План-конспект Уроку з ІМ у Початковій Школі

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План-конспект уроку з Англійської Мови

The 3-th form

Lesson type-combined
Topic «My Family»
Communicative: to practice in reading
Cultural: to develop skills in using the words on the topic; to develop
listening and reading skills; to develop speaking skills.
Educative: to educate to be a tolerant person.
Materials and equipment: textbooks, workbooks, texts, computer.
Lesson plan:
1. Beginning.
a) Greeting- 1min.
b) Facilitation- 5 min.
c) Photetic drills- 5 min.
1)Presentation of the new lexical units from the topic «My Family».
2) Phonetic processing and checking the understanding of new lexical
3) Song listening.
4) Checking the understanding of the text listened song.
5) Practice in using of new lexical units from the topic «My Family» at
the phrase and at the level of superphrase unit.
6) Improving the knowledge of new lexical units from the topic «My
Family» at the phrase and at the level of superphrase unit.
a) Home assignment- 1min.
b) Assessment, evaluation- 2min.
Lesson stage. Aim. Technique. Contents
Lesson stage 1. Beginning.
T: Good morning, dear
1) Greeting, facilitation. children!
Aim: to prepare pupils for the lesson. Cl: Good morning, teacher!
Technique: conversation with pupils. T: Sit down, please. The
theme of our lesson is My
Interaction: T-P1, T-P2, T-Cl.
Family. To0day we’ll learn
new words, read the texts, do
exercises, speak about your
families. You will learn new
words, and practice your
speaking and writing skills.
Let’s start our lesson.

2) Phonetic drills.
T: I have prepared the good
Aim: to involve into the foreign poems about family for you.
language atmosphere, to arouse their We are going to listen the
desire to speak foreign language, to poems and repeat. Let’s start.
set pupils’ organs of hearing and
speech to the foreign language. «This is My Family»
This is the Father, kind and true.
Technique: poem «My Family».
This is the mother who cares for
Interaction: T- Cl. you.
This is the brother so big and
This is the sister who plays with
her ball.
I have a father.
I have a mother.
I have a sister.
I have a brother. Father, Mother,
Sister, Brother – Hand in
hand with one another.

Lesson stage 2. Body T: Listen the audio and

repeat after the speaker.
1) Presentation of the new lexical
T: Answer my question.
units from the topic «My Family».
Who is she? ( She is a
Aim: to form the reproductive mother).
vocabulary habits. Has she got brothers or
Technique: conversation with
Has she got a cousin?
Has she got uncles has she
Interaction: T- Cl. got?
T: Now, give the opposites:
A father – (a mother),
a sister – (a brother),
a dad –( a mum),
a man –(a woman),
an uncle –( an aunt),
a son –( a daughter),
a granddad –( a grandma),
a grandmother –(a
T: Good job.
2) Phonetic processing and checking T: Now, repeat words after
the understanding of new lexical me.
units. T: a dad.
Cl : a dad.
Aim: to reach pupils the correct
T: an uncle.
pronunciation of new lexical units, to
Cl : an uncle.
make sure that pupils have
T: an aunt.
understood new lexical units in
Cl : an aunt.
proper way.
T: a daughter.
Technique: repetition after teacher. Cl : a daughter.
T: Good work, thank you.
Interaction: T- Cl.

Their creepy and their kooky

3) Song listening. Mysterious and spooky
Their all together ooky
Aim: communicative task solving. The Adams family
Technique: active listening. Their house is a museum
When people come to see 'em
Interaction: P-1, P-2, P-3. They really are a screaming
The Adams family.
So put a witch's shawl on
A broomstick you can crawl on
We're gonna play a call on
The Adams Family!

4) Checking the understanding of the T: Now, try to describe me

text listened song. this song in 3-4 sentences.
Aim: to determine the pupils’ level of T: Ok, good. Thank you.
song’s text comprehension.
Technique: communicative task.
Interaction: T-P1, T-P2, T-P3…

T: Children, I know you’ve

5) Practice in using of new lexical
prepared short stories about
units from the topic «My Family» at
your families. Let’s tell us
the phrase level and at the level of
about your relatives.
superphrase unit.
T: Good job!
Aim: to teach pupils to use new
lexical units in their speech.
Technique: communicative task.
Interaction: T-P1, T-P2…

6) Improving the knowledge of new My name is… I am from

lexical units from the topic «My Ukraine. I have got a … My
Family» at the phrase and at the level mother’s name is… She is
of superphrase unit. a… My father’s name is…
He is a… My grandmother…
Aim: to teach pupils to use new and grandfather… are… My
lexical units in their writing. sister’s name is… ( She is
Technique: noncommunicative task. pupil). I love my family.

Interaction: T-P1, T-P2…

Lesson stage 3. Closure. T: So, your home task is to

learn the new words and
1) Home assignment.
write a funny story about
Aim: to explain to pupils the home your family.
Technique: explanation.
Interaction: T- Cl.

2) Assessment. T: So, today you worked

Aim: to assess and evaluate the very well. It was interesting
pupils’ activity during the lesson. to know about your families.
I’d like to thank you for good
Technique: explanation. work at the lesson. Did you
Interaction: T- Cl. like our lesson?
Did your learn some new
Cl: Yes…
T: Our lesson is over. Good

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