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Ghadames Basin, Southern Tunisia: A Reappraisal of Triassic Reservoirs and

Future Prospectivity

Article  in  AAPG Bulletin · May 2001

DOI: 10.1306/8626C9F1-173B-11D7-8645000102C1865D


50 2,055

5 authors, including:

Abderrahmen Ouahchi Scott L. Montgomery

University of Tunis El Manar University of Washington Seattle


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M. Hedi Acheche ⬃ ETAP, 27 Bis, Avenue
Kheireddine Pacha, 1002 Tunis, Tunisia;
Ghadames basin, southern acheche@etap.com.tn
Mohamed Hedi Acheche holds a B.Sc. degree in
Tunisia: A reappraisal of applied geology (1984) from the University of
Tunis, Tunisia, and an M.Sc. degree in petroleum

Triassic reservoirs and geology (1986) from the Algerian Petroleum

Institute, Boumerdes, Algeria. He began work with
Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (ETAP)
future prospectivity in 1987 in the Department of Geochemistry, where
he was involved in a major regional project of
source rock characterization. In 1993, he joined the
M. Hedi Acheche, A. M’Rabet, H. Ghariani, A. Ouahchi, Studies Division, where he participated in
and Scott L. Montgomery multidisciplinary regional surveys. In 1995, he
transferred to the Exploration Department.
Currently, his main area of responsibility is the
assessment of prospects and plays in exploration
ABSTRACT licenses, particularly in the southern and central
areas of Tunisia. His primary area of interest is
Recent discoveries of oil and gas in Triassic reservoirs of the Ghada- basin modeling.
mes basin, eastern Algeria, suggest that similar potential exists to
A. M’Rabet ⬃ ETAP, 27 Bis, Avenue
the east, in the southern Tunisian part of the province. For decades, Kheireddine Pacha, 1002 Tunis, Tunisia;
southern Tunisia has remained an underexplored part of the basin, mrabet@etap.com.tn
in large part owing to older geological interpretations that focus on
Ali M’Rabet received his B.Sc. degree in geology
Paleozoic reservoirs and to limitations in seismic data quality, re- from the University of Tunis in 1972 and both his
sulting from statics problems, that have rendered trap identification M.Sc. degree (1975) and Ph.D. (1981), also in
inaccurate or tenuous. New analyses of previously and recently ac- geology, from the University of Paris, France. After
quired geological and geochemical data, as well as improvements in working as an associate lecturer at the French
Petroleum Institute, he served from 1981 to 1990
seismic data acquisition and processing, have begun to reverse older
as professor of petroleum geology and head of the
notions regarding limited hydrocarbon presence in southern Tuni- Department of Geology at the University of Tunis.
sia. Log correlations indicate that productive, sand-rich intervals of During this period, he also acted as a petroleum
the major Triassic reservoir in the region, the Trias Argilo Greseux consultant in Tunisia for Elf, Conoco, Shell, and
Inferieur (TAGI), can be correlated over large distances, suggesting ETAP. In 1991, M’Rabet joined ETAP as exploration
significant continuity into lightly drilled and undrilled areas. Anal- studies manager, becoming exploration manager in
1995 and, most recently, executive director for
yses of geochemical data reveal a more complex, multistage history exploration. M’Rabet has authored and coauthored
of hydrocarbon maturation and migration than previously believed. more than 100 publications, including three books.
Much greater volumes of petroleum have been generated and a His main research interest is the characterization of
larger variety of traps have been created than can be accounted for carbonate reservoirs in North Africa, mainly in
by older interpretations. Where added to the use of new field and Tunisia, Morroco, and Egypt. He served as vice
president of the International Association of
processing parameters for seismic surveys, these factors have to-
Sedimentology (1990–1998) and is a member of
gether led to important, upgraded evaluations of basin potential in SEPM (since 1975) and AAPG.
southern Tunisia.
H. Ghariani ⬃ ETAP, 27 Bis, Avenue
Kheireddine Pacha, 1002 Tunis, Tunisia;
Houcine Ghariani is a senior geophysicist at ETAP.
He graduated in 1987 from the National
The recent history of petroleum exploration has depended greatly
Hydrocarbon Institute of Boumerdes, Algeria, with
on the reexamination of known hydrocarbon provinces in the light a degree in geophysical science. He joined ETAP in
1989 and worked in seismic interpretation (two-
dimensional [2-D] and three dimensional [3-D])
Copyright 䉷2001. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, no. 5 (May 2001), pp. 765–780 765

