Advances in Engineering Software: Chengen Wang

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Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18

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Integrated aerodynamic design and analysis of turbine blades

Chengen Wang ⇑
Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an integrated approach for aerodynamic blade design in an MDO (multidisciplinary
Received 16 August 2013 design optimization) environment. First, requisite software packages and data sources for flow computa-
Received in revised form 19 September 2013 tions and airfoil modeling are integrated into a single cybernetic environment, which significantly
Accepted 27 October 2013
enhances their interoperability. Subsequently, the aerodynamic blade design is implemented in a
Available online 21 November 2013
quasi-3D way, supported by sophisticated means of project management, task decomposition and allot-
ment, process definition and coordination. Major tasks of aerodynamic blade design include 1D meanline
analysis, streamsurface computations, generation of 2D sections, approximation of 3D airfoils, and 3D
Aerodynamic blade design
Airfoil modeling
flow analysis. After compendiously depicting all the major design/analysis tasks, this paper emphatically
Design integration addresses techniques for blade geometric modeling and flow analysis in more detail, with exemplar
Design collaboration application illustrations.
Engineering process management Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Flow analysis

1. Introduction limits. While, mechanics engineers are expected to precisely pre-

dict and simulate structure deformations and dynamic responses
Turbine blades are core components of an aeroengine, a typical under the aerodynamic, thermal and mechanical loadings.
sub-category of gas turbines, which transform aerodynamic and Conventionally, the multiple disciplinary computations were
thermal energy carried by gas fluids into mechanical driving en- carried out separately by different groups of engineers, aided by
ergy. Consequently, operations of turbine blades largely dominate a number of stand-alone problem-solvers. Conceivably, the iso-
the global engine performance, such as thrust, aerodynamic and lated computing processes result in remarkable engineering ineffi-
thermal efficiency, fuel-efficiency, and reliability. Today’s increas- ciency and ensnarement in local optimums. Besides, the isolated
ingly augmented requirements for high performance aeroengines legacy problem-solvers leave out of account strong couplings
subject turbine blades to fiercely intensive aerodynamic, thermal among disciplinary computations for turbine blade engineering.
and mechanical loadings. These extreme physical loadings make To effectively tackle the drawbacks of traditional sequential de-
turbine blades work in very harsh conditions that approach the sign approaches, companies are growingly employing integrated,
limits of its material properties such as melting points, stress and collaborative, and multidisciplinary design technologies. Actually,
damage-resistance thresholds. since the advent of information technologies, researchers have
Accordingly, turbine blade design has been regarded as one of been continuously looking for cost-effective integration ap-
the most difficult engineering problems, which has drawn inten- proaches to build bridges among isolated ‘‘automation islands’’
sive attention from both industrial and academic circles. Generally, [3,4].
design of turbine blades is a complex multidisciplinary process In regard to aeroengine design, a variety of integrated engineer-
involving the integration of several disciplines such as aerodynam- ing infrastructures have been implemented to improve interopera-
ics, structures, dynamics, and heat transfer [1]. bility among heterogeneous software packages and data sources.
Disciplinarily, aerodynamics engineers have to control the very For instance, Talya et al. (2000) presented an integrated multidis-
complex flow phenomena occurring in highly loaded stages, on the ciplinary design optimization procedure for design of both inter-
whole operating range of the engine [2]. And, thermodynamics nally and externally cooled gas turbine blades [5]. Houstis et al.
engineers have to accurately comprehend the heat transfer pro- developed a multidisciplinary problem solving environment to
cesses between gas flows, coolants and solid structures, and keep support collaborative design of gas turbines, where the legacy FOR-
temperatures within the blade structure well below the allowable TRAN and C codes were wrapped up and delegated by agents [6].
As a common practice, turbine blade design commences with
⇑ Tel.: +86 24 83683619. aerodynamic shape design, of which the ultimate goal is to find
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the airfoil surfaces that optimize the blade’s aerodynamic

