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13, 2014 1453

Design of a Dual-Band, Electrically Small, Parasitic

Array Antenna
Jay Yu, Yen Le, Student Member, IEEE, and Sungkyun Lim, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A new design of an electrically small parasitic array Using dual- or multiband antennas is another way to enhance
antenna to obtain dual bands is suggested. The antenna comprises the portability of wireless communications applications. For
a driver and two directors, where all elements are bent in rectan- some wireless equipment, more than one antenna is employed
gular shapes to reduce the antenna size. Two resonances nearby
each other are achieved by twisting vertical segments into helical in multiple applications, which requires each antenna to operate
shapes, starting from the ground of both directors. The overall in a different frequency band [4]. By replacing these antennas
volume of the antenna is mm mm with a dual- or multiband antenna, the size of the device can
mm ( ), and the electrical size, , is 0.8. The max- be reduced. In [5], parasitic array antennas are designed for
imum realized gains in the director direction are greater than this multiband capability. The lengths of directors are different
8.4 dBi at both resonant frequencies.
from each other, and they are twisted into helical shapes to
Index Terms—Dual-band antennas, electrically small antennas, achieve multiple resonances. As a result, only one director
parasitic antennas.
operates at each frequency band, and multiband capability can
be generated if more than one helical-shaped director is used.
I. INTRODUCTION In this letter, an electrically small, dual-band parasitic array
antenna is designed by combining the concept of rectangular-

T HE SIGNIFICANCE of electrically small antennas has

been increasing as a result of greater demand for porta-
bility in wireless communications systems. Parasitic array an-
shaped antenna elements from [2] for size reduction with the
idea of helical-shaped directors from [5] for dual-band perfor-
mance. From the ground plane, different lengths and radii of
tennas, on the other hand, have been used in many wireless ap- two directors are twisted upward in a counterclockwise direc-
plications because of their simplicity in conjunction with their tion by sharing a common center. Twisting those directors helps
customizable high gain (the gain can be adjusted by using dif- to eliminate the radiation interference produced between them;
ferent numbers of directors) [1]. To date, considerable work has therefore, dual bands can be generated. Since the main radiation
been devoted to the development of electrically small, parasitic is developed mostly in the lower portion of the antenna (near the
array antennas. An electrically small, parasitic array antenna, ground plane), only the vertical components of two directors are
reported in [2], is composed of two elements, a driver and a twisted. Then, at the end of the twisted directors, two elements
director. Similar to a traditional Yagi–Uda antenna, the length are bent a few times to minimize the antenna size. The dimen-
of the director is slightly shorter than that of the driver. Both sions of the antenna design are optimized for maximum realized
antenna elements, however, are wound into rectangular spiral gains at 1.65 and 1.75 GHz using the genetic algorithm (GA) [6].
shapes for antenna height reduction. The electrical size of The prototype of the optimized design is then fabricated, and the
( is the wavenumber, and is the antenna height) of the ele- measured results are compared to the simulated ones.
ments is 0.6. The spacing between the driver and the director is
reduced to by constructing the driver with multiple fold- II. ANTENNA DESIGN
ings. Yaghjian et al. also suggested an electrically small, par-
asitic array antenna [3]. The antenna consists of two equally Fig. 1 shows the configuration of the proposed dual-band, elec-
sized, top-loaded elements, where one can be used as a parasitic trically small, parasitic array antenna. The antenna consists of a
element by tuning the lumped-component installed on the an- folded driver and two directors. The dimensions in the figure, ex-
tenna elements. The separation between two elements is , cept for those of the driver, are optimized using the GA. The pa-
and the height of the antenna is reduced to by utilizing rameters of the driver components ( , , , and in Fig. 1) are ex-
a top-loaded structure. cluded in the optimization to reduce the number of variables. In-
stead, those driver components are manually tuned (without the
presence of the directors) to a resonant frequency of 1.65 GHz.
Manuscript received May 02, 2014; revised June 22, 2014; accepted July 15,
2014. Date of publication July 18, 2014; date of current version August 06, Other parameters in the director components ( and )
2014. and the spacing between the driver and two directors ( ) are used
J. Yu is with SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, Pearl City, HI 96782 USA as variables. In addition, the radii and starting positions (loca-
Y. Le and S. Lim are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, tions of the two directors connecting the ground plane) of two
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA 30460 USA (e-mail: helical-shaped directors are included in the GA optimization.; The cost function is
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2014.2341041 (1)

1536-1225 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Fig. 2. Prototype of the proposed antenna.

