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*1 E X H Complete the bubbles. H___ Il___.

M___ n ___ m_
Danielle Smith.
H i .M n m 's Adam Jackson
Wh______ 's y ______ r n ___ m

Emma Scott.

Find eight more names.

Andy Carla Joe M d Mickey

Millie Molly Mut Ravi

p j (m e
0 q u t m d

g m i I I i e r о m

a w u z h e к a I u

n d с a r I a v I t

d j о e v t s i У X

У t r f m i с к e У
3 E Z X Complete the dialogues. Put the words in Listening
the correct order.
l ( f £ Ц ) Listen. Complete the dialogue.
Use the phrases in the box.

And See you (x2) Fine thanks Hew

Hi, Anna.

Oh, hello, James!

How are ?
your What's name
Lucy Hi, i'm Lucy. 1 What's your name ?
Jack name's My
Jack 2_________________

you are How

Hi, Lucy.3____________________________ ?
Bye, see _______
thanks fine I'm you And
4_________________ , __________________?
thanks Fine
5 HESS Complete the dialogue.
Sam He//o. I’m Sam. What's vour name ?
Nina M
Sam H !H ?
Nina F
Sam 0 i
Nina В i

See later you

Bye Yes
Jack and
W ill

In the classroom
Articles a j an What's this?! It's,

1 L Ü Complete with a or an. 4 П З Э Complete the bubbles.

1 a hoy 6 watch
? door 7 cat
3 nrangp 8 woman
4 chair 9 man
S apple 10 umbrella

Vocabulary w

2 Е И Я W rite the missing letters.

Across: 3

a Down:

3 ЕХ Ж Look at the picture. W rite w hat you can

see. Use a or an.

N \

î I
i I

5 п и ф ЕЮ Listen and write the negative.

Don't stand u p . 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

Classroom instructions
6 C E E W rite the instructions.

Good /поГ/ii/ig
Good afAer/ioo/i
G o o d n ig h t

3 exercise book. 7

picture. 8
IC Numbers
1 D H Count and write the numbers.


я L . L . L , L . L .

% jp flL

1 four cats . watches 3 umbrella 4 pencils 5 chairs

J 1
m m w
14 wmw
-ff T f' w m m
6 ________ dogs 7 pens 8 . oranges 9 doors 10 ______ apples

2 И Я Match the people (1-6) to the phones (a-f). Listening

My phone number My phone number My phone number 3 n * ® T4) Listen and correct the
is oh one two one, is oh two oh, is oh double seven,
four nine six, oh seven nine four, six double oh nine, double numbers.
five three. oh seven, six eight. oh one, three two. 1 What's your phone number?
It's 01632852749. 9
1 Laura__ b_ 2 Ivan 3 Maryam 2 What's your number?

My phone number My phone number My phone number My phone number's 01914980614.

is oh one three is oh two oh, is oh double seven,
one, four nine six, seven nine four, six double oh nine, double 3 What's your number?
oh three five. oh six, eight seven. oh two, three one.
It's 02890180586____
“ N
4 What's your mobile number?
4 Jacob _____ 5 Eva _____ 6 Ashraf.
My mobile number is 07700900433.
И 0
5 What's your phone number?
It's 02079460337_______
6 What's your number?
My phone number's 01414906715.

4 П И Match the numbers to the Find the numbers.
twenty fifty-five eighty-six a hundred forty-three
1 67 thirty-five
twelve sixteen twenty-eight thirty-seven ten
2 93 \ fourteen sixty-one seventy-six eleven

3 9 fifty-six
3 2 5 5 9 9 4 0 4 0 7
4 48 ''""--sixty-seven
(2 °)
5 3 7 9 1 1 1 0 0 8 5 7 2
5 14 nine
1 9 1 2 3 0 4 3 2 6 3 9 1
6 82 ninety-three
1 7 0 2 3 4 6 9 2 5 9 8 5
7 35 forty-eight
5 8 1 4 7 4 7 3 2 5 3 0 1
8 56 eighty-two
3 0 9 5 6 9 4 5 9 4 9 9 4

5 Е Ш W rite the numbers. 6 3 6 1 7 2 9 8 2 6 0 1 3

6 4 0 8 0 1 0 8 6 5 2 3 9
3 8 3 4 4 5 7 7 6 4 4 7 2

5 2 5 1 6 7 2 8 4 1 3 5 1

У B E Put the numbers and words in the correct order.

19 3 7 F IF T E E N 4

! wynett-neo !
3 2 twenty 9 9 sixty
forty-one 50 16 26
80 7 / a hundred
i tiffy-ifev i
ti(jWbtCVl twenty-eight
g ±1Ш1ШШ11111|11П111||11Ш1Ш1Ш11ИШ1ШШШ1Ш1ШШ1Ь
в гЮ 9 twelve @ ~
I innyte-wot I one. 4.
ID How do you spell that?
The alphabet
1 W rite the missing letters.

a b _ d e _______l i i _ _ q r _ t_ v _ x _ Z
2 E E K Write the words.

1 abdro_____ board 2 rlbaelum 3 thawc 4 orod

5 rihca 6 dnwowi 7 eusho. 8 nregoa

З п я ф г ю Listen and spell the names.
1 _A_ J__ _L_ _c_ J _ _a_ 2 ______________

4 ЕЕЯ Label the pictures.

1 two girls

There is! are
5 E B B Look at the picture. Correct the sentences.
1 There's a dog.
There's a cat._________________________________
2 There are two girls.

3 There's a mirror.

4 There are two oranges.

5 There's a woman.

6 There are three pens on the table.

7 There are two watches on the table.

8 There's a toothbrush on the chair.

0 Е П З Find six more differences between the pictures.


