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1. If there are 3 identical resistors connected parallel the total resistance willbe.
A) 3 time eachindividualresistors B) 2/3 times each individualresistor
C) 1/3 times eachindividualresistors D) 4/3 times each individualresistors
2. The responsible person to maintain the quality of work performed by a workteam.
A,supervisor B, all members oftheteam C,worker D, quality assuranceofficer
3. Resistivity of a conductor is mostly affectedby.
A,composition B, pressure C,Temperature D, current
4. Written communication methods mayinclude.
A) Discussion B)Negotiation C)Speeches D)Instructions
5. What should you do when a problem arises while you are repairing electronic equipment that you
Cannot solve by yourself?
A,quitrepairing B, throwitaway C, askfor assistance D, murmuring &crying
6. What is the power factor incapacitive
A,zero B,unity C,lagging D, leading
7. The starting winding of a single phase motor is placed inthe----
A.rotor B.stator C.armature D, field
8. The frequency of DC supply is…….
A,zero B,16HZ C, 50 HZ D, 100HZ
9. The demand factor for the electrical system is the ratioof
A) Maximum demand to connected load B) Maximum demand to averageload
C) Average power tomaximumpower D) Relative power to total power
10. Dielectric materialsare
A) Insulatingmaterials B) Semiconducting materials
C)Magneticmaterials D) Ferroelectricmaterials
11. Transformer cores are laminated in orderto:
A) Simplifyitsconstruction B) Minimize eddy currentloss
C) Reduceloss D) Reduce hysteresis’sloss
12. Star – delta starter of an inductionmotor
A) Inserts resistance inrotorcircuit B) Inserts resistance in statorcircuit
C) Applies reduced voltagetorotor D) Applies reduced voltage tostator
13. Brushes of D.C. machines are usually madeof
A) Hardcopper B)Softcopper C)Carbon D)All ofabove
14. The minimum change in input value that can be detected by measuringcalled
A) Threshold B)Resolution C)Sensitivity D)Error
15. Multiplying resistor is requiredin
A) Ammeter B)Power C)Ohmmeter D)Voltmeter
16. One of the following devices can be used to isolate the control circuit from theload.
A) Toggleswitch B)Relay C)Circuitbreaker D)Rotaryswitch
17. The aim of preventive maintenance isto
A) Increase the reliability of a toolor equipment. B) Increase the failure rate of tool orequipment.
C) Reduce the life span of a toolorequipment. D) Improve the standard quality of a tool orequipment.
18. A transformer having 1000 primary turns is connected to a 250V AC supply for a secondary voltage 400 V.
The number of secondary turns shouldbe
A) 1600 B)250 C)400 D)125
19. An electronic component which is used as switchingdevice
A) Capacitor B)Zenerdiode C)Resistor D)Transistor
20. Basic meter movement has an internal resistance of 50hom and full scale deflection current 150MA. What will be the
value of the shunt resistor required tomeasure?
A) 20Ω B)35Ω C)15Ω D)50 Ω
21. The difference between the synchronous speed and the actual speed of an induction motor is knownas
A) Regulation B)Backlash C)Slip D)Lag
Part II. Matching A and B
Column A Column B
1. DC Motor With constantSpeed H A. Henry
2. Motor with High startingTorque G B. SpindleMotor
3. Current limitingDevice C C. Varistor
4. Used To Store Program & Data in Computer D. Memory
System J E. Effective
5. Proper Attitude towardWork E Communication
6. Performance of Operation or Quality ofProduct F. Initiative
or Service to ensure customer satisfaction
G. Dc SeriesMotor
ismonitored. K
H. ShuntMotor
7. Constrictive & Encouraging Idea for
Improvement I I. FeedBake

8. VoltageTransformer R J. Hard Disk

9. CurrentTransformer Q Driver
K. Quality
10. WashingMachine M
11. The Unit ofInductance A L. Successful Teamwork
12.Rectifier O M.
13.Inverter P
14. Team Member Understand How TheirTasks N.
Fit In With Other People’stasks. L
15. Each Members Co-operating with Everyone
and assisting others when they needhelp. F O.



Mechatronics Level-IV COC
Answers key
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. D
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. D
20. C
21. C

Part -II-Matching A and B

1. H
2. G
3. C
4. J
5. F
6. K
7. I
8. R
9. Q
10. M
11. A
12. O
13. P
14. E
15. L
Mechatronics Level-IV COC volume 2


1. Find the measurement of voltage with main value greater error and with main value
with standard error if series of voltage measurement is asfollows
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3.56 3.50 3.51 3.40 3.41 3.51 3.53 3.45 3.49 3.44
A.3.49V +/- 0.05V and 3.50V+/- 0.02V B.3.50V +/- 0.05V and 3.50V +/- 0.01V
C.3.56V +/- 0.05V and 3.50V+/- 0.02V D.3.53V +/- 0.05V and 3.54V +/-0.01V
2. Analogue display in instrumental have the followingadvantage
A. The display can be set at any value between 0% and100%
B. Read off errors due to parallaxscale
C. No conversion, readingmoreaccurate D.Measured value outputdirectly
3. Determination of electrical resistance from voltagemeasurement in-----measuringmethod
A.Direct B.comparison C.Indirect D.Record
4. Limitation of digitalinstrumentation
A.Conversion of analogueanddigital B. Less affected by noise C.Greater
accuracyandprecision D. Easy to storeinstrumentation
5. Errors that remain constant though all repetition of measurement is said tobe
A.Randomerror B.Crosserror C.Systematicerror D. Deviationerror

