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Chapter 1
Madeline Wayne

Hi, my name is Madeline Wayne- but you can call me

Maddie- and before you ask, yes, I’m Bruce Wayne’s daughter.
Being the daughter of the richest man in New York isn’t
that easy as you might think, meaning, I have a fully
organized schedule that includes: school, homework, gym
workout, and the internship with The Daily Bugle (tabloid
newspaper). But the evenings are scheduled for my best
friends Harry Osborn and Peter Parker. We’ve been friends
since we started high-school. Harry, Peter, and I are in
the same class at the Midtown School of Science and
Technology in New York. I’m the smartest student from
school, but apart from Harry and Peter, I have no other
friends. I’m very good at technology, however, I can’t say
that I like science.

Even if my father is The Batman, I am not a superhero

or a huge fan of the Justice League, I like the Avengers
better. I’m a big fan of Spider-Man. I’ve been trying to
interview him for a few weeks, for The Daily Bugle, but I
can’t manage to meet him.

But wait you may wonder how I look. Well, I have white
skin, long blonde straight hair, with bangs, also my eyes
are blue like the sky. I’m quite tall, having 1.70(m) and
the weight is perfect for this height. Now that I told you
everything you need to know I can continue with the story.
Chapter 2
A Quite Normal Day

Most of the times my butler, Alfred, is driving me to

school, but this time he was busy working with my father,
so Harry -a tall guy with curly cinnamon hair and brown
eyes and one of my best friends- offered to come, pick me
up and drive me to school. We arrived and headed straight
for the lockers.

A few minutes, and I saw a handsome guy approaching me -he

was pretty tall, like 1.78 (m), with straight brown hair
and hazel eyes- it was Peter, my best friend.

We always spend the breaks together since we didn’t

have any other friends. It was pretty cool just the three
of us talking and laughing all the time. A few hours past
and it’s already lunch. As you might guess I am sitting at
the right corner table with my friends. We were talking
about the Homecoming -it’s a ball at the beginning of each
high school year, it’s a kind of a welcome back to school
and it’s usually in the school’s gym- because it’s only a
few weeks away from us. As we had finished eating, Harry

‘Do you guys have a date for the Homecoming?’

‘No.’ I responded.

‘But how about Tom and the other guys who were asking
you to be their date?’

‘Well, they’re all jerks’

‘I mean, I can’t disagree with you, but how about you,

‘I know you’ll hate me for that Maddie’ Peter said ‘but
I kinda like Libbie.’

‘OH NO, NOT LIBBIE!’ I yelled. Almost all the cafeteria

heard me and stopped talking for a second. ‘You know how
much I hate Libbie Soot’

If you wonder who is Libbie, she’s my enemy since 5th

grade. This girl used to make fun of me every day. Libbie
is manipulative and capable of doing everything in her power
to get what she wants, but she never succeeded. She is just
another high school bully. She is followed around
everywhere by her best friends, Karen Jones and Millen
Davis. We were so close until she got bored and abandoned
me and that’s how I stop trusting girls. She has blonde
hair and brown eyes. She’s not tall, but she’s always
wearing high heels. I don’t know how Peter can like her.

‘So, you’re going to ask Libbie to the Homecoming?’ I


‘Well yes, but I think she’ll reject me.’ Peter


That’s the phase, Libbie won’t refuse him because she will
want to do it despite me and I don’t know how to say this
to Peter because I don’t want to upset him.

The bell rang for the end of the classes and I was
going to go back to the locker to pick up my things and
return home documenting how I could find Spider-man. As I
arrived home, I went to my father’s office, to tell him
about my day, but as usual, he doesn’t listen to me. I wish
I could talk to my mom because she always listened when I
was complaining about something, but unfortunately, she
passed away a few years ago.
I went back to my room and started documenting. After
a few minutes I gave up, the internet was empty so I picked
up my phone and I started looking on Instagram. Surprisingly
I noticed that a colleague was doing live from Times Square.
He was filming Spider-man fighting Sandman, a well-known
super-villain. So, of course, I decided to go there.
Chapter 3
Sand Recorder

As I was running through the city, I arrived at Times

Square, where I saw Sandman, then I opened my camera and
start recording. Spider-Man was about to lose in front of
Sandman, but the best idea hit me and I said:

‘Hit him with the taser webs! The tension should weak
him. Then you can use the laser webs to heat him so the
sand would turn into glass.’