0965-9978/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
10 C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18

performance. Blade airfoil design essentially relies on numerical for extracting energy from the exhaust fluid. In turn, a turbine
computations that describe and predicate various fluid flows with- comprises multiple stages, each of which has a rotor that extracts
in turbine stages, in compliance with governing equations of mass, the fluid energy, and a stator that adjusts the flow velocity and
momentum and energy conservations. The fluid governing equa- direction. Compositionally, a rotor is a cascade of blades attached
tions are generally called Navier–Stokes equations in the literature, to a disc at the roots, in which the throughflows of exhausts mainly
and the corresponding software packages are called 3D Navier– move forwards in parallel to the axis of rotation. And, a stator is a
Stokes solvers. cascade of blades or vanes attached to the engine casing at the tips,
Thanks to rapid enhancements of computational capabilities, in which the throughflow velocity and direction are adjusted. This
software codes of finite difference methods (FDM), finite element work addresses integrated aerodynamic blade design through all
methods (FEM) and finite volume methods (FVM) are able to solve turbine stages in the MDO environment.
the 3D governing equations in reasonable time periods. However, As unable being computed by a monolithic software package,
finding numerical solutions to the governing equations in 3D blade the quasi-3D blade aerodynamic design is collectively computed
passages is so time-consuming that for a long time the equations by over a dozen of disciplinary analysis and design codes that
have been solved in 2D or quasi 3D spaces by industries. respectively predict 1D, 2D and 3D flow characteristics, and depict
And, in engineering practice, many companies have not shifted the corresponding blade geometries in 2D and 3D spaces. It is
to the full 3D computational paradigm; 2D and quasi-3D aerody- implicitly assumed that the aerodynamic computations are con-
namics solvers still play a dominant role in blade engineering. Re- ducted without accounting for heat transfer (adiabatic conditions),
cently, Koini et al. (2009) developed a software tool for and structural responses induced by the aerodynamic loads.
interactively constructing parametric 3D blade models on basis
of 2D profile sections [7]. Qiu et al. (2010) presented an integrated
2.1. Integration of blade aerodynamic design codes
blade design system that incorporates 1D meanline analysis, quasi-
3D throughflow and blade-to-blade flow calculations, and 3D CFD
Noticeably, all the in-house developed 1D and 2D flow comput-
ing codes and blade profile modeling codes were written in proce-
In accompaniment to worldwide zeal for multidisciplinary de-
dural FORTRAN and C languages, which use plain text files for data
sign optimization (MDO), we have been developing an MDO envi-
retrieval and transfer. And, engineers had to manually prepare the
ronment [9] for a decade, which concordantly incorporate
input files and visually parse the output files of computation pro-
information and application integration techniques [10–13], opti-
cesses because the legacy software applications were default of
mization algorithms [14], response surface models [15], etc. The
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Generally, these stand-alone
MDO environment is a platform of high maintainability, scalability
problem-solvers did not support out-process communications
and flexibility, which may accommodate existing legacy problem-
and multiple concurrent user access.
solvers and emerging problem-solvers. With support from a num-
Consequentially, integration techniques are implemented as an
ber of manufacturing companies, the ad hoc MDO environment has
essential part of the MDO environment, which accommodate all
been employed in several engineering analysis and design scenar-
the codes and data sources on a single cybernetic platform. This
ios like turbine blade design, aircraft flight-load design, aeroengine
enables effective coordination and tight collaboration in design of
heat transfer analysis, ship power system design, and develop-
turbine blade airfoils.
ments of car molds.
Application integration allows executions of disciplinary soft-
The goal of this paper is to present how the MDO environment
ware packages to be effectively controlled and coordinated. In
is implemented to aerodynamic turbine blade design, by perform-
the MDO environment, aerodynamic engineers do not have to
ing ‘‘what-if’’ computations of flow velocity and pressure distribu-
memorize a large number of command lines for launching the leg-
tions, and blade geometries. Specifically, this work addresses an
acy problem-solvers. And, they are provided with means to inter-
initial pilot phase of implementing MDO techniques to aeroengine
act with the computation processes, by using surrogate objects
design, which aimed at validating feasibility and merits of applying
multidisciplinary design integration and optimization techniques.
Software packages integrated into the MDO environment are no
To reduce implementation complexity and to rapidly gain tech-
longer independent systems but parts of a whole. Therefore, the
nical benefits, the practitioner engineers decided that emphasis of
software packages need to be known of their existence and let their
the pilot phase was put on design integration and collaboration in
executions be controlled and coordinated. The MDO environment
the context of aerodynamic blade engineering. This meant that the
uses dynamic registration and configuration approaches to keep
pursuit of design optimization was not explicitly addresses in this
track of the integrated applications. As shown in Fig. 1, an applica-
stage, and perspectives of heat transfer analysis and structural
tion’s registration information generally includes its name, disci-
analysis were not accounted.
pline, command lines, versions, running environments,
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 de-
executable file with a suffix of exe or bat, numbers and names of
scribes how software codes and data sources used for quasi-3D
the input/output files, its host machine and absolute path.
aerodynamic blade design are integrated. Section 3 first explains
how aerodynamic design is defined and managed in terms of pro-
jects, tasks and workflows. Then, Section 3 depicts the major tasks 2.2. Interoperation of heterogeneous data sources
of blade airfoil engineering. Section 4 depicts in more detail the
geometric modeling techniques that are used to approximate blade In conjunction with application integration, information inte-
airfoils. Section 5 presents how flow characteristics analysis, vari- gration carries out interoperations among heterogeneous data
ous losses and efficiencies are computed in the MDO environ- sources, by building mapping relations among data objects, seman-
ments. Section 6 finally concludes this paper. tically parsing unstructured input/output files, and transforming
data representation schemas. For instances, data mapping methods
are implemented to discern disciplinary parameters contained in a
2. Aerodynamic blade design integration solver’s input/output files, and to maintain dynamic linkages be-
tween the non-structured parameter files handled by a solver
In practice, a turbofan engine may run with one, two or up to and the structured data objects (database records or XML files)
three spools, which respectively have one, two or three turbines handle by the integration platform [11].
C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18 11

