Lesson Plan (Daring) : A. Learning Objectives

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Lesson Plan (Daring)

Name : Muhammad Riandy

Group : 52
Class / Semester : VII / 1
School Year : 2021 / 2022
Topic : Color Vocabulary
Method : CLT
Time : 1 x 15 minutes
Skill : Speaking
Learning Model : Distance Learning (Daring)
Media : Youtube
A. Learning Objectives
. After this lesson, students will be able to:
 To develop deeper understanding from vocabulary lesson

Preliminary Activities

 The teacher greets students, do prayers together, and checks the attendance of students.
 The teacher motivates the students to always maintain cleanliness, wash hands and
wear masks

Core Activities
Observe :
 The teacher does the brainstorming about the material
 The teacher asks the student what material that they want to learn today
 The teacher explain about the materials and the students focus on the explanation
 The teacher displays some vocabulary, and the students repeat the words that have
been said by the teacher
 The students will practice remembering the vocabulary that has been learned
 The students conclude the material that has been taught
Closing Activities
 The learning activity was closed by saying Hamdalah and prayers together.

C. Assessment
1. Assesment : Writen Evaluations (see attachment)

Kuala Pembuang, 19th October 2021

Supervisor Subject Teacher

M. Arinal Rahman, M.Ed Muhammad Riandy

Attachment 1 :

Multiple Choice Scoring

number Key answer Score Highest Score : 10

1 B 2
2 A 2 X 100
3 A 2 Score : ScoreObtained
4 D 2 Highest score
5 C 1
6 B 1
Total score 10

Include in slide presentations :

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