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17ME1104A VR17 Reg.


First Semester

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

fig. (12) Part-A is compulsory
Answer One Question from each Unit of Part - B
Answer to any single question or its part shall be written at one place only

10 x 1 = 10M
1. a. State law of parallelogram of vectors.
b. Differentiate between collinear and concurrent forces.
c. Are moments can be added like scalars? Justify.
d. Write equilibrium equations for spatial force system.
e. Write the centroid coordinates of spandrel curve y = kx2 with
x-axis of base ‘b’, height ‘h’.
f. What is cone of friction?
g. What are possibilities of reducing a parallel force system in plane?
h. What are the assumptions in analysis of simple plane trusses?
i. What do you mean by a couple?
j. Show that the centroid of a right angled triangle (base ‘b’ and height
‘h’) is located at a distance h/3 from the base.
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4 x 15 = 60M
8. a. Determine the resultant of a system of concurrent forces having
UNIT-I the following magnitude and passing through the origin and
indicated points p = 14000 N (12, 6,-4), T = 2600 N (-3,-4, 12),
2. a. Two equal loads of 2500N are supported by a flexible string F = 1350 N (6,-3,-6). 5M
ABCD at points B and C as shown in fig.(1). Find the tensions in
b. A homogeneous semicircular plate of weight ‘Q’ and radius ‘r’
the portions AB, BC and CD of the string. 10M
is supported in a horizontal plane by three vertical strings as
shown in fig.(11). Determine the tensile forces S1, S2 and S3 in
these strings. 10M

fig. (1)
fig. (11)

b. Find the resultant of system of forces acting at point ‘O’ as shown
in fig.(2). 5M 9. A ball of radius r and weight Q is hung from the corner of a
room by a string of length l as shown in fig.(12). Neglecting
friction between the ball and the walls, find the tensile force S in
the string AB, which in the absence of friction will pass through C.
The following numerical data are given: r = 150 mm, l = 250 mm,
Q = 445 N. 15M

fig. (2)

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3. a. A string supported at A and B carries a load of 20 KN at C and a

load W at D as shown in fig.(3). Find the value of load W so
that CD remains horizontal. Also, find tension in string segments
AC, CD and DB. 8M

fig. (9)


7. A block ‘A’ weighing 1000N is to be raised by means of a 150

wedge ‘B’ weighing 500 N as shown in fig.(10). Determine fig. (3)
a. the minimum horizontal force P should applied to raise the block
assuming the coefficient of friction between all contact surfaces to
be 0.2 b. A roller of weight W = 1000 N rests on a smooth inclined plane is
b. what is the minimum value of ‘µ’ required for the wedge to be self as shown in fig.(4). It is kept from rolling down the plane by a
locking, assuming that there is no friction between block ‘A’ and string AC. Find the tension in the string and reaction at the point of
the vertical surface and the wedge is of negligible weight? 15M contact D. 7M

fig. (4)

fig. (10)

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UNIT-II 5. a. For the beam and loading shown in fig.(7), find the magnitude
and location of the resultant of the distributed load and beam
4. a. A uniform bar ABCD of weight W=200 N rests on two roller reactions at supports. 8M
supports B and C as shown in fig.(5). If a force of 250 N is applied
to the end D, find the range of values of force F for which the beam
will remain in equilibrium. 8M

fig. (7)
fig. (5)
b. Find the coordinates of the centroid for the area as shown in
fig.(8). 7M
b. Find the coordinates of the centroid for the area as shown in
fig.(6). 7M

fig. (8)


fig. (6) 6. Calculate the axial force in each bar of simple truss
supported and loaded as shown in fig.(9).The triangle ACB is
isosceles with 300 angles at A and B and P = 5 kN. 15M
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