Fig. 1. Integration registration of a software package.

Information integration relieves engineers from frequently 3. Aerodynamic blade design workflow management
switching computation processes and transferring data forth and
back among them. Information integration provides engineers Integration sets requisite basis for aerodynamic blade design to
with appropriate means to keep records of design evolutions and be smoothly streamlined into workflows and thus coordinated in
to analyze the cause-effects between input and output parameters. alignment with well-established procedures. Based on integration
Information integration also enables capturing and reusing engi- of disciplinary codes and data, the MDO environment provides
neering knowledge and know-hows accumulated by specialist sophisticate project and workflow management techniques to sup-
engineers in long time courses. port design integration and collaboration.
Technically, information integration implementations are ser- As shown in Fig. 2, the MDO environment provides means to
vice-oriented, which implies that all operations and transforma- decompose blade aerodynamics design and analysis into a number
tions performed on data objects are regarded as services of tasks, which are deliberately defined in terms of actors, prece-
provided by mediators. Similarly, Yu et al. presented a CAE- dence restraints and resources. Subsequently, workflows of aero-
integrated distributed collaborative design system that encapsu- dynamic blade design are built on basis of tasks, their pre- and
lated CAE software tools by service providers [16]. In this work, post-conditions, triggering events, etc. Undoubtedly, workflow
the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) technology is used for handling management techniques are of considerable significance to
both relational and non-relational data sources. ADO components enhancing blade design efficiency and integrity.
abstract the semantics of the data transactions and provide inter- In a general sense, aerodynamic blade design is a progressive
faces for retrieving and performing operations on the stored data. process evolving from one-dimensional (1D) design, through 2D
In the MDO environment, information integration techniques profile curvature modeling, to 3D surface approximation and flow
provide communications between designers and applications, performance analysis. More specifically, aerodynamic blade design
and also automate data transfers between one application and an- and analysis is composed of computations of 1D meanline analysis,
other. For instance, Windows based user interfaces hide an appli- 2D streamsurfaces, basis section profiles, stacking, 3D airfoil mod-
cation’s command lines and permit engineers to input and select eling, 3D flow simulations, and prediction of efficiencies/losses.
design parameters via well-structured tables, views and pop-up Conceivably, a generic blade aerodynamic design process is an
dialogs. aggregation of several sub-processes, which are composed of a
In summary, application and information integration addresses number of tasks. Logically, each design/analysis sub-process is a
human factors, applications and data sources in a holistic way, recursive loop of computational tasks, and, the global blade design
which considerably enhances interoperability among distributed process is an iterative loop of the sub-processes. Below, we com-
engineers, dissimilar software packages, and heterogeneous data pendiously discuss the major sub-processes of aerodynamic blade
sources. design and analysis.
To avoid descriptive redundancy, we refer readers to our previ- Due to length limit, this section will not further address the
ous publications for technical details of the integration techniques workflow issues because detailed workflow specification, verifica-
[3,9–11]. tion, and control techniques can be found in previous literature,
12 C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18

