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Author’s Accepted Manuscript

Numerical Model on the Application of Sand

Columns in Recharge Reservoir

Akhmad Azis, Sugiarto Badaruddin, Zulvyah

Faisal, Muh.Taufik Iqbal, Haeril Abdi Hasanuddin

PII: S2352-801X(18)30125-5
Reference: GSD183
To appear in: Groundwater for Sustainable Development
Received date: 9 July 2018
Revised date: 12 December 2018
Accepted date: 18 December 2018
Cite this article as: Akhmad Azis, Sugiarto Badaruddin, Zulvyah Faisal,
Muh.Taufik Iqbal and Haeril Abdi Hasanuddin, Numerical Model on the
Application of Sand Columns in Recharge Reservoir, Groundwater for
Sustainable Development,
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Numerical Model on the Application of Sand
Columns in Recharge Reservoir

Akhmad Azisa*, Sugiarto Badaruddina, Zulvyah Faisala, Muh.Taufik Iqbala,Haeril Abdi


Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, P.O. Box 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia,,,,
*Corresponding author


Excessive groundwater extraction may lead to groundwater depletion and causes land subsidence, sea
water intrusion, and groundwater quality degradation. Regarding these problems, it is required to study
the sand column placed at the base ofthe reservoiras an alternative solution to increase the amount of
water recharged into the aquifer.In this study, numerical modelling was used to explore the potential of
the sand column to increase the volume of water recharged into the aquifer. The numerical modeling
was then compared with a corresponding analytical solution from the previous related study. There has
never been any research conducting numerical model to determine the amount of groundwater recharge
through sand column placed in the recharge reservoir.The results showed a good agreement between the
analytical solution and numerical modeling, indicated by the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.997,
even though the numerical modelling results always slightly underestimate the results of the analytical
solution.A coefficient factor (Cf) which is obtained from multiple linear regression analysis is included
in the analytical solution to approach the results of numerical model. Results of the research show that
there is an increase in the groundwater recharge rate in each of water level increment in the reservoir
(Hw), for all different number of sand column's (Nc) scenarios. However, there is a decrease of
groundwater recharge into the aquifer in relation to the increase of semi impermeable thickness below
the reservoir (z). The results also show that the increasing number of sand column increased the
groundwater recharge at all different scenario of water level above reservoir (Hw).

Keywords: Numerical modelling, Analitycal solution, Sand columns, Groundwater recharge.

1. Introduction

Nowadays, the amount of clean water required in growing urban areas has increased sharply, and in
some cases, there is a gap between the need of clean water and its availability in nature (Ashraf et al.,
2017; Biswas et al., 2017; Taylor et al., 2013). A challenge on the future is the scarcity of surface water
due to climate uncertainty, and therefore groundwater becomes a potential alternative for water
sources.Unfortunately, when the groundwater table is continuously decreased due to groundwater
extraction, some negative effects such as land subsidence, sea water intrusion and the decrease of
groundwater quality might be encountered (Aeschbach-Hertig & Gleeson, 2012; Badaruddin et al.,
2017; Friedel, 2006).

In regards tosome negative implications of groundwater extraction, water conservation efforts have
been conducted such as by controlling groundwater exploitation and protecting water resources by
recharging more water into aquifer, either naturally or artificially (Döll, 2009; Hou et al., 2016;
Rozemeijer & Broers, 2007). Some methods of groundwater recharge have been introduced to boost the
absorption of water into aquifers, such as absorption wells, biopore wells,and other infiltration
techniques; despite of the results sometimes are not optimal in increasing the amount of groundwater
recharge (Atta-Darkwa et al., 2013; Scanlon& Cook, 2001; Sharda et al., 2006; Tubau et al., 2017;
Willis & Black, 1996).

Currently, artificial recharge is increasingly applied in supplying water into aquifer storage
(Bakundukize & Walraevens, 2011; Gleeson et al., 2016). Artificial recharge requires permeable soil. If
the soil layer is impermeable, then trenches or shafts in the unsaturated soil zone can be applied, or
water can be directly injected into aquifer via recharging wells (Friedel, 2006).To design a system for
artificial recharge, soil infiltration rate should be determined, and the unsaturated zone between the soil
surface and the aquifer should be monitored. Soil permeability must be adequate for recharge and there
is no contaminated area around the recharging wells.

