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Hello ......., my name is Ricardo. Thanks for accepting my friend request.

How are you doing? How was your day?

I hope you do not mind us chatting and getting to know ourselves better being
friends here on Facebook?


So where originally are you from? And which city do you live in now?
I am originally from Verona, Italy, but I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm an
Italian with an accent, despite the fact that I was born and brought up living in
New York. But I have been living here since April 2014 when I moved from New York.

What is your present relationship status? Do you have kids?

I am a widower; lost my late wife 3 years ago in a ghastly car accident. I have a
12 years old son and his name is David.

How long have you been on Facebook?

I just recently registered this my facebook profile, because I have been away from
social networking after my late wife past away.

Have you ever been on any online dating sites or chat with men from online before?
I haven't been on a dating site and this is my first time of trying to find someone
new online that I can get to know better.

So what was the experience you've had with the men you chat with here on Facebook?

What do you do for a living?

I'm a Contractor and I work offshore as a Production/Chemical Engineer, with
Chevron U.S.A. Incoporation here at the Petronius CT rig platform, which is located
210 km southeast of New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico. I will be out of the rig by
4 weeks time, because that�s when my off starts. I work 6 weeks in and 2 weeks out.

I have been in this field for over 23 years and working with this company for more
than 4 years now, but I will be quitting my job this time when I go off the rig,
because I want to get settled down again with the right woman by my side having a
complete family. I enjoyed being a married man, but didn't have much time to enjoy
my marriage before my late wife passed away 3 years ago in a gastly accident.

Although my job has not made me stayed close to my son all the time; he attends a
day care school school in Los Angeles, California where I live and there is a nanny
being assigned to look after him for me by the day care facility whenever I'm away
from town. I had to make things that way as he is growing up after I lost my late
wife, because there was no one who could look after her for me while I'm at work. I
really do care and love my son very much.

My achievement with my profession at is peak means nothing to me until I can have

someone to share my dreams, anticipation and all with. I am an independent man who
knows that life is better when you have someone by your side. I believe that I've
gotten to an age in my life and point in my career where I understand the need for
balancing work and home life; having a wonderful family and friends (rather than
possessions) has become so important to me. Although work has not provided me the
best of life experience with its stressful nature, but the bulk of experience would
further assist me in managing my life with that of my special woman.

When was the last relationship you had? And can you share with me what actually
went wrong in your last relationship?
You see after the death of my late wife, I remained single for over a year and the
only time I made the decision to date, the lady that I met turned out not wanting
to be in a serious relationship and myself over here does not want a short term
relationship, so we both went our separate ways, because I felt that I'm not
getting anymore younger as the year goes by. I want to establish a relationship
that will be based on long term which I'm hopeful will turn out to be marriage

How do you feel being single?

Over this period of time that I have been single, I must admit it has really
affected me a lot, because I am a hopeless romantic man who has the heart that
calls for love. I love the life of having a happy home whereby I can do a lot of
fun-loving things together with my lady. I am widower who does not want to spend
the rest of his life alone, because I feel that life is too short to live for

Do you think you can find the right man once again despite the experience you've
I am staying positive, believing that I'll find the right woman whom I which to
spend the rest of my life with. I came on searching for the right lady, because I
know life is not all about me, which is why I made the decision to date again,
because I want to quit my job and settle down with the right lady that I can share
life's wonderful pleasures with.

Do you believe in distance relationship?

I do believe in distance relationship, because I feel true love knows no distance
and this distance won't have to last forever in a relationship, for distance only
occurs for just a matter of time, maybe due to the necessity of a partner's job
that keeps him/her traveling a lot, but if they are both fully committed with each
other through such time not allowing the distance to cause a strain, trusting one
another it will become a perfect relationship and the time will surely come where
they don't have to be away from each other anymore and be together.

Are you willing to relocate if you find your soul mate?

Yes, I am willing to relocate anywhere in this world to be with my soul-mate and
have a fresh start of life.
What are you looking for in a relationship?

I would describe myself as being very young at heart. For I'm a God fearing, nice,
caring, honest, sincere, and understanding man with good sense of humor. I feel
understanding and communication is one of the most important thing in a
relationship to make it strong and last forever; when two couples understand
themselves I don't see anything happeing to that relationship, because it will be a
happy one. I'm a man who can bring laughter and exciting moments in a relationship,
I'm loving, compassionate, sincere and most of all very trustworthy.