Picture A Picture В
1 There's one desk. 1 There are two desks.
2 There are two chairs. 2 There's one chair.
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
Progress check
H W rite the words with a or an.

2 Complete the dialogue. Put the words in the 3 Put the words in the correct order.
correct order. 1 exercise your book Open
name's Hi, my Toby Open vour exercise book.________
Hannah I'm Hi,
2 up pencil Pick your
Toby 1 Hi. my name's Toby.
you that How spell do 3 picture Look the at
double N A H H A
Toby 3 ?
4 to Go the board
your number What's telephone
5 Put your down pencil
oh one seven four eight nine double
two three four six It's
Toby 5 ? 6 the board on Write

7 morning' Say 'Good

you later See
Goodbye, you see 8 book exercise your Close
4 W rite the numbers. le a n ..
1 19 nineteen 6 65
Write the answers and tick (/ ) the correct box.
2 22 ___________ 7 70
3 40 ____________ 8 100
1 You Hi! My. . What's
4 13 ____________ 9 11
5 50 ____________ 10 18
Lily Hello. Lily.
5 d t 1J j Listen and write the phone numbers. You How _
1 O il 34960821 4 Lily I _____ thanks.
2 5
3 6 I can introduce myself and ask w ho
people are.
6 Correct the sentences. ■ Yes ■ I need more practice

2 three . five six

twenty-five twenty-six________ twenty-eight

eighty-two________ eighty-four_________

1 There's one child.

There are five children. I can count 1-100.

■ Yes ■ I need more practice

3 David . your phone.

You It's

3 There's one person. 4 There's one glass. I can give and ask for telephone numbers.

■ Yes ■ I need more practice

4 orange oranges
child ______________
man ______________
5 There are three women. 6 There's one watch. glass ______________

I can use and make plurals.

■ Yes ■ I need more practice


7 There's one man. 8 There are four

2 А Where are you from?
Countries Find the countries from exercise 1.

Match the countries to the pictures. b r a z i I с P i t a I У (g)

1 Germany b 7 Russia X u d V 9 f h к о g f g q e
2 Brazil 8 France g s u s P a i n u r r d t r
3 Spain 9 Italy n b e a b h m
i s t У b j P
4 the USA ....... 10 Australia
r i h q I w a m h e n w e a
5 Greece 11 Japan
j a P a n i с t z с с X u n
6 Rritain 12 China
w b r i t a i n t e e j s
к a u s t r a I i a У r a p

E E H Complete the bubbles.

I'm from

6 GEU®EZ) Jessica
1 They are in Milan. Thev're in Milan. is introducing herself.
Listen. Are the
N statements true (/ )
2 I am thirteen. thirteen. or false (X)? Correct
the false ones. m i
........ 1/
1 Jessica's middle name is Claire. И
3 W e are in in Class 7.
Class /. \| Jessica's middle name is Jade.
She's from Britain. 0
4 She is my Internet friend.
my Internet friend.
Her house is in Liverpool.
v □

5 You are from from Japan. She's eleven. □


Her favourite group is JLS. □

6 My name is Heidi.

Her Internet friends are from China. □

5 Ш 1 Complete the sentences. Use the short
forms. Their names are Mayumi and Hiroto. □
Name Country
They are ten and thirteen years old. □
M ay Ling China

Francesca Italy

Claudia and Pablo Spain Writing A

Rafael Brazil
7 Е П Я Read the text. W rite a similar email about
Jacques and Marcel France yourself.
Jens Germany
- ■
1 May Ling isn't from Italy. j Hi! I’m Robert. My full name is Robert
Thomas Wood. My nickname is ‘Woody’ -
She's from China
from my surname. I’m from the USA and my
2 Francesca from Britain. house is in Miami. I’m eleven years old. My
She favourite group is The Wanted. My friends at
3 Claudia and Pablo from Russia. school are Tyler and James. Tyler is eleven
They I and Jam es is twelve.

4 Rafael from China.

Hi! I'm . . . __________________________
5 Jacques and Marcel from Spain.
6 Jens from Australia.

2В My family
Look at the family tree. Complete the bubbles.

This is my
7f . Nathan.

^ ..... ~
This is my
®c . Charlie.

2 Ш1 Find ten family words. Possessive adjectives

4? r a n d d a
j ï )
d 3 E331 Write the answers.
P g a u n с I e a

z r u g t s к j u

m a n w b о u V g
о n t к r n У X h 1 What's his name? 2 What's her name?

t d с о u s i n t
His name's Mark.

h m s i s t e r e

e a b r 0 t h e r

r f a t h e r z .Е ю ]
3 What's his name? 4 What's her name?

5 What's his name? 6 What's its name? 7 What's your name?

Possessive 's % 0 Е Е П Complete the sentences with the
possessive adjectives.
4 Е Я И Put the ' in the correct place.
1 Oliver is Millie's brother.
2 I'm Nathans sister.
3 This is your friends bag.
4 This is my teachers pen.
5 Marias bag is in the classroom.
6 This is Adams watch.
1 This is my Internet friend, and this is
7 Our dogs name is Buddy. d_________ .
8 We're in Granddad and Grandmas house.

a E D I ф 1.8) Whose watch is this? Listen and
match the names to the pictures.

2 This is________ с

3 This is the Smiths' house.________ с_________ is

in the garden.________ name is Fluffy.

4 This is________ b_________ . _________name's

b W rite sentences. Luke.
1 This is Amv's watch.__________________________
2С Mickey, Millie and Mut
3 П И Answer the questions about yourself. Use
Yes, I am or No, I'm not.
Complete the questions with is or are.
1 Are you eleven years old? No. I'm not.
2 Are you from France? ______________
3 Are you friendly? ______________
4 Are you a boy? ______________
5 Are you a girl? ______________
6 Are you a student? ______________
7 Are you ten years old? ______________
Is . your name Ryan Smith?
. you a film star? 4 И Я W rite the answers.
. you a singer, too?
. he your son?
. he fourteen years old?
. you from the USA?
. you from New York City?
.your house in Manhattan?
1 Is she from China? 2 Are they friendly?
. your son's name Josh?
No. she isn't.

