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Daniel Di Gaetano HR management case 1 1620455

Q1.1 What does it mean Ration Others (FTE) / Sales (FTE) = 0.4? What does it mean Span of Control

For every 10 salespersons we need 4 in the “other” department. I could be IT ppl or maybe some kind of

Span of control is for how many managers we need for a group of specialists. For every 11.86 salesperson
we need 1 manager.

Q1.2 What is the total demand for all types of employees (in FTE) in the 2018 year?

● Sales specialists (in FTE) 73.13

● Other specialists (in FTE) 28.52

● Managers (in FTE) 8.57

Q1.3. How many new hired employees (in FTE) will the company need in 2018?

● Sales specialists (in FTE) 5.13

● Other specialists (in FTE) 1.52

● Managers (in FTE) – 1.43

Q1.4. For which organizations can it be useful/possible to apply Trend analysis for HR planning.

Hierarchy organizations where its all about growing revenue from year to year (Selling insurances or
subscriptions )
Daniel Di Gaetano HR management case 1 1620455

HR planning and Job Analysis Q2.1.

What is the total workforce demand in a pizzeria in FTE?


Q2.2. Calculate FTE demand for each job position (cook, waitress, barmen)?

● cook (FTE)

● waitress (FTE)


● barmen (FTE)

Daniel Di Gaetano HR management case 1 1620455

We are told that the pizzeria that we need to make a structure for is working 15 hours a day, so I used the
numbers from the example above (the other pizzeria that works 12 hours a day), and scaled the expected
time on each task to 15 hours

Job positions Task Number of Working hours Job design

Employees Part/-Full time
1. Cook 1. Make Pizza 4 4 fulltime Focus on making
pizzas and
maintaining the oven

2. Waitress 1. Prepare 3 2 fulltime Shifts between the

table 1 part time different task, that
2. Take order needs to be done
3. Billing
4. Chat
Prepares the things
3. Dishwasher 1. Preparation 2 1 full time the pizzaiolo will
of stock 1 part time need so it’s ready for
2. Wash dishes work hour, and they
work as dishwasher
on the rush hour

4. Barman 1. Prepare 2 1 full time Takes care of drinks

drinks 1 part time and coffee, and the
2. Billing person works
3. Chat/take
1. Accountant 1. Payment 1 1 part time Manages the
2. Paying economic part of the
shop and works on
of bills select days of the
Manager 1. All around 1 1 full time

Waitress: 2.87 FTE, I have chosen to hire 2 FTE and 1 part time with the manager of the pizza place filling in
on the last 0.37 FTE

Pizzaiolo: 3.75, I have chosen to hire 4 FTE so there is a little more breathing space for the pizzaioli

Barman: 1.56, I have chosen to hire 1 FTE and 1 PTE as they can overwork a little (They are drinking free
Irish coffees, they cant complain)

Dishwasher: 2 (No calculations, but a rough estimate), They can rotate the 2 job task between days, but its
mostly preparation in the morning and dishwashing from the first rush hour

Accountant: 0.5 FTE, They are not working on a daily basis and they are not directly connected to the
pizzeria but rather works for an accountant firm
Daniel Di Gaetano HR management case 1 1620455

Q2.3. For which organizations can it be useful/possible to apply Task analysis for HR planning.

Restaurants, bars, museum?

Q3. In which situation it can be useful for the company to use “Leading indicators” for
HR planning? Why? Give
an example of the company type.
In the hospital you need many nurses to take care of the patients, and you can analyze the numbers of
patients coming yearly to see how many nurses you need. In the pandemic there we shockingly many
patients that needed help, and the hospitals weren’t prepared ( Maybe they are more suited now with the
experience of corona)

Q4. When is it possible to make HR planning based on the “Conclusions by analogy”?

Amusement parks can roughly look at other amusement parks and determine how much personnel they
needed compared to the sizes.
Another example can be a bar looking at how much personnel is needed for week days and weekends

Job description 1 General Flat Prospector

Job description 2 Specific Hierarchical Defender

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