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€1 a day. Thank you to Ms.

McDonnell and her class for

St. Philomena’s N.S. organising this very worthwhile initiative.

Convent Road, Tullamore.
November Newsletter, 2021.
11th November: To celebrate
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Science Week we had three
8th & 9th November: Nicola Walsh from the RSA spoke to all online workshops with the Reptile
classes about keeping safe on our roads particularly at this time Zoo. The workshops were very
of year. enjoyable. Thanks to Gillian
Maunsell for sourcing the workshops
We were delighted to
for us. The girls took part in a variety of on-line Science
welcome Ms. Higgins, our
workshops throughout Science Week.
Music tutor to St. Philomena’s
again this year. She is working Points to Note
on developing the musical
Our school’s Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy have
skills of all the classes.
undergone their annual review by the Board Management. These
documents may be viewed on our school website
10th November: Our school took
part in the Team Hope Christmas Please continue to check and treat your daughter’s hair for head
Shoebox appeal. We filled 65 lice. This must be carried out regularly. Please ensure that
shoeboxes with something to wash with, to wear, to write with your daughter’s hair is tied back each day.
and some treats. The boxes will be sent to children in Africa
If your daughter is not availing of the school lunch a healthy
and Eastern Europe whose families have to survive on less than
lunch must be provided.
Thank you for continuing to keep St. Philomena’s safe by not Cost: FREE!  
sending your daughter to school if she feels unwell. If your
daughter has a positive Covid test, please contact the school. Ms. A treat from the Parent's Association.
Clear will contact parents of girls in the same pod and provide
The Parent's Association have organised an amazing experience
details on how antigen tests may be sourced.
for the girls this Christmas!  
News from the Parents’ Association
The Helix Panto online brings its magic directly to the classroom
The Parents Association organised a DVD & Pyjama Day on with their feature of Little Red Riding Hood.  
November 19 . €246.20 was raised. This money will go towards

Kind regards, Bridget Clear.

the virtual panto.

Christmas Jumper Day

Friday 10th December

Cost: €1 per student.  

Wear in your favourite Christmas


All monies raised go to the

Parent's Association.

Christmas Panto

Monday 20th December

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