2 ПЛИ Put the words in the correct order.

3 Is he a teacher? 4 Are you twelve?

1 your this dog Is

Is this your dog?_____________________________
2 he Is friendly
3 Lara name your Is

4 sister Is your this 5 Is she on the computer? 6 Is it a dog?

5 you Are London from

6 parents they Are your

7 Are twelve old years you
? 7 Are you Harry?
5 EZX3 Complete the questions and write the Listening
6 a E X Q W rite the questions.
Is this an No, it isn't.
apple ? It's an oranae. b ф т р Listen and answer the questions.

_________ th/'s the

Statue o f Liberty?
— the Eiffel Tower.

a pencil?


Interviewer What's vour name

(what/your / name)
Ben M y 2 name's Ben
.you Interviewer 3_________________ ? (how old / you)
from Greece? Ben I 4________________________________ .
V Interviewer 5
your friend)
? (this /

Ben 6

Interview er ? (what/
her / name)
Ben H er8
your house Interviewer ? (how old / she)
in South Street? Ben She 10
Interview er ? (where /
N you / from)
x Ben W e 12
Interview er ? (you /
Broad Street from / Canberra)
'r~ il il— ! Ben 14 . we . We
Find the days of the week. 3 и я ф т ю ) Listen and complete the dialogue
with the words in the box.
j t z u n b к о t

к u f r i d a У h

e s t 1 b к w u

0 s u n d a У h r

n d X j f У d e s

d a w к i a j z d

a У q h s t g P a

w s a t u r d a У

w e d n e s d a У

2 ЕЕЯ Write what the DJ says. Write the numbers

in words.

Name Sam Walker Name Lisa Hall

Where London Where Manchester
Age 11 Song for granddad
Bye beys friend Happy here home
Song for sister Name Simon
old song photo eleven today
Name Kate Age 58
Where home Where Spain Harvey Good morning, girls and 1 boys
Age 13 I'm Harvey, and this is Favourite Songs\
Today, Jack is2___________ . Jack, who is
This song is from Sam, in 1 London . Sam
is 2 ______ years old. The song is for his in this 3___________ ? Is he your brother?
3 . Kate. Kate is a t 4____________ Jack No, he isn't my brother. He's my
today. It's her birthday. She's5___ / 4 , Adam. It's his birthday
Happy birthday, Kate! 5

Harvey Is he at 6_ ?

Jack Yes, he is.

Harvey Oh! 7 birthday, Adam! How
is he, Jack?
Jack He's9___________ .
Harvey OK. Has Adam got a favourite
10 7

Jack Yes, he has. It's Maroon 5's Moves like

... A nd this song is from s_ Jagger.
7 _______ . It's for h e r1 Harvey Here's the video for Adam.
Simon. H e's9________ today! Simon Jack Thanks, Harvey. 11___________ !
is m , Hello, Simon!

Wh- questions 5 CUfe Put the words in the correct order to
make questions. Write answers about yourself.
I Circle the correct words.
you are How
1 How are you?_______________________________
I'm fine thanks. ____________________________
your What name is

are old you How

day today is W hat it

is your W ho teacher

your When birthday is

friend's your W hat name is

you today are Where

I(What's)/ Who 's your name? ]

How / Where are you from ? в Ш И W rite questions for the answers.
1 What's vour name?
My name's Amelia.
How / Who old are you?
2 ?
My brother's twelve.
Where / When is your birthday? 3 ?
No, I'm not. I'm from Spain.
5 [ What / How is your mobile phone number? 4 ?
It's on 5th February.
5 ?
® ГWho / When is your teacher?
My neighbour is Mrs Williams.
6 ?
When / What is your favourite book? My brother's name is Max.
7 i
8 Who / Where is your house? No, he isn't. He's a student.

My friend is at home today.

Progress check
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the 3 ® 1.11) Look at the picture. Listen and answer
box and the affirmative or negative of be. Use the questions. Use the short forms.
the short forms.

I (x2) he (x2) she (x2) it we they (x2)

1 My name's Olivia. I'm from the USA.

2 My brother is eighteen.________ a student.
3 ______ _ my sister Grace's birthday today.
4 'How old is G ra c e ?''________ fourteen.'
5 I'm at school today.___________ at home.
6 This is my teacher, Mr Brown.______ __ from
7 My mum and dad are at the shops.___________
in the garden.
8 Angelina Jolie is a film star.___________ a singer.
9 These are my Internet friends.______ __ from
10 'Ruby and Lewis, where are you?' 'Here, Mum!
on the computer!'

2 Complete the dialogue. Use a pronoun or

possessive adjective.
DJ Hello. It's Friday. 1 My name's Aisha
Cox and this is The Birthday Show. Hi.
What's 2________ name?
Leon Leon Harrison. 1 • Is Paul in the photo?
DJ Hello, Leon. How old are 3________ ? о No. he isn't.___________________________
Leon 4 'm eleven.
2 • Is Paul's father a postman?
DJ And who is 5________ song for?
о . H e_______________
Leon It's fo r6 sister. Mia.
DJ When's 7________ birthday? 3 • Is Paul's father's name John?
Leon It's on Monday. О ________________________________
DJ And how old is 8________ ? 4 • Is Paul's mother from the USA?
Leon 9________ 's fourteen on Monday.
о __________________.S h e _______
DJ Where are 10________ ?
Б • Is Paul's mother a singer?
Leon 11_____ 'm at home with 12_________dad.
13________ 's on 14 computer. О ________________________________
DJ Hi, Leon's Dad! Is Mia there, too? 6 • Are Jim and Alice twelve?
Leon No, 15________ isn't. о . They_____________
DJ Well, happy birthday, Mia, from 16________
7 • Is Paul twelve?
brother Leon. Here's the song.
О ________________________________
8 • In the photo, are they in their garden?