related to both onshore and offshore licenses and of new technology, new forms of analysis, and new data. Basins once
fields in Tunisia. His work responsibilities have also deemed mature have since been shown to contain overlooked re-
included evaluation of areas in Colombia, Syria, serves, commonly of considerable volume. Improvements in the
Yemen, and Iraq. Ghariani is currently involved quality and scope of relevant geoscientific information have led to
with the acquisition, processing, and reprocessing revised interpretations of hydrocarbon distribution and thus to the
of 2-D and 3-D seismic data. He is a member in
good standing of the Society of Exploration
rediscovery of specific basins as important targets for future drilling.
Geophysicists. As a concept, “maturity” must commonly be viewed as relative to
the state of knowledge existing at any specific time.
A. Ouahchi ⬃ ETAP, 27 Bis, Avenue The truth of these statements is well illustrated in the case of
Kheireddine Pacha, 1002 Tunis, Tunisia
the Ghadames basin of North Africa (Figure 1). Prior to the 1990s,
Abderrahmen Ouahchi received a B.Sc. degree the Ghadames basin, encompassing parts of eastern Algeria, south-
(1988) in applied geology and an M.Sc. degree
ern Tunisia, and western Libya, was deemed to be an area whose
(1991) in basin analysis from the University of
Tunis. His background includes extensive study in major phase of exploratory drilling had long past. Nearly all the 3.5
structural geology. He began his career as a billion bbl of recoverable oil discovered in the basin by 1990 had
research fellow at the Geological Survey of Tunisia. been found before 1965 (Van de Weerd and Ware, 1994; Echikh,
In 1993 he joined ETAP, where he was involved in 1998). New discoveries during the 1970s and 1980s were relatively
various projects dealing essentially with minor, leading many workers to assume the basin had been ma-
hydrocarbon assessment of Tunisian basins. His
current projects include work on prospect and play
turely explored. A closer look, however, reveals that related drilling
evaluation in the Exploration Division of ETAP. tended to obey previously established fairways concentrated along
the structurally higher margins of the province in the vicinity of
Scott L. Montgomery ⬃ Petroleum basement uplifts. This has left a major part of the central basin area,
Consultant, 1511 18th Avenue East, Seattle,
roughly 100,000 mi2 (260,000 km2) in size, essentially unexplored.
Washington, 98112;
scott.montgomery@prodigy.net By one recent estimate, drilling density over this vast area is less
than five wells for every 3900 mi2 (10,000 km2) (MacGregor,
Scott Montgomery is a petroleum consultant and
author. He received his B.A. degree in English from 1998). The specific reasons why companies avoided this area in-
Knox College in 1973 and his M.S. degree in clude (1) lack of access and stable ground (much of the basin is
geological sciences from Cornell University in 1978. covered by active dunes of the Great Erg Oriental); (2) poor seismic
He is widely published in the geosciences and since data quality, related to statics correction problems; and (3) previous
1996 has been principal author of the E & P Notes predictions that Paleozoic reservoirs would thin or shale out in the
series in the AAPG Bulletin. His other publications
include seven books on topics in petroleum
deeper basin.
geology, science education, and the history of Within the past several years, these practical and conceptual
science, plus articles and monographs related to obstacles to further exploration have been removed by updated
frontier plays, new technologies, field studies, and study of the region, using modern engineering and geoscientific
reservoir characterization. analyses. Most of this new work has been focused in the eastern,
Algerian part of the basin (e.g., Van de Weerd and Ware, 1994;
Rudkiewicz et al., 1997; Scott et al., 1997), where Triassic sand-
stones form principal reservoir targets. Declining productivity in
We thank ETAP’s general management and scien- many fields led to the active encouragement of new investment in
tific commission for its permission to publish this the province, with concessions granted to major and large indepen-
article. We also extend thanks to ETAP’s partners in dent oil companies (Van de Weerd and Ware, 1994). This effort
southern Tunisia for their kind cooperation. We
succeeded in bringing about a new phase of drilling and related
further extend our gratitude to R. Ghenima, H.
Troudi, and Dorsaf Kebaier for their essential com- investigation.
mentary and fruitful discussion. This new drilling has been based, more specifically, on signifi-
cant advances in several areas. These areas include (1) basin mod-
eling, (2) seismic acquisition and processing, (3) interpretation
of reservoir facies and architecture, (4) thermal modeling, and
(5) structural interpretation. Related work has shown the crucial
importance of maturation and migration histories to hydrocarbon
distribution. Improved, reliable seismic imaging of the subsurface
has more clearly defined existing structures and shifted attention
toward previously overlooked types of traps, for example, fault

766 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

Figure 1. Regional map
showing location of the Ghada-
mes basin, North Africa. Basin
includes parts of eastern Alge-
ria, southern Tunisia, and west-
ern Libya.