‘Yes, that makes sense!’ Spider-Man responded.

He did as I said, and of course, he won the fight. The

superhero came to me and said:

‘Thank you for your help, darling!’ then he launched a

web and started swinging.

I went to The Daily Bugle Building to let the recording

for editing. My boss, J. Jonah Jameson, does not like
Spider-Man, he HATES Spider-Man, so as I gave him the tape,
he deleted all the good scenes with the spider, making him
look bad. Of course, I was so mad. What if Spider-man will
never want to give me the interview I was dreaming of for
Chapter 4
The Weird Stone

The same night, my dad fought with a sort of a monster.

He was so busy analyzing a part of the monster, that he
didn’t even come to say “Hi” or eat something. But he did
go to sleep sometime around 11 o’clock. And of course, I
went to investigate. But I came across a small obstacle:
the password at the entrance of the Batcave. However, it
was way easier than I expected it to be. The password of
the best detective in the world was my birthday, not too
hard to guess. After I got to the Batcave the memories hit
me. I haven’t been to this cave for a few years. It changed
so much.

I was walking through the cave when I saw it. It was a

beautiful stone, it looked like a transparent Opal, and it
had the perfect form, a rhombus tiny pyramid. I had no other
thoughts than touching it and obviously, that’s what I did.
Suddenly everything turned white then the next thing I
remember was waking up in front of the mirror in my room.
I didn’t look so bad, only my skin was a little white like
the snow. I checked my face to see if everything was fine
and you won’t believe what happened. The stone was in the
middle of my forehead. Lucky me that I had bangs and no one
could see that, but I am sure my dad will find out that the
rock was no longer there, in the Batcave.
Chapter 5
The Voices and The Light Daggers

The next day I woke up, still the same, nothing

changed. I thought it was a dream, but it looks like I was
wrong. I got dressed thus I went downstairs to eat breakfast
with my dad. Surprisingly. He didn’t recognize that my skin
was wither than usual. I tried not to be suspicious but it
was too quiet so I asked:

‘How was last night?’

‘It was pretty tiring, and the stone that I was

analyzing has disappeared. Why are you asking, do you know

‘Nope, I know nothing, however, I am sorry for your


I have finished eating and headed to the car. Next, I

arrived at school and start talking to my friends. I didn’t
tell them about the stone.

I was in my math class. I was taking a quiz when I

started hearing Peter. He began to say the answers out loud.
It was strange, it seemed that only I could hear him. My
head started to hurt and the stone was starting to light
up, so I took my test, handed it in, even though it wasn't
finished, and left the class.

During the break, Peter wanted to ask me what had

happened. Well, what could I tell him? Although I hated
lying to him, I said:
‘I didn’t feel good, but I’m ok now’

‘Are you sure?’ he said.

‘Yes, don’t worry!’

I got home and went upstairs to my room and threw

myself on the bed. After that, I realized that I forgot the
door opened, and I hate to stay with the door open. I was
so lazy to get up to close it so I reached out, but it was
too far away. I didn’t withdraw my hand, I was still
thinking about how I could get the door closed. Suddenly,
not knowingly, I launched a white light dagger that went
straight to the door and closed. I was shocked.