I am looking for a woman that has a loving heart filled with caring and honest
personality. A lady that I can call my best friend and not just a companion who is
willing to be open minded and allow communication in our relationship, so we can
share life interests, experiencing new challenges together, because the ability to
do so, past hurts are left behind. I have a sincere desire to spend the rest of my
life with that same special lady, traveling and creating wonderful memories
together. A lady that will take me and my daughter like hers while I do the same
for her. One who lives each day to the fullest, that I can hold at all times with
us complimenting each other, standing side by side through ups and downs, the
smiles and tears that has to go with.
I want a lady that is caring, respectful, affectionate, loving, kind, generous,
devoted, attentive, confident, understanding, and patient and desiring. I would
like that lady to be open-minded, truthful, and honest, as well as treat me as the
king I am, just as I will treat her like a Queen. That lady should enjoy life, have
a good sense of humor because I enjoy being playful and having a good time. In
essence to all of this that I am saying, I just want a lady that is looking for the
last love of her life.

From your own point of view how do you feel someone can be romantic?

I enjoy giving and receiving affection in a relationship. I'm a gentle man with big
heart and beautiful personality! I'm the caretaker type. When you are on the side
of the road with a flat Tyre, I am that type of guy who stops. When you are coming
through the door, I'm the guy who holds it for you and gives you a humble smile and
a soft hello. I work hard with my mind and my hands and I am more "in tune" with
life than most people. I'm a cool, respectful, and comprehensive man who really
wants to experience love in its full sense. I am very social, well balanced and an
outgoing man to get involved with.

I feel the best way for a person to be romantic is by being your own self and don�t
let others tell you what to do. Pay carefully attention to what your mate tells
you. It's a very easy thing to do, but it is often overshadowed by personal
thoughts or wants. Often complement each other, because a true token of love, to me
is an ability to share a playful moment together. We adults as couple usually share
work, home life, quiet times and intimate times, but play is the most romantic and
connected feeling of all. When I meet that special someone who can fulfill all my
desires in a person, my only hope is that we will be able to remain playful
throughout our lives.

What are your hobbies? And what do you like to do for fun?
I love cooking. I enjoy camping, cycling, fishing, playing golf, swimming,
traveling, listening to cool music, going to the cinema with my daughter or
attending concerts. I love walking on the beach during the day or at night. I am
pretty flexible as far as activities is concern, and I would appreciate days filled
with fun and laughter... I enjoy other activities like reading and learning more
about nature.

What's your religion?

I'm a Christian and Pentecostal by denomination. I do not go to church very often,
because of my job that keeps me traveling a lot. I accept all religion and their
point of view towards the creator of heaven and earth and don't despise anyone with
their own religous belief.

So tell me how big is your family? I mean how many brothers and sisters you have?
What about your parents?
I am from a very small and quiet family, although my parents are dead, I was the
only kid that they had. Lost my dad 1981 and my mom June 2003. My parents raised me
up here in the United States not knowing any of their parents or relatives; they
told me that they had issues with their family not giving approval of their
marriage and that made to stay away from their families. I have been keeping close
search on finding my roots, though work has not made me settle down completely, but
I have made up my mind that I will be giving it a full time finding my relatives
when I'm fully settled with the right woman by my side that will be ready to go
with me on such trips.

Do you seek for a particular age in terms of prefrence to the type of man you seek?
How young are you and when is your birthday?
From 40 upwards was the first thought that came to my mind when I decided to date,
but at the same time I just felt that age is just a number, and you might never
know where love can hit you up from. It can be someone younger than you or perhaps
older than you. I'm 52 years old and my birthday is .......

What are your goals in life?

My goals in life is to find the right woman to settle down completely with,
followed by a happy family and having a business of my own that will deal into
buying and supplying of crude oil products.

What are your likes and dislikes?

I like it when everyone around me is happy, it is one thing that keeps me moving
forward, I dislike liars, racist, cheaters, gossips, oppression.

What do you think are the qualities of a good relationship?

