

They are customer’s partners, who help them to identify and understand various risks, prioritize
them and eventually manage them.

As a broker, BCIBL do not offer customers just a single option but multiple options available,

and help you select the most appropriate one


They offer a wide range of Life and General Insurance products offered by the insurance

companies that cover almost the entire spectrum of risks that individuals or your business may face.

BCIBL offers a wide range of insurance packages including:

• Personal Lines
• Auto
• Home
• Travel
• Accident & Health

• Property Insurance

• Fire and Special Peril

• Marine

• Machinery Breakdown

• Electronic Equipment Insurance

Loss of Profits etc.

• Liability Insurance

• Commercial

• General Liability

• Product Liability

• Workman's Compensation/ Employer's Liability

• Contingency Risks

• Event Cancellation

• Wedding Insurance

• All Risk for Mobiles, Computers and Laptops etc.

• Industrial All Risk and Project Insurance

• Specialty Products.
• Professional Indemnity/Errors & Omissions (E&O)
• Directors and Officers Liability (D&O)
• Fidelity Guarantee
• Commercial Cyber Crime Insurance
• Credit Insurance
• Mutual Fund & Asset Protection



Research methodology is a way to systematically show the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. It is necessary for the
researcher to know not only the research methods but also the methodology.

Research Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It is a plan of

action for a research project and explains in detail how data are collected and analyzed. Research
methodology may be understood as science of studying how research is done scientifically. It can
cover a wide range of studies from simple description and investigation to the construction of
sophisticated experiment. Methodology means a particular set of methods for collecting the
information pertaining to the objectives of the project. It may be understood as the science of
studying the research problem. The study of research methodology gives us the necessary training
in gathering materials, arranging them, participating in field when required and training in technique
for the collection of data appropriate for a particular problem. The research methodology is the most
practical way of obtaining and analyzing data & it plays an important role in project work

This Section includes the methodology which includes. The research design, objectives of
study, scope of study along with research methodology and limitations of study etc.


A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the
information needed. It is over – all operation patterns or framework of the project that stipulates
what information is to be collected from which source by what procedure, it is also refers to the blue
print of the research process.


Meaning of Research and Research Methodology

1) Research is an art of scientific investigation. The broad definition of research is given by

Godwin Colibao: “In the broad sense of the word, the definition of research includes any gathering
of data, information, and facts for the advancement of knowledge.”

2) The advanced learner’s dictionaries of current English lay are down the meaning of
research as, “a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch
of knowledge”.

Reddened Mary define research as a “systematic effort to gain knowledge”. Research

methodology is a way to systematically solve a research problem. It is a science of studying how
research is done scientifically. Essentially it is the procedure by which the researcher goes about
their work of describing, evaluating and predicting phenomenon. It aims to give the work plan of
research. It provides training in choosing methods, materials, scientific tools and techniques relevant
for the solution of the problem. Its aim is to give the work plan of research.

Types of Research

1. Descriptive Research: Descriptive Research concentrates on finding facts to ascertain

the nature of something as it exists.

2. Analytical Research: Analytical Research is concerned with the determining validity of

hypothesis-based analysis of facts collected.

3. Applied Research: Applied Research is carried out to find answer to practical problems
to be solved and as an aid in decision making in different areas including producer design, process
design and policy making.

4. Fundamental Research: Fundamental Research is carried out as more to satisfy

intellectual curiosity, that with the intension of using the research finding for any immediate
practical application.

5. Conceptual Research: Conceptual Research involves investigation of thoughts and ideas

and developing new ideas or interpreting the old based on logical reasoning.

6. Empirical Research: Empirical Research is based on firm verifiable data collected by

either observation.


Sampling refers to the method of selecting a sample from a given universe with a view to draw
conclusions about that universe. A sample is a representative of the universe selected for study.


Large sample gives reliable result than small sample. However, it is not feasible to target
entire population or even a substantial portion to achieve a reliable result. So, in this aspect selecting
the sample to study is known as sample size. Hence, for the project my sample size was 30.


Random sampling technique was used in the survey conducted.


Data has been presented with the help of bar graph, pie charts, line graphs etc.


Tables were used for the analysis of the collected data. The data is also neatly presented with
the help of statistical tools such as graphs and pie charts. Percentages and averages have also been
used to represent data clearly and effectively.

❖ Identifying promotional areas for awareness about mutual fund and other
financial tools

As there are so many areas where we can focus on to spread the awareness about mutual fund all
over the country and some of the common modes are social network, newspapers and television.

