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Independent University, Bangladesh

Name ID
Montahi Yousuf mysha 1731576

Course Title: Contemporary HR practice in Bangladesh

Course ID: HRM410

Section: 1

Submission Date: 26th July 2021


The Impact of Covid-19 on Human Resource

Management in Tea sector

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on tea farmers all around the world, owing to national
lockdowns and social distancing measures. Tea farmers are conducting emergency response
measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in tea society, as a result of export and import
limitations. The 716-hectare Moulvi Tea Garden in Sylhet was recently purchased by United
Group. Only a section of the land was used for cultivation at the time of takeover, and the
potential was only partially realized. The plant required both quality and process improvement at
many stages of production, from raw materials to final items, as a result of low market returns on
products supplied. United Group has made initiatives to improve the issue, including the
introduction of approximately 60,000 tea plants into the manufacturing cycle. The tea's quality
has also improved because of the better production inputs. As a result, the selling price of the tea
produced in this garden has increased significantly (from TK160/kg to TK 286/kg). Their short-
term goal is to produce 400,000 kilograms of tea per year by 2022, and our long-term goal is to
produce 800,000 kilograms per year by 2025. They are constructing new factories, developing
unutilized land under production, tractors, and other equipment towards this end. The entire
garden's layout is being developed to make it one of Bangladesh's top tea gardens. They are also
aiming to enhance the living conditions of the garden's workers and employees. Along with a
new school building, a new health facility is being built. They are also guaranteeing that safe
drinking water, as well as adequate housing and shelter, are available. They will also set up
training and development programs for all their employees and workers in order to improve their
abilities to contribute to the garden's overall development.
Theory of Recruitment policy
The recruiting system in Bangladesh, as it is practiced elsewhere today, dates back to the British
colonial era, when the merit principle was established as a criterion in the induction of new
recruits into the Indian Civil Services during the reforms of the 1850s. Recruitment encompasses
all actions aimed at attracting applications from qualified candidates, for which they require the
correct people, location, time, money, and decision. Returning the Public Service Ethic to Its
Former Glory. Sound recruiting and selection methods rely on complementary and HRM
systems in terms of control, rather than service to the wider organization Civic Culture and

Rules of recruitment and selection:

 Commonality
 Openness
 Competitiveness
 Legality
 Non-discrimination
 Constancy of criteria
 Neutrality
 Objectivism
 Transparency
 Personal data security
 Acting without delay

Broadly, there are two major methods for recruitment to civil service:

(a) merit system through competitive examination and

(b) Spoil’s system.

The federal personnel agency, generally known as the Public Service Commission, is responsible
for conducting competitive examinations under conventional civil service law. The spoils system
is an informal practice in which a political party awards government employment to its voters as
a reward for helping the party win an election and as an incentive to continue working for the
party, as opposed to a merit-based system that is independent of political action.

Policy Implementation: BCS Recruitment Process

BCS recruitment process consists of several steps that are:

1. MCQ preliminary examination

2. written examination

3. viva

4. result publication for selected candidates

5. medical test

6. police verification; and finally

7. Appointment.
Recruitment of Moulvi Tea Garden
People are recruited in two categories in this tea garden:

1. labor recruitment.

2. The necessity for personnel.

They are being recruited by the Bangladesh Tea Association's board of directors.

The United Group owns two tea gardens, one in Sylhet, Moulvi bazar, and Habiganj Garden, and
the other in Chittagong, Chattagram, and Rangamati Garden. As I speak with their head office in
Shatarkul, I'm gathering information regarding Tea Garden during the COVID-19 pandemic, and
whether or not this resulted in any firings or recruitment in this area.True, because of COVID-19,
the salaries for tea garden laborers in Bangladesh are 118tk per day, and because the diseases
didn't spread in any parts of the tea garden because they were staying in that location, there were
no modifications. They also didn't fire any of their tea garden's workers or staff.

The tea garden, on the other hand, has permanent employees.

They have the following Grade 1 employers:

1. Electricians

2. Carpenters

3. Sirdars

4. Operators of lathes

5. Dressers

6. Dhais

7. Peon/messengers

Employers for BTA-recruited tea gardens, as well as employees who follow the company format
and BTA procedures, are required.

Permanent Drivers

Whether a driver is a member of the Bangladesh Cha Sramik Union or the Bangladesh Tea
Estate Staff Association, his or her salary and other perks are normally governed by the rules
agreed upon with the Bangladesh Tea Estate Staff Association. As a result, Bangladesh Cha
Sramik Union Drivers (Junior & Senior, Monthly Rated) would be entitled to earn Salary Scales
as negotiated with the Bangladesh Tea Estate Staff Association via Staff Agreement.

For those days when the workers are actually spraying insecticides and weedicides, a sum of
TK. 5.00 per day will be provided as Risk Allowance.