2. Conceptual Model

One form of artificial method in increasing the volume of water in aquifer is recharge reservoir (RR).
RR is primarily used as a medium for water to infiltrate easily and quickly into the aquifer layers.
Reservoir model is suitable for area with shallow groundwater and wide space (Viswanathan, 1984).The
construction of RR is different from the common reservoir. RR is built with reservoir bed is
hydraulically connected to the aquifer layers via infiltration wells. RR essentially can be categorized as
single purpose reservoir that focuses in increasing the amount of water stored into aquifer layers, but at
certain conditions, RR may have other functions, such as serving as a flood control (Pedretti et al.,
2012). The purpose of RR is similar to recharge wells, but different in methods and geometry (Gies,
2017). The higher capacity of RR to percolate freshwater compared to ponds or lakes which
traditionally functioning as water reservoir, is due to the design of RR, where the soil layer in RR needs
to be more permeable with hydraulic conductivity around 10-3 cm/sec, which is higher than the
hydraulic conductivity of clay that ranging around 10-5 cm/sec (Hargono, 2011). A problem is faced
when RR is built in a region with low soil permeability condition where the water becomes very slow to
infiltrate and reach the aquifer and at this situation, the function of RR will not be optimum. Regarding
this condition, it is required to study the use of sand columns in RR as infiltration wells so that the
process of groundwater recharge can be optimised. Recently, Azis (2013b) conducted laboratory
physical experiments involving sand columns as infiltration wells that put at the base of RR, using a
three dimensional (3D) sand tank model. Even though it is too early to come to a conclusion since there
is no systematic and comprehensive evaluation conducted in their study, Azis (2013b) still assumed that
sand columns can be used as an alternative solution to increase the amount of groundwater recharge
into aquifer. No groundwater numerical model has been used in their study to quantitatively and
systematically explore the effectiveness and the validity of this method in enhancing groundwater
recharge and therefore, further research is required to fill this research gap.

This research aims to continue the work of Azis (2013b) to quantitatively analyse the effectiveness of
sand columns, placed at the bottom of RR with low permeability soil layer, in increasing the amount of
groundwater recharge using 3D numerical model.The effects of other related parameters (i.e., surface
water level above reservoir and semi impermeable layer thickness below reservoir) on groundwater
recharge are also investigated. In the current study, the results from numerical model are compared with
the results of analytical solution from Azis (2013a).

3. Methods

3.1 Analytical Solution

According to Azis et al. (2015), the influencing parameters of groundwater recharge was the head
difference, the number and size of sand column, semi impermeable layer thickness, and water level
above reservoir. The amount of groundwater recharge ( is equal to the amount of water entering the
aquifer through soil layer as well as in the column ( in the form of following equation:


Considering the influencing parameters, the following equation was obtained

( ) (2)

where is soil permeability coefficient, is head difference, z is semi impermeable thickness, A is

surface area of the reservoir, d is diameter of sand column, and is number ofsand column.


where is sand permeability coefficient used in the sand columns.Then, Eqs. 2 and 3 were substituted
to Eq. 1 and yielding:


The head difference is the sum of water level above reservoir ( ) and semi impermeable thickness (z)
minus piezometric aquifer pressure ( ). The equation as follows:


From the physical modeling results of Azis (2014), coefficient of sand column was obtained and the
empirical equation of groundwater recharge is developed from Eq. 4:

{ } (6)
where Rc is a sand column coefficient.

By considering the influence of z / x and d / x(Azis, 2014), then:

Rc = 0,973 + 0,035z/x+ 0,044d/x (7)

where x is the distance between sand columns.

{ } (8)

3.2 Numerical Model

In this study, the three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow code MODFLOW (Lasya &
Inayathulla, 2015) was used to simulate groundwater flow in this study. MODFLOW has been validated
using several benchmark problems (Bedekar, 2006)and is widely used, and thus the governing
equations from the user manual are not re-written here for brevity (Jairo, 2012).

The model domain used in the numerical model was in accordance with the dimensions of the sand tank
used in (Azis, 2013b), as shown in Fig. 1. Model concept were undertaken by (Azis, 2013b) to show the
applicability of sand columns in RR using a 3D sand tank with the size of 150 cm x 100 cm x 60 cm.
The schematic picture of the sand tank and the layout of the experiment can be seen in Fig. 1.Dirichlet
conditions are used to represent head at the sand tank side boundaries and at the base of reservoir, and
no-flow conditions were assigned to the bottom of the model. A uniform grid size of x = 0.5 cm, y =
0.5 cm and z = 0.5 cm was used. A time step of 0.5 min was employed and the transport step size was
set to 0.1 min. The aquifer is modelled using 360 columns and 200 rows and the number of aquifer
layer is adjusted with the height of model domain. The layer type for semi impermeable and aquifer
layer is set to be confined/unconfined with transmissivity varies (Type 3). The laboratory scale
simulation is run for 2200 min which corresponds to the time where steady-state condition is reached.
In comparing the flow rate obtained from analytical solution relative to the numerical model, the lateral
flows inside aquifer layer in the numerical model (measured about 15 cm from the outflow boundary)
were calculated.
Figure1. Schematic picture of the soil tank setup used in (Azis, 2013b) (a) cross section view of the
sand tank (b) plan view of the sand tank.

