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This sheet is a continuation of the remedial questions in the previous


Nirmala Ozwaza Prasetya 8A/VIII-A absent 9

5. Draw and describes various root types along with example !

Types of Roots System

Plants have three types of root systems
1. Taproot, main root of a primary root system,
growing vertically downward. In other plants, the
initial taproot is quickly modified into a fibrous, or
diffuse, system, in which the initial secondary roots
soon equal or exceed the primary root in size and
there is no well- defined single taproot. With a main
taproot that is larger and grows faster than the branch
toots. Here are some plants with taproot : Beetroot,
Burdock, Carrot, Sugar beet, Dandelion, Poppy
2. Fibrous, a fibrous root system is the opposite of a
taproot system. It is usually form by thin, moderately
branching roots growing from the stem. With all roots
about the same size. Fibrous root systems are
characteristic of monocots. Plants that have fibrous
roots : Rice, Wheat, Barley, Millet Sorghum, Oats.

3. Modified Root, these specialized roots serve

adaptive purpose like providing more support and
anchorage, store water and nutritient. Some plants
that have modified roots : Radish, Turnip, Beet.


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