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Name : Nurjannah Mahmudatul Hayati

Group : 52
School : SDN-5 Melayu
Class/semester : 1/1
School Year : 2021/2022
Material : My Body
Time : 1 x 9 minutes
Learning Model : Online Learning
Skill : Vocabulary
Method : Communicative Learning Teaching
Media Use : Power Point, Tik Tok, Laptop/Handphone.

A. Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:
 Identify parts of body
 Apply vocabulary parts of body in daily life

B. Learning Steps

(3 miniutes)

 The teacher opens the lesson by greeting the students

 The teacher and students start learning activities by reciting Basmallah

Core Activities
(10 minutes)

 Doing brainstorming (asks students according to the picture that has been displayed)
as prepation


 The teacher reads the vocabulary of the limbs one by one by asking the students to
repeat it after the teacher reads
 Asks students to return to mention the vocabulary of body parts to train students'
 The teacher tell a story relate to body parts


 Asks students to questions about today if there is something they don't understand


 Showing a video relate to body parts while singing it together

Closing Activities
(2 minutes)
 The teacher gives motivation to the students before ending this class
 Ending the learning activity by reciting Hamdalah
 Greeting from both of teacher and students.

C. Assesment
 Assesment of Knowledge: Students understand after identify the parts of body
(See attachment)

Banjarmasin, 25th November 2021

Supervisor Teacher,

M. Arinal Rahman, M. Ed Nurjannah Mahmudatul Hayati

SRN: 190101030070

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