All permanent garden workers will receive, at the time of two festivals (Lal Puja (Fagua)/Eid-ul-
Fitr and Durga Puja/Eid-ul-Azha) in a two-stroke grant, in place of the previous 'Incentive
Bonus' payment equal to wages of 45 days each year. The calculation of one and a half months
of the basic salary for permanent workers (monthly rate), shall be based on the attendance, in two
installments: a 20% discount The term paid here shall include those days in which a worker is
given a proportion of the wages, e.g. Sick Pay, Extra Sick Leave Allowance, etc. without living
allowance, paid while an investigation was pending when dismissals or suspensions were issued
for punition. This includes the periods for the purposes of calculating attendance for all days of
absence from work. The festival allowance is agreed to be apportioned as 60% in Durga Puja,
and 40% in Lal Puja (Fagua), so that employees are paid accordingly.


1. Provision of food grains not in the hands of employers It is agreed that employers shall,
according to government scales and directions amendable from time to time, provide all
workers with the benefit of food grains in accordance with established custom in the
garden. Members should provide each worker with a simple ration card giving his
personal details, number of dependents, size of Khet Land holdings, and weekly ration
entitlement in accordance with existing practice and as per BCS circulated Labour
Manuel (L.M.9), gth February, 1984 and further; members should provide each worker
with a simple ration card giving his personal details, number of dependents, size of Khet
Land holdings, and weekly ration.
2. The benefit provided in this clause shall be extended to workers who can, after any period
of entitlement to sick allowances or extra sick allowances, receive sick leave without any
sick leave on a medical officer's certificate.
3. As agreed between the two sides, the BCS and the BCSU will continue the existing
practice of ration supply (rice/wheat) with a concessional rate of Tk 2.00 per kg
4. Every registered tea estate worker shall be issued a credit card and, where someone has
lost the credits, the Tk.10.00 will be charged.


 Maternity benefit payment should be continued in accordance with the law. It is

understood, however, that the basis on which benefits are calculated and paid should be
simplified and rationalized. The Employer shall therefore approach the authority
concerned. The Association was also reiterated that, if such centers have not already been
established, it will continue to strongly recommend to the Association's its members that
the right care as well as food be provided for mother and baby, as well as to recommend
the establishment, by law, of childcare centers.
 During this period the husband may be entitled to take his annual leave for 10 days or
else he may apply in his existing sick leave allowance of 20 days to cover a Sick
Leave/Sick attendance leave.
 The Sangsad will also advise its members to consider approaching the Department of
Family Planning for Mother's Club organization.


Registered permanent workers entitled to become a member of Provident Fund and not yet
enrolled should join and submit 'C' form at the earliest opportunity. Jugali Sirdars working at the
same post for more than two years may, provided that vacancies and candidates are suitable, be
promoted as monthly rated workers. Workers' children are given preference in employment when
implementing crop diversification programs if appropriate. It was agreed that the employees and
staff of the children of the working people would be appointed if they were found suitable and, at
the discretion of the management, the candidate met the criteria required. It is advised that one
member of his/her family, if a worker's retirement or death does not occur, shall be appointed at
his/her place, if suitable, by a close relative of the worker, a resident of his/her estate. Whilst it is
agreed that management will be able to select the best candidates for vacancies, it is also agreed
that employees' children may apply to different garden areas under Union notice. In selecting
candidates who are required to qualify, Sangsad shall recommend its members not to
discriminate. It is understood that Female Sirdar and Female Clerk are not prevented from
working as long as they are qualified and able. At least one female Jugali/Sirdar should be
recommended per 100 female workers if they are skilled.


a) Leave: (i)The Bangladesh Labor Act 2006/2013 gives one annual leave for every 22 days of
work. (ii) sick leave/sick participation Every permanent worker may take the leave with a total of
20 days with pay in each calendar year.

b) festival holidays: (i) Every permanent worker shall be allowed in each Calendar year 14 days
festival holidays with pay. ii) The following days are the: Victory Day Birthday of the Father of
the Bangabandhu Nation, Sheik Mujibur Rahman National Mourning Day, Durga Puja Shab-e-
Barat Pous-Sankeranti /Christmas Day, Eid-ul-Fitr Eid-ul-Azha Lal Puja (Fagua) Durga! Bengali
New Year 14 days If festival vacations with pay preceed or follow a normal garden shut-down
day, the required work shall be done at the regular garden shut-down at normal remuneration
rates on a regular garden shut-down day. If legislation is passed or a government directive is
issued requiring other festival holidays to be granted to workers with pay, the above-mentioned
holidays will be changed accordingly. Workers will be given paid leave on the day of the
national election. C. Lump Sum: For cases of Ligation, Vasectomy, and I.U.D., the Sangsad will
advise its members to pay.