I define a good relationship by the way you treat each other; frankness, trust,
understanding and open-minded communication between both partners. It's a two-way
communication without dominance and hypocrisy in it. I think it is where you can
trust and respect each other; where you can have passion, romance, being
affectionate whenever and wherever you wish. It should be a give and take basis in
order for you to understand each other. Never fail to listen and understand the
situation you are into. Be open minded and be ready for any obstacle that will come
in your way.

A good relationship is one purely based on trust; never worrying about your partner
wanting to do you wrong even though he/she is miles apart, because your partner has
already made that decision to be devoted to you alone. Communication at all times
is so important, because both parties can freely express themselves with one
another, enabling them to have an open connection not being afraid to tell the
other what he/she thinks, whether be it good or bad, respecting each other opinion.
Being able to enjoy the same things with each other, taking their separate lives
and smoothly combining their lifestyles into a couple's lifestyle.

I believe it is when the two of you can actually feel better about your
relationship after an argument; when you can really respect each others differences
and openly discuss feelings at all times. It is where there is honesty,
sensitivity, and a feel for the needs and wants of the other person and yourself.
It isn't necessarily flawless, because human beings aren't flawless. It's more
important that you can grow with the person you love. If you can learn and grow
each day with your best friend standing by you in body and in spirit-then you have
a good relationship.

I am a very sincere man who would like to meet that special lady to share life's
adventures with. I have a great sense of humor filled with a caring personality. I
am also very romantic, sensual, passionate and I love an intelligent conversation.
I also can fill your heart with a lots of love and gift that you seek. You can see
where others write many people and keep there messages short, because they are all
about how many they can write, I am opposite and very selective in whom I choose to
write and I like to give them my very best even if it's in a long letter. I know
the type of person I want to build a relationship with so for that I am willing to
put the time and effort in my messages to show that to you.
How often do you like to go out; I mean going partying?
After the death of my late wife I haven't been going out a lot, because doing that
alone doesn't seem fun. So the only time I go out will have to be with my son and
that might be on weekend trips or visiting another city, so we can spend a lot of
time together catching up after I have been away from work. I just hope to find the
right woman that will inspire that flame in me once more, so we can have fun doing
a lot of things together, going places just to have fun.

Do you smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol?

I don't smoke, neither do I take hard-drugs and I drink alcohol, but just 2 glass
of red wine and I'm fine,nothing more than

What�s your favorite drink?

My favorite drinks are red wines, but I prefer champagne more likely.

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is pasta and fish. I love to cook great home made meals and I hope
to find the right lady that will enjoy cooking with me!

What�s your favorite color?

Mine is green, because it's part of nature.

What type of movies do you enjoy watching? And which is your favorite movie?
I enjoy all types of movie, but my favorite remains Titanic.

Do you have any favorite when it comes to TV Shows?

Work hasn't given me the best of type to follow up most of this TV shows, but the
ones I have come acrossed are One Trill Hill, Walking Dead, Smallville and Oprah.

What brand of music do you like?

I enjoy all types of music, but I'm not into rap that much.

Do you have a favorite musician in particular?

Don Williams is my favorite, he's a country singer and I find his music very

What about your favorite music band?

Mine is ABBA

What would be the perfect setting for a first meeting with a new date?

If it happens to be a lady I met online, I think it would be a quiet intimate

dinner some where romantic, were we can spend the evening eating a delicious meal,
having a wonderful toast to our first date with a bottle of champagne, followed by
several conversations that just seem with an endlessly flow, thereafter we go to a
park nearby, walk together side by side sharing more values of life and it's
importance of us being together before too long we realize that hours have passed
yet it only seemed like minutes and we would never want the night to
That night would possibly end with a lovely kiss and I feel having such a nice
simple setting will make my first date romantic.

I'm loving, compassionate, understanding, very trust worthy and most of all honest.
I love romance and all the good things that come with it.

Have you narrowed down your specific desires as to what you really want from your
new partner?
I am man filled with great qualities; I'm confident, honest, kind, smart, fun,
open-minded, trustworthy, supportive, loving, loves kids, outgoing, down to earth,
friendly, great sense of humor, sociable, respectful (I would always treat you with
respect). I have good morals values and I'm a very good listener.