Fig. 2. Aerodynamic blade design task management.

such as the requirement-oriented automated framework for formal Through the first stage rotor the fluids transfer energy to the
verification of service workflows [17]. Quite recently, Lwin et al. blades, which decreases fluid pressure and density. While the axial
also developed a Web-based MDO framework that aimed at simul- component of flow velocity remains constant, the circumferential
taneously integrating legacy code and workflow management, component of flow velocity increases. After leaving the rotor, the
which were used for helicopter rotor blade design [18]. fluids enter the first stage stator that regulates the flow velocity
and direction for the second stage rotor. And, similar changes in
fluid velocity, pressure and density take place in the subsequent
3.1. One-dimensional meanline analysis turbine stages.
The velocity triangles enable engineers to select desirable inlet
Despite the sophistication and improvement of 3D CFD technol- and exit angles at meanline radii of blades and vanes. 1D meanline
ogy, one-dimensional meanline analysis still has its irreplaceable analysis also helps engineers to make decisions on several critical
role in the turbomachinery design process [8]. Consequentially, aerodynamic parameters. For instance, fluid pressure drops
aerodynamic blade design often begins with one-dimensional or through a rotor because of fluid expansion and energy extraction.
1D meanline design/analysis that calculates global flow parame- Conceivably, pressure ratio of inlet pressure to outlet pressure in
ters along mid-height line of blades through the turbine stages. a rotor blade is of great significance to the aerodynamic efficiency
1D meanline analysis calculates aerodynamic performance of and turbine structure. Pressure ratio in a turbine cascade is gener-
the exhaust flow along a single streamline at mid-heights of blades ally set larger than that in a compressor cascade, which permits
through all turbine stages. Leaving vortex or rotational flows out of less turbine stages to extract sufficient energy.
account, 1D meanline analysis depicts the velocity of the exhaust One dimensional meanline analysis helps engineers to choose
flow in two velocity vectors, absolute and relative velocities. pertinent values for a number of aerodynamic parameters. Cate-
Assuming constant axial flow velocity and meanline blade radius, gorically, flow coefficient determines the ratio of the axial velocity
the meanline analysis calculates velocity triangles at blade leading of fluids to circumferential velocity at a blade mean radius, which
edges and trailing edges [19]. geometrically dominate flow turning angles. This parameter exerts
The objective of 1D meanline analysis is to determine blade/ impacts on mass flow rate and hence the blade throughflow areas.
vane inlet and exit angles, pressure ratio per stage, the number Stage loading coefficient is another decision parameter that deter-
of stages, numbers of blades and vanes of each stage, and annulus mines the number of stages in a turbine, in conjunction with mass
blade shapes, which provides inputs to subsequent calculations. flow rate and required energy output.
Normally, the exhaust flow from a combustor first enters a sta- In regard to the number of blades in a cascade, the pitch-to-
tor, called an inlet guided vane (IGV), the utility of which is to chord ratio or solidity is a crucial parameter.
ready the flow velocity and direction. Then, the exhaust flow exit- As axial velocity and blade radius remain constant throughout
ing the IGV with an absolute velocity enters the first stage rotor, turbine stages, whereas gas density decreases down turbine stages.
which rotates with an angular velocity. The absolute velocity of ex- To counteract the effect of reduction in fluid density, the blade
haust fluids, the circumferential velocity at the mid-height of a throughflow area, the annulus area, has to progressively increase
blade, and the relative velocity of the fluids to blade constitute from stage to stage. This leads to considerable increase in blade
the well-known velocity triangle. heights through stages.
C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18 13

As shown in Fig. 3, the 1D meanline analysis yields preliminary

design of turbine meridional flow path, number of stages, flow
characteristics, etc. It is observed that there exist remarkable dif-
ferences between blade numbers and shapes among turbine

