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Examples of use:
The two men sealed the deal with a handshake.

The police burst into the room where the drug deal was taking place.

We need to look at all the different sides of this deal before we decide whether or not to accept it.

Rich countries often push poor countries into accepting trade deals they do not benefit from as much as they should.

A negotiator for the police has worked out a deal for the release of the 3 hostages.

We found this table at a little antique dealer in Boston.

We got a really good deal on a charter flight to Spain last fall.

The company tries to be fair and honest in all its dealings.

She couldn't deal with all the noise of working in the factory, so she quit her job.

A peace deal has finally been reached between the two countries.

The strike was called off on Monday because the union and management have made a deal.

He dealt out five cards to each player.

Midori Koto once suggested that honor isn't about making the right choices. It's about dealing with the consequences.

Someone once observed that if you make the world a little better, then you have accomplished a great deal.

A Chinese proverb advises, Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.

Examples of use:

The player caught the pass, and then was tackled by the defense.

The young man was injured in a football game at school when he was tackled by a couple of his friends.

Critics have accused the government of failing to tackle the country's economic problems.

If we tackle the problem right away, I'm sure we'll be able to find a solution before the day is over.

The new President will have to tackle the deficit right away in order to get the economy back on track.

The policeman tackled the robber to the ground and wrestled his gun away from him.

Firemen tackled a major blaze at an apartment building over the weekend.

Lewis Grizzard once observed that the game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems,
block your fears, and score your points when you get the opportunity.

We've got a lot of work to do, so we'd better begin to tackle it this afternoon.

The government is determined to tackle the issue right away while its popularity is high.

Tackling Mount Everest is the ultimate challenge for the elite mountain climber.

Find someone who has tackled someone.

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