1 Cytology

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Master of Science in Botany


Max. Marks: 70 Time: 2 Hours

Section A
Choose the correct answer. Each question carries 1 mark. 1x10 = (10 Marks)

1. The group of thylakoids is called:

A. Stroma
B. Granum
C. F1 Particles
D. R.E.R.
2. Which microbody is involved in H2O2 metabolism?
A. Sphaerosome
B. Peroxisome
C. Lysosome
D. Glyoxysome.
3. Cell components from which spindle fibres are formed:
A. Microtubules
B. Golgi complex
C. Centromere
D. Centrosome.
4. Which one is called suicidal bag of the cell?
A. Lysosome
B. Peroxisome
C. Ribosome
D. Nucleolus.
5. In a bivalent, how many chromonemata are found during zygotene?
A. 5
B. 2
C. 4
D. 1
6. To obtain 100 pollen grains in wheat plant, how many meiotic divisions will be essential?
A. 25
B. 20
C. 50
D. 10
7. In which stage of cell cycle, duplication of DNA takes place?
A. G1
B. S
C. Metaphase
D. G2.
8. G2 is characterized by:
A. RNA Synthesis
B. Protein Synthesis
C. Formation of organelles
D. All of the above.
9. The word chromosome was first used by:
A. Waldeyer
B. Robert Hooke
C. Robert Brown
D. Danielli.
10. Prokaryotic cell does not contain:
A. Cell wall
B. Nuclear membrane
C. Plasma membrane
D. Vacuole.

Section B
Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries 6 marks. (6x5=30 marks)

11. Describe the structure of cell wall?

12. Explain the ribosome structures 70S and 80S?
13. Explain any three models of plasma membrane.
14. Explain the functions and genome organization of Mitochondria.
15. Describe the structure of microbodies.
16. Give an account on microfilaments.
17. Explain the structure & functions of lysosome.
18. Explain the cell plate formation in cell division.

Section C
Answer any 3 questions. Each question carries 10 marks. (3x10=30 marks)

19. Describe different models explaining the structure of plasma membrane.

20. Explain the immuno techniques FISH & GISH.
21. Explain the structure and functions of Ribosome.
22. Describe the structure & functions of Microtubules
23. Describe the structure & functions of Golgi bodies.
24. Explain the structure and functions of Microbodies & Microfilaments.

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