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Nature and Significance of Management

1. Tick the right option.
(i) Element of co-ordination is ............................................ .
(a) Team work (b) Integration
(c) Proper placement (d) Unity in diversity.
(ii) In which level of management do the managers oversee the activities of
workers ?
(a) Top level management (b) Middle level management
(c) Supervisory Management (d) All of the above.
(iii) The process by which a manager synchronize the activities of different
departments is known as ..............................................................................
(a) co-ordination (b) co-operation
(c) organising (d) supervision.
(iv) Managers at the top level spend their time more in ..............................................
(a) Planning (b) organising
(c) staffing (d) directing
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer.
(i) Management consists of an on-going series of functions and it is the process of
getting work done. ......................................................................................
(ii) Providing ..................................... environment to employees is one of the main
objective of the management.
(iii) Science is a systematised body of knowledge establising relationship between
(iv) The application of knowledge towards the achievement of ................................
is an art.

3. 'A business needs to add to its prospects in long run'. Idetify the
organisational objectives highlighted by this statement.
4. Name the level of management involved in :
(a) Policy formation
(b) overseeing the activities of the workers
(c) co-ordination with other department.
5. Write any three features of an art which are currently present in management.
6. Name the level of managers who analyse the business environment and its
implications for the survival of the firm.
7. To meet the objectives of the firm. the management of B ltd. offers
employment to physically challenged persons. Identify the organisational
management objectives, it is trying to achieve.
8. State any three function of lower level management/supervisonery
9. 'Management is mutli-dimensional activity'. Its multi-dimensions are :
10. 'Management is a profession like accounting, medicine and low'. Do you
agree with this statement ? Give any three reasons in support of your answer.
11. 'Management is skillful and personal application of existing knowledge to
achieve desired results'. Do you agree ? Give reasons in support of your

12. 'Management is regarded as a perfect science'. Do you agree ? Give reason in
support of your answer.
13. 'Co-ordinaiton is the orderly arrangement of group effects to provide unity of
action in the pursuit of common purpose'. In the light of this statement. State
the nature of co-ordination.
14. A company's production and profits are optimum. Its expansion is also
commendable. It looks after growth of its employees and providers job
satisfaction. State which category of management objectives has been left out.
15. "An enterprise can be successful if it achieves its goals effectively and
efficiently". Give the reasons in support of your answer.

Unit-1 Answer
1. (i) Integration
(ii) supervisory management
(iii) co-ordination
(iv) planning
2. (i) effectively & efficiently
(ii) healthy word
(iii) cause and effect
(iv) desired objectives


Principles of Management
1. Tick the right option.
(a) Who has given the principles of scientific management :
(i) F. W. Taylor (ii) Henri Fayol
(iii) Koontz and O'Donnel (iv) Kotler
(b) One best way to perform a task is described by which of the following
technique of scientific management :
(i) Time study (ii) Motion study
(iii) Fatigue study (iv) Method study
(c) Which of the following is not correct with regard to principles of
(i) Universal (ii) Flexible
(iii) Static (iv) Behavioural
(d) Techniques of scientific management includes :
(i) Motion study (ii) Method study
(iii) Time study (iv) All of them.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer :
(a) .......................... implies that every employee should be assigned only one
type of work so as to bring about specialisation in every activity.
(b) If all the authority in an organisation is concentrated at top level them it
will lead to violation of ........................ principle.
(c) .................................... principle of management promoted team spirit.
(d) Management principles are ............................ as they can be applied to all
types of activities.

3. State any four features of principles of management.
(i) .................................................
(ii) ................................................
(iii) ...............................................
(iv) ...............................................
4. Explain how principles of management provide useful insights to managers
5. List the principles of scientific management
6. Explain functional foremanship techniques of scientific management.
7. "Taylor principles of scientific management and fayol's principles of
management are mutually complementary to each other". Do you agree ?
Why ?
8. List any four values which are inculcated by the principles of management in
(i) .................................................................................................................................
(ii) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ..............................................................................................................................
9. Ram and Ravi both are employed at XYZ ltd at same position, performing
similar task but they are paid salaries at different rates. Which principle of
management is violated by XYZ Ltd. ? What may be its ill effects ?
10. Explain the following principles of Management.
(i) Order
(ii) Unity of Direction
(iii) Espirit De Corps.

11. Gang Plank is a shortcut to scalar chain without violating it. Explain.
12. Make three difference between unity of command and unity of direction.

Unit-2 Answer
1. (a) (i) F. W. Taylor
(b) (iv) Method study
(c) (iii) Static
(d) (iv) All of them
2. (a) Division of work
(b) Balance between centralisation & decentralisation
(c) Esprit de Corps
(d) Universal / Pervasive.


Business Environment
1. Tick the right answer regarding the environments referred to in the below
given situations :
(a) Increase in demand of cards, sweets during Diwali season in India.
(i) Economic environment (ii) Social Environment
(iii) Political environment (iv) Legal environment
(b) Accessing bio-datas and searching for prospective employees through their
Linked-In profile on the internet
(i) Economic environment (ii) Social environment
(iii) Technological environment (iv) Legal environment
(c) Increase in inflation rates leading to increase in cost of business such as
increase in raw material etc.
(i) Economic Environment (ii) Political Environment
(iii) Legal Environment (iv) Social Environment
(d) The advertisement of alcoholic beverages is prohibited :
(i) Economic Environment (ii) Political Environment
(iii) Social Environment (iv) Legal Environment
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers :
(a) ............................... means the sum total of all individuals, institutions &
other forces that are outside the control of business enterprise but that may
affect its performance.
(b) .................................... assisted in abolishing licensing requirements in most
(c) ...................................... refers to bringing in new set of reforms aimed at
giving greater role to the private sector in the nation building process.