That night I had a dream about some people on a strange

planet. The planet was very different from Earth and was
very mysterious, 3 suns shone their light on the infertile
earth of a pink shade through which traces of a lost
civilization could be seen. They had silver shade trees as
I've never seen on earth. And the crowns of the trees were
bright green. Everything seemed prosperous when suddenly
the earth began to crack and the green crowns of the trees
dried up ... I heard some screams like echoes, echoes of
the past ... then I woke up. The same thing happened in the
science, art, and music class. The thing is that none of
the classes above had to do something with the dream. Of
course, the teachers taught me that I was sleeping with my
eyes open and sent me to detention. My friends offered to
come with me to the detention, even if they didn’t have to,
I couldn’t stop them. 15 minutes after the detention started
and I could hear again their voices, the stone starts to
light up afresh so I taught that if I put some headphones
on, I can stop them. I was right, they stopped.
Chapter 6
The Codex

I was sick of all the anomalies, so after school, I

decided to go to my father’s library to search for some
answers. I spent all day in that library and found nothing,
so I chose to go back to my room. But as I reached the door,
I heard a soft voice of a girl telling me:

‘Wait, don’t go! I can help you.’

I turned my face to the unknown voice and I couldn’t

believe my eyes. It was an actual phantom. It looked like
a normal human, only that it was all white. It was a girl
with long hair and dressed up in a dress, a dress like the
old ones worn by princesses. I was amazed, but I still

‘Who are you?’

‘I’m Iris, the protector of the library. I have lived

here for centuries. I know my library better than anyone,
except your father, he was standing in the library all the

‘I didn’t know that. I didn't introduce myself, I’m


‘-Maddie, I know. And I know that you are searching

for a book, but I don’t know which.

‘Believe me, I don’t know either, all I know is that I

have this stone stuck to my forehead.’

‘It’s not a stone you silly’ she laughed ‘It’s a rune,

I know exactly what stone and the perfect book for you.
First of all, the pink stone on your forehead it’s an
Aaphur. It’s a Light runestone, a rare stone from a lost
planet called Etternia. There are two stones, this one, and
the dark which could only be safe if you have it since you
possess this one but still, I don't know how it came into
your possession. Second of all, the book is encrypted, but
I think the rune will help you so you can decipher it.’

‘Ok then, show me the book.’

Iris raised her hand and a book began to fly towards her.
It landed in her hand and then handed it to me. The book
wasn’t that big as expected it to be. It was old, that’s
for sure. Some pages were torn on the edge and others
burned, still on the edges. The cover was black with golden
corners and on the front of the book, in the middle was a
rune just like mine. I opened the book it was full of
drawings, and Iris was right, the book was written in
another language but I could understand it. I said:

‘Thank you so much for your help, if you need anything

just tell me.’

‘I will do that and good luck with the book!’

Chapter 7
The Truth

After I left the library, I went straight to my room.

I didn't want to go to dinner and I wasn't hungry either,
all I was interested in now was this book. I opened it and
on the first page was the table of contents. The chapter
''the truths'' caught my attention. Without a doubt, I
opened that page. It was empty. But suddenly the text came
up "says the question you want to know the answer to." The
first thing in my head was:

'Who is the person behind Spider-Man’s mask?'

The book responded with a text "Peter Parker"

I was amazed, how could Peter be Spider-Man

A week passed, I didn't tell anyone anything, I

pretended that everything was normal. I continue to go
daily to the places where Spider-Man fights super-
villains, sometimes giving him ideas on how to fight,
other times just by filming. After classes, I would go
home, lock myself in the room and study the Codex, but
one day Peter called me. I answered. I didn't even get to
say “hello” because he intervened:

‘Maddie comes quickly in Manhattan I need your help’

then he hung up.

Of course, I was worried and I ran there as fast as I

could. When I arrived, I saw Spider-Man fighting with
Doctor Octopus. I didn't know anything about this
villain, so I opened my book and asked it what I should
do, once he answered I knew exactly what I had to say to
the Spider.
‘Find a weakness in his harness. If that thing keeps
up and moving, then that’s the key. Then it may slow him
down but it won’t stop him. Try to annoy him, it will
distract him.’

‘How do you know that? Spider-Man responded’

‘It does not matter just do it!