3.2. Streamsurface computations

After performing 1D meanline analysis, engineers distribute

geometric parameters along the radii, and proceed to perform
two dimensional or 2D streamsurface analyses.
Two-dimensional aerodynamic blade design uses some stream-
surface algorithms to ascertain the blade cross-section flows and
throughflows that fulfill the aerodynamic requirements. In 2D
aerodynamic computations, streamsurfaces, especially the so-
called S1/S2 streamsurfaces, are formulated to control velocities
and pressures of flows and determine blade profiles in terms of Fig. 4. Illustration of S1/S2 streamsurfaces.
coordinates of critical points and surface curvatures.
The definition of blade-to-blade (S1) and hub-to-tip (S2) stream
The S1 streamsurfaces, generally assumed surfaces of revolu-
faces was introduced by Wu and this viewpoint dominated the
tion, calculate flows from a blade to its adjacent blade. Like the
subject until the early 1980s when fully three dimensional (3D)
S2 streamsurfaces, S1 streamsurfaces are also solved in two modes.
methods first became available [20].
S1 solvers either determine blade section profiles with given sur-
Fig. 4 presents an illustration of the S1/S2 streamsurfaces. The
face pressure distributions (the inverse design mode), or calculate
axisymmetric S2 streamsurfaces calculate hub-to-tip through-
blade surface pressure distribution with given blade section
flows, which is essential to work outputs of turbomachines. The
natural formulation of the throughflow problem is to obtain the
There are many available numerical methods, such as stream-
solution with a specified mass flowrate [20]. During the design
line curvature and stream function methods, are applied to solve
process, the S2 streamsurfaces are solved in direct and inverse for-
the S1/S2 stream surfaces. In this work, in-house developed ad
mulations. The direct S2 streamsurface solver calculates the flow
hoc S1/S2 computation codes are applied to solve the direct and in-
velocity distribution when blade geometric variations are given.
verse streamsurface problems.
The inverse S2 streamsurface solver determines blade spanwise
variations with given velocity distributions.

Fig. 3. Turbine meridional path.

14 C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18

3.3. Blade airfoil design 2D section profiles provide detailed geometric parameters like
inlet and outlet angles, stagger and wedge angles, thickness distri-
The major task following up 1D and 2D flow analysis is to de- butions, diameters of leading and trailing edges.
sign blade airfoils, in terms of 2D cross section profiles and 3D solid In practice, about 5 or up to 7 basis section profiles are normally
geometric models. As blades are dissimilar through stages, blade created for a blade, in alignment with computation of S1/S2
airfoil computations are repeatedly performed for each turbine streamsurfaces. These basis section profiles are further stacked
stage. along a radial stacking line, which heavily influences the 3D airfoil
With respect to designing a single baled airfoil, several cross of a blade. Subsequently, 3D blade airfoils are generated by wrap-
section profiles, often known as basis sections, are first developed ping up the stacked section profiles with boundary surfaces de-
in accordance with calculations S1/S2 streamsurfaces. Design of a fined by geometric interpolation or approximation algorithms. In
blade section profile attempts to attain curvature smoothness general, a blade surface should be generated in such a way that
and reduction of profile losses. The profile or airfoil section is com- the given section profiles are interpolated and each isoparametric
posed of four distinct curves, corresponding to the suction side, the line of the turbine blade surface representation (between the given
pressure side, leading and trailing edges, and must be curvature profile curves) is a planar profile curve too and each profile planes
continuous, at least retaining C2 continuity [21]. are parallel [22].
In this work, a number of interpolation and approximation algo- Blade streamsurface computations are very time-consuming
rithms are implemented to determine appropriate blade section tasks, which are unlikely to attain optimal solutions in a few iter-
profiles. As shown in Fig. 5, the MDO environment may solve the ations. Hence, prohibitive computation costs make engineers un-
section profiling problems with direct and inverse design methods. able and reluctant to manually validate many blade geometric
With the inverse design method, the MDO environment first al- variations for finding better flow characteristics. With recourse to
lows engineers to specify desirable velocity and pressure distribu- the MDO environment, engineers are able to easily change the
tions, and then computes discrete boundary points that meet the blade parameters such as inlet and exit angles, stagger angles,
requirements. Consequently, it generates section profiles by inter- chord lengths, and thickness distributions to verify a larger number
polating or approximating the control points that arise from aero- of flow simulations. And, sophisticated graphical representation
dynamic computations. Obviously, the engineering efficiency means make engineers feel very easy to validate and judge the
largely depends on engineer’s knowledge of optimal velocity and computation outcomes of aerodynamic parameters and geometric
pressure distributions, and benchmark data of previous designs. parameters.
Whereas, with the direct design method, the MDO environment
allows veteran engineers to manually adjust positions of control 3.4. Flow characteristics analysis
points by mouse clicks and drags, and accordingly computes and
displays aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoil variants. Appar- Naturally, it is concerned if the desired aerodynamic perfor-
ently, this trial-and-error design method heavily depends on engi- mance will be achieved or not with 3D blade airfoils resulted from
neering experiences and know-hows about optimal profile approximating surfaces that cover the skeletons of stacked basis
curvatures. sections. Hence, 3D flow analysis has to be conducted to validate