6. A process control system isstable

A. If the controlled variable is to oscillate above andbelow
B. If it can return the controlled variable to steadystate
C. If oscillation and steady state value present in the O/pstage
D. If both oscillation and steady state value present in the I/Pstage
7. Potentiometers and bridges areclassifiedas instrument
A.Indicatinginstrument B.Comparisoninstrument C. Recordinginstrument
8. In measuring instrument to measure AC voltage additional thing must be
inserted for (DC voltage measurement) What isthat
A.Rectifier and consideringRMSvalue B. Transistor and considering peak to
peak voltage C.An inductor and considering average value D.capacitor and considering
9. Which of the following operation of machine categorized in open-loop control system
A.Packing ofbeer B.Packingofmilk C.Washing machine
D.Pasteurizing ofmilk
10. The pre-requisite for any measurementin
A. To know the dimension of measuredvalue
B. Knowledge of which physical quantities can be measured and how they aredefined
C. To know which physical quantities tomeasure
D. To know the reference of measuredvalue
11. It is a science of technology of complete systems designed to measure
physical quantities so as to obtaindata
A.Meterology B.Instrumentation C.Mechatronics D.Comparisoninstrument
12. In a device that receives energy from one system in one form and re
transmits it to anothersystem
A.Relay B.Altrasonicsensors C.Limitswitch D.Transducer13.
Active transducer are sometimes is said tobe

A.Self-generatingtransducer B.Resistance C.Capacitance D.Inductance14.

If one project work value commissioned, thisindicates

A. The project are still underway inconstruction
B. The project are still running withproblem
C. The project are invalid all materials are not inoperation
D. The project has successfully finished and all material are ready foroperation
15. For a quality control of one factory section the basic idea needed could be
A.There must be enoughrawmaterial B.There must be enough main power
C.There must be enoughskilledtechnician D.There must be enough referencepoint
16. Reputation for consumers electrical installation issued by EEPCOshows the
entry for power supply the color whiteindicate
A.Phase(R) B.Phase(S) C.Neutral(O)
D.Ground17. The word calibrate in mechatronicsindicate
A.Supplygiving feedback B. Supply giving set point C.Supply
givingoutputvalue D.Supply giving measuredvalue
18. An example of indicatinginstrument
A.Kilowatthourmeter B.Potentiometer C.Ammeter
D.Bridge19. One of the following measuring instrument determines
characters of quantities
A.Digitalmultimeter B.Ammeter C.Oscilloscope D.Whistonebridge
20. The best application of capacitive transducer element in any liquidfactory
A. To identify filled or under filled and overfilledcontainers
B. To identify number ofcontainer
C. To identify sizeofcontainer D.Toidentify presence of container
21. Which one of the following steps take priority in any technicworks
A.Measurementaccuracy B.Use safety equipment
C.Knowingwork D.How to readmanual
 There are fifteen (15) questions in thissection.
 Match column A with column B. Select the letter of the correct answer from column B and write
your answer in the answer sheetprovided.
 If you wish to change your answer, place an xmark through the letter you have written and then
write the letter of your preferredanswer.
 A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. Marks will not be deducted for incorrect
answers. No marks will be given for a question if more than one one answer issupplied.

Column A Column B

1.Candela A. Opticaltransducer
2.Errorsignal B. Steepermotor
3.Transducersignal C. Luminousintensity
4.Truly digital and itsoutput D. Sense for conductive material
5.Photo voltaicdevices E. Algebraic sum of reference signaland
6.Inductivesensor feedbacksignal
7.Damper F. Sensor
8.IEC G. The combination of mechanical,
9.Mechatronics electrical electronics andprogramming
10.Negativefeedback H. Sense limitspace
11.Proximityswitch I. Oscillationabsorber
12.Metricunit J. Systeminternational
13.Servomotor K. Motor with desired speedcontrol
14.Passivetransducer L. Resistancetransducer
15.Closedcontrol M. Withfeedback
N. Britishsystem
O. Absoluteerror
P. International electro technicalcommission
Q. Output affectinput
R. Withoutfeedback
S. Kilobyte
T. Thermistor
Answers key
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. C
20. A
21. B


