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Name: Jonel D.


Grade & Section: Grade 11 – Block A STEM

1. True
2. False-encodes
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False-sender
8. True
9. False-two way process
10. False- feedback

Activity 1.

1. The poem is all about communication, why? Let me add this phrase extracted from the
poem “you’re every reason for my expression or else everything is kept hidden in my
emotion” in that phrase we can say that the poem talks about communication. Since
without communication everything else will just be unseen in our emotion and feelings
won’t be expressed correctly.
2. The “you” in the poem is referred to the word communication.
3. A booster of confidence, a cause, a motivation, love, a hope and happiness
4. The poem relate to our lesson in the fact that the poem talks about communication and so does
our lesson.

Activity 2. Fast Talk

1. Yes, since I am the one who talks in the videos

2. The subsequent one. Since I didn't talk as quick as a blaze and the way to express the words is
effectively expressed in the subsequent video contrasted with the first and I think the
explanation for of it is a direct result of the given time limit.

3. For talking fast, the ascendancy of it is that you can say all you want to say in a given limit of
time in addition to that talking fast can help you deliver all of your thoughts and understanding
in a small amount of time. While in talking slow the advantage of it is that you are feeling
relaxed and in command, your words are more delivered properly and correctly and every word
that comes out in your mouth have more weight in the listener’s ear.
4. For me communication is an essential thing that makes our world more peace and informative
seeing that communicating allows people to communicate their thoughts and feelings while also
allowing us to comprehend others' emotions and thoughts.
Activity 3. A real Sample


Chatting online With In the Internet Me and my We share our
My classmates classmates thoughts and Ideas
about our lessons.
Talking with My In the house Me and My Family By giving advice for
family our life problems and
showing affection
with each other.
Speaking with the At the restaurant You and the waitress By talking what kind
waitress in the of dish should you
restaurant order.
Two girlfriends At the shop The two girlfriends They are talking
talking at the shop about their
experience with their
Talking with My Best At the banker Me and my Best By giving feedback to
Friend at the banker. Friend the different online
games we play.

Activity 4. Show the Process

So she then talks to

Jey Ann think of
them calmly with her
Jey Ann wants to ways on how to do it Aling Marites one of
her ideas like "The Then her neighbors
help her neighbors effectively without The people listen to her neighboors
characteristice of a listen and analyze
on how to choose a flaws and problems her ideas with all of thank Jey Ann and
good leader is the her ideas and the
good leader for the in order for them not thier understanding then they all clap
one who is not where enlighten by it
upcoming election to be confused in her thier hands.
involved in any

Activity 5. Key Ideas

For me communication is the exchange of

information between two or more people. It
It is not communication when it is just only a
entails the exchange of thoughts, concepts,
one way process and there is no active
imaginations, behaviors, and written
participation of the sender and the reciever.
material. The flow of information from one
location to another.


When there is no response like just talking to

Face-to-face discussions, phone calls, text yourself.
messages, email, the Internet , radio and
television, written letters, pamphlets, and When you talk to a specific thing who is
reports are all examples of these. unable or not tending to communicate
information, thoughts, or feelings.
Activity 6. Scribble and Speak Up

"The reason for our lives is to be content" - Dalai Lama. Howdy folks I go by Jonel Soriano and I'm here
to recount to you an anecdote about a guy from the sticks. He is Boyboy he is 16 years of age, living at
Migpangi, Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental, when he is free he gets a kick out of the chance to watch
motion pictures, read books, yet for the most part surf on the web. Boyboy has a ton of companions
since he is cordial and liberal, also he love to serve God that is the reason he was chosen as the leader of
the youth in their chapel. His cherished shading is blue. The most exciting piece of his life was the point
at which he turned into a contender and a survivor when he was at the springtime of life he was
drowned and nearly kicked the bucket however fortunately he was saved by his holy messenger which is
his neighbor and revive him, it was the most baffling yet joyful day of his life for he nearly passed on and
accepted his subsequent life. Incidentally, I'm that kid and that is my story, thank you.