Fig. 5. Modeling of blade section profile.

C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18 15

the aerodynamics performance, by using CFD tools. The 3D flow approximation methods, which can be easily found in literature
analysis predicts flow characteristics through every turbine stage, like [23]. The MDO environment has comprehensively imple-
which includes mass flow rate, power, efficiency, velocities, pres- mented the commonly used curve interpolation/approximation
sures, losses, etc. methods, which allows engineers to model blade profiles with flex-
3D flow analysis posterior to creation of 3D blade airfoils avoid ible combinations of curve representations.
high computation costs of extensively running CFD systems in the First, the leading and trailing edges are represented by circular
preliminary design stages. On the other hand, it allows engineers to arcs while the suction and pressure curves are interpolated with
precisely assess blade structures on basis of aerodynamic simula- cubic or higher order splines. Second, all the four curves are repre-
tions. In a turbine, variations of geometric parameters exert con- sented by B-splines or Bézier curves, a remarkable disadvantage of
siderable influences on loss mechanisms like secondary loss, tip which is their incompetency of accurately representing circular
clearance loss, and profile loss. Accordingly, the 3D flow analysis arcs at the edges. Third, all the four curves are modeled by Non-
provides engineers with explicit performance criteria for inces- Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), the merits of which are using
santly refining blade airfoils until losses are effectively decreased. one uniform modeling method, and conveniently generating pre-
cise representations of circular leading and trailing edges.
After generating a blade section profile, engineers may interac-
4. Blade airfoil modeling techniques
tively adjust suction and pressure curves for meeting specified
blade thickness distributions, by numerically reconciling the geo-
This section further discusses geometric modeling techniques
metric discrepancies. In this way, the MDO environment provides
both for 2D and 3D blade airfoils in more detail. Even though
engineers with high flexibility of choosing pertinent ways to repre-
CAD systems are integrated in many collaborative design plat-
sent the blade profile curves. This enables engineers to efficiently
forms, there sound reasons of applying tailored geometric model-
validate different blade profile options, in terms of geometric
ing techniques in aerodynamic blade design. Tailored geometric
parameters like stagger angle, inlet/outlet angles, solidity, thick-
modeling techniques constitute rudimentary parts of the MDO
ness distributions, etc. By integrating direct and inverse streamsur-
face solvers and geometric modeling techniques, the MDO
In design of 2D blade profiles, geometries computed by the leg-
environment has created correlational mappings among blade sec-
acy problem-solvers are represented as coordinates of points on
tion profiles, flow losses, efficiencies, and other characteristics.
sectional surfaces, and stored in plain data files. It is very time con-
These correlational mappings make a change in one part automat-
suming and tedious for engineers to manually process primitive
ically trigger changes in other parts. Based on these sophisticated
geometric data and regenerate 2D blade models with a commercial
correlational mappings, engineers can efficiently carry out a large
CAD system. Apart from this drawback, commercial CAD systems
number of interactive emulations to evaluate mutual influences
do not permit 3D blade airfoils to be constructed by stacking and
between blade profiles and flow characteristics.
skinning 2D section profiles. Besides, using commercial CAD sys-
For instance, when engineer drag control points to designated
tems in aerodynamic blade design is quite likely to result in erro-
positions on screen by mouse clicks, the system automatically
neous manipulation of data and lower work efficiency. Thus, it is
regenerates the blade section profile and calculates consequential
computationally impracticable for engineers to regenerate blade
flow properties. On the other hand, when engineers modify inputs
geometric models in each aerodynamic computation by using a
of aerodynamic performance, the system automatically calculates
CAD system.
the resulting changes in control point positions, and regenerates
Therefore, it is a common practice for aerodynamic engineers to
blade section profiles.
generate geometric blade models by using ad hoc geometric mod-
eling tools instead of complex commercial CAD systems. To meet
4.2. Geometric representations of 3D blade airfoils
requirements of modeling blade airfoils, the MDO environment
provides a number of curve and surface generation techniques by
After building a number of section profiles, the system helps
coding a number of polynomial interpolation and approximation
engineers to create a solid blade airfoil by mounting up the profiles
along a stacking axis and closely skinning the stacked sectional
profiles. Obviously, there are many geometric parameters that con-
4.1. Geometric representations of 2D blade section profiles siderably influence the final blade shape, and hence its aerodynam-
ics performance. Unfortunately, there are no straightforward rules
As mentioned above, the quasi-3D blade engineering approach that can guarantee optimal selections of profile stacking and sur-
first generates a number of blade cross-sections, and then stacks face approximating parameters.
these section profiles along a radial axis to form a 3D surface model Apparently, the stacking and skinning processes are basically
of a blade. based on engineering know-hows and historical inveteracies. To
Invariantly, a 2D/3D blade airfoil is composed of four compo- provide engineers with a wide range of optional methods for pro-
nents, i.e. the leading edge, suction, pressure, and trailing edge file stacking and boundary skinning, the MDO environment formal-
curves/surfaces. Aerodynamics engineers apply the inverse analy- izes and keeps a set of heuristics and know-hows extracted from
sis algorithms to determine the desirable blade section profiles engineering experiences of veteran engineers, which allow guided
that satisfying prescribed velocity and pressure distributions. The selections of the control parameters.
profile curves are often controlled by a number of discrete control For instance, it is recommended that stator vane sections be
points. mounted up a stacking axis through the centers of the leading
A 2D blade section profile determines the blade-to-blade ex- edges or trailing edges, whereas, rotor blade profiles be mounted
haust flow through the turbine cascade. In this work, the control up through their mass centers. This method of selecting stacking
points are either specified by global coordinates or by relative posi- locations is believed of being able to maintain high structural
tions to the blade camber line. And, the four curve segments of a integrity.
planar blade profile can be generated by a number of piecewise In practice, stacking axes are not always lines but frequently
polynomial representations, such as simple cubic splines [5]. curves, which permit bending and twisting effects of blade airfoils.
To avoid redundancy, this paper does not intend to depict the Therefore, apart from straight lines, the system permits stacking
mathematical equations of various polynomial integration and axes to be optionally approximated with Bezier or NURBS curves,
16 C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18