In this study, 5 variations of water level above reservoir (Hw) (i.e. 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 cm), 3
variations of semi impermeable layer thickness (z) (i.e. 30, 32.5 and 35 cm) and number of sand column
(Nc) (i.e. 4, 6 and 8), were used. The diameter of the sand column of 5 cm is adopted. The distance
between sand columns (x), for Nc of 8 is 12.22 cm; Nc of 6 is 17.14 cm and Nc of 4 is 26 cm. The
piezometric aquifer pressure (Ha) was 0 cm. Parameter of Qo1 (L3/T), Qo2 [L3/T] and Qi [L3/T] in this
study represent the overflow from reservoir, the water that discharged out from aquifer and the water
that flows into reservoir, respectively.

Prior to the experiment, soil characteristics of the semi impermeable and the aquifer medium were
determined. From soil permeability test, Azis et al. (2015) found that the hydraulic conductivity (k) of
the semi impermeable layer (i.e.,clay) is 3.3x10-5 cm/s and the sand columns (i.e., sand) is 1.9x10-1cm/s,
and the effective porosity (n) of the clay is 0.1 and the sand is 0.3. The soil was placed into a sand tank
and compacted in layers, then drilled using a 5 cm diameter of drilling tool. The sand then is inserted
into the hole. The Parameters used in the analytical solution and numerical modelling are listed in Table

Table 1. List of parameters used in analytical solution and numerical model.

Cases Nc Hw (cm) Z (cm) Dia (cm) K1Clay K2Sand

(cm/s) (cm/s)
Case 1 4 5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 2 4 5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 3 4 5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 4 4 7.5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 5 4 7.5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 6 4 7.5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 7 4 10 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 8 4 10 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 9 4 10 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 10 4 12.5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 11 4 12.5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 12 4 12.5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 13 4 15 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 14 4 15 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 15 4 15 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 16 6 5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 17 6 5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 18 6 5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 19 6 7.5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 20 6 7.5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 21 6 7.5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 22 6 10 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 23 6 10 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 24 6 10 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 25 6 12.5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 26 6 12.5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 27 6 12.5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 28 6 15 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 29 6 15 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 30 6 15 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 31 8 5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 32 8 5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 33 8 5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 34 8 7.5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 35 8 7.5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 36 8 7.5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 37 8 10 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 38 8 10 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 39 8 10 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 40 8 12.5 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 41 8 12.5 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 42 8 12.5 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 43 8 15 30 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 44 8 15 32.5 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1
Case 45 8 15 35 5 3,3x10-5 1,9x10-1

4. Results and Discussions

4.1 Quantitative Comparison Between Analytical Solutionand Numerical Modelling

Based on Fig. 2, it can be seen a minor deviation between the results of analytical solution and
numerical modeling for all semi impermeable layer thickness (z) where the results of analytical solution
always over estimate the results of numerical modelling. However in general, a reasonable agreement
was seen between these two results. At z = 30 cm, the highest deviation of 11.67% occured at Hw = 7.5
cm; Nc = 4. At z = 32.5 cm, the highest deviation of 10.51% occured at Hw = 10 cm; Nc = 6. At z = 35
cm, the highest deviation of 10.33% occured at Hw = 5 cm; Nc = 6. This deviation is expected since the
analytical solution of Azis (2013b) is resulted from an empirical equation that involves a statistical
approach on their physical modelling results. Furthermore, due to statistical approach and simplification
of parameters involved in the empirical solution makes its prediction always over estimates the results
of numerical model.

Figure 2. Quantitative comparison between analytical solution and numerical modelling for (a) z = 30
cm, (b) z = 32.5 cm, (c) z = 35 cm. Dashed lines represent the results of analytical solution and solid
lines represent the results of numerical model.
In response to the deviation observed, it is assumed that in this study, the flow of water from the soil
layer enters the aquifer through the sand column whose discharge is affected by the Nc, z and Hw, so it
is necessary to analyze by looking at the formula coefficient factor (Cf) which causes the gap. For this
reason, a relationship between Cf and Nc, z and Hw functions is made using multiple linear regression
analysis models with the following results:

Cf = -4.55 + 4.32 Nc + 1.77 Hw - 0.42 z

By involving the coefficient factor (Cf), groundwater recharge equation is developed from Eq. 8 as
shown in Eqs. 9 and 10 below.

{ } (9)

A regression equation model that takes into account the effect of Nc, z and Hw to Cf as follows:

{ } (10)

Thus, there are three results of groundwater recharge obtained from Eq. 8, Eq. 10 and the results of
numerical simulation. Comparison of the three results can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3.Comparison of Qa from equation 8, equation 10 and numerical simulation.