Activity 7. My Communication Mantra


“Every day, I battle my fears and be bolder.


1. Well, the communication mantra helps us to assist in overcoming our anxiousness, particularly when
conversing. This chant might help you gain self-assurance and awareness. For example, when giving a
speech in front of a group, you can begin by saying your mantra to encourage and boost your confidence
so that you can make your speech correctly and the listeners can understand you effectively In other
words mantra can help us to make communication effectively and clearly because it makes the speaker
more courage to speak.

2. Will Mantras can be rehashed as an instrument for the center during contemplation, utilized as a
little, predictable update for the day, or looked to when you're in a snapshot of tension, stress, or
absence of certainty. The objective is to discover the mantra that snaps for you; the one that simply
bodes well. It's the expression you need to hear, and the reiteration to permit you to hear it.

Activity 8

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. E
5. C


1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. D
Activity 9: Self Checking
I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I learned.

Activity 10: Reflection Time

I noticed that how significant is to have good communication skills, and how it is critical to life. I
have learned numerous things in this lesson for instance approaches to move toward outsiders.
Something else that I have figured out is how to deal with struggle and how once in a while it
very well may be acceptable it not in every case terrible and numerous others.
A question I have is what are the difficulties in good communication?
I wonder why and when do we need communication?
I’m not sure if I can apply all of my learnings in the lesson in order for me to have a good
communication with others.
I discover that having a good communication skill is crucial. It can lead you to have a good and
successful life also if you have this skill you can live peacefully and harmoniously.
I realize that my communication skills is lacking and I need to improve it for my own sake.
I can apply to my life all of my understanding in this lesson especially my communication
mantra I think when I did that activity it give me confidence and understanding of how should I
start my everyday activities.
1. I learned that communication is unrepeatable so when you want tell someone especially
when you think that it can hurt them think it twice or more and talk to them in a
sensible way.
2. Sleeping, winking, and waving your hands is also a form of communication because
what I learned is that communication is not all verbal sometimes our actions can also be
a form of communication.
3. In communication there is a process from the speaker to the receiver in short there is
only communication when there is a receiver and also a speaker.
4. In communicating there are no rules, there is no right or wrong as long as you like to
communicate with others.
5. When you already response or speak to others it cannot be undone, what you said is
what you said so it means that communication is irreversible so be careful and mindful
in all of the things you want to speak, as the famous saying goes “Think before you
Activity 2: Picture Analysis
1. The picture shows a boy holding his phone and calling while on the other side I guess a
baker who answer the call of the boy. In other words the two is talking on the phone.
2. I guess this scenario was all about a boy who wants to order some pizza. Since the boy is
talking to the baker at the phone.
3. Well it is quite clear that the sender is the boy. It would all about his order for instance
like what pizza he like, how many he want, and what toppings he would like to put in
the pizza.
4. The receiver of the message is the baker. And probably he’s reply would be yes sir, do
you like some extra toppings, ok sir your order is coming right up.
5. The relevance of this image to the following topics is about communication. Learn what
communication is, how to communicate with others, and what the elements of
communication are.
Activity 3: Find the elements
Sender: JJ
Encoding: How are you?
Message: Needing Help for the difficult terms in the story
Receiver: JM
Decoding: Hi, I’m fine
Channel: Telephone
Context: Phone call
Feedback: Okay, no problem
Barrier: No Barrier
Activity 4: Frap It (Find and Rap it)
1. Barrier – I
2. Context – C
3. Channel – A
4. Encoding – N
5. Feedback – B
6. Decoding – E
7. Message – M
8. Source – O
9. Receiver – R
10. Sender – E
The mystery word is – I CAN BE MORE
Activity 5: Pair up, Mock - Up, Speak Up
Joe: Um, Hello is this ling
Ling: Yes speaking, who is this?
Joe: This is Joe
Ling: Oh hello Joe what can I do for you?
Joe: This may sound hilarious but I have gathered my confidence and I just wanted to say, that
the first time I saw you was the biggest trouble in my life but I like to be in trouble with you. I
think you are the Juliet of my life and I am sure of it. So will you be my Girlfriend?
Ling: Those are such beautiful words Joe, but I have to tell you also that….
Joe: That?
Ling: I can't stop smiling around you. You make me so happy, when I’m with you every moment
was just like a lifetime. So yes Joe I would really love to.
Joe: Yes!!!...thank you Ling for giving me a chance I love you very much.
Ling: I love you too Joe

