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Katherine A.

Natino Methods 1

Assessment of Learning

Module 1 – Nature and Roles of Assessment

Activity: Concept Clarification

1. Assessment and evaluation are one and the same.

The statement is incorrect, because assessment is all about using any methods or any forms of
activity to measure knowledge, skills, attitude and beliefs of every learner. Through assessment
teachers will be able to improve the student's path towards learning. While evaluation is the
judgement to a learner’s performance, a data that has been collected after the assessment task
will be used as evidence and criteria on giving a grade.

2. Assessment is completed once every grading period

The statement is incorrect, because assessment should take place at every stage of the learning
process. Very common assessment I know is that in every start of a course some teachers form a
diagnostic assessment sometimes called pretest in order to see how much students know.
Assessment of student performance is essentially knowing how the student is progressing in a
course and how a teacher is also performing with respect to the teaching process.

3. Assessment is one-way. Only teachers are involved in assessment.

The statement is incorrect, because the main goal of assessment is to improve students.
Through proper communication it will help both parties to have a good learning teaching
environment, when the teacher is assessing the work of student, he/she tells how the work
done and how to improve it, vice versa if the student has a concern to teacher they will both
discuss it.

4. Assessment is ultimately for grading purposes.

The statement is incorrect, because the goal of grading is to evaluate individual students' and
learning and performance. Moreover, assessment goes beyond grading by systematically
examining patterns of student learning across courses and programs and using this information
to improve educational practices. Assessment only reflects some impact in order to know where
the student stands when it comes to his/her knowledge.

5. Student work should be given a grade or a mark.

Not all the time, some of teachers will not put any grades on your work, instead they will put
feedback/comment and recommendations in order for you to improve it. As most of the
students will often just read the grade and ignore the comments. Where teachers want to give a
grade, it is often more effective for learners to read feedback and comments first, and then edit
their work before they see a grade.

6. Assessment is the responsibility of program coordinators/supervisor.

It is incorrect because, Teachers play a very important role in assessments. They are the one
who give feedback after the assessment. This will be a constructive feedback in order to help
students detect their strengths and weaknesses.

7. Assessment is imposed on teachers by the school and accrediting agencies.

Assessment is being imposed on teachers making decisions about learner progress, learner
performance, and specific learning outcomes is a vital part of teachers' professional practice.
While accrediting agencies is a reliable authority in assessing the quality of education or training
provided by the school or institution.

8. Formative assessment is a kind of test; teachers use to find out what their students know.

It is incorrect because formative assessments use to support learning during the learning
process. While assessment learning is the one who use to find out what their students know.
Formative assessment help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas
that they needed to work on.

9. Instruction inform assessment but not the other way around.

The statement incorrect because, the instruction part of teaching is the lecture part. An
assessment is a test. In that case before assessment teachers’ put efforts to improve their
instructional skills to improve students. Teachers now see between the need to balance their
instruction on the basis of the evidence they obtain from their formative assessment during

10. Assessment is an average of performance across a teaching period.

Assessment is a wide variety of methods or tools that teachers use to evaluate, measure, and
document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of
students. However, in order to determine how much of a positive or negative effect individual
teachers have on the academic achievement of their students, based primarily on student
assessment results.

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