traps, paleovalleys, and regional pinch-outs. Of special the western part of North Africa (Figure 1). This basin
importance is the newly appreciated role of faults as is one in a series of large- and medium-size basins that
migration pathways, controls on reservoir develop- exist within the Saharan platform, an early Paleozoic
ment, and primary trapping mechanisms. passive margin stretching over 1000 mi (1600 km)
This article presents a brief summary of relevant from Morocco to Egypt. This margin was affected by
interpretation specific to Triassic reservoirs in southern multiple episodes of tectonism, including late Paleo-
Tunisia. The reason for choosing this area is that it has zoic collision with Laurasia and subsequent early Me-
been generally overlooked by other recent discussions sozoic rifting associated with the opening of the Teth-
on the Ghadames basin, which have tended to concen- yan ocean. The cumulative result of such tectonism in
trate on eastern Algeria and, to a lesser extent, western the area of the Ghadames basin is a series of fault-
Libya (Van de Weerd and Ware, 1994; Rudkiewicz et bounded structural highs, with complex histories, sur-
al., 1997). The Tunisian segment, however, which rounding a central depression whose specific morphol-
contains most of the giant El Borma field (discovered ogy differs for sediments at different structural levels.
1964; reserves ⬎ 800 million bbl oil equivalent), con- The regional structure map and north–south cross
tains a significant number of previously untested or section in Figure 2 illustrate the basic tectonic features
lightly tested structures (Boote et al., 1998), as well as associated with the Ghadames basin. To the north and
considerable volumes of good quality reservoir rock east lie the Talemzane arch (Dahar-Naffusah high) and
and mature source material. A selection of data on Qarqaf uplift, respectively. The western margin of the
which these and related interpretations are based are basin is marked by the prominent Amguid-El Biod
presented in the following sections. high, a highly faulted uplift trend with which many
large oil and gas fields are associated, including the
supergiant Hassi Messaoud (10.5 billion bbl oil equiv-
REGIONAL GEOLOGY alent). On the south, the Ghadames is separated from
the neighboring Illizi basin by a series of more low-
Tectonic Setting relief uplifts (Tin Fouyé, Al Hamra, Tihemboka highs),
which have experienced a complex tectonic history in-
The Ghadames basin is an intracratonic depression en- volving structural inversion (Alem et al., 1998; Echikh,
compassing more than 135,000 mi2 (350,000 km2) in 1998). All of these structural features have complex

Acheche et al. 767

Figure 2. (a) Regional
structure-contour map and
(b) cross section, Ghadames
basin. Selected major oil and
gas fields are indicated in part
a as dark (oil) and open (gas)
areas. Dominant productive
trends exist along the eastern
and northern sides of the basin.
Map is modified from Echikh

histories, beginning in the late Precambrian Pan Afri- The map of Figure 2a has been adapted from
can orogeny and undergoing repeated reactivation dur- Echikh (1998), with contours drawn on top of the lat-
ing the Phanerozoic. est Ordovician to show basinal morphology for Paleo-

768 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

zoic deposits. As indicated on the accompanying cross
section (Figure 2b), the Paleozoic section, containing
regional source rocks of Silurian age, is separated from
overlying reservoir-bearing Mesozoic deposits by a ma-
jor unconformity of Hercynian (Permian–Carbonifer-
ous) age. This unconformity is a regional feature of the
Saharan platform, reflecting uplift and erosion associ-
ated with the collisional event between Gondwana and
At least four major episodes of tectonism are re-
sponsible for the present-day architecture of the Gha-
dames basin. These episodes include (1) Caledonian
(Devonian), (2) Hercynian (Carboniferous), (3) Aus-
trian (Early Cretaceous), and (4) Pyrenean (Late
Cretaceous–late Eocene) orogenies. In most cases, later
episodes had the effect of reactivating older structures,
commonly through structural inversion. As a result,
traps of different ages, especially those formed early in
the history of the basin, are present throughout the

Stratigraphy and Depositional History

Generalized stratigraphy for the southern Tunisian

part of the Ghadames basin is shown in Figure 3. The
total section is divided into five stratigraphic packages
on the basis of mapped regional unconformities, each
associated with an important phase of tectonic activity.
Cambrian and Ordovician deposits consist mostly of
nonmarine (mainly fluvial) sandstones overlain by
Figure 3. Generalized stratigraphic chart, southern Tunisia.
transgressive marine shales. Above the Taconian un-
Cont. ⳱ continental.
conformity, the Early Silurian is represented by thick,
continuous, partly graptolitic marine shales of the
Tannezuft Formation, the major source interval of the
Saharan platform. This major transgressive episode Aouinet Ouenine Group, also an important source in-
peaked during the Wenlockian stage, and the depo- terval in the Ghadames basin. The overlying Late De-
sition of black, organic-rich muds resulted in rich- vonian–Carboniferous shallow marine and deltaic sed-
source rock material. Subsequent regression is re- iments reflect regression associated with the early and
corded by overlying Acacus marine sandstones and main stages of collision between Gondwana and Laur-
shales. The Acacus is truncated in the southeastern asia. Known regionally as the Hercynian orogeny, this
part of the basin against the Caledonian unconfor- episode peaked in the Carboniferous, resulting in re-
mity, reflecting tectonism associated with collision newed uplift over most of the Telemzane arch in the
between west Africa and North America. Tectonic northern part of the Ghadames basin. Subsequent ero-
movements during this period are responsible for ini- sion and peneplanation of the Paleozoic series during
tiating segregation of the Ghadames basin as a separate the Permian left a subcropping Paleozoic basin beneath
structural–stratigraphic province. the resulting unconformity.
Devonian deposits above the Caledonian unconfor- The degree of Hercynian truncation decreases
mity include continental and shallow-marine sandstones southward from the Talemzane arch (see Figure 2b).
and shales of the Tadrart and Ouan Kasa formations, Basal Triassic fluvial–deltaic deposits overlie Cambrian–
respectively (Figure 3). Continued transgression led to Ordovician units on the arch and Devonian–
deposition of argillaceous marine sediments of the Carboniferous units in the central basin area. Triassic