(d) .................................... means the integration of various economics of the
world leading towards emergence of a cohesive global economy.
3. Name the specific forces which are part of business environment.
4. What are the general forces involved in business environment ?
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(ii) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
5. Clarify 'warning signal' as an importance of business environment.
6. Demand of sarees may be high in India, where as it is almost nil in France.
"Which feature of business environment is highlighted by this statement ?
7. How can one get first mover advantage by being aware of business
environment ?

8. Specify any three main features of New Industrial Policy, 1991 ?
9. How has government policy changes impacted business and Industry ? Write
any three points.
10. Future Pvt. Ltd., a book publishing co., is the first to improvise its all
publications as per new syllabus and introduces projects works as per the
new CBSE syllabus. It is resulting in huge revenues generation for the
company. Which importance of understanding Business environment has
resulted in profitability for the co. ?
11. The projects of Nano car by Tatas has re-established in Gujrat. Which aspects
business environment affected this decision ?
12. A statutory warning 'Cigarette smoking is injurious to health' refers to which
element of business environment. What values are represented here ?

Unit-3 Answer
1. (a) Social Environment
(b) Technology environment
(c) Economic environment
(d) Legal environment
2. (a) Business environment
(b) Liberalisation
(c) Privalisation
(d) Globalisation


1. Tick the right option :
(i) Dreams can be turned into relaity if business thinks in advance what to do and
how to do. Identify the function of management.
(a) Planning (b) Organising
(c) Directing (d) Controlling
(ii) Which of the following is a feature of planning ?
(a) Pervasive (b) Primary function
(c) Continuous (d) All of these.
(iii) What is the last step involved in the process of planning ?
(a) selecting an alternative (b) Implementing the plan
(c) follow up action (d) setting objectives
(iv) Name the type of plan which represents the end point of planning.
(a) objective (b) strategies
(c) Procedures (d) Rules.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer.
(i) A procedure is a series of related tasks that make up the ................................
and the established way of performing the work to be accomplished.
(ii) ............................ are routing steps on how to carry out activities.
(iii) In the changing business environment and to face the competition in the
market, to meet ....................... are known as strategres.
(iv) The act of thinking and determining a course of action, spelt out in detail is
called .........................................
3. Arrange the following steps in the correct order.
(i) Selecting the best alternative course.
(ii) Identify the alternative course of action.
(iii) Evaluating the alternative course.
4. Identify the type of plan in the following cases.
(i) No smoking
(ii) No credit sales
(iii) Increase the sales by 10%
5. Strategy is a comprehensive plan which includes three dimensions.
Enumerate them.
6. "Controlling is not possible without planning". Identify the importance of
planning highlighted by this statement.

7. "Planning involves working out details for the future, it does not ensure
success". State any three limitations of planning in reference of this statement.
(I) ...............................................................................................................................
(II) ..............................................................................................................................
(III) ............................................................................................................................
8. Differentiate between policy and procedures as the type of plans on any three
(I) ...............................................................................................................................
(II) ..............................................................................................................................
(III) ............................................................................................................................
9. "Planning is necessary for effective management." Identify the features of
planning highlighted in said statement.
10. State any three importance of planning for both large and small scale
(I) ...............................................................................................................................
(II) ..............................................................................................................................
(III) .............................................................................................................................
11. Name the type of plan.
(i) 'Alcohol is not permitted with in the factory premises.'
(ii) Company follows the practice of hiring employees who are the above 18
years of age.
(iii) A company needs a detailed plan for its new project-construction of a
shopping mall.

12. "Planning helps the management to anticipate the future and prepare for the
risks by making necessary provisions." State merit of planning indicated in
the above statement.
13. "No enterprise can achieve its objectives without systematic planning." Give
any three reasons.
(I) ..............................................................................................................................
(II) ..............................................................................................................................
(III) ...........................................................................................................................
14. Some youngsters visit to a restaurant, where they found a signboard
indicating "No smoking zone". Suggest the values which will help the youth
to become responsible citizen of the nation.
15. An electronic company is facing a problem of declining market share due to
increased competition from other now & existing players in the market. Its
competitors are introducing lower price models for mass consumers who are
price sensitive. For quality concious consumers, company is introducing new
mode with added feature & new technological advancement.
(i) Name the type of plan the company is preparing.
(ii) Identify the steps involved in such plans.

Unit-4 Answer
1. (i) planning
(ii) primary function
(iii) follow up action
(iv) objectives
2. (i) chronological sequence
(b) procedures
(c) challenges
(d) planning.


1. Tick the right option :
(I) which function of management is concerned with establishing relationship
for the purpose of enabling people to work most effective together in
accomplishing objectives ?
(a) Planning (b) Organising
(c) Staffing (d) Directing.
(ii) In which type of organisational structure do the functions become the basis of
departmentalisation ?
(a) functional structure
(b) divisional structure
(c) autonomous organisational structure
(d) delegated organisational structure
(iii) For delegation to be effective, it is essential that responsibility be
accompanied with necessity .
(a) Authority (b) Manpower
(c) Incentives (d) Promotions
(iv) Name the organisational structure which is developed keeping in mind the
distinct products being produced by an enterprises.
(a) Decentralised organisation structure
(b) Divisional organisation structure
(c) Functional organisation structure
(d) centralized organisation structure

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer.
(i) .................................... is the process of defining and grouping the activities
of the enterprise and establising authority relationship among them.
(ii) It is developed by grouping the activities and personal on the basis of
different products manufacturer is called ..........................................
(iii) communication may not be authentic. sometimes rumours are floated in
................................................ . It spreads like a grape-vine.
(iv) Grouping of activities on the basis of functions is a part of .......................
organisation structure.
3. Bharat Ltd. is manufacturing computer, soaps and textiles. Which type of
organisational structure would suit the requirements of such organisation ?
State any two advantages of this organisation structure.
4. "Can an overpurdened manager take help from his subordinates ?" Give three
important elements which he should keep in mind while taking such help.
5. It is system of well defined jobs, each with definite measure of authority,
responsibility and accountability. Identify the systems and write any two
merit of such system.