4 Match the questions to the answers. I can..
1 Where are you? [cj
Write the answers and tick (/ ) the correct box.
2 Are your friends at the shops? 0
3 Who's this? [j
4 Where are you from? Q
5 What's your name?
6 Is your dog friendly? Q
7 Where's 15 King Street? Q
8 When is your birthday? Q
9 Are you Lily, our new classmate? Q
10 How old is your grandmother? Q
11 Is your mother a famous film star?

a That's it - over there,

b No, she isn't,
с In the garden.
d It's my friend, Keira.
e She's sixty,
f I'm Hugo.
g No, I'm not. I'm Charlotte,
h Yes, they are.
i On Saturday,
j Yes, he is.
к London, in England.

5 Complete the questions. Then write answers

about yourself.
1 What's your name?
My name's Helen,__________________________
2 you?

3 from?
4 Write questions for these answers.
______________________? It's Friday today.
4 eleven?
______________________? It's on Saturday.

5 birthday Monday? _____________________ ? No, it isn't. It's Monday.

6 ? I can ask questions and talk about the days of

the week.

7 address? ■ Yes В I need more practice

I've got a computer
Possessions Listening
1 B E E Label the pictures. З Е Ш ф ’1.12) Listen and match the people to
their presents. Complete the sentences.



1 a c a m e r a
2 a
3 a
4 a

Б an
6 a ____________________
2 E X X Find five more things. and Dad
r Jv •
d к h о У w q t о

s P m s к i d e с

к Vе a m e r a) I о Finley
a w e У V P X e m

t n q V n t m V P
e w b i к e h i u
1 Joshua has got a remote-controlled car
b r t m e w У s t
2 Sophie has g o t_________________________
о X V i u s к i e
3 Ed has g o t_____________________________
a s e P d i h о r 4 Yasmin has g o t________
r u n b w о b n d 5 Mum and Dad have g o t.

d V d P i a У e r 6 Finley has g o t__________

I have got/ has got 5 My sister's eleven.

4 ИЮComplete the sentences with V e o r 's. 6 She's in the living room.

1 Sh e i_______ got a computer.
2 I________ got three brothers. 7 Megan's got a cat.
3 Asif________ got a DVD player.
4 W e________ got mobile phones. 8 Its name's Tillie.
5 My sister________ got a camera.
6 They_ _ got two televisions.
7 David_ _ got a good skateboard. have got / has got
8 You . got a nice bike.
J П ЕЙ Look at the pictures. Correct the sentences.

5 ЕЖ 1 Make the sentences negative.

1 Sarah's got a bike.
Sarah hasn't got a bike.___________
2 We've got a skateboard.
1 Toby/bike
3 You've got a radio at home. Tobv hasn't got a bike.

4 Theo's got ten DVDs.

Б They've got a computer.

6 The teacher's got my mobile phone.

3 Freddie/ 4 Karl and Adam/
MP3 player computer
7 We've got a DVD player in our classroom.

8 I've got a camera in my bag.

is or has?

ß E D I W rite the full sentences.

5 Nicole / DVD player 6 Nathan / television
1 Mark's got a DVD player.
Mark has got a DVD player.
2 She's from London.

3 Georgia's got a television in her bedroom.

4 He's got forty DVDs.

7 They /camera
з в Muts present
Find seven more colours.

Listening 4 E H Describe these things. Use the words in

the box.
1-13) Listen and colour the pictures.
fetg good thick short small
old thin bad new long

1 This is a big television.

Match the words in A to the opposites in B.
black thin
big white
old bad
good short
thick small
long new
5 E E * Put the words in the correct order.
1 blue pen is This my
This is mv blue pen.___________________
2 a long They've car got
4 They've got a new camera.
3 present a big is This

got a teacher I've good

at jumper Look my thick

bike new a This is

5 He's a bad boy.

7 cats She's white got three

8 my Where's T-shirt green?

S СХЗЭ Look at the pictures. Correct the sentences.

6 She's got a black MP3 player.

1 They've got an old car.
They haven't got an old car. 7 £ £ D W rite about your things.
They've got a new car. I've got a bike. It's red and blue. It's new:

3 He's got a small bag.

Have you got a pet?
1 O K Complete the crossword with the words in the box.

j rabbit hamster snake rat spider horse mouse fish parrot budgie cat dog

Across Down

2 1



2 Е2Э1 W rite sentences.

1 Emma 's got two hamsters.
2 Alisha____________________
3 Jam ie____________________
4 Martha
5 Will
6 Jessica
7 Matthew t-ША1 ; дивил _А Щ Т Ш w iu . I I Je s s ic a I 1 Ma t t h ew

have got; questions and short answers
Match the questions to the answers. В C3bZ3 1,14) Amy is talking about her
1 [ 0 Have your grandparents got a car? friends, the Jackson family. Listen and
complete the table.
2 □ Have you got a computer?
3 □ Has your aunt got a black cat?
4 □ Have we got a nice classroom?
5 О Has your dog got a blanket?
6 Q Has your brother got a mobile phone?
7 Q Have your cousins got a parrot?

a No, i haven't,
b Yes, they have.
с Yes, we have,
d Yes, it has.
e No, they haven't,
f No, she hasn't,
g Yes, he has.