1. C
2. E
3. F
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. I
8. P
9. G
10. Q
11. H
12. J
13. K
14. L
15. M
Mechatronics Level-IV- version -3
1. A group of physical component combined to perform a specificfunction.
A) Pressure B) System C)Actuator D)Stability
2. Pictorial representation of the cause and effect relationship between the input and output of a physical
system. A, Blockdiagram B,Circuit diagram C,Valve D, Filter
3. Supplies air to the pressure vessel through a pipe line and resistance to flow is provided by a
constriction.(UC5,9) A, Hydraulicpowersystem B,Electromechanicalsystem C,
Pneumaticsystem D, Transferfunction
4. Electrical maintenance.
A) Is safe to useunforeseencircumstances B)Is illuminated and heated to an appropriatelevel
C) Ensures the efficiency of theinstalledsystem D)Provides safe monitoring of industrial processes
5. A group of components which can complete certain tasks or achieve certain desired results in a desired
manner while working together iscalledas .
A,Outputsystem B,Sequencesystem C,Control system D, Succession system
6. A “competent” worker is one who:
A, Cannot do the jobortask B, Has been trained to do a job ortasksuccessfully C, Can do
the job or task more quickly thananyoneelse D, Is
quarrelsome and likely to cause an argument atwork
7. An appropriate performance indicator that a small business might use to evaluate its level of social
responsibility is.
A. Results of a customersatisfactionsurvey B. Profit C. Rate of greenhouse gas emissions
generated over a period oftime D, Staffturnover
8. On-off control is also called as
A, Onepositioncontrol B, Twopositioncontrol C, Fourpositioncontrol D, Half
9. In which stage the measurement system comes in contact with the measured or the quantity to
be measured?
A) Transducerstage B) Signalprocessorstage C)Outputstage D) Productionstage
10. A cyclical process that involves data gathering, interpretation and identification of the problem
areas and possible actingprograms.
A) Benchmarking B) Asset C)Profit D)Diagnosis
11. The transformation of a set of input, which may be material, actions, methods and operations into
desired outputs in the form of aproduct.
A) Control B)Process C) Automation D) Sensor
12. The term given to programs stored in ROMs or in programmable devices which permanently
keep their stored information.
A) Hardware B)Software C)Firmware D) Universal serialbus
13. Deciding now what we are going to later including when and how we are going to doit.
A) Planning B) Activity C)Monitoring D)Evaluation
14. Which one is displacement measurementsensor?
A) Resistivesensor B) Light sensor C)Temperaturesensor D) Light
15. What is the input of the data acquisition system (DAS) to which a transducer is connected
A) Controlelement B) Interface C) Channel D)Function
16. The signal produced by changing the air pressure in the signal pipe in proportion to the measured
change in a process variable.
A) Digitalsignals B) Analogsignals C) Resistivetemperaturedevice D) Pneumaticsignal
17. Which one is a passive sensor?
A) Thermocouple B)Thermister C)Straingauge D)Silicon
18. The region between the limits within which a quantity is measured, received or transmitted, expressed
by stating the lower and upper rangevaluesis.
A) Instrumentrange B) Calibrationrange C) Zeroerror D) Field
19. The main objectives of maintenance are
A) To obtain plants and equipments at its minimumoperatingefficiency B) To safeguard
instruments by minimizing rateofdeterioration C)Help in
implementation of wrong procedures for storage and consumption of spares D)To hinder
management in taking decisions on replacements or newinvestment
20. The main advantages of closed-loop control system
A) Reduced sensitivitytodisturbance B) Complex and expensivetoconstruct C) The
loss ofgain
D) Quiet easy to become unstable
21. Team commitment and cooperation is developed through
A) Poor communication and effectivedecisionmaking B)Fostering mutual concern and
camaraderie betweenteammembers C) Fostering bad feeling
betweenteammembers D)Dissatisfied communication and ineffectual decision making
Part II. Matching A
and B
Column A Column B
E 1. Controller A. Central heating boiler controlled only by atimer
G 2. Disturbance B. The lower end of therange
I 3.Feed back C. Declaration of a desired endstate
C 4.Goal D. Reconciles disagreements
J 5. Tolerance and relievestensions
B 6. Zero value E. Device that measures
D 7.Harmonizing avariable condition
A 8. Open-loop control F. Period of time of use to
system ensure the equipment
P 9. Silencer remainsreliable
N 10. Damper G. Signal that tends to adversely affect the valve of the output of asystem
H 11. Uncertainty H. Error inmeasurement
F 12. Calibration interval I. The output of a system that
L 13. Control valve is returned to modify theinput
R 14. Water separator J. Permissible deviation
automatic drain froma specifiedvalue
K 15. Closed-loop system K. Automatic water levelcontroller
L. Device used to control the flow of fluids such
as Steam orwater
M. Rectifier
N. Device used to control the
flow of air in a duct or through a
wall louver.
O. Voltagemultiplier



Answers key Part -II-Matching A and B
Part -I- 1. E
5. J
1. B 6. B
2. A 7. D
3. C 8. A
4. C 9. P
5. C 10. N
6. B 11. H
7. C 12. F
8. B 13. L
9. A 14. R
10. D 15. K
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. B

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