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Name Group :

1. Angel Paradisa Kurniawan (201801059)

2. Mustafida (201801060)


The Mother and Child Hospital Fatimah is a private type C maternal and child
hospital located in Lamongan Regency, East Java. This hospital provides services in the field
of special maternal and child health supported by specialist doctor services and supported by
other medical facilities. Currently the Mother and Child Hospital "Fatimah" Lamongan is one
of the hospitals that is developing in the city of Lamongan. Good service quality at this
hospital has proven to be the key to success and is able to compete with other hospitals in the
city of Lamongan. Since the establishment of this hospital until now, it has been able to
attract consumers from almost all levels of society in the city of Lamongan, not even a few
who come from outside the city.
The Mother and Child Hospital Fatimah Lamongan include in the laboratory there are
two types of Clinical Pathology and Pathology Anatomy, Radiology/ X-ray, Ultrasonography
(2D and 4D ultrasound), Electrocardiogram (ECG), Laparoscopy, Physiotherapy. The Mother
and Child Hospital Fatimah Lamongan has outpatient services, namely general polyclinics
and specialist polyclinics provide services according to a predetermined schedule. The
following is a list of poly services at Mother and Child Hospital Fatimah: Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Pediatric Specialist, Anesthesia Specialist, Surgeon, General Clinic. The
following is an Inpatient with the following facilities:
1. General Maintenance
 VVIP Class Treatment Room
1 room 1 patient, patient waiting bed, AC, television, refrigerator, indoor bathroom,
towel rack, wardrobe, table, guest chair.
 Class I Treatment Room
1 room 2 patient, patient waiting bed, AC, television, dispenser, indoor bathroom, towel
rack, wardrobe, guest chair.
 Class II Treatment Room
1 room 3 patients, air conditioning, television, indoor Bathroom, wardrobe.
 Class III Treatment Room
1 room 4 patient, television, fan, indoor bathroom, wardrobe.
The Mother and Child Hospital Fatimah Lamongan there are many qualified health workers
1. Dr. Achmad Zamroni, Sp.An (Anesthesiologist)
2. Dr. Supratikto, Sp.OG(K) (Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist)
3. Dr. Nurul Kawakib, Sp.B (General Surgery Specialist)
4. Dr. Hisworo Multialam, Sp.A (Child Specialist)
5. Dr. Haris Anshori Kartosen, Sp.OG (Obstetrics Specialist)
6. Dr. Aty Firsiyanti, Sp.A (Child Specialist)
Facilities and Services :
1. Ambulance
2. Emergency Installation
3. Pharmacy / Pharmacy
4. Delivery Room
5. Operating Room
6. Family Planning Services (KB)
7. Pregnancy Exercise
8. Pap Smear
9. Immunization
10. Midwives and Nurses
11. General Practitioner
12. Obstetrics and Gynecology
13. Pediatric Specialist
14. Anesthesia Specialist
15. Surgeon
16. General Clinic.

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