6. In an organissation top level management has not distributed work among
the subordinates according to their abilities and skills but has been
distributed on the basis of caste and religion. Which values are neglected
7. Distinguish between 'formal' and 'informal' organisation on any thre points.
8. State any three limitations of functional structure of an organisation.
9. Enumerate the steps involved in the process or organising.
10. In a fashion designing unit, following me the main functions. (a)
manufacturing (b) finance (c) marketing (d) personnel management. Identify
the structure of the organsiation and two advantages of the organisational

11. Distinguish between 'divisional' and 'functional' structure in an organisation
on the basis of :
(a) suitability (b) cost (c) size
12. The employee of Hans Ltd. a software company have formed a dramtic group
for their recreation. Name the type of organisation so formed and state its two
13. State any three limitations of divisional structure of an organisation.
14. State any three demerits of Formal organisation.
15. Sushma Ltd. is engaged in the production of marble products. The members
of the organisation have very friendly relations among them. Which type of
organisation exists in Sushma Ltd. ? Identify any two limitations of
developing such an organisation.

Unit-5 Answer
1. (i) organising
(ii) functional structure
(iii) authority
(iv) divisional organisation structure
2. (i) organisation
(b) divisional organisation
(c) informal organisation
(d) functional.


1. Tick the right option :
(a) Which is the management process that refers to "putting people to jobs"?
(i) Directing (ii) Staffing
(iii) Controlling (iv) Organising
(b) Which of the following is not the feature of staffing ?
(i) deals with human beings
(ii) a sperate managerial function
(iii) improves job satisfactions moral of employess
(iv) main aim is social responsibility
(c) Process of finding possible candidates for a job is called :
(i) selection (ii) recruitment
(iii) Training (iv) None of these.
(d) Which of these is not an external source of recruitment ?
(i) Promotion (ii) Direct recruitment
(iii) advertisement (iv) Casual callers
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers :
(a) .................................... is the process of choosing from among the pool of
prospective job candidates.
(b) Introducing the selected employee to other employees & familiarising
him/here with rules & policies of the organisation is called...............................
(c) ..................................... refers to the employees occupying the position or post
for which the person has been selected.
(d) ............................. and ...................... are internal sources of recruitment.

3. 'Our assets walk out of the door every evening. We have to make sure that
they come back the next morning'. What is being referred to here ?
4. Write the evolution of human resources management stages :

5. A company emphasis on internal source of recruitment. What according to

your are the merits associated with it ? Write nay three
6. Even though internal sources are cost effective still companies go for external
sources of recruitment. Why ? Write any three points to support this

7. There are certain limitation of internal sources of recruitment because of
which external sources are used. What are they ? Mention any three.
8. ABC Ltd., a BPO wishes to hire staff for customer care handling. Identifying
the following methods of recruitment.
(i) Going to various universities in metropolitan cities for selecting required
(ii) Considering applicants introduced by present employees for eg their
friends & relatives.
(iii) Having a tie up with calibre consultants for searching of appropriate
personnel for the company.
(iv) using to search for prospective employees.
9. There are certain limitation to external sources of recruitment. Mention any
three :
10. XYZ Ltd. Co, presides facilities for growth & development to its employees on
regular basis. It financially assists its employees if they want to pursue further
studies. What values of the company are indicated here ?
11. Explain employment exchange & advertising as external sources of


1. Tick the right option :
(a) The process of learning new skills & application of knowledge is called :
(i) Development (ii) Education
(iii) Training (iv) None of these.
(b) Which of the given methods is not 'on the job method' ?
(i) Apprenticeship program (ii) Internship training
(iii) Job Rotation (iv) Programmed Instruction
(c) Which of the given test is not meant for selection of employees ?
(i) Intelligence test (ii) Trade test
(iii) Qualification test (iv) Interest test
(d) Which test provides clues to a person's emotion his/her reactions, maturity &
value system etc.
(i) Aptitude test (ii) Personality test
(iii) Interest test (iv) None of these.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer :
(a) .............................. helps the manager eliminate unqualified or unfit job seeker
based on the information supplied in the application forms.
(b) After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is
required to undergo a .................................................
(c) ......................................... is the process of increasing the knowledge &
understanding of employees.
(d) ....................................... refer to learning opportunities designed to help
employees grow not only in the job but also enhance their personality.
3. What kind of training would you recommend for plumbers, electricians or
iron workers & why ?
4. Why is recruitment called a positive process while selection as a negative
process ?
5. Identify the method of training in the following cases :
(a) It is classically used when the trainee is being groomed to replace the
senior manager & relieve him from some of his duties .........................................
(b) It is joint programme of training in which educational institutions &
business firms cooperate selected candidates work in office along with
regular studies for a prescribed period of time ...................................................
(c) It simulates the work environment by programming a computer to initiate
some of the realities of the job. ................................................
(d) Employees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using but the
training is conducted away from the actual work floor. ......................................
(e) Cases are taken from actual experiences of organisation representing
attempts to describe as accurately as possible real problems faced by
managers. ...................................................................
6. Define 'selection'.