Acheche et al. 769

deposition in southern Tunisia was associated with sig- designated Tannezuft–Acacus/Ouan Kasa (Paleozoic)
nificant extensional deformation and the introduction and Tannezuft/Aouinet Ouenine–TAGI (Paleozoic–
of volcanic material (Boudjema, 1987), related to Mesozoic). These differ from the systems suggested by
opening of the Tethyan seaway. En echelon normal Boote et al. (1998) mainly in the inclusion of Paleozoic
faulting and tilted horst blocks characterize southern reservoirs, which have only very recently been identi-
Tunisia, where faults exercised significant control over fied as holding significant regional potential in Tunisia.
depositional facies and thicknesses (Echikh, 1998). Basinwide, Devonian reservoirs are the most produc-
The basal Triassic consists of an extensive, blanketlike tive and widespread, particularly in Algeria and Libya.
sequence of braided fluvial sheet sands and interbed- This is not the case in southern Tunisia, where Triassic
ded shales of the Trias Argilo Greseux Inferieur and Silurian sandstones hold the majority of untapped
(TAGI), containing the highest quality reservoirs in the reserves (M’Rabet et al., 1997).
northern Ghadames basin. The TAGI sandstones con- Major elements of both Paleozoic and Mesozoic
sist of three main sand-rich intervals that are well doc- systems are indicated on the stratigraphic chart of Fig-
umented in the El Borma area and can be correlated ure 3. Principal source intervals for both systems in-
on a regional basis. The TAGI is overlain, successively, clude organic-rich shales of the Tannezuft (Silurian)
by transgressive marine shales and carbonate interbeds and Aouet Ouenine (members III and IV, Devonian)
of the Azizia Formation and regressive evaporites of formations, which have total organic carbon (TOC)
the Adjaj and Abreghs formations, which serve as in- values in the range of 2–17% in southern Tunisia. Pa-
traformational markers and excellent regional seals leozoic reservoirs include sandstones of the Tadrart and
(Acheche et al., 2000). Evaporite deposits are domi- Ouan Kasa (Lower Devonian) and Acacus (Upper Si-
nantly Jurassic in age and, despite reaching thicknesses lurian) formations (Ghenima, 1993, 1995; Acheche et
of hundreds of meters, have not been significantly in- al., 1999) and fractured quartzites of the Bir Ben Tartar
volved in halokinesis (Van de Weerd and Ware, 1994). unit (Upper Ordovician). Seals for these reservoirs are
Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous rocks include shales of Silurian and Devonian age.
mainly nonmarine sediments capped by the regional Prior to the late 1990s, Paleozoic reservoirs in
Austrian unconformity. This structure separates Lower southern Tunisia were largely overlooked or consid-
Cretaceous clastics from middle to upper Albian ma- ered marginally productive. This was due to two main
rine dolomites and succeeding lagoonal deposits. Aus- factors, one related to geology, the other to technolog-
trian tectonism resulted in significant reactivation of ical factors. Geologically, hydrocarbon potential in Pa-
preexisting fault trends, causing a combination of leozoic rocks appeared low because of regional facies
structural inversion, folding, and remodeling of older, changes: sand-rich continental and marginal marine de-
Hercynian features (Echikh, 1998). A later tectonic posits in the southern and central Ghadames basin
episode of Late Cretaceous–Eocene age (Pyrenean grade into more open-marine, shale-rich deposits in
event), linked to compression within the Atlas fold and the northern, Tunisian part of the province. Existing
thrust belt, had mostly localized effects in the Ghada- seismic techniques, moreover, were unable to properly
mes basin. This tectonic phase also remodeled older identify or resolve hydrocarbon-bearing intervals
features, though with reduced intensity. within the Paleozoic section. New drilling and reentry
of older wells, however, have recently identified and
confirmed significant bypassed reserves in low-resistiv-
HABITAT OF PETROLEUM IN SOUTHERN ity Upper Silurian Acacus sands. Moreover, recent im-
TUNISIA provements in seismic data acquisition and processing
support reinterpretation of Paleozoic reservoirs as hav-
Recent data suggest the existence of several petroleum ing significant continuity into the northern basin area.
systems in the southern Tunisian part of the Ghadames Such indications, coupled with the recent discoveries
basin; however, because insufficient information exists at Hammouda and Nassim fields, strongly suggest that
at present to differentiate discrete families of oils (Dan- systematic application of exploratory methods devel-
iels and Emme, 1995; Boote et al., 1998), the desig- oped for low-resistivity sandstones could open signifi-
nation of such systems must be considered generalized cant new plays in Tunisia (M’Rabet et al., 1997).
and preliminary. For the purposes of this article, a Pa- By far the greatest production to date has been
leozoic system and a Paleozoic–Mesozoic system are derived from the Mesozoic petroleum system, which
proposed for introductory discussion. These systems are has reservoirs in fluvial sandstones of the TAGI For-

