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Internee Name: Mohammad Alaradi

Student ID: ________________

Supervisor Name: Mr. Magdy Yousef

Internship coordinator/Advisor: Mr. John Go

Date of submission: __________________




My work is dedicated to my parents and my teachers, whose prayers, affection, efforts and

support have always been a source of encouragement for me to reach at this destination and a

humble icon for others in future.

Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................3
OVERVIEW OF THE ORGANIZATION.................................................................................4
Brief History...............................................................................................................................4
Introduction Of the Organization............................................................................................4
Policy of the Organization.........................................................................................................5
Internship Program...................................................................................................................6
Commencement Of Internship.................................................................................................6
Training Program......................................................................................................................6
Week 2.....................................................................................................................................8
Week 3.....................................................................................................................................9
Week 4...................................................................................................................................10
Week 5...................................................................................................................................11
Week 6:.................................................................................................................................12


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for enabling me to

complete my internship at SNC-Lavalin Fayez Engineering (SLFE). SLFE provided me with a

great opportunity of learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider my self lucky

to get a chance to be a part of SLFE. I am so grateful for having a chance to meet so many

wonderful people and professional who led me through this internship journey.

Bearing in mind previous, I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude

and special thanks to the MD of SLFE who in spite of being extremely busy with his duties, took

time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowed me to carry out my project

at their esteemed organization and facilitated my training. I express my deepest thanks to Mr.

Magdy Yousef my internship supervisor for his ultimate guidance and support throughout my

training. His extraordinary encouragement led me to overcome difficulties that I faced during my

training. His passionate guidance helped me in making critical decisions during the internship.

It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude

to , my internship coordinator, Mr. John Go, Mr._________________ department head,

Mr.__________________ senior Accounts officer, my working colleagues

Mr._________________________ , Mr.___________________ for their careful and precious

guidance and support which were extremely valuable for my training.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to

use my experience and skills achieved at SLFE in the best possible way, and will continue to

work on their improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue

cooperation with all of you in the future.


Mohammad Alaradi





CONSULTING COMPANY in Saudi Arabia is a conglomerate venture under the name of SNC-

Lavalin Fayez engineering (SLFE) between Canadian and Saudi architectural firms which aim to

provide reliable and safe solution to their clients. The firm is national contractor of Saudi

Aramco in their oil and gas business. SLFE is recognized as a leading Saudi Engineering and

Project Management services company and is committed to continuously develop local talent in

fulfilment of long-term social sustainability. The company’s portfolio bears 300 completed

projects with 100 ongoing projects to its credit.

This report is based upon the internship offered to the author by the company in Cost

estimation department, one of the subsidiary departments of finance department at SLFE. The

six-week internship conducted at the organization is one of the most productive learning

experiences that author went through after completion of his degree. The professionally

exceptional management at the facility provided guidance to the author in learning basic

financial working tools and soft wares. The author successfully developed his professional skills

in carrying out financial evaluations and budgeting for projects. The author also learnt the

material and cost estimation according to the standards that SLFE is following. Meanwhile, the

author was granted opportunity to go through financial statements of the company for practical



Brief History

SLFE at present is doing business under the title of SNC-LAVALIN INTERNATIONAL


company is located in Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia. It is part of Architectural, engineering and related

services industries. SNC-Lavalin international Inc & Zuhair Fayez Engineering Consulting

company has 600 employees at the location. the company generates a revenue of $42.74 million



Introduction Of the Organization

SNC-Lavalin International Inc. & Zuhair Fayez Engineering Consultancy (SLFE) is a

Saudi Arabian registered engineering organization jointly held by SNC-Lavalin and Dr. Zuhair

Fayez. The company was established in 2011 and is a part of SNC-Lavalin Oil and Gas business

unit. SLFE has adopted SNC-Lavalin’s integrated management system, standards and procedures

as well as IT infrastructure.

SLFE is recognized as a leading Saudi Engineering and Project Management services

company and is committed to continuously develop local talent in fulfilment of long-term social

sustainability. The company’s portfolio bears 300 completed projects with 100 ongoing projects

to its credit. SLFE aims to deliver high quality and reliable solutions with primary focus on

health, safety, security and environment. Moreover, the company is one of the Saudi Aramco’s

approved General engineering Services contractors. It is also providing services to Petro Rabigh

Company, Royal Commission, YASREF and various other EPC/LSTK contractors.

Policy of the Organization

SLFE adheres to SNC-Lavalin’s integrity program encompassing Ethics and Compliance.

Integrity is represented at the highest level in the organization with a dedicated board committee

in addition to an inhouse compliance officer. Together, they manage and deal with all potential

matters related to business conduct and ethics.

The key features related Ethics and Compliance program include;

 Code of ethics and business conduct manual and certification

 Anti-corruption manual

 Training and certification program

 Policies and procedures guiding actions of employees and business partners

 Compliance auditing and internal reporting policies and procedures

SLFE highly value the health, safety and security of its employees, contractors and clients.

As the company is solely committed to demonstrate visible safety leadership to avert injuries,

incidents and environmental impacts. It also guarantees amenability with local regulations and

legislation. Main goal of the organization is “to ensure that every person return home safely at

the end of each day’s work and incorporates these principles into their personal lives.”

The management at SLFE ensure that employees are trained well enough to identify latent

hazards, inclusive workplace evaluation to aptly manage the related risk levels and provide

approachable, innocuous and reliable solutions to their clients. The company is constantly

looking for opportunities to improve their services and processes. They are striving to be

documented by their clients, peers and sponsors as trendsetters and leaders in health, safety and

security. SLFE foster cooperation and collaboration in their organization and promote safety as

an individual responsibility. Their Health, Safety, Security & Environment (HSSE) program is

developed and maintained based upon ISO14001 and OSHAS 18001 standards for development,

implementation and monitoring ("SLFE - Overview", 2018).