7. LMN Ltd. is conducting the following texts to select the most suitable
candidates art of the various applicants. Identify the selection test referred to
in following cases :
(a) It measures the existing skills of the individual.
(b) It is done to analyse the pattern of interests or involvement of a person
(c) The test measures the ability of an applicant to learn new skills.
8. Mention the steps involved in selection process.

9. What are the advantages of training & development to an organisation ?
Mention any three.
10. What is the benefit of training & development for an employee ? Write any
11. What values of an candidate should be analysed & observed in-the seleciton
process so that the organisation can work orward towards the objective of
growth ?
(i) ........................................ (ii) ......................................(iii)......................................

Unit-6 Answer

Worksheet-1 Worksheet-2
1. (a) staffing 1. (a) training
(b) main aim is social (b) programmed instruction
responsibility (c) qualification test
(c) recruitment (d) personality test
(d) promotion 2. (a) preliminary screening
2. (a) selection (b) medical examination
(b) orientation (c) education
(c) placement (d) development
(d) transfer and promotion


1. Tick the right option :
(a) The elements of directing does not include :
(i) communication (ii) delegations of authority
(iii) motivation (iv) supervision
(b) The need hierarchy theory of motivation was given by :
(i) peter F. Drucker (ii) Abraham H. Maslow
(iii) George Terry (iv) F. Herzberg
(c) Which of the following is not a financial incentive ?
(i) Profit sharing (ii) Bonus
(iii) Job security (iv) salary/wages
(d) Which of the following is not a function of a supervisor :
(i) Link between workers & management
(ii) Facilitates control
(iii) Maintain discipline
(iv) Give direction to manager regarding workers.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer :
(a) .............................. function of management includes instructing, guiding,
counseling, motivating and leading people in the organisation.
(b) Supervisor acts as a ....................... between workers and management.
(c) ......................................... sets is motion the action of people and ensures
achievement of organisational goals.
(d) ........................................, motivation, leadership and communication are the
elements of directing.

3. List four importance of directing.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(ii) ...............................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ..............................................................................................................................
4. Enumerate any four functions of a supervisor.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ..............................................................................................................................
5. How does motivation improve the efficiency of workers in an organisation ?
Give four points.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) .............................................................................................................................
6. List three financial and three non financial incentives.
Financial incentives Non financial incentives
(i) ................................................. (i) ..........................................................
(ii) ................................................ (ii) .........................................................
(iii) ............................................... (iii) ........................................................
7. List the five needs as per the need hierarchy theory of motivation given by
Abraham H Maslow.
(i) .................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ...............................................................................................................................
(v) ................................................................................................................................

8. Top officials of ABC Ltd try to motivate their employees by means of financial
and non-financial incentives. Which values are highlighted here ?
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ..............................................................................................................................
9. List the various elements of directing.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ..............................................................................................................................
10. Directing initiates action and facilitates change." Explain.


1. Tick the right option :
(a) The process of converting the message in to communication symbols is
known as :
(i) Media (ii) Encoding
(iii) Decoding (iv) Feedback
(b) Which of the following is not an example of semantic barriers.
(i) Technical Jargon (ii) Badly expressed message
(iii) Distrust (iv) Faulty translations.
(c) Which process/activity influence people to strive willingly towards the
achievement of group goals.
(i) Motivation (ii) Communication
(iii) Leadership (iv) Selection
(d) The communication which takes place without following the formal lines of
communication and which is not recognised officially is :
(i) Formal communication (ii) Informal communication
(iii) Vertical communication (iv) Horizontal communication
2. Fill in the blanks :
(a) ..................................... communication involves flow of information from
higher level to lower level.
(b) An effective communication system ensures smooth flow of .............................
in the organisation.
(c) Flow of communication between persons holding position at the same level of
the organisation is known as ................................. communication.
(d) ............................... is the response of the receiver to the message.

3. List four qualities of a good leader.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) .............................................................................................................................
4. List the different styles of leadership.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
5. State any four semantic barriers to effective communication.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) .............................................................................................................................
6. Give four measures which should be taken to improve communication
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) .............................................................................................................................
7. State four advantages of informal communication
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) .............................................................................................................................
8. Sahil, the manager of XYZ Ltd generally try to skip communication with the
people of supervisory level. State the organisational barrier which may be
responsible for it. What values Sahil is lacking, (State any three)

(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
9. State any four advantages of the democratic leadership.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) .............................................................................................................................
10. "Lack of attention" relates to which type of communication barrier ? State any
other three of its types.

Unit-7 Answer

Worksheet-1 Worksheet-2
1. (a) (ii) Delegation of authority 1. (a) (ii) Encoding
(b) (ii) Abraham H. Maslow (b) (iii) Distrust
(c) (iii) Job security (c) (iii) Leadership
(d) (iv) Give direction to (d) (ii) Informal Communication
managers regarding workers. 2. (a) Downward
2. (a) Directing (b) Information
(b) Link (c) Horizontal
(c) Motivation (d) Feedback
(d) Supervision


1. Tick the right option :
(a) Controlling process is :
(i) Forward looking (ii) backward looking
(iii) looking nowhere (iv) forward as well as backward looking
(b) Which of the following is not a feature of controlling :
(i) continuous process
(ii) action oriented
(iii) reflects the pattern of human relationships
(iv) looking back
(c) Controlling leads to :
(i) attainment of organisational goals
(ii) decision making
(iii) order and discipline
(iv) all of the above.
(d) Controlling is blind without :
(i) Planning (ii) Directing
(iii) Organising (iv) Staffing
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer (s) :
(a) In controlling the actual performance is compared with standard
performance to find ....................... and to take .................................
(b) Planning and controlling are ................................. and ........................ activities.
(c) Controlling helps in judging the accuracy of .......................................
(d) Controlling helps in achievement of organisational ...........................