Activity 6: Complete Me

Elements Of Communication Definition Example

Sender The individual who initiates a A speaker, a writer, or the
message and is also called the one who initiates the
source of the message and the
sender is the one who encodes
the data and information.
Barrier They are things that get in the Bad telephone connection,
way of receiving a message. faulty encoding, faulty
They can be physical, like
playing music out loud, or
decoding, inattentive
emotional. receiver, poor understanding
of message due to loud
noises in the surrounding.
Channel A communication channel is The basic channels are
the means, medium, manner, written like hard copy print
or method by which a
message is sent to its intended
or a letter, oral or spoken,
recipient and electronic like telephone
and multimedia.
Receiver Is the one who decodes the The person who listen or
message they are the one read the message they are
who play the role of receiving also the observer and
the message or in other interprets the message.
words act as the recipient of
the message.

Activity 7: Self Checking

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I learned to others.

Reflect and Answer

I noticed that there are also a process in communication because I thought that communication
is just simple thing, concealed in my knowledge that there are also process in communicating
with others.
A question I have is how we can void such barriers in communicating. Is there some method in
how to make a good communication without barriers?
I wonder why there is a process in communication. What is the importance of it?
I’m not sure if I can still avoid barriers in communicating with others. Hence in this lesson
thought me that noises and some distraction is a barrier to communication that can lead to
poor understanding.
I discover that communication has also a process and it is quite fascinating thinking that
communication has more to learn.
I realize that it is also important to know the process of communication in order for us to
identify what really is communication.
I can apply to my life all of my understanding in this lesson and utilize to be better at
communicating in others.
LESSON 3: Function of Communication
Act 1: Reviewer
1. The significant learning that then comes to my mind when we talk about the elements of
communication is the importance of each element and the greatness of it on how it will affect
effectively the communication furthermore the role also of each element because now I know
that I can be the sender/encoder or receiver/decoder of a communication.
2. The crucial element necessary for the communication process is the message. Without a
message, you can't start a conversation or share information. Then the least important of all is the
context it is because you can communicate everywhere, communicating can take place everywhere
as long as there is information or message.

What I Know

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A
Activity 2

There are a great deal of things or items that I am

fixated on they are essential in my regular day to day
existence. Yet, I think the main one is my sellphone.
Why? It is on the grounds that telephone can be nearly
all that a morning timer, schedule, mini-computer, a
wellspring of data, and the most significant is it can
assist us with imparting. Also telephones can be an
extraordinary assistance in this pandemic that we are
encountering right currently telephones make us ready
to speak with people who are a long way from us and
surprisingly however the branch of instruction have
proclaimed the suspension of classes we can in any case
learn and accumulate data's or thoughts regarding our
example in the event that we simply surf in the web,
because of our cellphone who have the abilities to do it.
Moreover telephone is exceptionally urgent to me since
I'm an generation Z youth it will be an incredible
assistance to coop with in this advanced world we are
living in.
Activity 3: Personal Matter

My teacher was discussing our lesson
Talking with my internet friends and
and my classmate is noisy then she
doing video call with them is one of
shouted "Can you lower your voice
my favorite things to do.
please? It's very loud." Because of that
we zipper our mouth and listen to her.

When I talk to my mom of how
I sincerely express my gratitude to our problematic I am, she then always
neighbors who save me from give a word of advice to encourage
drowning at the fishpond. me.