Based on the results of groundwater recharge analysis from Eq. 8, Eq. 10 and the numerical simulation
shown in Figure 3, there is a significant difference between the recharge obtained from Eqs. 8 and 10, in
each addition of reservoir’s water level. Figure 3 also shows that the results of equation 10 and
numerical simulations are approaching each other. This proves the existence of a coefficient factor (Cf)
that affects the fitness. The correlation between analytical solutions (Eq. 10) and numerical simulation
results can be seen in the figure below.
Figure4. Correlation between Qa with Cfand Qa from numerical simulation.

This combined graph follows a linear pattern with a coefficient of determination R 2 = 0.9995 or R =
0.999 (> 0.85 and close to 1). This means that the relationship between Q from the analytical solution
(Equation 10) and Q from numerical solution are correlated.

3.2. Effect of Hw, z and Nc on the Debit of Groundwater Compensation

Based on the modeling results, there is an increase in groundwater recharge in each additional of water
level above reservoir (Hw), for all number of sand columns (Nc) (i.e., 4, 6 and 8). This is because the
addition of water level above the reservoir (Hw) increases the water pressure to the sand column and
causing the discharge to the aquifer layer to increase. This result is in accordance with the physical
modeling results conducted by Azis (2013b). Conversely, groundwater discharge tends to decrease with
the increase of semi impermeable thickness (z). The functional relationship between groundwater
recharge discharge and semi impermeable (z) thickness is an inverse relationship. The decreasing trend
of groundwater debit rate follows the same pattern as an increase in semi impermeable thickness (z).
This shows that the thicker the semi impermeable thickness (z), the smaller the pressure to the aquifer
layer, so the debit decreases. This result is consistent with the physical modeling carried out by Azis
(2013a), and in equation 8 shows the groundwater recharge debit is inversely proportional to the semi
impermeable (z) thickness.

From the simulation results, the increasing number of sand columns (Nc) increases the rate of
groundwater infiltration in all water levels above the reservoir (Hw). This is due to the increase in the
number of sand columns, which means the greater the surface area of the sand column, and therefore
the larger the volume of water enters the soil layer. The results of this model are in accordance with
Equation 8, that the groundwater recharge is directly proportional to the number of sand columns (Nc).

5. Conclusions

In this study, numerical modelling was used to explore the potential of the sand column to increase the
volume of water recharged into the aquifer. The numerical modeling was compared with a
corresponding analitycal solution from the previous related study. There has never been any research
conducting numerical modelling to determine the amount of groundwater recharge through sand
column placed in the recharge reservoir.The results show that groundwater recharge from the analytical
solutionis greater than the results of numerical modelling, even though the deviation is not too
significant because the highest is only 11.67% which occurs at Hw = 7.5 cm; Nc = 4. This is because
the analytical solution resulting from the empirical equation involves a statistical approach which is
different to the results of physical modelling. This is also made the statistical approach and
simplification of parameters involved in empirical solutions predictions always greater than the results
of numerical models. Analysing the relationship between Qa with the functions of Nc, z and Hw using
the multiple linear regression analysis model obtained coefficient factor (Cf) which causes the deviation
between analytical solution with numerical modelling.

The results also showed that water level above reservoir, semi impermeable thickness and the number
of sand columns affect the groundwater recharge. Numerical modelling results show that the amount of
groundwater recharge is increasesd when the water level above reservoir and the number of sand
columns increases.Semi impermeable thickness affects the volume of recharge in aquifers. From the
results of the numerical modelling that has been done shows the decrease in groundwater recharge
along with the increase in semi impermeable thickness.

The use of sand columns has a significant effect on the addition of groundwater in various water levels
above the reservoir. The increase in groundwater recharge is significantly affected by the increasing
number of sand columns.This is because increasing the sand column’s number will widen the surface
are of sand column and therefore, the debit of water flowing into the aquifer also gets bigger.


We sincerely thank the Director General of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of
Technology and Higher Education which has funded this research. We also thank the Head of Civil
Engineering Department, the State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang for supporting and providing an
opportunity to conduct this research.

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Based on the results of numerical modeling and analytic solutions, there is an increase in groundwater
filling debit in each addition of the water level above the reservoir (Hw) on all the number of sand
columns. However, there is a decrease in groundwater debit into the aquifer layer in each addition of
semi-impermeable thickness (Z) . While if there is an increase in the number of sand columns (Nsc),
there is an increase in the discharge of groundwater filling at all levels of water above the reservoir
(Hw). The results of the research show that there is a significant difference between the analytical
solution discharge (dashed lines) and numerical modeling (continuous line) in all semi impermeable (z)
thicknesses. This is because the values entered in the numerical modeling parameters are similar to
those in analytical solutions. Based on these differences, it was then analyzed to find the formula for the
coefficient of factor (Cf) which caused the gap, by making a relationship between Cf and Nsc functions,
z and Hw using multiple linear regression analysis models.

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