3. Define controlling.
4. How does controlling help in efficient utilisation of resources ?
5. "Controlling ensure work accomplishment according to plans". Explain.
6. "If we try to control everything, we may end up controlling nothing. "Explain"
7. State the steps involved in the controlling process.
(i) .................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ...............................................................................................................................
(v) ................................................................................................................................
8. "Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back." Comment.
9. What values are inculcated by the controlling function of management.?
(i) .................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iv) ...............................................................................................................................
10. Sachin Ltd produce machine components. As per its policy at the most 1% of
the daily production could be defective but over the past couple of months it
has been observed that 5% of the production is defective.
Identify the management function required to correct the above situation.
What may be reasons which leads to such a large deviation from the pre-
determined standards.

Unit-8 Answer
1. (a) (iv) Forward as well as backward looking.
(b) (iii) Reflects the pattern of human relationships.
(c) (iv) all of the above
(d) (i) Planning
2. (a) (i) Deviation (ii) Corrective action
(b) (i) Interrelated (ii) Interdependent
(c) Standards
(d) Goals.


Financial Management
1. Tick the right option :
(a) Other things remaining the same, an increase in tax rate on corporate profits
will :
(i) make debt relatively cheaper
(ii) make debt relatively dearer
(iii) have no impact on the cost of debt
(iv) none of above.
(b) Companies with higher growth potential are likely to :
(i) pay lower dividends
(ii) pay higher dividends
(iii) dividends are not affected by growth consideration
(iv) none of above.
(c) A fixed asset should be financed through :
(i) a long term liability
(ii) a short term liability
(iii) a mix of long and short term liability
(d) Which is not a source of fixed capital :
(i) issue of shares (ii) issue of debentures
(iii) loan from IBRD (iv) Bank overdraft
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer :
(a) Gross working capital is also known as ..............................................
(b) Cost of raising funds is a factor which may influence .............................
(c) Modern approach of financial management involves .................... of funds.
(d) Finance resource management is concerned with ...........................
3. What are two types of sources of Finance :
(i) ................................................ (ii) ...........................................................
(iii) ............................................. (iv) ..........................................................
4. Identify the decision taken in Financial management which affects the
liquidity as well as profitability of business.
5. It is essentially preparation of a blue print of an organisation's future
operations related to finance. Identify it.
6. How is Financial leverage computed ?
7. Which is the most important criteria to select a project by taking investment
8. How does the choice of technique and technology up-gradation affect captial
budgeting decisions ?

9. Suggest in the following cases whether a manufacturing concern would
require large working capital or less working capital.
(a) Sugar ..............................................
(b) Motor car .......................................
(c) Cooler ............................................
(d) Bread .............................................
10. Give any one merit of issuing debentures over equity shares.

11. EPS =

12. State why the working capital needs for service Industry are different from
that of manufacturing industry.
13. "Fixed capital decisions involves more risk" How ?
14. What is the role of 'Leasing' in determining the requirement of fixed capital.

15. What is the relationship between inflation and working capital requirement ?
16. A company wants to show higher profits and for this depreciation was
charged at lower rates and goodwill. Patent and other intangible assets were
shown at higher value :
Write the values which are affected here :
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(ii) ..............................................................................................................................
17. What determines the overall Financial risk.
18. What is Interest coverage ratio.
19. The following picture demonstrates the primary objective of Financial
Management. Name and briefly explain it.

Increase in Regular
Share Prices Dividends

Share Holders

20. Differentiate between fixed and working capital on basis of :
Basis Fixed Capital Working Capital


Main Source

Time Period


Financial Management
1. Tick the right option :
(a) A decision to acquire a new and modern plant to upgrade an old one is a :
(i) Financing Decision (ii) Working Capital Decision
(iii) Investment Decision (iv) Dividend Decision
(b) Higher debt-equity ration results in :
(i) lower financial risk (ii) higher degree of operating risk
(iii) higher degree of financial risk (iv) higher EPS
(c) Using a loan component in the capital structure so as to maximize the wealth
of shareholders refers to :
(i) Trading on Equity (ii) Financial Planning
(iii) Capital Budgeting
(d) Financial leverage is called favourable if :
(i) ROI is lower than cost of debt (ii) ROI is higher than cost of debt
(iii) Debt is nearly available
2. Fill in the blanks with correct answer :
(i) ................................... is cheapest source of finance.
(ii) ............................... is prime consideration in dividend decision.
(iii) ........................... and .......................... are two main criteria for financing
(iv) higher working capital results in ................................,
3. Big Bazaar plant to open a new branch in the festive season. Identify the type
of decision indicated in the given statement.

4. There is a boom in the demand for i-pads. How does if affect the requirment of
working capital for companies manufacturing i-pads.
5. What is Floatation cost.
6. What is the main objectives of Financial Planning.
7. How is Management's control over the business diluted ?
8. How is market value of Equity shares maximized ?
9. State the meaning of Financial risk.

10. How does stock market condition affect capital structure.
11. Which type of securities should be issued to improve the debt equity ratio ?
12. "Cost of debt" is lower than cost of "Equity share captial". Give reason why
even then a company cannot work only with a debt.
13. From the point of view of 'control' which source of finance should be avoided.
14. How the wealth of shareholder can be computed.
15. EBIT-EPS analysis helps in

16. "Tax benefit is available only in case of payment of interest and not on the
payment of preference dividend". Why ?
17. How scale of operations affect the requirement of fixed capital ?
18. Name any two essential ingredients of sound working capital management.
(i) ..................................................... (ii) .............................................................
19. In a company profits are heavy and in future less scope of expansion exists.
Company has decided to pay a very less dividends. Here, which value and
whose interest have been affected.
20. Which cycle of a manufacturing concern is show in diagramm ? Also tell its
relation with working capital.