He did as I told him to do and obviously, he defeated

him. Next, he came at me and said:

‘Come with me.’

‘Ok.’ I responded. What else could I have told him?

He grabbed my waist. Then we started swinging to my house
and entered my room. There he took off his mask and told

‘Maddie, I am Spider-Man’
‘Oh, I knew that.’, I said.
‘And why didn’t tell me anything?’
‘I waited for you to tell me. Does Harry know?
‘No, you’re the only one who knows. But how did you
find out?
I told him everything that happened with the rune, the
Codex, and the visions. He seemed a bit worried.
‘Please tell me you told this to your father.’ he
‘No, I didn’t.’ I continued.
Chapter 8

It was finally Homecoming Friday. I still didn’t have

a date. The classes almost ended. Peter sent me a paper
plane. Once the paper was written, “after the class ends,
come outside, in front of the school”.

So, I went outside and saw Peter waiting for me. He

invited me for a walk and of course, I said yes. As we
were walking through Central Park, he suddenly stops in
front of the big fountain and asked me:

‘Do you wanna be my date to the Homecoming?’”

I was shocked. I didn’t expect him to ask ME. Of

course, I said yes because I kinda like him since the
first day we met.

“‘But what about Libbie?’” I asked.

“‘It was just a prank and anyway I couldn’t just tell

you on that day that I was going to invite you.’”

Two hours till’ Homecoming and I started dressing up

in my dress. I had a long dress, with Iridescent fabric.
If you tell me to describe this dress in 4 words, I would
say Black Shimmery Sparkly Ballgown. And I also had some
high heels. As for my hair, it was the same, only I waved

Peter came to take another half an hour before the

ball started. All I can say is that she looked stunning
in a suit with a blue tie.

As we arrived, we met with Harry and his date. We

started talking and dancing. Suddenly, the earth began to
shake and everyone stopped. Then a monster broke the wall
and the whole building collapsed. Batman appears and starts
to lift the boulders I was under, but they were too heavy.
Everything stopped. All of a sudden, I begin to rise in
flight from under the ruins surrounded by a strong light.
As I studied a few days ago from the codex, it seemed to be
the Mauve power -Mauve was a power, more of a
transformation-. My hair turned longer and pale pinkish-
white that is blown above her head. I get pink eyes and
magenta 'wings', a pink and white feathery dress and heels,
a sparkly dress. I fought that monster. I was so powerful.
I defeat that monster in less than 5 minutes. After I beat
him my Mauve power was gone. I was so weak after that, but
I still had enough power to fix the building and help my
friends. Luckily the time was frozen and no one saw me or
remembered anything.
After the ball ended, Peter and I went back to my
house, where I told my father anything that happened. He
wasn’t mad, he was happy I told him and didn’t lie about
this anymore.
A few minutes later and you could saw me and Peter on
the roof of Wayne Manor, where he told me that he likes me
and we kissed.
Chapter 9
The Confusing Message

After the ball night, Peter and I became a couple.

