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1. On what kind of Networks, Circular Layout becomes incommodious?

a) Smaller
b) Medium
c) Larger
d) None of the Above

2. What form of Layout was considered to solve the disadvantage of

Circular Layout?
a) Tree Layout
b) Edge Lists
c) Adjacency Matrices
d) Sparse Matrices

3. The Data Structure is stored in Edge Lists in the form of:

a) Circular
b) Rectangular
c) Semi Circular
d) Tabular

4. The following is a way for viewing Social Networks in which each entry
indicates the relationship between the individuals in the appropriate
row and column:
a) Sparse Matrix
b) Circular Layout
c) Tree Layout
d) Adjacency Matrix
5. Which of the following allows adjacency matrices to be adapted for
larger networks
a) Centrality measures
b) ER Network
c) Sparse Representation
d) None of the Above

6. Advantage of Adjacency Matrix:

a) It is more convenient to use than any other matrices
b) It reduces time
c) It is not very Costly
d) It makes the calculation very fast and accurate

7. The number of elements in the adjacency matrix of a graph having 7

vertices is
a) 7
b) 14
c) 36
d) 49

8. Which of these adjacency matrices represents a simple graph?

a) [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1] ]
b) [ [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1] ]
c) [ [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1] ]
d) [ [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0] ]
9. Which matrix has most of the elements (not all) as Zero?
a) Identity Matrix
b) Unit Matrix
c) Sparse Matrix
d) Zero Matrix

10. In what way the Symmetry Sparse Matrix can be stored efficiently?
a) Heap
b) Binary Tree
c) Hash Table
d) Adjacency List

11. In closeness centrality, a node is considered important if it relatively

________ to all other nodes
a) Far
b) Close
c) Between
d) None

12. Which type of centrality refers to the number of a network member's

neighbors in relation to the total number of network members?
a) Betweenness Centrality
b) Closeness Centrality
c) Degree Centrality
d) Eigen centrality
13. What is the metric that shows us how many shortest paths exist between
network members and how many of them pass via each network
a) Betweenness Centrality
b) Eigen Centrality
c) Degree Centrality
d) None of the Above

14. Which centrality indicators are taken into account when calculating the
shortest pathways between network members?
a) Degree Centrality
b) Closeness Centrality
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the Above

15. The Centrality Measure is a statistic that shows how important

individual members of a network are in contrast to other members.
a) True
b) Partially True
c) False
d) Out of the Context
10 D
11 B
12 C
13 A
14 B
15 A

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