770 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

mation. These sandstones comprise the highest quality high-quality lateral conduit for updip migration to the
and most continuous reservoirs in the northern Ghada- southeast (Boote et al., 1998).
mes basin and form the dominant producer in the
larger Tunisian fields, such as El Borma, Makhrouga,
Chouech, and Larich. Oil and gas in TAGI sandstones TRIASSIC TAGI RESERVOIR
are sealed by evaporites of the Upper Triassic–Lower
Jurassic Adjaj Formation. In southern Tunisia, the TAGI includes repeated se-
Brief summaries of trapping situations and inter- quences of fine- to medium-grained fluvial sandstone
preted migration pathways in the Ghadames basin and shale ranging from 100 to 250 m in thickness
have been presented by Echikh (1998), Boote et al. (Boudjema, 1987). The unit thins northward and
(1998), Rudkiewicz et al. (1997), and Makhous et al. northwestward, undergoing a regional facies change to
(1997). A wide variety of traps exists, owing in large more shaly lithologies along the flanks of the Telem-
part to the complex and multiphase deformational his- zane arch before pinching out. Sandstones have a
tory. Structural traps are the most common and in- sheetlike morphology and excellent regional continu-
clude (1) broad, low-relief anticlines of pre-Hercynian ity. The TAGI is interpreted to represent deposition by
(e.g., Caledonian) age, therefore affecting Paleozoic braided fluvial systems supplied by material shed from
reservoirs; (2) normal faults of Hercynian and Late surrounding paleohighs, including the Telemzane arch
Triassic–Early Jurassic age; and (3) reverse faults and to the north, the Dahar uplift to the west, and the El
flower structures of Austrian and Pyrenean ages. Strati- Biod arch to the south (Figure 4). Drainage was largely
graphic traps, however, result from updip pinch-out of northeastward, into a fluvial deltaic system that devel-
reservoir sandstones, truncation along the Hercynian oped between the Telemzane and Dahar uplifts (Fig-
unconformity, and paleovalley fill. In addition, com- ure 4). A major part of the total river network runs
bination traps involving facies changes over anticlines, through the southern Tunisian area of the Ghadames
diagenetic traps, and hydrodynamic traps also exist. basin and has important oil fields developed in the
Migration history is similarly interpreted to have been main fluvial trend (Figure 4). Locally, TAGI aeolian
complex and to have involved both local and long- deposits may also have been developed.
distance movement of hydrocarbons. Faulting and frac- Study of the TAGI at El Borma and other southern
turing promoted vertical migration, particularly into Tunisia fields supports division of the interval into
the Triassic TAGI, which once charged, provided a three facies-related zones. These include an upper

Figure 4. Block diagram

showing generalized deposi-
tional setting for TAGI braided
fluvial deposits, southern Tuni-
sia and western Libya. These
deposits form the best quality
reservoirs in the northern
Ghadames basin. Modified from
Echikh (1998).

Acheche et al. 771

sand-rich zone, corresponding to braided stream dep- Hercynian erosion, whereas overlying members indi-
osition; an underlying shale; and a basal sand–shale cate cycles of rejuvenated fluvial deposition, possibly
zone that represents initial burial and sedimentary in- associated with periods of basin subsidence (Scott et
filling of the remnant topography on the Hercynian al., 1997). Sandstone continuity and reservoir quality
erosional surface. are highest in the uppermost members, A and B, re-
For purposes of reservoir delineation, however, flecting maximum development of braided fluvial sys-
further subdivision of this scheme has been performed tems. Regional log cross sections (Figure 6) suggest an
into five sandstone-bearing members, designated A–E ability to trace individual members for considerable
and separated by shales of varying thickness (Figure distances across southern Tunisia, south of the Tel-
5). Member A is overlain by shales and evaporitic do- emzane arch. Such correlations indicate that the shale
lomites of the lowermost Azizia Formation. intervals area is also continuous over large distances
In general, reservoir quality and productivity tend and could therefore have acted as important, intrafor-
to be highest in the upper members: at El Borma, for mational seals. Hydrocarbon saturations in TAGI res-
example, member A accounts for nearly 60% of re- ervoirs are in the range of 70–80%. Oil gravities range
serves in place, member B accounts for an additional from 40 to 47⬚ API.
20%, members C and D account for another 18%, and
member E accounts for about 2%. In other fields, only
the A members and, less commonly, the B members SOURCE ROCKS
are oil bearing. An exception is Chouech Saida field,
where reserves exist in member E. Source rock studies and related investigations in the
The A member ranges from 4 to 30 m thick and Ghadames basin have identified the Silurian Tanne-
consists of fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted zuft and the middle part of the Devonian Aouinet
quartzose sandstones that have thin interbedded Ouenine as main source intervals for oils produced in
shales. Individual sandstones exhibit fining-upward the Tunisian part of the province (Daniels and Emme,
texture, with abundant cross-stratification and argil- 1995; Ghenima, 1995; Makhous et al., 1997).
laceous or carbonate cementation. The A member Tannezuft shales have remarkable lateral extent
sandstones commonly have the highest reservoir qual- within the Saharan platform and have acted as source
ity in the TAGI interval, exhibiting porosities greater rocks in basins extending from Morocco to Libya.
than 24% and permeabilities of 300–1000 md. These shales range from 300 to 400 m thick, with the
The B member of the TAGI includes fine- to lower 20–100 m comprising the most organically rich
medium-grained, moderately to well-sorted, glauco- part. The TOC values in this lower part range from 2
nitic sandstones with both horizontal and cross strat- to 17%. Hydrogen indices are 250–450 mg hydrocar-
ification. Thicknesses of this member range from bons (HC)/g TOC, indicating type II kerogen.
10 to 31 m (33–102 ft). Porosities and permeabili- Devonian source rocks are concentrated in the
ties range from 18 to 24% and 200 to 400 md, Frasnian–Fammenian part of the section, encompass-
respectively. ing the Aouinet Ouenine members III and IV (see Fig-
Members C and D contain very fine- to medium- ure 3). The entire interval combining these two mem-
grained, moderately to well-sorted sandstones inter- bers can be as much as 400 m thick. The TOC values
calated with thin shales. An increasing proportion of range from 1 to 12%, with higher values mainly con-
siliceous cement exists in these rocks, compared to centrated in member III and the lower part of member
sandstones of the A and B members. Porosities aver- IV. Type 2 kerogen is also indicated for these rocks,
age 18%, and permeabilities average 100 md. At El in which hydrogen indices range from 350 to 700 mg
Borma, the C and D members are commonly HC/g TOC, suggesting excellent generative potential.
combined. Geochemical analyses of biomarker and isotope
Member E consists of medium-grained sandstones extract data have shown a very high degree of simi-
and interbedded shales with considerable lateral vari- larity between Tannezuft and Aouinet Ouenine
ation in facies and reservoir quality. Porosities and sources (Daniels and Emme, 1995). Such results have
permeabilities are lower than those in the C and D made it very difficult to differentiate the specific con-
members. tribution of each source to produced oils. The most
Recent analyses suggest that member E represents significant differences observed to date lie in the areas
filling of an incised paleovalley system associated with of regional distribution and thermal maturity.