These are the most used network for the awareness of any program now adays. If we focus on some
other areas like rural areas and out of network areas, there were more chances of finding
unawareness about such financial tools. As we know covid pandemic is the hardest time period for
all of us, economically, socially and in every manner, it was the challenging time period for all.
Doing internship in such environment on online platform was one of the challenging tasks we done
in the pandemic I think so.

So, for identifying promotional areas for awareness we conduct the online survey and then online
webinar on financial literacy awareness which was held in team. here we focused on inviting people
through various social media platform, contact lists and 3rd persons in contacts to spread the

awareness. We conduct that webinar on online meet application for two hours of timeline. Also, we
solve queries and answered the questions from the public. The webinar gets successful and we got
good responses and feedback from that that program.

From that program we observed that the awareness about mutual fund is very low. They need proper
guidance and education about financial tools. Specially about mutual funds.

That was a great experience, interacting with peoples and knowing their views about financial tool.

❖ Planning, marketing and processing for mutual fund

So here planning includes the targeting customers, and identifying promotional areas, managing the
programs and taking daily follow up, choosing or suggesting the right schemes and company to the
customers, in short giving a proper advice comes under planning.

In marketing part, we socialized or I can say we focus on advertising, spreading and gathering
information from people, also by arranging webinars on various topics about financial tools, digital
marketing, increasing social network and all.

Processing include onboarding the customers, doing the whole process starting from kyc to their
investments. And taking follow-ups.

❖ To study the investor behavior while initiating for mutual fund.

It is observed that the investor always thinks twice while making a decision before investing. They
cross check the schemes and company profile to check the safety of their investment. Those who
are already an investor in other schemes took a quick decision and other takes time. The portfolio
must be clear and transparent so that the investor invests accordingly.

There are various kind of personality when it comes to decision. it was a great experience in
handling the customers. Also, it was a tough task I must say


To fulfill the information, need of the study. The data is collected from primary as well as
secondary sources-


I decided primary data collection method because our study nature does not permit to apply
observational method.

In survey approach we had selected a questionnaire method for taking a customer view because it
is feasible from the point of view of our subject & survey purpose.


It was collected from internal sources. The secondary data was collected on the basis of
organizational file, official records, newspapers, magazines, management books, preserved
information in the company’s database and website of the company.


The mode of collection of data will be based on Online Survey Method. Primary data collection
will base on personal interview via online mode. I have prepared the questionnaire according to the
necessity of the data to be collected as per instruction given by the company.




1) How Many Respondent knows about Mutual Fund Services?


Yes 30 100

No 0 0

Total 30 100



All the respondent knows that BAJAJ CAPITAL provide MUTUAL FUND SERVICE. 100% of the
respondents are aware about the financial services provided by BAJAJ CAPITAL LIMITED.

2) Rating the performance of Bajaj Capital Mutual Funds


Excellent 8 27

Very Good 20 67

Good 2 6

Moderate 0 0

Total 30 100



Very Good


Majority of the respondents rate the performance of BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is Very
Good. 67% of the respondent’s rate performance of BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is Very
Good, 27% rate excellent, and 6% rate Good

3) Rating the services provided by Bajaj Capital Mutual Funds?


Very Satisfied 5 17
Satisfied 17 57
Neither Satisfied Nor 7 23
Dissatisfied 1 3
Very Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 30 100

Very Satisfied

Neither Satisifed Nor


Very Dissatisfied


Majority of the respondents rate the services provided by BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND as
Good. According to the analysis, 57% of the respondents rate the services provided by BAJAJ
CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is Good, 23% rate Average, 17% rate Excellent, and 3% rate as Below

4) While taking an investment decision what matters a lot


AMC 0 0
Performance 22 73
Consistency 8 27
Service 0 0
Fund Manager 0 0
Total 30 100

0 0


Fund Manager


Majority of the respondents feel that while taking a decision Performance matters a lot. 73% of the
respondents feel that while taking an investment decision Performance matters a lot, and 27%
Consistency is considered.

5) BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND has a sizable impact as compared to its peers in
MF industry


Yes 30 100

No 0 0

Total 30 100




All the respondents tell Yes that BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND has a sizable impact as compared
to its peers in MF industry. All the respondents tell Yes that BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND has a
sizable impact as compared to its peers in MF industry.

6) BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is very helpful in analyzing and making right
choice of investments to the distributors


Yes 26 87

No 0 0

To some extent 4 13

Total 30 100


To some extent


Majority of the respondents tell Yes BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is very helpful in analyzing
& making right choice of investments to the investors. 87% of the respondents tell that BAJAJ
CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is very helpful in analyzing & making right choice of investments to the
investors, 13% tell to some extent.

7) BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND has a greater technological advancement when
compared to other AMC’


Yes 25 83
No 0 0
To some extent 5 17
No knowledge 0 0
Total 30 100


To some extent



Majority of the respondents tell Yes that BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND has a greater
technological advancement when compared to its peers in MF industry. Yes (83%) BAJAJ CAPITAL
MUTUAL FUND has a greater technological advancement when compared to other AMC’s, and 17%
feel to some extent.

8) Rating the equity performance of Bajaj Capital Mutual Fund in long run


Excellent 13 43
Very Good 12 40
Good 5 17
Fair 0 0
Poor 0 0
Total 30 100

0 0


43 Excellent
Very Good


43% of the respondents rate the equity performance of BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND in
long run is Excellent. According to the rating, 43% of the respondents rate the equity performance
of BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND in long run is Excellent, 40% rate it Very Good, and 17%
rate it as Good.


1. Age


According to responses 57.9 % of respondent are came from 23-26 age group, 34.2 % of
respondent came from 25-35 age group and 7.9 % respondent from above 42 age group.
It is observed that the respondent from the age group of 23-35 are more likely into the investment
in financial tools. Interest level is good for this age group.

2. Gender

According to responses 92.1 % responses came from male side and 7.9 % responses came from
female side. From above responses it is observed that male invest more than female according to
this particular survey.

3. Service/ Self-Employed

Out of 38 responses 7.9% are freelancer, 39.3 % are self-employed, 5.2 % are student and
remaining 47.6 % are on service. The level of awareness of investing in financial tools is
increasing in service sector.

4. How do you finalize the investment decision for you and your family related to
Retirement planning, Child education planning, Tax planning or any other

The decision taken by the respondent was finalized by the following references. 81.6% was a
self-decision, 15.8% by wife reference, 13.2% by CA’s reference, 28.9 % by parent’s reference,
15.8% by colleagues’ reference, 21.1% friends’ reference, 2.6% by other references. from above
result it is observed that self-decision for investment is more than the other references and from
that we can say that the awareness is increasing.

5. Which Financial Instruments do you invest in (✓)?

54.1% respondent invest in Stocks, 37.8% respondent invest in Real Estate, 37.8% in Gold, 40.5%
in Bank FD, 32.4 % in PPF, 21.6% in Recurring Deposit, 35.1% in Mutual Funds and 45.9% Life
Insurance. For now, the maximum investors invest into the stock market, but it is also in
observation that there is diversification in investment like they diversified their money in various
financial tools like gold, real estate, bank FD, PPF, RD, mutual funds, and life insurances.

6. Whom do you approach for implementing your investment decision?

According to the responses 55.6% of respondent approaches to Banks, 19.4% to Post Offices,

19.4% to Financial Advisors, 25% to Life Insurance Company, 16.7% to Investment Service
Company, and 27.8 % in other sectors. It is seen that the trust on bank sector is more than the
other sectors. People approaches banks more than other sector like post office, financial advisor,
life insurance company, investment service company, and some other.

7. Please Rate Your Experience

Respondent rated their experiences in following manner. 16.7% rated Excellent, 36.1% rated Very
Good, 41.7% rated Good,2.8% rated Bad and 2.8% rated for not to ask. It is observed that the
experience of respondent was good in average for investing in mutual funds and in other financial
tools too.

8. Understanding of Instruments

According to the responses the understanding of the instruments of the respondents rated
themselves accordingly. 806% rated Excellent, 54.3% rated Very Good, 34.3% rated Good and
2.85 rated Bad. From above responses we can say that the respondent has very good knowledge
regarding the understanding of tools and services.

9. Returns generated from Investment

According to the experiences of respondent the returns generated from investment are 8.3%
Excellent, 22.2% Very Good, 63.9% Good and others rated to not to ask.
The returns generated to the respondent was good in average as it seems they had good experience
in investing in mutual fund.

10. Client Service


The feedback for the client service given by respondent are 2.7% Excellent, 30.6% Very Good,
52.8% Good and 13.9% rated for Don’t Ask.