Also, my Mauve power was gone. Well, I still had the other
powers, but I couldn’t transform into Mauve anymore. All
the time, I was thinking about me having a double life,
becoming a superhero, ‘cause my life was pretty boring. But
I had a small problem, I couldn’t control my powers. My dad
always asked me if I would want to be his sidekick, but all
I had in mind was “what if I lose control and I will mess
up things so bad”, but I never told him that. My answer was
always “No, I’m not ready yet.”.
I was walking to the school when the idea hit me. It
was the best idea that ever came to me. I should ask for
Iris’s help to teach me how to control my powers. All-day
at school, my eyes were only looking at the clock. I
couldn’t focus on the teacher because I was always thinking
about me asking Iris about training. So as the classes were
finished, I ran to my house as fast as I could. I arrived
home and headed straight to the library where I asked:
“‘Iris, I need your help!’”
“‘What for? She replied.’
“‘Can you help me to learn how to control my powers, I
mean, can you give me training sessions?’
“‘I’m sorry darling, but I can’t. I am just a simple
librarian phantom. But talk to your father, maybe he could
But the problem was that I didn’t want to talk to my father
since he was a member of The Justice League. I told you
that I’m not a fan of the Justice
League even if my dad was part
of it. But there was a person
that I could talk to, and that
is my boyfriend Peter so I texted
As I text him, I was on my way to the fountain, you
know, that fountain from the central park where he asked me
to be his date to the Homecoming, since then, this is our
place. When I was walking, I tried to find the right words
to say to him, because I had no idea how to tell him that
theoretically, I had become a public danger. I arrived and
I saw Pete standing on the edge of the fountain looking a
little sad. Then I realized that I sounded like I want a
breakup. I am so dumb.
‘Hi!’” I said with an awkward voice.
‘Hi, what’s wrong?’” he responded
‘I might have a problem, I lost control over my
‘Have you told your dad about it?’”
‘No, because I don’t want to train with the Justice
‘Why’?” he asked calmly
‘It’s complicated.”
‘But you know you can tell me everything.’” he replied.
‘When my mum died, dad wasn’t home, he was on a mission
out of town when she died. Since he wasn’t there, I asked
the Justice League but they didn’t help. They thought it
was a prank, but it wasn’t. I know I might sound selfish
now but-‘”
‘-No, you don’t sound selfish at all and I am so sorry,
I didn’t know that,’” he said with a low voice. Peter came
closer to hug me. ‘I can help you” he continued.’
‘“But how?’” I asked.
‘I know someone who can help you.’”
‘And who’s that?’ I continued asking.
‘Wanda Maximoff.’”
Chapter 10
The Long Road To Wanda Maximoff

So, you may wonder who’s Wanda AKA Scarlet witch.

Well, Wanda Maximoff is a native of Sokovia who grew up
with her twin brother, Pietro. The twins joined HYDRA -is
an organization bent on world domination- and agreed to
undergo experiments with the Scepter under the supervision
of Wolfgang von Strucker. The two received superpowers as
a result, with Wanda attaining various abilities including
telekinesis, telepathy, and energy manipulation. Basically,
we have almost the same powers but from different sources.
She is an Avenger, so that’s how Peter knows her.
Peter had to make a phone call to Happy Horgan -Iron
Man and Avengers’s security boss- To see if he could take
us to the Avengers Compound because it’s pretty far from
Central Park, it’s actually Upstate.
“‘So, what are we gonna do now? I asked. “I am 100%
sure that my father and your aunt wouldn’t agree to take a
bus or train. Not to talk about how busy it’s Alfred.’”
“‘You’re right, we have no one to drive us there.’”
“‘Wait… are you thinking about what I'm thinking too?’”
I continued asking
“‘No… he won’t… well, if I think about it, it might
work.’” He replied
15 minutes later, and we are in front of Harry’s house,
yes, that one friend with the driving license. It wasn’t
that hard to convince him to take us upstate. Of course, we
didn’t tell him we go there to meet an Avenger. Peter and
I came with an excuse. Since he was searching for a
girlfriend, and I had a friend upstate, we told him that we
know the perfect girl for him. So, he agreed with that even
if it sounds crazy to drive 352 miles only to meet a girl.
The next morning, after 5 hours, 21 minutes, and 10
seconds of a way too long road, the three of us arrived at
my friend’s, Addison, apartment. We didn’t stay that much
time because we preferred to leave them alone. The apartment
wasn’t that far from the Compound.
We entered the building, and after we climbed the
stairs, I saw them. They were The Avengers in flesh and
bones. Not after a long time, I can hear Peter say:
“‘Hey, Mr. Stark!’
“‘Hey, kid!... Wait how did you get here? And why did
you brought Madeline with you?’ He asked.
“‘How do you know Maddie?’ Peter responded.
“‘How could I not know the daughter of my best friend?
Oh, and hello dear.’
“‘Hi, Tony!’ I replied with a low voice.
“‘You still didn’t answer my question. So, what is she
doing here?’ Tony continued asking.
“‘I’m searching Wanda,’” I said.
“‘She’s right there on the couch.’ He answered and
continued his job, not asking any other questions.
I went and talk to Wanda, while Peter was sitting in
the armchair next to me. I’ve told her everything that
happened, that I need help and that I only stay here a
night. She agreed on helping me by just showing me some
basic exercises. It wasn’t easy. I trained all night and I
learned how to control some of my abilities. Don’t imagine
that now I know everything about my powers. No. I only know
how to start and stop reading minds when I want and how to
make things levitate. And about my Mauve power, Wanda told
me that is going to appear only when I truly need it,
exactly like the Homecoming night.
The next morning, we met with Harry in front of the
building where Addison lives. We talked all way until we
got back to our houses. Harry was so happy and thanked us
a lot for introducing him to Addison. He asked what have we
done all night and we responded that we visited some old
friends. He said that Addison agreed him visiting every
week. That was perfect. We could go and train with the
Avengers while he was spending time with Addison.
Chapter 11
Stealing Strategy