Fig. 1. Configuration of the electrically small, parasitic array antenna: Fig. 3. Simulated and measured of the proposed antenna.
(a) slanted view; (b) top view.

than in the driver because of the current cancellations in the

where and are the realized gains (both in dBi values) horizontal portion of the helical-shaped directors. Since the two
in the director’s direction at the frequency of 1.65 and 1.75 GHz, directors have different lengths, they generate two distinct op-
respectively. The Goal in (1) is fixed at 10 dBi, which is the erating frequencies. These two operating frequencies can be
achievable realized gain of the monopole form of a typical, shifted by changing the length of directors. Director 1 controls
full-sized, two-element (a driver and director) parasitic array an- the lower operating frequency, whereas Director 2 corresponds
tenna, as discussed in [7]. It is expected that the achievable real- to the upper operating frequency. Furthermore, the different
ized gain of the electrically small version would be around 1 dB pitch angle of the helical-shaped directors helps to eliminate the
lower than that of the full-sized version due to lower directivity radiation interference that otherwise occurs from one director
in the electrically small version [2]. to the other. As a result, dual-band capability is achieved from
The driver is constructed using straight wires that are bent the two helical-shaped directors, and the antenna performs as
twice to achieve the size reduction. The stretched length of the a two-element parasitic array at each resonant frequency. The
tuned driver is 46.6 mm ( ), shown in Fig. 1. The wave- overall volume of the antenna design is mm
length, , is calculated using the resonant frequency of the driver mm mm , and a of 0.8 is
(1.65 GHz). As demonstrated in [2] and [7], moreover, the mul- achieved.
tiple foldings are employed on the driver to reduce the spacing
between the driver and directors. The optimized spacing be-
tween the middle arm of the driver and the center of two twisted
directors is 16.4 mm ( ), as depicted in Fig. 1(b). For simulation, infinite ground plane was implemented.
Next, the two directors are designed with helical shapes, in The prototype of the antenna was constructed on a
which they are wound in a counterclockwise direction (starting cm cm ground plane using
from the ground plane) with different radii. The helical radius copper wire with a radius of 0.5 mm. The prototype of the
in Director 1 is 2.2 mm ( ), and that in Director 2 is proposed antenna used for the measurement is shown in Fig. 2.
3.0 mm ( ). Then, similar to the driver, both directors are Fig. 3 shows the comparison of the simulated and measured
bent into rectangular shapes to minimize the antenna size. If . The minimum value of the simulated for the lower
the two directors are stretched into straight wires, the lengths frequency band is 29.7 dB, and that for the upper frequency
are 48.3 mm ( ) for Director 1 and 52.3 mm ( ) band is 20.7 dB. The measured minimum at 1.65 GHz is
for Director 2. The GA creates longer lengths in the directors 21.9 dB, and that at 1.75 GHz is 14.9 dB. The simulated

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Fig. 5. Current magnitude distribution of the antenna: (a) at the frequency of

