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Lesson Plan

Name : Muhammad Riandy
Group : 52
Class / Semester : VII / 1
School Year : 2021 / 2022
Topic : Preposition of Place
Method : Task Based Language Learning
Time : 1 x 15 minutes
Skill : Reading & Writing
Learning Model : Distance Learning (Daring)
Media : Youtube
A. Learning Objectives
. After this lesson, students will be able to:
 Students can identify, understabd, and use it in daily activities

Preliminary Activities

 The teacher greets students, do prayers together, and checks the attendance of students.
 The teacher motivates the students to always maintain cleanliness, wash hands and
wear masks

Core Activities
Observe :
 The teacher does the brainstorming about Preposition of place .
 The teacher asks the student what material that they want to learn today
 The teacher explain the materials and the other students focus on the explanation
 The teacher displays some preposition of place, and give some example.
 The students will practice to write the sentences using preposition of places
 The students conclude the material that has been taught
Closing Activities
 The learning activity was closed by saying Hamdalah and prayers together.

C. Assessment
1. Assesment : writen evaluations (see attachment)

Kuala Pembuang, 19th October 2021

Supervisor Subject Teacher

M. Arinal Rahman, M.Ed Muhammad Riandy

Attachment 1 :
1. Another word that means the same as under is
a) behind
b) between
c) below
d) next to

2. Another word that means the same as Next to is

a) over
b) through
c) beside
d) between

3. Every morning I get … a bus to go to school.

a) up
b) on
c) at
d) down

4. The letter ‘B’ is … the letter ‘A’ and the letter ‘C’.
a) between
b) on
c) around
d) next to

5. There is a ball in the middle of the road. Everyone is driving … it.

a) between
b) on
c) around
d) next to

Attachment 2
Multiple Choice Scoring
number Key answer Score Highest Score : 10

1 C 2
2 C 2 Score obtained
Score: X 100
3 B 2 Highest score
4 A 2
5 C 2
Total score 10
Include in slide presentation:

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