As we planned, Harry Peter and I went upstate every

Friday. While Harry was spending time with his new
girlfriend, Peter and I were training with the rest of the
superheroes. I started to understand my powers better, this
week I learned that I can read minds but others can’t read
mine, something that I didn't know I could do. I was ready
to become a hero, or that’s what I thought. I had the powers
and the motivation, but not the suit. The best place where
I could take material was Wayne Enterprises. The problem
was that I usually don’t go there with my father without a
reason, so I needed to find one. I started thinking and
thinking and then I remembered how Peter got bite by that
Radioactive spider. When that happened, we were on a trip
to Oscorp -Harry’s dad’s company-. So, I thought I could
talk to my dad and my teacher to see if we could make a
trip, and while the others are visiting, I would sneak into
the basement, or as I call it, Mister’s Fox toy office. And
if I calculated right, he should be on a break from 12.30
pm. until 1.30 pm., enough time to take what I need.
The plan worked perfectly. It wasn’t that hard to split
up from the group. Since the basement was 10 floors under
us, I thought it was safer to use the stairs so no one could
see me.
It was 12.31 pm. But Mr. Fox was still in his office.
I miscalculated. So, I wasn’t hiding anymore. I went
straight to him and said:
“‘Hello, Mr. Fox!’”
“‘Well, Hello Madeline dear. What brings you here?’”
he replied.
“‘I was wondering if you could give me some sort of
invisible cape, that can only appear when I want to.’”
‘I think I have the perfect thing for you,” he said.
Fox opened a drawer. Took a silver bracelet and bring it to
me. “This bracelet can make a cape disappear and reappear
whenever you want, all you have to do is say the words
"activate the invisible cape".’ “
“‘This is perfect, thank you!”’
“‘No problem Miss Madeline.’” He responded
“‘Oh, and one more thing, can you please don’t tell my
father that I asked for this cape.’” I continued.
“‘Of course, I can.’”
After the trip finished, I went back to my room and
started to search for some clothes that I could use for my
superhero costume. I found a white dragon mock neck long
sleeve crop top, some white pocket side drawstring waist
utility pants, and my old punk style platforms. It was
perfect, I only needed something to cover my face so I
thought about a white fabric face mask. Now that I have
everything you may wonder what my logo is, I mean every
superhero has a logo. Mine was a simple one, waxing crescent
moon because my light was the same as the moon. Now, the
hardest part came, choosing a superhero name. All night I
was thinking about a cool superhero name like Diamond-girl,
no, it sounded too lame. But then I thought about my powers.
If others can’t read my mind it’s like you say that you
can’t see through me, the exact definition of opaque. So
that was perfect, it sounded cool, mysterious and it had
to something with my powers. Opaque was my new superhero
Chapter 12

