Productivity (Part I) : Created By: Lutfi Hidayah 1901051038

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(part i)
Created by : Lutfi Hidayah
1 Kinds of

Productivity is a process of forming lexemes that can be used by native

speakers to form new lexemes, while the process of forming lexemes that cannot
be used by native speakers is called non-productivity. Productivity with regularity
but regularity must be able to distinguish meaning.
Productivity has formal generality and regularity.

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Productivity in shape:
formal generality & regularity

The various types of regular forms that have been discussed, including in terms of syntax (for example, basic
words ending in -ness are adjectives) or those that are partly part of morphology (for example, those based on the ending -ity
which are adjectives). Regular forms can involve the field of phonology as well. The formation of nouns ending in –al can
only be inserted at the end of the stressed syllable. Like some examples of nouns; survival, proposal, referral and committal
are regular forms, unlike edital nouns, punishal and reckonal are not regular forms because they violate the requirements of
final -stress (suffix emphasized). In addition, the -en suffix can only be inserted in one-syllable words ending in a plosive
such as redden, thicken, dampen or those ending in a fricative such as stiffen, lengthen. It is different with the word wet
cannot be wetten or the word limp cannot be said limpen. Although there is a word reversal that comes from the word reverse
but there is no conversal word from the word converse. Therefore the suffix -al , -en, although both are regular forms, they
are not a common form.

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Productivity in meaning:
semantic regularity

Semantic regularity is the norm/rules by which the process differs formally; such
as there is no past tense form of a verb that has no meaning and function/usage, but whether it
is formally regular (performed) or irregular (brought, sang). This difference is common,
however, if one remembers that the word form is related to the derivation itself that
distinguishes the form of the lexeme, there is more or less potential for lexeme differences. A
lexeme must not cease to list in a dictionary, a lexeme has a variety of forms that are
independent of one that allows the dictionary to enter into parts semantically, as if it were no
longer needed.

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4 Semantic

A semantic blocking is a discrete chunk of information that conveys a specific

type of information or serves a specific meaningful purpose within the overall structure of
a topic. Semantic blocking let you get clear information about a topic.
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