The shangshad should recommend its member: To provide alternative housing for workers who
are retiring or being discharged due to illness and are unable to rely on the garden where they
worked. i) Provident Fund / Service Records should be used to determine the age of a worker's
record. iii) Agreeing that the normal retirement age would be 60 years. The Sangsad advises its
members to pay a pension of Tk.100.00 per week to permanent workers and Tk.150.00 per week
to permanent workers who retired at or after the customary agreed retirement age of 60 years and
had served the Estate / Group for at least 15 years prior to retirement. It should be noted that the
payment of such an allowance is unrelated to the issuing of rations, and that he or she will
continue to receive rations in accordance with his or her entitlement as a worker's dependent. iii)
Gratuities will be paid in accordance with Srama Ain 2006/2013.


The Union has committed to collaborate with Estate Management to move surplus workers to
other Estates within the same group of companies for employment where there is a labor
shortage, as well as to any other estates under different management with the approval of the
workers involved.


Both sides (BTA and BCSU) agree that joint appropriate measures will be adopted to improve
productivity (plucking task) and standard of work, thereby ensuring increased productivity in all
productivity. In the new deal, tea employees' wages, salaries, and allowances have all been
enhanced. Both sides agreed that steps should be done to increase productivity (plucking task)
and workers' welfare in the benefit of the tea business and workers.

1. BCS and BCSU have also committed to organize a Productivity & Welfare Sub-
Committee to boost productivity (plucking tasks) and labor welfare within 10 (ten) days
after signing the MOU. The aforementioned Sub-Committee will present their report to
the Convenor, LH&WSC, BTA, within 1 (one) month of signing the agreement, which
will be applied from the current season.
2. 2. In accordance with the conditions of the productivity and task agreement (2015-2016)
between BCS and BCSU, a new Productivity and Welfare Committee will be constituted
within 10 (ten) days of the MOU signing addressing increased productivity (Plucking
Task) and worker welfare. The Committee will carry out its decision on plucking jobs
and labor welfare in the gardens, which were not raised during the previous agreement's
The aforementioned Committee will also focus on workers' working hours and attendance at


It has been agreed that a daily allowance of Tk.135.00 per person for a maximum of three
days with pay will be admissible for participation in Training Courses organized by the Cha
Sramik Union or International Agencies or Government but nominated by the BCSU, in
addition to actual Bus and/or Train fares within Sylhet Division for the gardens located in
Sylhet Area and Chittagong Division. It is also agreed that each Estate will have a maximum
of three people. If an Estate has formed one or more Out-garden/out Divisions, those
unit/units will be entitled to the foregoing as well. It is also acknowledged that no more than
three of these courses will be allowed in one calendar year.


Because of the delay in concluding and signing this Labour Agreement due to circumstances
beyond either party's control, and in response to the Labour Union representatives' request,
arrear payment will be made in three installments from 1-1-2017 to 26-08-2018, based on
actual working days (including weekly and other paid holidays), and payment will be made
in three installments.


The Association will advise its members to build an appropriate shelter/leaf weighment shed
at their workplace, convert kutcha shelters/sheds to pucca shelters/sheds, and expand their
numbers in phases to provide protection during rains and storms.

Members will gradually install latrines in appropriate locations across the sections.

Recruitment Policy of South Asian Context

The bulk of South Asian laborers work in low-wage occupations with no benefits. South Asian
workers, particularly women and those from lower castes, experience precarious employment,
uncertain livelihoods, and a lack of skills. South Asia's rapid economic growth has failed to
create good jobs for its rapidly expanding labor force. To hire a new generation of young people,
the area needs to add 12 million jobs per year. The goal of this initiative is to establish a South
Asian labor network of institutes and experts in order to prepare two major reports. Policy ideas
for promoting growth and employment will be presented in the 2014 India Employment Report
and the 2015 South Asian Employment Report. Researchers will collect and analyze data on
labor and social protection policies in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. With
sound industrial and social protection policies, the reports will seek to reduce worker
vulnerability, improve social protection, and improve employment quality. In the countries
concerned, the reports will be fed into policy forums. The project will also create a database of
labor indicators and research capabilities. This will be accomplished through a competitive
appeal for young researchers and junior faculty training in labor techniques. The research team
will work to establish a network of like-minded institutions working on labor issues in India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka; -create a system to track knowledge on the state of
employment, labor markets, social exclusion, and social protection in South Asia; -consolidate
empirical research on economic growth and employment quality; and -share the information. The
Institute for Human Development (IHD) will coordinate the reports and policy forums for India
and South Asia, as well as the regional database and capacity-building efforts. Indian and other
South Asian partners regard IHD as a natural focus for labor-related concerns. It will expand on
its present responsibilities, which include organizing the Indian Society of Labour Economics'
annual meetings and publishing the Indian Journal of Labour Economics. IHD will collaborate
with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific's South Asian offices,
the International Labour Organization, and several South Asian national organizations.

COVID-19 pays 118tk per day to tea garden laborers across Bangladesh, and the sickness hasn't
spread to any other portions of the tea garden because the workers are still in the same area,
therefore there haven't been any changes. They also didn't fire any of their tea garden's workers
or staff. As a result, there have been no changes in the Tea industry as a result of COVID-19;
only worker wages have grown, and the price of tea has increased.


the united head office

MR Nizzamuddin Associated director.

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