4 EZ 3 I W rite questions. Give short answers

about yourself.
1 you / an Internet friend
Have you got an Internet friend?__________
Yes. I have. / No. I haven't.________________
2 yo u / a dog

Name Pet? Type of pet

Am y Yes /(A/cT)
3 you / a skateboard
Lily (Yes)/ No A dog
Peter Yes / No

4 you / brothers and sisters Tom Y es/N o

A nd rew Yes / No

M r and Mrs Yes / No

5 you / an MP3 player Jackson

b W rite sentences.

6 you/a rabbit 1 Amy hasn't got a pet.

2 Lily 's got a pet. She's got a dog.
3 Peter______________
4 Tom_______________
5 Andrew ____________
6 Mr and Mrs Jackson
3D My school
School subjects
Label the subjects with the words from the box.

J Biology Chemistry Citizenship Design and Technology English Geography ICT Maths 1usic RE

+ = $ .+

2П Ж ф 1.15) Ellie and Adam are talking about their new timetable. Listen and complete.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9.00-10.00 1Art and Desion Maths Music Physics
10.05-11.05 English Maths Biology English
3 6
11.20-12.20 English Citizenship ICT

12.20-1.20 LUNCH

1.20-2.20 Geography Physics English Geography Maths

2 7
2.25-3.25 Biology Chemistry Technology

3 EZZ3 Look at the pictures and complete the text.

Hello! My name's Cara. I'm in class 8L at Priory I'm good at , too.

!5 5 rffiS 9
Scftod I* v lL r . There are 900 2________
"H « > > ■
{'m not very good a t:
Ill o,r

Physics but 9_ ____ with Mrs Jenkins

4 Ш. Ê Ê at sc^ °°^ ^ e wear a 3________

I :j - it's blue and grey. on Thursdays is great.

Priory is a nice school. The 4________ J| My favourite day at school is Friday. We've got

are good, and they are very5________ ^ . 10________ in the afternoon with Mrs

My favourite subject is 6________ and Andrews. She's very nice.

□ЕЖ W rite the names of the lessons. Then write the day you've got the subjects.

I am We are
You are You are
He/She/It is They are
IffT T ^ SD ^ ------ — —-- —---------- -—— ---L J

1 English. We've got English on Monday,

5 K 2 3 W rite about your school and timetable.

Use the phrases in the box and your own
ideas, too.

My name's ... I'm in class ... My school subjects

are... My favourite subject is ... W e've got this
subject on... I'm good at... I'm bad at...
My favourite day at school is ...

Progress check
1 Look at the tw o pictures of Ben's room. W rite the things that are different in picture B.

In picture В ...
1 Ben hasn't got a television. He's got a radio. 4
2 _______________________________________ 5
3 _______________________________________________ 6

2 Describe these things. Use the words in the box. 3 Read the text and answer the questions.
friendly long new old The Jordan family have got ten pets. Emma's
good big thtek thin got a big white rabbit - it's very friendly but it's
always asleep. She's got a small blue and yellow
budgie, too. Her sister Kate's got a big horse. Her
brother Alfie's got a black rabbit and a white rat.
Mum and Dad have got two small dogs. Their
names are Buster and Sammy. They've got a black
and white cat, too. Grandma and Granddad have
1 a thick book_______ 2
got two green parrots - Bill and Ben.

1 Have the Jordan family got nine pets?

No. they haven't.____________________________
2 W hat pets has Emma got?

3 Has Kate got a small pet?

4 Has Alfie got two pets?

5 What pets have Mum and Dad got?

6 Have Grandma and Granddad got two green


(fl. W rite the subjects. I can...
1 tra dan isnged Art and Design
Write the answers and tick (/ ) the correct box.
1 I: radio (/ ) mobile (X). I ___________ got a
radio, but I ___________ a mobile.
My father: MP3 player (X) computer (/).
My father_________________________________
8 cpysish

5® 1-16) Charlotte is talking about her school. I can talk about the things I've got and the
Listen and choose the correct answers. things other people have got.

■ Yes 1 1 need more practice

can talk about pets.

I Yes ■ 1need more practice

3 My English book is orange and

My exercise book is___________

The school is in a .
I can say the names of colours and give simple
a London b Liverpool descriptions.
с Los Angeles d Lisbon
■ Yes ■ I need more practice
At the school, there are _____ students.
a 100 b 200
с 300 d 400 4 I like 34+12 = 46 _, but my
Charlotte has g o t_____ every day.
favourite subject is
a Maths b French
с Music d Geography
I can talk about school subjects.
She has got English o n __ and Wednesday.
I Yes ■ I need more practice
a Monday b Tuesday
с Thursday d Friday
Her favourite subject is_____ .
a ICT b Art and Design
с PE d Music
On Friday afternoon she's g o t_____ and ICT.
a Maths b French
с Science d Art and Design

аш кШ '


2 E E S 1W rite the times.

1 It's twelve o'clock.

Prepositions of time 5 Е П З Put the words in the correct order to
make questions. Then look at the picture and
3E H W rite on or at. complete the dialogues.
It's my birthday. on Sunday.
The party is___ . quarter to seven. Monday school concert
Your music lesson is _ _ _ _ _ Thursday.
Is the m atch______ three o'clock?
Our Maths exam is _____ Friday morning. Tuesday football match.
Ellen's hockey game is________ half past two.
The school concert is Saturday evening.
Wednesday hockey match
8 Have we got P E _________ Tuesday afternoon?
Is Harry's football match 6.30?
10 The volleyball match is. Sunday. Thursday
4 Read the diary and answer the questions.
Write the times in words. Use on or at. Friday class party