Raw material

Finished goods



Financial Markets
1. Tick the right option :
(a) Primary and secondary markets :
(i) complete with each other (ii) complement each other
(iii) control each other (iv) function independently
(b) Total no. of stock exchanges in India :
(i) 20 (ii) 21
(iii) 22 (iv) 23
(c) NSE of India was recognised as stock exchange in the year :
(i) 1992 (ii) 1993
(iii) 1994 (iv) 1995
2. Fill in the blanks with correct answer :
(i) New issue of shares is made in .............................. market.
(ii) SEBI was established in ..................... by Govt. of India.
(iii) Treasury bills are available for a minimum amount of ......................... and
in multiples there of.
(iv) Instruments with a maturity period of less than one year are traded in
3. What are 2 major segments in financial market.
(i) .................................................. (ii) ............................................................
4. Which money market instrument is issued by RBI on behalf of Govt.

5. Under which method of floatation, securities are issued to existing
shareholders ?
6. Re-arrange the steps of trading procedure in a stock exchange.
(1) selecting broker, (2) settlement, (3) placing older (4) selecting security
(5) executing order.
(i) ..................................................... (ii) .............................................................
(iii) ................................................... (iv) ............................................................
(v) ....................................................
7. Explain the term Price rigging.
8. Who may be a broker ?
9. What is Right Issue of shares ?
10. Name a bearer document issued by a bank against deposits kept by the
companies and institutions for a short period of time.

11. What is the objective of listing of securities.
12. Identify X and Y in the diagram

Capital Market


13. Explain the terms :

(1) offer for sale ..........................................................................................................
(2) Private Placement ................................................................................................
14. When does a trade bill becomes a commercial bill ?
15. How "SEBI" is the watch dog of securities market ?
16. Which method of short term finance do the banks adopt to maintain their cash
reserve ratio.
17. Explain : Dematerialisation of securities.
18. Name the method of making an electronic book entry form of holding,
transferring securities that has been introduced to eliminate the problems of
theft, forgery, delays and time involved in paper work.
19. What is D-mat account ?

20. Name the Index of Bombay stock exchange ?
21. Who can be participants of depository services ?
22. A Public Ltd. Co. achieved the minimum subscriptions by private placement.
Whose interest has been ignored here ?
23. Write full form of :
(1) SEBI.......................................................................................................................
(2) ROI .......................................................................................................................
24. What are the documents required for opening Demat account ?
(1) .................................................... (2) ............................................................
(3) .................................................... (4) ...........................................................
25. Give the functions of SEBI : (Any 3) each
Regulatory functions Development functions Protective functions

26. What is zero coupan Bond ?
27. Define "Financial Assets".

Unit-9 Answer
1. (a) i (b) i (c) iii (d) iv
2. (1) Total current assets
(2) Capital structure of a company
(3) Procurement and Utilisation
(4) Forecasting, Raising, Controlling & Utilisation of funds.

1. (a) iii (b) iii (c) i (d) ii
2. (1) Debt (2) Liquidity of a company
(3) Cash flow position, level of fixed operating cost (or any other)
(4) Liquidity

Unit-10 Answer
1. (a) ii (b) iv (c) i
2. (1) Primary (2) 1992
(3) Rs. 25,000 (4) Money Marekt


Marketing Management
1. Tick the right option :
(i) A person or an organisation which provides goods or series to satisfy needs is:
(a) customer (b) marketeer
(c) seller (d) Market
(ii) For consumer goods like soaps, clothes, shampoos etc which type of channel
of distribution is most suitable?
(a) Direct channel (b) One level channel
(c) Two level channel (d) three level channel
(iii) When products having same characteristics are placed in a given cateogry,
this placement is called :
(a) standardisation (b) grading
(c) product designing (d) none of above.
(iv) Giving a name or a sign or a symbol to a product is :
(a) Packaging (b) Labelling
(c) Advertising (d) Branding
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers :
(a) A good market after is always prepared keeping in minds the needs and
priorities of the ...............................................
(b) Time utility is created by ...........................................
(c) Handling customer complaints, maintenance and after sales services are
related to ............................. services.
(d) ........................................... is a strategy of using lower initial price to capture a
large market.

3. In the given figure, fill the qualities of a good sales person (any four)

4. Identify the concept of marketing in the following cases :

(i) This concept places more importance to selling and promotional efforts to sell
the product ...................................................................
(ii) This concept believes in cost reduction through mass production ......................
(iii) Customer's satisfaction and welfare of the society is given importance
(iv) This concept assumes that customer can be attracted by making continuous
improvement in the product. .........................................................
5. Fill the four inputs of marketing mix in given blanks :

6. An important taste in the marketing of goods relates to designing the label as
it provides useful and detailed information about the product. In the light of
this statement, fill the label on the chocolate wrapper in the given space and
highlight the important information to be provided on it.
Front Side Back Side

7. Identify and explain any four Sales Promotion Techniques shown in the


8. Fill the element of promotion mix in figure given below :


9. Fill the tools of Public Relations in Given figure :

10. A leading shampoo manufacturing company claimed in its advertisement on

TV that it makes hair completely dandruff free and cures hair fall. However
all its claims turned out to be false. Which values have been ignored here ?
11. Identify the type of products in the following cases and give one example of
each type :
(i) Purchase of goods in which buyers devote considerable time to compare
quality, price and style
(ii) Consumer products which are purchased frequently immediately with
least time and efforts
12. State any three functions of marketing from the management viewpoint.