11.Overall Experience

Respondent give their responses about their overall experience in understanding the financial tools
accordingly, 5.6% to Excellent, 47.2% to Very Good and 47.2 % to good.
From all above responses it is clear that the respondent has at least a basic knowledge about
investment avenues.



• Unawareness and ignorance by the customers: Investors should be made aware of the benefits. Nobody
will invest until and unless he is fully convinced. Investors should be made to realize that ignorance is no
longer bliss and what they are losing by not investing. Mutual funds and Insurance policies offer a lot of
benefit, which no other single option could offer. But most of the people are not even aware of what
actually a mutual fund is.
• Advisors should Charge a nominal fee at the beginning. But if not possible then they could go for
offering more services and benefits at the existing rate. They should also maintain their decency and follow
the code of ethics so that the investors could trust upon them. Thus, the advisors should try to attract
more and more persons and turn them into investors and finally their clients.
• The investor should consult the financial experts or the investment advisors before taking any
• Generally, people employed in Private sectors and Businessman are more likely to invest in Mutual
Funds, than other people working in other professions.
• Both- the economy and the corporate sector are doing well but the valuations are fair and priced for
• The most popular medium of investing in Mutual Fund is through SIP and moreover people like to
invest in Equity Fund though it is a risky game.

• Asset allocation and Systematic Investment Plans are the best way to safeguard against volatility. They
insure optimal returns and not the maximum return in volatile markets.
• Investors who able to wait for long time could look at value stocks, which consistently perform over a
period of time.
• Investors generally like to invest in Large Cap Companies like Reliance, SBI, etc. to minimize their
• Investors should look at a mix of large and mid-cap funds for 3-5 years horizon on systematic investment
• With the long-term India growth story intact, remain invested in equity with a longer time horizon.



According to the responses from Form 1:

• 67% of the respondent’s rate performance of BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is Very
Good, 27% rate excellent, and 6% rate Good. Majority of the respondents rate the performance

• According to the analysis, 57% of the respondents are satisfied by services provided by BAJAJ
CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND ,23% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 17% very satisfied,
and 3% are dissatisfied. Majority of the respondents rate the services provided by BAJAJ

• All the respondents tell Yes that BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND has a good impact as
compared to other AMC in MF industry.
• 4.87% of the respondents tell that BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is very helpful in
analyzing & making right choice of investments to the investors, 1 3 % tell to some extent.
Majority of the respondents tell Yes BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND is very helpful in
analyzing & making right c h o i c e of investments to the investors.
• 73% of the respondents feel that while taking an investment decision Performance matters a lot,
and 23% Consistency is considered Majority of the respondents feel that while taking a decision
Performance matters a lot.
• According to the rating, 43% of the respondents rate the equity performance of BAJAJ
CAPITAL MUTUAL FUND in long run is Excellent, 40% rate it Very Good, and 17% rate it as
Good.43% of the respondents rate the equity performance of BAJAJ CAPITAL MUTUAL
FUND in long run is Excellent.

According to the responses from form 2

❖ According to responses 57.9 % of respondent are came from 23-26 age group, 34.2 % of
respondent came from 25-35 age group and 7.9 % respondent from above 42 age group.
It is observed that the respondent from the age group of 23-35 are more likely into the
investment in financial tools. Interest level is good for this age group.
❖ According to responses 92.1 % responses came from male side and 7.9 % responses came
from female side. From above responses it is observed that male invest more than female
according to this particular survey.
❖ Out of 38 responses 7.9% are freelancer, 39.3 % are self-employed, 5.2 % are student and
remaining 47.6 % are on service. The level of awareness of investing in financial tools is
increasing in service sector.
❖ The decision taken by the respondent was finalized by the following references. 81.6%
was a self-decision, 15.8% by wife reference, 13.2% by CA’s reference, 28.9 % by
parent’s reference, 15.8% by colleagues’ reference, 21.1% friends’ reference, 2.6% by
other references. from above result it is observed that self-decision for investment is more
than the other references and from that we can say that the awareness is increasing.
❖ 54.1% respondent invest in Stocks, 37.8% respondent invest in Real Estate, 37.8% in
Gold, 40.5% in Bank FD, 32.4 % in PPF, 21.6% in Recurring Deposit, 35.1% in Mutual
Funds and 45.9% Life Insurance. For now, the maximum investors invest into the stock
market, but it is also in observation that there is diversification in investment like they
diversified their money in various financial tools like gold, real estate, bank FD, PPF, RD,
mutual funds, and life insurances.
❖ According to the responses 55.6% of respondent approaches to Banks, 19.4% to Post
Offices, 19.4% to Financial Advisors, 25% to Life Insurance Company, 16.7% to
Investment Service Company, and 27.8 % in other sectors. It is seen that the trust on bank
sector is more than the other sectors. People approaches banks more than other sector like
post office, financial advisor, life insurance company, investment service company, and
some other.
❖ Respondent rated their experiences in following manner. 16.7% rated Excellent, 36.1%
rated Very Good, 41.7% rated Good,2.8% rated Bad and 2.8% rated for not to ask. It is
observed that the experience of respondent was good in average for investing in mutual
funds and in other financial tools too.
❖ According to the responses the understanding of the instruments of the respondents rated
themselves accordingly. 806% rated Excellent, 54.3% rated Very Good, 34.3% rated Good
and 2.85 rated Bad. From above responses we can say that the respondent has very good
knowledge regarding the understanding of tools and services.