J » M ONDÄY football match at school 4.IÇ M ark's violin,

Î a
TUESDAY cousin Philip's birthday party

3 W ED N ESD A Y music concert school 1.00 Sunday tennis ja m c

3 THURSDAY piano le-sson 5.00
3 FR ID A Y piano шт ?.I5 1 is match When hockey your
3 Susie When is your hockey match?_______
Nathan It's at quarter to five on Wednesday.
1 What time is Ollie's football match on Monday? 2 concert on Is the school Monday
The football match is at quarter past four. Nathan ____________________________________________ ?
2 What day is his cousin's birthday party? Susie
His cousin's birthday party 3 you your volleyball match Friday
got Have on
What time is the party? Susie
The party_______ _ Nathan

What day is the music concert at school? 4 Mark's exam When's violin

The music concert______________________ Susie

What time is the concert?
5 F'iday a game on tennis we
The concert_____________
got Have
What day is the piano lesson?
The piano lesson____________
What time is his piano exam on Friday?
6 is party When the class
His piano exam_______________________
Find ten more words.
1 brush 7
2 bus 8
3 _____ 9
4 10
5 _____ 11
6 12

2 П З В Look at the pictures of Oscar's day. Complete the sentences.

1 I aet up at quarter to eight. 2 I ________ breakfast at 3 I ________ the bus to

a t.

4 Lessons________ at . school a t___________ 6 I _ _ _ _ _ my homework frorr

_____________________ . ____________t o ________________

7 I ________ dinner at 8 I ________ TV from to bed at

t o _______________

3 They take the bus with .
r •esent simple: negative Vi
a their friends b their parents
2 1 Write sentences with the negative form. с their brother
"ave a shower at seven o'clock. 4 At school, lessons start at _____ .
don't have a shower at seven o'clock.______ a 9.00 b 9.15 с 9.20
1 "ave breakfast with my family. 5 At one o'clock th ey____
a go home b have a school dinner
с have a packed lunch
3 My friends and I take the bus to school. 6 At home, th ey_____ before dinner.
a do homework b watch football
с read a book
- Lessons start at half past nine. 7 After dinner, they watch TV w ith _____ .
a their parents b their brothers
с their friends
5 We finish school at quarter past three. 8 They go to bed a t _____
a 8.45 b 9.30 с 9.45

б I watch TV with my sister. Writing

5 EXX3 W rite about a typical day in your life. Use
the words in the box and your own ideas, too.
7 W e do our homework before dinner.
shower breakfast teeth
school lessons lunch
home dinner homework
8 I go to bed at quarter past eight. TV book bed

I get up a t ...________________________________

4 И Я ф 1.18 Listen to Rosie and Kate's day.
Choose the correct answers.

1 Rosie and Kate get up a t __ b

a 7.00 b 7.10 с 7.30
2 They have breakfast a t _____
a 7.30 b 7.40 с 7.45

Free time activities 2 E33I Put the words from exercise 1 in the
correct column.
Match the words in the box to the pictures.
play go collect
volleyball ice hockey violin tennis football football to
computer games swimming badges piano
guitar skiing dance class

1 ______ football
3П Ж W hat do they do in their free time? Write
sentences with play, go or collect.

1 Karen and Sarah 2 Joe and Kate

go to dance class. ____________

3 Freddie and Ed 4 Megan and Anna

6 the

5 Tom and Will 6 David and Mike

7 ____________________ 8
Present simple: endings 4
4 Е Я 1 Circle the correct words.
1 Mr Miller(fTke^j/ like sport.
2 Victoria collects / collect badges.
10 the 3 They plays / play tennis on Saturdays.
4 He watches / watch DVDs after school.
5 Lucas and Matt goes / go skiing.
6 I gets up / get up at half past seven.
7 My brother goes / go swimming with his friends.

11 __________________ 12 8 Erin plays / play the piano at home.

Listening 0 EZX3 Correct the sentences.

S a Ö 3 1 ф Т Ц ) W h a t does Billy do? Listen and

write (/ ) or (X).

1 They don't work in a school. They work in a shoo.

*** i I play the piano

after school.

2 He

We have coffee
for breakfast.

3 They.

play football /
play tennis

go swimming

have music lessons

4 The party.
play the piano

watch football on TV

collect badges ------------

play computer games

b W rite affirmative or negative sentences.

1 Billy olavs football._____________________

Mickey, Millie and Mut
Music and sports
*1 Ш Н Complete the sentences about yourself.
1 My father plays tennis and football.____________ 4 My friend plays_______
2 I play__________________________ __________ . 5 My friend doesn't play.
3 I don't play________________________________ . 6 My favourite sport is _

2 ES3S Complete the crossword.

Across 1 2
V 0 / / e У b a / /

4 5

5 EEE3 fy i .201 Ivan is talking about his
3 ИИ Complete the questions with Do or Does. favourite things. Listen. Are the statements
true (/ ) or false (X)?
1 ' Does Jake like volleyhall?
2 your friends go to football matches?
3 our Ipssonç start at ninp o'clock?
4 Amplia rollprt hadgps?
5 they listen to the radio in the kitchen?
6 your hrnthpr play tahlp tpnnis?
7 thp dog go to thp park with yni|?
8 you gn to dancp class'?
9 your granddad watch sport nn TV?
1 Ivan collects badges. H
10 we collect old comics?
2 He plays football and table tennis.
3 He plays computer games after school. □
4 He likes dance. □
4 П Ж Put the words in the correct order to 5 He listens to the radio on Sundays. □
make questions. 6 He plays the violin and the piano. □
1 Bradley does When up get 7 He likes Maths. □
When does Bradley get u p ? ________________________
8 His favourite subjects are History and Geography. И
He gets up at seven o'clock.
2 and Nina Lily When school start do
0 ИШ1 Answer the questions about yourself.
They start school at nine o'clock.
3 play volleyball Rashid does Where 1 What do you do after school?
________________________________________? I play tennis or watch TV with my friends.
He plays volleyball at school. 2 When do you do your homework?
4 does the radio to When mum your
3 W hat does your mum do in her free time?
She listens to the radio in the morning.
5 lunch friends Where your do have
4 What sports do you play?
They have lunch at school.
6 TV you watch do When
5 W hat do you do on Sundays?
I watch TV after dinner.
7 your live cousin does Where
He lives in Manchester. 6 W hat does your dad do on Saturday mornings?