1.65 GHz; (b) at the frequency of 1.75 GHz.


Fig. 4. Simulated and measured realized gain patterns of the proposed antenna:
(a) azimuth pattern at the frequency of 1.65 GHz; (b) azimuth pattern at the
frequency of 1.75 GHz. realized gains of 8.43 and 8.59 dBi are measured at 1.65 and
1.75 GHz, and the front-to-back ratios are 6.63 and 9.67 dB,
respectively. Simulated cross polarization is also studied. The
10-dB bandwidths are 1.2% for the lower frequency band and maximum cross polarization is 19.1 dB at 1.65 GHz, and that
0.2% for the upper frequency band, whereas the measurement at 1.75 GHz is 17.1 dB. Compared to copolarization, cross
shows bandwidths of 1.8% and 0.5%, respectively. The agree- polarization is negligible. In both simulated and measured re-
ment between the simulation and measurement is good except sults, the maximum realized gains are observed in the direction
that the measured bandwidths are broader than simulated ones, of the director. The overall measurements agree fairly well
which is likely due to soldering junction in fabrication process. with the simulations, although slightly lower realized gains are
The simulated radiation efficiency of the antenna at 1.65 GHz measured.
is 98.3%, and that at 1.75 GHz is 98.1%. The radiation effi- The simulated current magnitude distributions at 1.65 and
ciency is also measured using the Wheeler cap method [8]. 1.75 GHz are presented in Fig. 5, and current phase differences
The measured radiation efficiency at 1.65 GHz is found to be between the driver and two directors are shown in Table I. First,
86.0%, and that at 1.75 GHz is 79.9%. The measured radiation the maximum current magnitude is observed at the operating
efficiencies indicate that the solder, which has less conductivity director (Fig. 5). For instance, Director 1 has the maximum cur-
than that of the copper wire, lowered radiation efficiency as rent magnitude at 1.65 GHz, which makes Director 1 a main
well as increased the bandwidths of the antenna. radiator of the antenna at this frequency. On the other hand,
Next, the realized gain of the proposed antenna is inves- Director 2 negligibly interacts with Director 1 because of rel-
tigated. The simulated realized gain patterns in the azimuth atively week currents compared to Director 1 and orthogonal
plane are compared to the measured results in Fig. 4. The pitch angle with Director 1 in the twisted helical shapes. Second,
simulated maximum realized gain at 1.65 GHz is 8.54 dBi, and current phase difference between the driver and the operating
the front-to-back ratio is 9.68 dB. At 1.75 GHz, the maximum director is nearly anti-phase (180 ). For example, at 1.65 GHz,
realized gain obtained is 8.87 dBi with a front-to-back ratio the phase difference between the driver and Director 1 is 166.3 ,
of 13.9 dB. The maximum simulated directivity and gain are whereas that between the driver and Director 2 is 5.4 . As a re-
8.62 and 8.55 dB at 1.65 GHz, and those at 1.75 GHz are 8.99 sult, only Director 1 stays in operating mode, which is similar
and 8.91 dB, respectively. In the fabricated antenna, maximum to operation of a conventional two-element Yagi–Uda antenna

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Finally, parameter studies of the antenna have been per-

formed to verify the operating frequency range. First, when the
helical radius of director 1 is varied from 1.9 mm ( ) to
2.6 mm ( ) while Director 2 is fixed at 3.0 mm ( ),
the tunable range of the lower band is 1.62–1.67 GHz, as de-
picted in Fig. 6(a). In this range, the lower band is maintained
with an below 10 dB. Similarly, the range of the upper
frequency band is found to be 1.71–1.76 GHz if the helical
radius of Director 2 is modified from 2.9 mm ( ) to
3.4 mm ( ) while Director 1 is fixed at 2.2 mm ( ).
These results verify that Director 1 corresponds to the lower
band, whereas Director 2 controls the upper band. Second,
the end tip of each director ( and from Fig. 1) was altered,
and the result is shown in Fig. 6(b). As it shows, the range of
operating frequency is 1.63–1.67 GHz when changes from
6.7 mm ( ) to 9.7 mm ( ). Moreover, changing
from 4.3 mm ( ) to 5.8 mm ( ) results in shifting
the upper frequency from 1.73 to 1.76 GHz. Finally, a param-
eter study on element spacing between driver and directors (
in Fig. 1) was conducted. Unlike in the previous two cases,
the tunable range of both the lower and upper frequency is
almost negligible, as shown in Fig. 6(c). This study shows that
altering the helical radius results in the most tunable frequency
range because, as discussed in [9], a large tunable range can
be achieved by tuning the section where the strongest current
flows. In this case, the helical-shaped director is where the
strongest current flows (Fig. 5).

An electrically small, parasitic array antenna was de-
signed for dual-band operation by implementing twisted,
helical-shaped directors. Both the driver and directors were
bent into rectangular shapes to minimize the overall size of
the antenna, and the dimensions were optimized for maximum
realized gain in the director direction. The total volume of
the antenna is mm mm
mm . At both frequency bands, realized gains
of greater than 8.4 dBi and front-to-back ratios of more than
6.6 dB were measured.

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