which enable blades to lean or bend over in the circumferential or where X = (x1, x2, . . ., xn) e Rn are decision variables, Fi(X) are global
axial directions. and disciplinary objective functions, hi(X) and gi(X) are equality and
And, the NURBS formulation is used to create 3D blade surfaces inequality constraints.
because NURBS surfaces are generally believed of outperforming Specifically, the objective functions in this work focus on blade
other surface approximations. Fig. 6a presents an illustration of weights, aerodynamic efficiencies or losses due to secondary flows.
stacked blade sections, Fig. 6b a 3D blade airfoil of NURBS surfaces, Weight reduction is simply formulated as reduction of blade vol-
and Fig. 6c an illustration of effects of stacking axes. umes. On the other hand, mechanisms and formulations of second-
ary flow losses are somewhat complex. Apart from the main axial
5. Flow characteristics analysis and design optimization flows, there also exist a number of unsteady secondary flows in a
turbine, which are very heterogeneous in terms of directions and
As noticed, design of blade airfoils are based on 1D and 2D aero- velocity magnitudes. These secondary flows and their mixing with
dynamic computations, whereas, exhaust flows in axial turbines the main flows result in a variety of losses.
are actually three dimensional. Consequentially, it is natural that Losses in a blade cascade are normally categorized into second-
3D flow analysis has to be conducted, often by using commercial ary flow loss, profile loss, tip clearance loss, endwall loss, shock
CFD codes, to calculate exact velocity and pressure distributions loss, etc. The term of secondary flow is generally used to address
on the blade profiles, to predict various losses hence incurred, flows that have non-zero velocity components normal to main
and to precisely evaluate aerodynamic efficiencies of the blade flows, which give rise to vortices and turbulences. It is widely ac-
cascades. cepted that losses caused by secondary flows constitute major part
Aerodynamic blade design is a multiobjective optimization of energy losses in turbines.
problem that tries to find a set of geometric parameters, which The profile loss results from energy dissipation on blade bound-
simultaneously minimize a group of global and disciplinary objec- ary layers. The endwall loss is a kind of secondary flow losses result
tive functions, while satisfying a number of constraints. Mathemat- from mixing vortexes and energy dissipation near hub boundary
ically, an aerodynamic blade design problem may be formulated as layers.
below. The tip clearance loss results from flow leakage from pressure
surfaces through cleavages between blade tips and the engine case
min F i ðXÞ i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m ð1Þ to suction surfaces, due to pressure discrepancies. Tip leakage
subject to losses are caused by the facts that leakage flows produce no useful
8 work, and they produce turbulent secondary flows when mixing
< hl ðXÞ ¼ 0 l ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ;
> with the main flows. Maintaining appropriate tip clearances is a
g j ðXÞ  0 j ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; ð2Þ difficult task. Smaller tip clearances definitely decrease leakage
xi  xi  xþi i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; losses, however may not sufficiently allow for thermal growths
of blade heights, which is likely to result in severe abrasion and