Internship Program

I was granted internship at cost estimation section of the Finance Department under

the leadership of John Kaye, Finance Director, SLFE. This section of the finance department is

subjected to make cost estimations for the purchasing and procurement of company’s inventory

and other acquisitions. The primary objective of the cost estimation section is to make

anticipated financial estimations. These estimations are used to make future plans for

procurement and development. The project costs are also made under this section. The

department also assists the finance department in organizational budgeting, project planning, risk

assessment, labor and material cost etc.

Therefore, there is an immense burden of responsibility upon the employees and trainees

of this department. The overall financial team at SLFE is highly competent and professional.

Their professional skills have enabled the company to make huge ventures and complete their

projects on time.

Commencement Of Internship

The internship program started from September 16th, 2021 and ended on October 28th,

2021. The total duration of the internship was 6 weeks. My sole training was conducted at cost

estimation department, a subdivision of Finance department at SLFE.

Training Program

Week1: The training started from 16th September, 2021.

Goals: Primary objective to be achieved for this week was to

 refresh computer skills necessary for finance and in particular for cost estimation.

During the first week, I was assigned to get familiar with Microsoft Excel program. I was

instructed to get acquainted with Excel spread sheet, various equations and application of

formulas in the software.

Internee Feed Back: At the end of the week at day 5, I was assigned to fill a feedback form in

internship logbook. During the week I went through excel operations, equations and learnt

various excel skills. However, I felt that I should have done excel in my college days so as to get

a better hold on the program. During the week I got a chance to monitor my co-worker doing a

cost estimating for a real project. My supervisor had been a great help.

Figure 1: Internship Logbook Week 1.

Week 2: Week two started from September 22nd, 2021 and ended on September 25th, 2021.

Goal: Primary goal for this week was to complete

 Excel spreadsheet equations.

 Start Material Estimate Spreadsheet.

First three days of the week, I spent on excel spreadsheet equations. Fourth day, I started

Material estimation spreadsheet.

Internee Feedback: During the exercise, I realized that material estimation spreadsheet was

linked to accounting principles. Hence, I utilized my accounting knowledge in understanding the

material estimation spreadsheet. My supervisor explained me in detail the working of the

spreadsheet. Hence, I met the week target well.

Figure 2: Week2 Internship Logbook.

Week 3: Started from 30th September, 2021 till 4th October, 2021.

Goals: Primary targets to be achieved during the week were;

 Complete hands-on skills for spreadsheet equations.

 Start cost estimation.

 Start budgeting.

 Work on budgeting-CP1.

Internee Feedback:

I spent a productive week with my supervisor over understanding the core concepts of

budgeting and cost estimation. This week I spent time on working at negative and positive

scenarios. My supervisor has been a great help. During the training I utilized by finance concepts

and put them to practical application.

Figure 3: Week 3 Internship Logbook.

Week 4: Started from 7th October,2021 till 11th October,2021.

Goals: major objectives of the week were;

 start CP1

 complete excel formulas for financial analysis.

 Revision of material estimation spreadsheet.

Internee feedback

I learnt to work on budgeting in more detail. I also learned various tools and equations on excel

spreadsheet. However, this week I still needed to work more on memorizing formulas and

equations for spreadsheet.

Figure 4 Week 4 Internship Logbook.

Week 5: Started from 14th October 2021 till 18th October 2021.

Goals: major goals for this week were;

 Master spreadsheet equations

 Work on weight average cost of capital (WACC)

 Material estimation spreadsheets

 Walkthrough company’s financial statements

Internee Feedback:

I worked on the above-mentioned targets and achieved the desired skills with in the time frame

set by the supervisor. However, I realized that I needed to develop my communication skills

even better than I do have.

Figure 5 Week 5 Internship Logbook.

Week 6:

Started 24th October,2021 till 28th October 2021.

Goal: Primary objective of this week was to go through all the working skills that I learnt during

my training.

Internee feedback: I went through excel spreadsheets and walked through company’s financial

statements. Understood the company’s cash flow. I learnt to make a material estimation

spreadsheet. I also learnt to create a successful bid and present it against competitors.

Figure 6: Week 6 Internship Logbook.


My internship at SLFE has been very effective in terms of learning basic excel tools for financial

analysis. I learnt to work in corporate environment and had a chance to actually experience some

of the financial events that are core of any organization’s operational strategy. I also learnt the

value of managing finances when it comes to plan and budget big projects. While working at

SFLE, I realized that the success of any organization lies in the management of its resources both

in terms of materials and cash. However, I strongly realized that I should have paid attention to

learning excel program earlier as it is a very effective software for financial working. The

corporate environment of the organization led me peep into the actual working of conglomerates

at higher level.


After completion of my internship, I would like to make few recommendations based

upon my personal experience and observation. These include;

 Internees must have an opportunity to get rotated in different departments of the

organization instead of spending all the training period at one department.

 Administration should encourage the personal development of the internee and must

guide them accordingly.

 Multinational ventures like SLFE should follow a developmental curriculum for

internees so as to create a skillful local workforce.

 Educational institutes should also implement those training curriculum for students to

get familiar with practical world.


SLFE - Overview. (2018). Retrieved 9 November 2021, from
COMPANY. D&B business Directory. (2021). Retrieved 9 November 2021, from


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