772 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

Figure 5. Type log, Middle Triassic TAGI reservoir interval, El Borma field.

Acheche et al. 773

Figure 6. Regional east–west log cross section, TAGI interval, southern Tunisia, showing correlation of individual member units.

HYDROCARBON GENERATION AND To estimate the main periods of hydrocarbon

EXPULSION generation and expulsion, a series of kinetic sim-
ulations was run, and the results integrated with
A combination of geochemical and stratigraphic data data from burial history curves for wells in se-
has been used to estimate maturity levels in the noted lected areas of southern Tunisia. Thermal history
source intervals and to model hydrocarbon generation reconstructions were based on both fixed and vari-
in the northern Ghadames basin. able heat flow to encompass observed present-day
Figures 7 and 8 present maturity maps for Tanne- maturity indicators.
zuft and Aouinet Ouenine (III and IV) shales and also Information from these investigations is presented
show pinch-out trends for these rocks. The two maps on the maps of Figures 9 and 10, showing interpreted
are based on equivalent vitrinite reflectance data, de- distribution of peak oil generation in space and time
rived from basin modeling analyses, and suggest divi- for Tannezuft and Aouinet Ouenine source rocks. As
sion of southern Tunisia into several maturity zones with the maturity data of Figures 7 and 8, a fairly
respective to each source. Both maps (Figures 7, 8) distinct zonation is evident, reflecting changing pat-
indicate that maturity levels increase to the south- terns of subsidence and uplift between the Telemzane
southwest. Silurian source rocks are interpreted to arch in the north and the central Ghadames basin in
range from mature (oil) to overmature (gas-generat- the south. In general, oil generation migrated with
ing) throughout the whole of the area south of the time outward from the basin center. Maturation his-
Telemzane arch, whose upper flanks are marked by tory in the northern Ghadames basin is therefore in-
the Tannezuft erosional limit (see Figure 7). Devonian terpreted to be more complex than in previous stud-
shales pinch out approximately 85 km south of the ies, which postulated two main phases of petroleum
Tannezuft limit and reach maturity only in the vicin- generation occurring in the late Paleozoic and early–
ity of Chouech field and in southernmost Tunisia. middle Mesozoic.