Marketing Management
1. Tick the right option :
(i) The act of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product is :
(a) Labelling (b) Packaging
(c) Branding (d) Sales promotion
(ii) Place utility is created by :
(a) Warehousing (b) Promotion
(c) Transportation (d) Branding
(iii) Lifeboy soap, close-up toothpaste, surf detergent powder are manufactured
by :
(a) Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (b) Proctor and Gamble
(c) Nestle (d) Kwality Walls
(iv) This is an important public relations tool
(a) News (b) Sponsorships
(c) Events (d) all of these
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers :
(a) .......................... refers to determining the standards regarding size, quality,
design, weight, color etc.
(b) ............................... is a strategy where high introductory price is charged for
innovative products.
(c) ................................ refers to what customer desires to have after fulfilling his
basic needs.
(d) ............................... is that social process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating offer and freely exchanging
products and services of value with others.
3. Enumerate the features of advertising in following figure :
Features of Advertising

4. Identify the tool or element of promotion in the following cases :

(i) It is highly flexible as message can be adjusted as per situation .......................
(ii) It is a paid form of non-personal presentation by an identified sponsor
(iii) The information given through this tools has more credibility as it is given
by an independent source ........................................................................................
5. Laxman, the marketing manager of a reputed watch company is facing a
problem in selecting the distributer channel level for the company's new
expensive watch (premium segmend). Which level of channel should be
selected and why ?
6. Name the type of Consumer Products shown here. Also state any two features
of such products.


7. Identify and explain the three levels of packaging shown in the diagrams :

(i) ............................ (ii) .................................... (iii)..............................

8. A Pan-masala manufacturing company made an attractive package with an
attractive label for their product, but they did not mention its date of
manufacture, ingredients and even forgot to give statutory compulsory
warning. State which values have been ignored by the company.
9. A good brand name should be :

10. Which channel of distribution should be used for the sale of the following
products :
(i) Cars
(ii) Shampoo
(iii) A product having limited number of customer concentrated in small
geographical location
(i) .................................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
11. Complete the given figure with role of Public Relations

Role of PR

12. Which tool of promotion will primarily be used for the following :
a) An existing product meant for mass usage by literate people.
b) To introduce a new product to a particular class of people through door to
door visits.


Marketing Management
1. Tick the right option :
(i) A variety of programmes to promote and protect a company's image or its
products is :
(a) Advertising (b) Public Relations
(c) Sales promotion (d) None of the above.
(ii) "Reliance connection free with Motorola cell phone" is an example of one of
the techniques of sales promotion. Identify the technique.
(a) Product combination (b) Rebate
(c) Quantity Gift (d) Discount
(iii) According to which concept of marketing, availability and affordability of the
product are considered to be the key to the success of the firm ?
(a) Production concept (b) Product concept
(c) Sales concept (d) Marketing concept
(iv) Eye drops usually come in glass bottle containers this is an example of :
(a) Primary package (b) Secondary package
(c) Transportation package (d) None of these.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers :
(a) .......................... refers to the real and the group of potential buyers of products
and services.
(b) ....................... is termed as a silent salesman.
(c) ....................... is the term used to describe the combination of 4 inputs which
constitute the core of a company's marketing system.
(d) Paid form of .............................. presentation and promotion of idea,
goods/services by an identified sponsor is advertising.
3. Identify the missing members in the chain of distribution.
(i) Zero level
(ii) One level
Manufacturer Customer
(iii) Two level
(iv) Three level
Manufacturer Customer
4. Future publications has hired you as Marketing Manager whereby you are
assigned the task of determining the price of its new book for competitive
aspirants for IAS. List any 4 factors for determining the price of new book.
(i) ...............................................................................................................................
(ii) ..............................................................................................................................
(iii) .............................................................................................................................
(iv) .............................................................................................................................
5. Choose the suitable words from bracket to fill the blanks in figure given
(Brand mark, Brand name, Brand)

6. Identify the following methods of Sales Promotion.

(i) Acompany offer a pack of 1/2 kg of sugar with the purchase of a 5 Kg bag of
wheat flour. ................................
(ii) Scratch a card and get a gold coin with the purchase of a cold drink.

7. Name the type of consumer products shown here. State any two features of
such products.

8. Aman is a salesman in a diet food showroom. In order to sell his product at a
higher price to the customer, he made false chains about a health drink that it
is diabetic friendly sugar free drink. On consuming the drink, customer's
sugar level increased. Which values are lacking in Aman (Salesman) ?

9. State the merits of advertising in given boxes :
Merits of Advertising
Merits of Advertising

10. Satya is manufacturing Luch boxes for school going children. To maximise
she decided to improve the quality and addeda warmer for the lunch boxes.
Due to this improvement in the product, the sale is increasing day by day.
Identify and explain the marketing strategy involved.


Fill the circles given in above figure with decision in physical distribution.

13. Identify the channel of distribution :
(i) Mc. Donalds is selling fast food items to its customers.
(ii) Hindustan Lever Ltd. sells its cosmetics through wholesalers and retailers.
(iii) Authorised Hyundai showroom sells cars to its customers.
Fill the circles given in above figure with decision in physical distribution.