That night, I was on my first patrol, jumping from one

building to another. Nothing really interesting happened
until I saw Batroc the Leaper. He is a French supervillain.
Unlike most villains, Batroc is a simple thief and due to
his lack of physical strength, he is often disregarded as
a minor threat by Spider-Man and other heroes. This time it
was my turn to fight him. It wasn’t that hard to defeat
him, it took like 5 minutes. Even the NYPD -New York Police
Department- arrived fast.
It past a month since I started being Opaque. One day,
Harry didn’t come to school, it was Father-son day, a rare
thing for Harry’s father. Norman Osborn was distant from
Harry like me and my dad. So, it was more time for me and
Peter. I couldn’t resist, so of course, I told him about
the last month. He said:
‘Yes... I’ve figured out since that time when we fought
with Electro, you used the same moves that we learned at
‘Wow, I didn’t expect you to say that. But anyway, I’ve
been battling with the villans in New York for a month. Why
doesn’t anyone recognize me as a superhero?’
‘Rule #1, if you want to be a superhero, you need to
have a main enemy, you know, like Batman has Joker or like
Superman has Lex Luthor or like I-‘
‘-Like you have Doc Ock, I understood.’ I continued.
‘Exactly, but it will take some time to find one.’
The same night, I went on a patrol, not only searching
for crimes but also searching for an enemy. As I was
watching the city, I saw something strange. It looked like
the Venom Symbiosis. In fact, it was the Venom symbiosis.
Peter warned me that thing was way too risky to be free.
The Venom symbiosis is an alien small thing with a slimy
texture that travels to found a host. And there is only one
host that can control it, the rest become aggressive and
lose control.
I followed it, trying to catch it, but I couldn’t. We
were in Manhattan, a district full of people, I was unable
to catch that symbiosis. It was far too dangerous for Venom
to be in Manhattan and not only because it was full of
people, but also because my friend Harry lived here. It’s
50% sure for Harry to be outside right now. Maybe 100%
because I just saw him leaving his Penthouse main hall. But
I could handle the situation, or that’s what I thought. The
symbiosis was heading for Harry. I really tried to stop him,
but I couldn't. I failed. Harry was now the new host of the
Venom Symbiosis, but the thing is that he didn’t look like
Venom at all. He was the same, but with black skin like the
night sky and he became aggressive. But as I went closer I
saw a black stone on his forehead. And then I realized. It
was the dark runestone -The twin of my Aphaur, the dark
rune, has powers of teleportation and the shadow sword-
combined with the Venom Symbiosis.
Harry started attacking people so, I started attacking
Harry but without hurting him. I tried to explain what
happened to him but he didn’t listen. I used my purify
power, I didn’t know where it came out from, but it didn’t
help. That power work only when the Mauve power is active.
I can’t believe I lost my best friend. I had to tell Peter
and the rest of the Avengers about what happened, but the
problem was that now if I can’t contact Harry, who would
drive us to the Avengers Compound. I had to tell Peter what
happened so I went to his house in Queens.
Chapter 13
The Old Batcave