774 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

Figure 7. Map showing maturity equivalent in vitrinite reflec-
tance (present day), Silurian Tannezuft shales, northern Ghad-
ames basin.
Figure 8. Map showing maturity equivalent in vitrinite reflec-
tance (present day), Devonian Aouinet Ouenine shales (mem-
bers III and IV), northern Ghadames basin. Shading in accor-
Based on the interpretation of Figure 9, early mat-
dance with legend in Figure 7.
uration of Tannezuft shales in southernmost Tunisia
and eastern Algeria occurred as a result of initial Her-
cynian (Mississippian) subsidence. This episode led to cross section of Figure 11. Vertical migration is be-
the development of up to 3500 m of overburden, with lieved to have occurred through a combination of fault
only minor subsequent uplift during the peak of Her- conduits and expulsion from Tannezuft source rocks
cynian deformation. In contrast, the El Borma-Larich into immediately overlying Acacus sandstones. Fault
area located along the flank of the Telemzane arch un- migration appears especially significant with regard to
derwent recurrent uplift between the Carboniferous– accumulations above the Acacus. Mesozoic-age faults,
Permian and the Jurassic, achieving depths of burial that may in part represent reactivated Paleozoic or Pre-
adequate for peak hydrocarbon generation only follow- cambrian structures, are known to penetrate the Her-
ing middle–Late Cretaceous subsidence. Devonian cynian unconformity and terminate within or below
source rocks lie approximately 1500 m higher in the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic evaporites. These are
section and were thus not buried deeply enough in the excellent candidates for having acted as conduits into
central basin until the Mesozoic. in the Triassic TAGI sandstones.
Lateral updip migration within the TAGI would
have occurred within the basal part of the formation
MIGRATION above the Hercynian unconformity. We interpret that
hydrocarbons arrived in the lower TAGI by means of
Migration pathways interpreted for the southern Tu- vertical fault-related pathways or through westward
nisian part of the Ghadames basin are shown on the migration within Paleozoic carrier beds. A model based

Acheche et al. 775

Figure 10. Map of the timing of peak oil generation, Devonian
Figure 9. Map of the timing of peak oil generation, Silurian Aouinet Ouenine (members III and IV) source rocks, northern
Tannezuft source rocks, northern Ghadames basin. Ghadames basin.

Figure 11. Proposed migra-

tion pathways and trapping sit-
uations, southern Tunisia,
Ghadames basin. Note that
traps are generalized and are
not meant to represent the spe-
cific situations of the various

776 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

entirely, or mainly, on vertical migration into the TAGI structural traps are interpreted to be fault related (see
would suggest that only the Silurian source could have Figure 11). Like other basins of the Saharan platform,
charged traps in the northernmost part of the basin, the Ghadames was formed mainly in the Hercynian
approximately between the upper flanks of the Telem- and underwent significant, but commonly localized
zane arch and Ech-Chouech field. The contribution modification thereafter: most structures with entrap-
from Devonian sources would be limited to areas south ment possibilities in the Tunisian part of the basin are
of Ech-Chouech, that is, the erosional limit of the rele- due to vertical and high-angle movements caused by
vant Aouinet Ouenine shales (see Figure 8). Long- Hercynian compression/transpression and Triassic–
distance migration within the lower TAGI took place Jurassic extension.
to the south-southeast. The various trapping situations depicted in Figure
In addition, Figure 11 suggests expulsion of oil into 11 are generalized from situations observed in El
Paleozoic sandstones proximal to Silurian and Devo- Borma, Larich, Sanrhar, Oued Zar, Chouech, and
nian source rocks. Updip migration within these car- other Tunisian fields. Entrapment occurs in arched
riers might then have led to entrapment along the seal- TAGI sandstones associated with Triassic (or Triassic-
ing parts of faults, beneath the Taconian unconformity, rejuvenated) faults, and in TAGI and Acacus sand-
or in areas of porosity/facies pinch-out. stones with updip fault truncation. It should be noted
The interpreted combination of local and long- that Paleozoic formations dip southward, whereas the
distance migration should be viewed in conjunction Triassic TAGI dips to the west-northwest. Fault-
with the very large volumes of petroleum that are es- related folds in the Triassic section have low relief and
timated to have been generated in the basin. Daniels commonly exhibit asymmetry possibly related to late-
and Emme (1995), for example, on the basis of source stage Tertiary tilting.
rock volume and thermal history data have calculated Accurate trap identification has been limited in
2100 billion bbl oil generated for the Algerian part of this area because of uncertainties in velocity modeling
the Ghadames. Simple correlations based on this data and seismic interpretation caused by statics correction
suggest at least an additional 500–800 billion bbl oil problems. Such problems have been tied to a combi-
generated within the southern Tunisian part of the ba- nation of thick, unconsolidated (active dune) sands at
sin. This suggests a large untapped resource in this area. the surface and, more importantly, variable interval ve-
Extensive loss and degradation of hydrocarbons locities within the Mesozoic section related to the pres-
would have been largely confined to the later stages of ence of evaporitic units. Most dry holes drilled in re-
Hercynian deformation and subsequent early Mesozoic cent years appear to have been located on prospects
faulting. Hercynian uplift is known to have caused ero- corresponding to virtual structures, namely, seismic
sional unroofing of Paleozoic units around the margins artifacts.
of the basin, whereas Triassic–Early Jurassic faulting Attempts are being made in several domains to im-
likely resulted in the breaching of many surviving ac- prove seismic resolution. On the acquisition side, op-
cumulations. It should be emphasized, however, that erators have sought to optimize field parameters to
these considerations apply only to oils generated in the maximize subsurface coverage, increase fold, and en-
pre–Middle Jurassic (see Figure 9). Volumetrically, the hance both short- and long-period statics. Related ef-
greater part of the Silurian Tannezuft attained peak oil forts have included increased source power, increased
generation in the Middle Jurassic to lower Tertiary, maximum offset, use of wide-line geometry, and po-
with a regional peak interpreted for the middle–Late sitioning of traces close to the source. Processing and
Cretaceous (Boote et al., 1998). Such indications sup- reprocessing work has attempted to upgrade fault im-
port the conclusion that large volumes of hydrocarbons aging and vertical resolution. Different approaches are
remain undiscovered in the northern basin and are being used: in addition to the focus on statics correc-
likely to occupy a variety of different trapping tion, operators have successfully employed refraction
situations. methods in conjunction with well data to create reli-
able velocity models.
Improvements in seismic data quality have in-
ENTRAPMENT creased the accuracy involved in trap identification. An
example is shown in Figure 12. The seismic line runs
Structural, stratigraphic, and combination traps are over a prospect in TAGI sandstones, with three-way
proposed for the northern Ghadames basin. Most closure created by broad, fault-related arching of the