Unit-11 Answer
1. (a) b (b) c (c) b (d) d
2. (a) customers
(b) warehousing
(c) customer support
(d) penetration pricing

1. (a) b (b) c (c) a (d) d
2. (a) Standardization (b) Skimming price
(c) Want (d) Marketing

1. (a) b (b) a (c) a (d) a
2. (a) Market
(b) Packaging
(c) Marketing mix
(d) non-personal


Consumer Protection
1. Tick the right option :
(a) The consumer protection act was enacted in :
(i) 1956 (ii) 1955
(iii) 1986 (iv) 1982
(b) Mr Sharma went to a restaurant to have dinner with his family. At the time of
billing he realised that the restaurant had charged double the MRP Price of the
mineral water bottle he had ordered. He wishes to file a complain against the
restaurant. Where shall he seek redressal ?
(i) State commission (ii) District Forum
(iii) National commission (iv) Supreme court
(c) You wish to buy jewelery. As a responsible consumer which mark needs to be
checked by you for quality assurance ?
(i) ISI (ii) FPO
(iii) Hallmark (iv) Agmark
(d) Each manufacturer is required to provide information such as Date of
manufacturing, price quantity etc on the package and label of the product.
Which right of consumer is taken care of here ?
(i) Right of safety (ii) Right to be heard
(iii) Right to choose (iv) Right to be informed
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer :
(a) ............................................... states that the consumer has the right to be
protected against goods & service which are hazardous to life and health.
(b) A ................................................. si any person who buys any goods for a
consideration, which has been paid or promised or partly paid & partly
promised or under any scheme of deferred payment.

(c) ..................................................... provides the consumer freedom to choose
from variety of products at competitive prices.
(d) If a consumer is dissatisfied with a good or service, he/she can exercise the
right ............................... & life a complaint.
3. As per consumer protection Act, 1986 against whom can a complaint be filed
by a consumer ?
(i) .................................................. (ii) ..............................................................
4. Specify the 3 tier enforcement machinery setup for redressal of consumer
grievances a per consumer protection act, 1986 along with jurisdiction of each
level as to the value of goods & services along with compensation claimed.

Redressal Agency Jurisdiction of each level for value of

goods & services with compensation
5. Mention the three points emphasising the importance of consumer protection
from the consumers point of view
(i) (ii) (iii)

6. Why do you think consumer protection is important from point of view of
business ?
Specify any 3 points.
(i) ................................................................................................................................
(ii) ...............................................................................................................................
(iii) ..............................................................................................................................
7. Sukhvinder Singh had booked his ticket for Jet Airways. The confirmation for
the same had been received. On the schedule day, the flight was cancelled due
to a technical problem. Is it a deficiency in service? What relief can
Sukhvinder Singh seek in this regard ?
8. As a consumer, we have to follow certain responsibilities. Write any three.
9. John bought a refrigerator of a branded co. Samsung Ltd. from Croma, a
showroom which keeps electronic items of different brands. The microwave
was found defective. Against whom can John file a complaint ? What relief
can be seek ?
10. Jyothi K bought a frock for her daughter from a branded outlet. At home, she
found that it was defective. She went back to the outlet to complaint. The dress
was promptly changed. What values of the outlet are presented here ?


Consumer Protection
1. Tick the right option :
(a) A consumer is said to be a king in the market economy. So, the approach now
is :
(i) caveat emptor (ii) caveat venditor
(iii) none of these (iv) both of these.
(b) Karim wishes to buy a juicer mixer. Which marks should he verify to be
assured of the quality of the product ?
(i) FPO (ii) AGMARK
(iii) ISI (iv) Halmark
© Mr. Julie bought a luxury end car worth Rs. 28 lakh. She found that the card
was defective. The company was not forthcoming in correcting it. Where shall
she file a complain to seek redressal ?
(i) State commission (ii) District Forum
(ii) National commission (iv) Supreme Court
(d) Who can file a complaint ?
(i) any consumer or one or more consumers on behalf of the consumers
(ii) central/state government
(iii) a legal heir
(iv) all of these
2. Specify the rights of consumer referred to in the given statements :
(a) Many business firms have set up their own consumer grievance cells because
of this right .....................................................................
(b) By using this right, the consumers can seek relief in case the product or service
falls short of his/her expectations.
(c) Many consumer organisations are taking part in providing knowledge to the
consumers to fulfill this right of the consumers.
3. Name any two NGO's engaged in protecting and promoting consumers'
(i) .................................................... (ii) ..............................................................
4. Heena and Ranjita are friends. Ranjita gives her mobile to Heena for some
days. Will Heena be considered a consumer ? Why ?
5. Which quality mark shall a consumer check while purchasing the following
products :
(a) Agricultural products ..................................................................................
(b) Food Products ...............................................................................................
6. What are the ways and means of consumer protection ? Write any three.
7. Specify the composition of the following:
(a) District forum .......................................................................................................
(b) State commission .................................................................................................
(c) National commission ..........................................................................................
8. Tanmay bought a branded computer from an authorised dealer with a proper
receipt. There was a warranty of one year on it. Six months later he realised
that the CD Drive was not operating properly. Can you guide him for the
rights available to him and what can he claim from the dealer?

9. Mention any three points regarding role of NGOs & consumer organisations
in protection & promotion of interest of consumers.
10. An international health drink manufacturer was found violating the health
norms as certain impurities were found in a sample of its products. Which
values are lacking in the company ?

Unit-12 Answer
1. (a) 1986 (b) District Forum
(c) Hallmark (d) Right to be informed
2. (a) right to safety (b) consumers
(c) right to choose (d) right to be heard

1. (a) caveat venditor (b) ISI
(c) State commission (d) All of these
2. (a) Right to be heard (b) Right to seek redreesal
(c) Right to consumer education


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