When I talked to my teacher about

our lesson I always get a lot of
information and understanding from
Act. 4: Write Away

“Talking with my mother who gives me motivation”. This particular function has been so significant in my life
cause without it I would have been not here writing this essay instead you will find me on the street hanging
out with people with a lot of vices in life. Motivation is one of my sources of strength in conquering all of my
struggles in life it gives me hope and purpose in fighting and living in this world. Without motivation, life
sucks, since, in the darkest moment of our life, motivation gives us light to find the way out of all our
problems. My mother is one of my motivations when we communicate face to face or by phone, she always
encourages me and when I tell her that I am so depressed today she gives me food and tips to cheer me up
in life Do not give up because in life everything you need will come to you at the perfect time. That is why for
me motivation is one of the crucial functions of communication.

Activity 5: Gratefully Yours

Dear Communication,

When I first met you I was only an infant you were always there at my side caring and
shaping me to be a bold and happy person. Without your presence life is lonely and hard
to understand. You should know that I am so grateful that you have existed in this life
with your beautiful name everyone understand each other and the world is at peace. You
have told me a lot of beautiful words that make my day ecstatic, at the same time also
hurting me with your unacceptable words that sometimes make my heartache and make
me cry but please do not be worry, it is because of those beautiful and hurtful words you
make me a wiser and knowledgeable person No words can depict to fulfill my
appreciation for you, you are every reason in my expression. I know that you will be at
my side and will never leave because you are connected to me, we are one, whenever I
go you always be there. I am so thankful that I know you, I just wanted to say two words
for you and that is THANK YOU.

Forever grateful,

Jonel Soriano
Type of Description Best to use Purpose/s
1. Small Talk Light or casual • When To break the ice;
conversation gossiping To get acquainted;
• Talking with a and
friend To establish a
2. Light-Control It is the discreet use of • When To direct;
Talk power to obtain motivating To seek but not
results. can be used
to encourage people someone force agreement;
• Influencing and
others with To use legitimate
your authority.
3. Heavy- Control It is outlined to fault • In arguing To threaten;
Talk and control or with To coerce; and
control individuals. someone To demand.
This sort of • It best to use
communication when you are
makes a protective attacking
state of mind on the someone
portion of the
4. Search Talk Is another non- • When To center or an
threatening needing an issue; and
approach once you information To examine and
need to accumulate • When clarify the issue.
information or the answering an
agreement of others question from
to be able to supply your
data. assignment
5. Straight Talk Is nice for problem- • Talking with To focus on issues;
solving and struggle your love To share feelings;
determination and ones. To acknowledge
may be used to • Talking with feelings;
emptying of thoughts your teacher.
and feeling. • Talking with
your lover

Activity7. How much do you know?

1. Control
2. Social Interaction
3. Social Interaction
4. Emotional Expression
5. Information Dissemination
6. Emotional Expression
7. Information Dissemination
8. Motivation
9. Information Dissemination
10. Information Dissemination
1. Control
2. Motivation
3. Information Dissemination
4. Control
5. Social Interaction
Activity 9: Self-checking
I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I learned to others

Activity 10: Reflect and Answer.

I noticed that communication has a lot of function and different kind of talks that can be use
in different type of communication.
A question I have is that what is the purpose of the function of communication?
I wonder why these function affect the communication very much.
I’m not sure I effectively realize and fulfilled my communication skills using different types of
I discover that how communication works and its function.
I realize that all of my life I have already been using the function of communications
I can apply to my life this learning I got, since this lesson is so important in expressing, knowing
and understanding yourself and your feelings or emotions.

1. A 18. B
2. A 19. C
3. D 20. D
4. D 21. D
5. C 22. B
6. C 23. C
7. B 24. C
8. B 25. A
9. D 26. D
10. B 27. D
11. B 28. A
12. D 29. A
13. D 30. B
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. C

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