• According to the experiences of respondent the returns generated from investment are
8.3% Excellent, 22.2% Very Good, 63.9% Good and others rated to not to ask.
The returns generated to the respondent was good in average as it seems they had good

experience in investing in mutual fund.

❖ The feedback for the client service given by respondent are 2.7% Excellent, 30.6% Very
Good, 52.8% Good and 13.9% rated for Don’t Ask.

❖ Respondent give their responses about their overall experience in understanding the
financial tools accordingly, 5.6% to Excellent, 47.2% to Very Good and 47.2 % to good.

From all above responses it is clear that the respondent has at least a basic knowledge about
investment avenues.



The research shows that Equity Funds are performing well, but the investments from investors are
less in equity funds, because of unawareness about mutual funds.

Therefore, company has to take some steps to make aware people of Mutual Funds, through
advertisements in Newspaper, Magazine, Commercial advertisement, distributing leaflets, Television,
Radios. And I came for following conclusion:

• All the workers and staff work together to increase the organization’s profit and thereby to increase its
growth, each department works without any failures.

• As financial markets become more sophisticated and complex, investors need a financial
intermediary who provides the required knowledge and professional expertise on successful
• Very less people know about the service of Bajaj Capital.
• Managing complex business processes is one of the important management challenges of this new
century. Moreover, globalization and technological advancement are driving changes in all sectors. In
Bajaj Capital organizational structure and management style are playing an important role in Information
Technology Management.

• Risk takers for getting capital appreciation should invest in growth, equity schemes. Investors who
are in need of regular income should invest in income plans.
• Structure is influenced by the external environment in which the business operates as well as its culture
and the nature of the work and activities it undertakes.
• As the investor always try to maximize the returns and minimize the risk. Mutual fund satisfies
these requirements by providing attractive returns with affordable risks.
• The structure can have both a positive and negative impact on a business.
• Having the right structure allows a business to respond and adapt to changes in the market quickly.

• The stock market has been rising for over three years now. This in turn has not only protected the
money invested in funds but has also helped grow these investments’

• The company needs to adopt new strategies to have an efficient department

• The organization is following h i g h l y appreciable managerial practices, which made it possible
to the organizational goals more easily. The HR policies set by the company are remarkable. Satisfied
workers are considered to be the assets of the organization and they are motivated enough to perform
well. The infrastructure facilities are very much impressive. There is a high rate of capacity utilization.
Quality management system is also remarkable.

• By this study, I was able to understand how the various functional departments of an organization co-
ordinate and work towards achieving the organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner. I am
sure that my study at Bajaj Capital asset management was a success and hope that it will be an asset for
my future.

The awareness level of investors is low who are interested in dealing in mutual fund:

• Most of investors are totally unaware about this investment.

• Very less people know about the service of Bajaj Capital.
• Past image of mutual fund is not good.
• Bajaj Capital can promote the investors by advertising, hording, and by interviews to invest in this fund.
• Most of the investors want to invest in public co.’s fund just because of safety purpose.
• Most of the investors want to safer side in investment.
• Most of the investors want to invest in debt funds because those are the risk-free funds; it gives the
interest on investment.
• Most of the investors don’t know about the mutual funds so they want advisory services from Bajaj
Capital which could provide them whole information about the market situation of mutual fund.



➢ Research Methodology Methods & Techniques by C R Kothari

➢ Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong; “Principle of Marketing” Prentice-Hall of India 10th Edition

• Bajaj Capital mutual fund Brochures and Manuals.

• Websites.
• www.Bajaj Capital


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