I haven't been sailing in a fun loving relationship for years and I'm starved for
that. I really want a lady that will be proud having me as her man just as I will
be having her as my woman, that type of lady who is not afraid of peer pressure,
not caring about what others say about the relationship we share, because she
turned out to date an Italian man from Verona she met online. I want a lady that is
ready for real love, giving her heart completely being in a relationship with me;
that kind of lady who isn't afraid to admit that she misses me, just as I will
admit at all times when I miss her, and the one who says I love you and means it. A
lady that knows you're not perfect, but understand we are both perfect for each
other. That special kind of lady who wouldn't mind waking up with you in the
morning, seeing your sleepy face, but still falls in love with you all over again.


Do you like sports? And if you do, what is your favorite sports?
I have a passion for sports and my favorite sport is Soccer. But I also like,
Basketball, Tennis and Golf, because they are my sports choice.

What inspires you in life?

My son also inspires me a lot, because after his mom(my late wife) passed away he
gave me a lot of reason to look into the future, having the feeling of better days
being ahead.

How do you feel when someone upset you? And what will you do to calm yourself down?
I do feel unhappy for that moment. But what easily calms me down is finding a quiet
place and listening to a cool music.

What languages can you speak? Which would you like to learn?
I speak English fluently and understand little Italian, because my late parents
raised me up here in the United States with English widely spoken and little
Italian. But I will be taking some Italian when I am done with my work here on the

What are the five most important things in your at this point of time in your life?
God, my son, health, living to help others without asking for anything in return.
You as a lady that I'm getting to know and remember this, I live to help and if you
ever need my help anytime anyday, I am here for you.

If you see somebody you don't know who needs help, would you be of any support?
Yes I would help in anyway. I have a kind heart and I feel it's important to have
compassion for others in need of help whether you know that person or not.

Do you have any tattoos and body piercings?

No, I don't have any, but I like them and it would be nice to have a tattoo name of
the right lady I will be sending the rest of my life with on my body.

Tell me about your current city that you are living now? And how is life over
Los Angeles It has a very friendly neighborhood and desirable gated community.

So what are some of the places you have visited?

I have been to out of the United States and also visited several cities here in the
United States, maybe on work trip or just vaction trip. My job has took me to
places like Indonesia, United Kingdom, and Spain. While on vacation trip I have
been to Canada, Italy, France, Portugal, Greece, Cuba, UAE and Bahamas.

Do you believe in true love? And do you think you can be trusted by your man?
Yes of course I can be trusted, because I am ready to open up my mind and my heart
and also lay down my life for the woman I love.

Do you like holding hands and exchanging casual kisses with your partner?
I love anything that has to do with romance; holding hands, cuddling, kissing,
looking into each others eyes and talking about anything and everything.

Marriage they say "Is for better, for worse" do you believe in this principle?
Yes, I do believe in that, because that is where true loyalty abide when you are
being in a fun-loving relationship with your partner.

Would you like to get married again someday when you have that right man?
I would surely love to get married when I know fully well she's the right one for
me and my Son.

Have you talked about your feelings with someone else apart from me?
Nope, you are the only person whom I am sharing my feelings with.
What would be an ideal relationship to you?

An ideal relationship for me would be one where we both respect and show one
another that we care. It would be loving and intimate; we would do things for each
other because we will always compliment each other. It should not be stressfull but
should be mutual, honest, sweet, trusting, fun-loving and understanding. I am an
honest and affectionate man; I love being around with my lady, because she is my
closest companion. I love taking my lady to the beach where we could hold hands and
share intimate moments together. I love coming up with special ideal spots where we
could go, spend alone time together having fun and it will seem to be like we are
the only humans on the

People I get to meet often that I have gentle personality. I am an hopeless

romantic man with a kind heart and sometimes I get hurt, because some people take
advantage of my caring and free nature. But experience has taught me that happiness
dwells within; after discovering this first, only then you can fully give to
another. Seeking happiness only from outside yourself makes you potentially
unbalanced; If your outer source of happiness disappears, you'll fall into sadness
and this would not do you good. I believe simple pleasures in life are the best.
Soul to soul conversations with a compatible partner are fulfilling. The cuteness
of nature inspires and accentuates your inner peace. Good company complements and
adds to the joy you already posess as a self-actualized human being. I'm just a
single dad that loves to be in a fun-loving relationship and family is very
important to me.

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