Fig. 6. Blade section stacking and skinning.

C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18 17

Fig. 7. Distributions of flow parameters along blade heights.

failure. Larger tip clearances guarantee safe operations but result in 6. Conclusions
considerable leakage losses.
Because of their crucial impacts on turbine efficiencies, a lot of This paper presents outcomes of the initial pilot stage of imple-
mechanisms or models have been developed to interpret and cal- menting an MDO environment to aerodynamic blade design and
culate these losses. For instance, a classic formula for calculating analysis. In this work, application and information integration
the overall pressure loss caused by secondary flows is given below techniques are applied to build a shared cybernetic platform for
[24]. engineering computations. Then, sophisticated means of engineer-
ing flow management are developed to effectively coordinate the
design and analysis activities.
cos2 aout
Y s ¼ 4kðtan ain  tan aout Þ2 ð3Þ Technically, the aerodynamic blade design is implemented as
cos am
an iterative engineering process that is rudimentarily composed
of sub-processes of 1D meanline analysis, S1/S2 streamsurface
where k is a parameter correlated with flow acceleration, ain, aout computations, 2D section profiling, 3D airfoil approximations,
and am are respectively flow incidence angle, exit angle, and aver- and 3D flow analysis. Essentially, a number of curve/surface inter-
age angle in the blade cascade. polation and approximation algorithms are coded to allow flexible
Accordingly, a variety of loss models are implemented in the generation of 2D/3D blade airfoils. The tailored geometric model-
system to provide engineers with tools for predicting losses com- ing utilities save engineers from inefficiency and incompetency
monly encountered in blade rows. For the sake of simplicity, we of using commercial CAD systems.
do not replicate these loss models in this paper, which may be Subsequently, the system enables engineers to efficiently con-
found in previous literature, such as [24]. duct 3D flow analysis computations and to clearly comprehend
The system spontaneously displays flow characteristics in elab- fluid behaviors against given blade airfoils. This makes blade air-
orate graphical representations, such as blade radial distributions foils be iteratively improved until desirable aerodynamic perfor-
of flow exit angles, pressures, and energy losses, etc., as shown in mance is met.
Fig. 7. The graphical representations of flow characteristics serve It is also recognized that aerodynamic blade design is a knowl-
as an indispensable booster to insightful comprehension of com- edge intensive process where know-hows play an important role.
plex flows through turbine stages. In this work, the intangible engineering know-hows are dealt in
The ultimate goal 3D flow analysis is to manifestly show dis- two alternative ways. First, procedural rules are formally ab-
crepancies between actual flows and desirable flows, which neces- stracted and coded to support decision-making activities. Second,
sitate continual refinements of blade airfoils. a set of alternative approaches are provided in cases where no
18 C. Wang / Advances in Engineering Software 68 (2014) 9–18

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