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Chapter 1


• Introduction
In the first paragraph, start with the general view of the research topic. Second paragraph may
contain the description, purpose, importance/significance, of the research topic. Third
paragraph may contain the problems and challenges. Next should contain researchers’
objectives/reasons for conducting the study.

• Background of the Study

20 literature/studies… 10 local (5 lit. and studies)… 10 foreign (5 lit. and 5 studies)

Introductory statement: Ex.: The researchers gather and review some related literature and
studies for a more comprehensive presentation of the subject matter.

Note: you should justify/explain the relevance of each cited literature and studies to your present

• Theoretical Framework
Choose and apply the most relevant theory that support/explain your research topic. (Name of
the theory and author). Look for the key factors or variables in the theory that will be used in
gathering respondents’ perception. Last paragraph will be your explanation/justification of using
the theory.

• Conceptual Framework
Input — will contain the: I. Profile the respondents in terms of: (variables)
II. Respondents’ perception on (research topic) in terms of:

Process — will contain main steps/activity: Ex.: Formulation and Validation of the Questionnaire
Checklist; Distribution and Retrieval of Questionnaire Checklist; Analysis and Interpretation of
data gathered through Statistical Treatment

Output — will contain the statement of result: Ex.: Determined Compensation Administration of
Hardware and Construction Supply in Binangonan, Rizal

… After the framework, describe the content of each frame (1 paragraph/frame).

• Statement of the Problem

Introductory statement: Ex. Generally, this study will determine the perception of respondents on
(research topic/title).

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 age;
1.2 sex;
1.3 civil status; and
1.4 highest educational attainment?

2. How do the respondents perceived the (research topic) in terms of:

2.1 hygiene factors; and
2.2 motivator factors?

Scope and Limitation

This study will be conducted to determine the recruitment process of Mercury Drug Stores in
Binangonan, Rizal. The respondents of the study will be 50 regular employees of Mercury Drug
Stores in Binangonan, Rizal. (if samples only will be selected, indicate the sampling method
applied.) In gathering the needed data, a questionnaire checklist will be used by the

This study will be limited only in determining the perception of the respondents on the
recruitment process in terms of internal and external recruitment and their personal profile in
terms of (variables).

• Significance of the Study

Introductory statement: Ex. The researchers believed that the outcome of the study would be
beneficial/significant to the following: Listing should start from the beneficiaries that will benefit
the most.

• Definition of Terms
Introductory statement: Ex. The following terms which has been used in the study were
operationally and conceptually defined in order to give understanding to the readers.

…Alphabetically arranged.

Working students. As used in the study, it refers to the third and fourth year working students of
the College of Business of University of Rizal System Binangonan.
Chapter 2


This chapter presents the method of research, setting of the study, subject of the study,
sources of data, research procedure and statistical treatment of the data.

• Research Method — describe/define (Descriptive method of Research), state reason

why this method is the one used in your study.
Final statement: Having realized the importance of the above mentioned method,
the researchers believed that this is the most appropriate method to use.

• Setting of the Study — introduce/describe the location where the study will be
conducted. Include brief description/history of the company and its exact location. You may use
a map of the place.

• Subject of the Study — introduce and describe the respondents. The total population if
100% of them will be considered, or if not, explain how many of them will be chosen as sample
and what type of sampling technique will be used.

• Sources of Data — cite the sources of the primary and secondary sources of data.
In gathering data for this study, the researchers will use both primary and secondary
sources. The primary source of date will be the respondents’ perception on…(research
topic/title) in terms of (variables). It will be obtained using the questionnaire checklist.

The researchers will also used secondary sources of data from a diverse source of
documents or electronically stored information such as internet, unpublished thesis, articles,
journals and books.
• Research Procedure — include all the steps/activities done from the formulation of
proposed research titles, preparation of chapters 1 – 2 and questionnaire, so on and so forth.

• Statistical Treatment — for profile of the respondents, you will use frequency, percentage
and rank distribution. (type the formula); for respondents’ perception, you will use arithmetic
weighted mean (type the formula)

The researchers will utilize the following statistical treatment:

1. To determine the profile of the respondents, frequency, percentage and rank distribution will
be used.

2. To determine the perception of the respondents in terms of (research title), the researchers
will apply arithmetic weighted mean.


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