8 piano does Ava her have lesson When

She has her piano lesson on Thursdays.
Progress check
i Write the questions and the answers. Write
the times in words.
1 school concert: 8.00 4 the hockey game: 11.10
• When is the school concert?__________ • ______________________________________________ ?

о It's at eiaht o'clock. O It's

2 the Maths exam: 4.15 5 Maria's swimming lesson: 11.50-12.40
• ? • ?
о It's o It's from to
3 our volleyball match: 10.30 6 Harvey's birthday party: 17.15
# ? • ?
о It's O It's

_ Write about Dan's week.

Monday Thursday ___________

je , t up p la y te n n is
W alk to i'°
p la y fo o tb a ll Friday
w ith, M a rk ,
j o s w im m in g
Tuesday 4/ islit'll M ark,

have a violin, less ok


Wednesday 11 I
9 3 j o to t k t sports centre.
Wave d in n e r c\t his
f r ie n d ’s house

1 On Monday, he gets up at half oast seven. 5

_________________________________________ 6
3 On Monday, Dan and M a rk __________________
___________________________________________ 7
3 а 1.211 What do they do in their free time? I can
Listen and write ( / ) or (X).
Write the answers and tick ( / ) the correct box.
1 Joel
□ 1 M y. lesson is at

2 Clara
□ о from

3 Samira
□ □
О can tell the tim e and say when things are.
4 Max and Adam
□ □ Yes - В I need more practice

5 Isaac
□ □ 2 a shower: I have a shovær
at 8 o'clock.
b Write affirmative or negative sentences.
1 Joel / computer games
Joe! doesn't play computer games._______
to school:
2 Clara / the guitar

3 Samira / skiing

4 Max and Adam / football can ta lk about dailÿ routines.

I Yes Ц I need more practice
5 Isaac/tennis

3 My friend .. (play)

4 Put the words in the correct order to make My friend _. (not play)
questions. Then answer the questions about
yourself. I can talk about my friends and family.
1 you Do the play guitar ?
d Yes В 1need nnore practice
Do you play the guitar?______ No I don't
2 dinner you When have do
4 Ben W hat sports do you play
You _____________________
Ben When
3 your mother play piano Does the
You _____

I can ask and ta lk about free tim e activities.

4 your W hat father play sports does
: (.Y e s f l I need more practice
ш in a room
\ O H Label the things in Hannah's
bedroom with the words in the box.

bed bedside table carpet chair

chest of drawers desk wardrobe rug

1 a wardrobe 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

2 E E * Find seven things you can have in your 3 E23I Look at the picture in exercise 1 and
room. complete the bubbles.
n b (c a r p e t i t m
И Hannah does her homework
a t her desk
Hannah's clock is
on h e r ________ .
p e s q h e t f У i

о d I a m d с r
g P
There are books on Hannah sleeps in
s w a r d r о b e r Hannah's ___________ h e r ___________ .

t i b I r g a i b о Y Y
There's a magazine Ы Hannah listens to
e У с u u f m g r behind Hannah's her MP3 player on
r P f e g s u z i j
b о о s h e I f u
l~7~l There ’s a
next to Hannah's desk.
a Hannah's old cat sits
under h e r ________ ,

4 ПЖ ф Ш Listen and draw a teddy bear in the correct place.

"J ЩЩЩ where are their houses? Read and find
the children's houses.
5ПЯ Look at the picture. Are the statements
true ( / ) or false (X)? Correct the false ones.

Lucy's house is next to Owen's house. Owen's house

is between Lucy's house and Mia's house. Robert's
J house is next to Leo's house. Leo's house is opposite
Owen's house. Jake's house is opposite Lucy's house
1 The wardrobe is next to the bed. and next to Leo's house. The school is in fro n t of
Jake, Leo and Robert's houses.
1 Lucv 2 ________ 3 ________
2 The magazines are on the chest o f drawers. И
4 5 ________ 6 ________
The maaazines are on the table.
3 The bed is in fro n t o f the wardrobe. □ f } 0 3 3 Close your eyes. Think about your
classroom at school. Answer the questions.
4 The football is behind the wardrobe. □

5 The box is on the bed. □

6 The table is in fro n t o f the wardrobe. □

7 The rug is under the chest o f drawers. □

8 The violin is between the bed and the □ 1 W hat have you got in your school bag?
chest o f drawers. I've got three books and my lunch.
2 Where is your desk?

6 ΠB Look at the picture again. Complete the

sentences. Use on, in, under, behind, n ext to 3 W ho is sitting in fro nt of you?
or between.
1 The lamp is on the chest o f drawers. 4 W ho is sitting behind you?
2 The bag is the wardrobe.
3 The DVDs are the table. 5 W hat have you got on your desk?
4 The teddy bear is the wardrobe.
5 The mirror is the wardrobe. 6 Where is the teacher?
6 The mobile is the chest of drawers
7 The bed is the chest o f drawers 7 W hat is next to the window ?
and the wardrobe.

fg j
58 Our house
Rooms in a house
1a Label the parts of the house with the words in the box.

armchair bath bathroom bedroom cooker

cupboard curtains dining room downstairs 2 ПЯ1 Where do you do these things? Write
fridge garden hall kitchen stairs light sentences.
living room shower sink sofa toilet 1 have breakfast
upstairs washbasin / have breakfast in the kitchen.__________
2 watch DVDs
b Complete the list of furniture and things
with the words in the box.
3 have dinner
11 17
12 18
4 read books
13 19
14 20
5 brush your teeth
15 21
16 22
6 do your hom ework

7 have a shower

8 listen to music
There is/ are
3 E l Look at the picture of the house in exercise 1.
Complete the sentences with There's or There are.
1 There's a wardrobe in the bedroom. 5 . a man in the kitchen.
2 a shower in the bathroom. 6 . a big table in the dining room,
3 tw o bedrooms. 7 tw o armchairs in the living room,
4 cupboards in the kitchen. 8 a chest o f drawers in the bedroom.

