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Daniel Di Gaetano HRM case 3 1620455

Case 3

The Legal Eagles company is more in line with the defender philosophy, as it shown to be more structural

as it is shown multiple times that they following a rather flat structure, in which they will manage their own
work rather than getting orders.

2) Identification

Identification is the process in which the employer identifies the fields of effort that is put into the
company by the worker. On which criteria you should be appraised and so on.

I think you can divide it into “hard” skills that affects the company goals on the “ market” and “softer”
measurements that would be social and workplace atmosphere.


This is about how you should rate “bad” and “good” performances and how to make a system that
consistently knows how to detect those 2 metrics.


This is management on what is required of the employer and how to reach those goals ( and then to feel

Competence model

Skills – experience

Knowledge – certificates

Traits – behaviors
Daniel Di Gaetano HRM case 3 1620455


Outcome appraisal: This metric focuses on the number of sales. Imagine a phone seller, where the
competition of getting “employer of the month” is based upon who did the most sales.

Behavioral appraisal: This is about a supervisor that asses how good the workers do.

5) It means that staff members have to know how to do more than just one thing, which can lead to the
concept of Job rotation, that requires you to do multiple task on a work shift and not just one.


There is no room for specialist in a small company, and because of that, you can’t expect the same results
that you would normally get from a specialist that is an expert on one field.

Performance appraisal in smaller businesses

In a small business it might be hard to measure to a “standard “as there are fewer people that does the
same thing.

I think it would make sense for a manager to assess your performance and give you 1 to 1 feedback
(behavioral appraisal)

Peer review is useful in the sense of a mentor, that shows you over a period of time, the “right” way to do
stuff. I would only deem this method useful as a mentoring technique, as getting feedback from people on
your level can be problematic, especially in a smaller business

7) The training itself cost money and so does the substitution that is needed while people are at workshops.
Daniel Di Gaetano HRM case 3 1620455

8) Training is not always the solution everything, as it takes time away from the working situation and its
not guaranteed to be effective.

Some people learn better by being put on the spot. (A lot of training is theory based, which is not
something that works for everybody)

Which steps should be followed by a company to develop an effective and successful Training program?

1) Identify what is the most effective way of training (Changes all the time in relation to the age and
time we are living in)
2) Analyze How to make training something valuable, that people can see a clear purpose with
3) Develop the ways that people are trained. A program and a schedule or should it be a game or
online? A honorable mention would be to do a kahoot test (Thumbs up to the teacher)
4) Evaluate if it’s affecting the business effectively or if its just a waste of time trying to be modern.

8) Manager is the way – watch the video

You progress the longer you have stayed

Very simple

9) They list the minimum required time for obtaining a new position.

Most of the positions give the employees responsibility as a trainer or manager of a group or section, which
is great motivation alongside the % increase in pay every time you get promoted.

10) McDonalds is often the “first” job of a young person and you need a particular skillset before you can
join the team, this makes for rich possibilities to learn without having a background in management or
being a chef. To my understanding, you will also receive training when you progress through the system,
and you can use the skillset in the future. Entry level jobs often have a minimum pay (of the country), and
McDonalds offer increase in salary every time you have worked for a certain period.
Daniel Di Gaetano HRM case 3 1620455


Great Non-financial rewards would be the titles that you can, which functions as a great motivation to keep
on going. Can you really stop when you get a shiny new titles every 6 month? Good job McDonalds.

I can recall that McDonalds also have the award “employer” of the month, and I have to say that the people
working in McDonalds always are surprisingly energetic, so it seems that the different incentives are

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