Acheche et al. 777

Triassic. The line indicates the relative subtlety of position reaches a structural maximum in the hanging
structural disturbance typical of upper Paleozoic and wall of the subsidiary fault. The prospect is enhanced
younger deposits in the northern Ghadames basin. The by two other factors: (1) increased sandstone devel-
trap shown is significant in size. Traps of this type are opment within the graben, whose early stages of for-
known to be productive at several fields. mation were coeval with TAGI deposition; and
A second line that has benefited from data repro- (2) fault penetration of both Aouinet Ouenine and
cessing is given in Figure 13. This section represents a Tannezuft source rocks, thus providing local migration
low-relief, asymmetric structure at the Triassic (TAGI) conduits.
level that has four-way closure (between shotpoints Figure 14 represents a significant addition to delin-
350 and 500) but is small in size and difficult to map eated trap types in the northern Ghadames basin. In
precisely. It appears associated with a fault of probable addition, drilling along the updip parts of the Telem-
Hercynian age that underwent later (Mesozoic) reju- zane arch, at Sabria and El Franig for example, point
venation. Angular truncation beneath the Hercynian to the possibility of small but important accumulations
unconformity is evident. Its location is significantly where either Silurian source rocks or Cambrian–
south of the flanks of the Telemzane arch, as witnessed Ordovician reservoirs occur in fault closure against the
by the greatly increased thickness of the Paleozoic sec- Hercynian unconformity (Hammill and Robinson,
tion (compare Figures 12, 13), including the presence 1992). A suggestion from these discoveries is that the
of the Aouinet Ouenine interval, immediately above unconformity is sealing where the subcropping lithol-
the Ouan Kasa. Potential source rocks of the Aouinet ogy is sandstone, but leaky (e.g., into overlying TAGI
Ouenine exist immediately below the Hercynian un- sands) where shales are present.
conformity in this area, suggesting the possibility of Stratigraphic entrapment in the northern Ghada-
stratigraphic entrapment as well. mes basin has not been systematically pursued as a ba-
A third type of structural trap, newly identified as sis for exploration. Several discreet possibilities exist
a result of improved seismic resolution, is shown in for moderate- to large-scale accumulations. One of
Figure 14. The prospect in this case lies within a graben these involves regional pinch-out of reservoir-quality
feature and is defined by closure of northward-dipping TAGI sandstones, which undergo a facies change to
TAGI sandstones against a smaller, subsidiary fault. In- more shaly lithologies along the southern flank of the
creased dip within the TAGI is related to displacement Telemzane arch. Another possibility exists in lateral
along the northern boundary fault, whereas sandstone pinch-out of reservoir facies within incised paleovalley

Figure 12. Two-dimensional

seismic line over a prospect in
southern Tunisia, showing high-
angle fault geometry and fault-
related closure at the TAGI (Tri-
assic) level. The data indicate
broad arching of the Triassic,
making for a sizable trap. More
pronounced deformation is evi-
dent at the Ordovician level.
Faults are shown in white.

778 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

Figure 13. Two-dimensional
seismic line, showing angular
truncation at the Hercynian un-
conformity and closure at the
Triassic TAGI level, possibly re-
lated to deeper faulting. Fault
shown in white.

Figure 14. North-south–

oriented seismic line, illustrating
a Triassic TAGI prospect in a
graben feature. The prospect
consists of updip closure
against a subsidiary fault. Faults
shown in black.

Acheche et al. 779

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gests that good exploratory potential continues into de Ghedames: modelisation de la migration des hydrocarbures
et application à l’étude du gisement d’El Borma: Ph.D. thesis,
large parts of southern Tunisia. High-quality reservoirs Institut Français de Pétrole, Université d’Orleans, France,
of Triassic age (TAGI) have considerable thickness, 276 p.
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Ghadames basin: application to the filling history of the El
basin. New studies of maturation and migration history Borma oil field, in Proceedings of the seminar on source rocks
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Hammill, M., and N. D. Robinson, 1992, Nearby oil discoveries add
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exist at shallow to moderate depths, and any future M’Rabet, A., N. Aissaoui, M. H. Acheche, J. Smaoui, Y. Ben, J.
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780 Ghadames Basin (Tunisia)

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