The next morning, while Harry was controlled by that

rune, Peter and I were thinking about how could we get to
the Compound. It was 7.07 am and I received a text from my
father in which was written: ‘Tonight, I’ll be at Wayne
Enterprises because I have some work to do.’ I replied with
‘ok.’. The first thing that came into my mind was that we
have all night the Batcave free so we can go and search for
something that can help us. Peter agreed.
We took the underground train to my house. When we
arrived we headed straight to the Batcave secret entrance
because we didn’t have that much time, only a few hours.
But there was a problem. Dad changed the password. The only
one who could help us without telling my father, was
Richard. Richard is my big step-brother, he is the Wonder
Boy, also known as Robin, Batman’s sidekick. He is tall
with black short hair and blue eyes. So I went and asked
‘Richard, my dearest big brother-‘
‘What do you want?’ he answered.
‘I need the Batcave password.’
‘Why do you need it?’ he asked.
‘I really messed up and I need to fix it!’ I said fast
‘Ok, I’ll help you, but only this time’ he replied.
We went to the entrance and he introduced the code but
didn’t tell me the numbers. As we entered Richard said:
‘and what do I get in return for helping you?’
‘You’re going to drive the Batmobile’ I said.
‘Wait what?’ he asked
‘Well we need a ride to upstate and since you have a
driver's license and Bruce never let you drive the
‘Ok, I’m in’ he replied.
‘Perfect, then suit up, and let’s go!’ Peter continued.
The road wasn’t that long, the Batmobile was pretty
fast. We entered the building and saw Tony in the common
room, he asked:
‘Hey kids, what are doing here, it’s Saturday morning,
how did you get here? ‘
‘Long story, but right now we have a bigger problem.’
Peter answered.
‘Remember that time when I told you about my light
runestone the Aphaur and that it has a twin rune called
Norase.’ I said.
‘Yes, I remember.’ Tony replied.
‘We the Norase found a host, and that host is our best
friend’ I continued.’
‘Then we better start working on the mission now. Where
can we find him?’ Captain America asked.
‘Well that will be a problem cap, ‘cause we have no
idea where to find him.’ I answered.
‘Wait, guys, pay attention to the news’ Wanda said.
‘Breaking news, a strange black creature it’s walking
through the streets of Manhattan and attacking people’
‘Ok, now that we got the location we should go. But
wait, how about Maddie, she’s not a superhero yet.’ Tony
‘Yes, about that...’ and that’s how I told the Avengers
about the last month of me being Opaque.
We got to Manhattan by flying in a rocket or something
like that. It was super cool. But when we arrived I saw
Harry looking like a demon and that wasn’t super cool
Chapter 14

I tried to talk to Harry but he was absorbed in the

darkness. He started attacking us, so the Avenger attacked
‘How can we stop him?’ Tony yelled.
‘I don’t know, I think I have to use my purify power
to split Venom from the rock, or I could simply use a large
quantity of electricity.’ I replied.
‘How about the big wire that powers J. Jonah Jameson’s
panel.’ Captain America suggested.
‘It could work, but I don’t think it’s enough.’ I
‘But how about the big wire and my taser webs?’ Spidey
‘Ok at my signal, Tony you carefully take the wire.
Spider-Man, you’ll use your webs, Cap you’ll distract him
and I’ll eliminate him with a light dagger.’ I said
‘Good plan, kid!’ said Tony.
‘3...2...1, GO!’ they did as I said but the dagger
didn’t separate venom by the rune. And the worst part was
that the symbiosis and the rune took Peter and activate its
Mauve power. Now it was impossible to defeat him. Everyone
was down. I didn’t know what to do, I was scared and hurt
but I had to save my boyfriend. So I got up and kissed him.
A strong light enveloped us which destroyed Venom and
released Peter. Everyone was ok now. I remembered that Iris
told me that the rocks should be together but not both in
my possession. I told that to the avengers and Harry heard
‘I can take the rock.’ Harry said.
‘What?’ I asked.
‘Oh, come on guy, I can’t be the only one who doesn’t
have any power from the group.’ He replied.
‘Since when you knew?’ Peter asked.
‘You really think I am that stupid to don’t figure out
that you were training with some "old friends"? And when
Peter always left me and use some really bad excuses.
‘What do you mean bad excuses?’ Peter continued.
‘Peter, when we were on a walk a monster attacked 2
streets away you said ‘Sorry but I forgot my sunglasses.’I
‘Yes... and?’ Peter continued asking.
‘It was 9 pm, there was no sun.’I said. We all started
laughing and Tony said:
‘Well, I think it’s a good idea, Maddie. You should
give that stone to Harry, he controlled it better than
‘Ok then, Harry this is yours’
‘Please, call me Onyx’ he said.
So, Harry became a new superhero called Onyx. In the
mornings, we were going to classes, and in the afternoons
we were going to the Compound to train. Of course, I told
my father about everything and he agreed with that. Now,
Harry Peter and I are a superhero trio that helps New York.

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