4 0 * Complete the text with 's, isn't, are or aren't.

I live here! There 1's

only one room. It's a kitchen,
dining room, living room and
bedroom! There 2_______
three beds. One bed
3_______ in a drawer! There
4_______ a wardrobe, too.
It's next to the beds. There
5 a desk, but there
6 a table. I do my
homework at this table and
we eat here, too. The room is
small so there 7_______ big
posters on the walls. There
8_______ a bathroom in my
home, too. Where do I live?


5 ИДД ( S t H D David is
talking about his house.
Listen and answer the

1 Is the house big or small? 5 Where is the television?

It's small._____________
2 Have they got a dining room? 6 W hat is next to David's bedroom?

3 Where is David's bedroom? 7 W hat is in the bathroom?

4 Has David got a computer in his bedroom? 8 Have they got a garden?
Our town
Places in a town
Label the places.

с----------------------------- p.

There is/ are: questions

2 EES Look at the picture. Make dialogues about the town.
1 cinema
• Is there a cinema?
0 Yes, there is. 4 а С Ш (jS 1.24) Listen and write the places.
2 tw o banks
b ф 1.24) Listen again and match the places
• Are there two banks?
to the directions.
о No. there aren't._____
3 a museum What places do What's the response?
people want?
1 a bank a It's over there.
4 a swimming pool
2 b It's behind the cinema.
3 с It's closed.
5 a church 4 d It's behind the church.
5 e It's next to the station.
6 f There's one in the next
6 tw o cafés tow n.

Look at the chart. Write the dialogues.

7 tw o supermarkets Excuse me. is there a bank________near here?
Yes, there is. It's behind the cinema.__________
_______________________________ in this tow n?

Prepositions of place
near here?
3 Ш Ш Look at the picture in exercise 2.
Complete the sentences with in fro n t of, in this tow n?
behind, between, opposite or n ext to.
1 The supermarket is _ opposite the park near here?
2 The hospital is the supermarket.
3 The cinema is the post office and near here?
the café.
4 The church is the café.
5 There's a bus stop the cinema. Writing
6 The cinema is the post office.
7 The station is
5> Write about your town, or a town near
the museum.
you, and the things that are there.
8 The hotel is the hospital.
In my town there's a big square ...____________

£ 9
Mickey, Millie and Mut
can! can't
% П Ш Look at the pictures and write sentences.
Use can or can't and the phrases in the box.

j catch the ball dance draw play the piano play tennis play volleyball ride a bike ski spell swim

I 0 9

1 Tom can't swim.

3 Samir 4 Dylan and Morgan

5 Bruce and Tess 6 Jasmine.

8 Rosa

^ e ye M \ lx > y

9 He 10 The dog

2 E O I Look at the pictures in exercise 1. Write questions and answers.

1 Can Tom swim? No. he can't.________________ 6 _______________
2 7 _______________
3 П Ж Write true sentences about yourself w it h I can or I can't.

1 I can soeak English.

Write one
эге sentence
about yourself.

Listening S k

4a 0 X 3 (g C T D Listen and put a tick ( / ) or b Write sentences about Jessica.

cross (X) on the poster. 1 She can sing.________________

What to[vi you do? 6

S IN G ?/ 7
V c Look at the poster. What can or can't you do?


fi III

1 1 *]
Progress check
;i 'M VrcIc cfle W ie ‘boo'fc'b! NMrfte ЪВГЛепгеЪ VtflÏM 3 W rite tne p'iaces in a town.
There's / There are.
1 tntiosa ________ station_______
2 ainrmec ______________________
3 phsliaot ______________________
4 hetarte ______________________
5 eaurqs ______________________
6 meumus ______________________
7 isimgmwn lopo ______________________
8 kanb ______________________

1.26) Listen and label the places in the town.

1 There's a book under the bed

2 b e h in d ________
3 b e tw e e n _______
4 in fro n t o f _____
5 В
5 next t o ________
6 in _____________
7 o n ____________ 3 4

2 a D raw a picture o f y o u r bedroom .


b W rite sentences w ith There's / There are.

1 There's a big wardrobe._________________
2 There are two chairs.____________________

2 ____ church____ 8
5 Now answer the questions about the town. I can
1 W hat is opposite the museum?
Write the answers and tick ( / ) the correct box.
The school is opposite the museum,_______
2 W hat is between the church and the bank? 1 In my bedroom, there's
a _____________ next
3 Is there a theatre in the town?
to t h e _____________ .

4 W hat is between the church and the cafés? There's a

on the
5 W hat is opposite the hotel?
I can talk about houses and rooms.
6 Is there a cinema in the tow n? ■ Yes ■ I need more practice

7 Are there tw o hotels? 2 There a hotel in

our tow n. The hotel is

8 W hat is in fro n t o f the supermarket?
________to t h e ______
and . the post
6 Put the words in order to make questions office.
(1-8). Find the answers (a-h).
There _ . tw o cafés.
1 Mr can speak Jones French ?
The is between the cafés.

violin you the can play ?
□ I can ta lk about places in a to w n and say
where they are.
mother can your a game computer
play ? ■ Yes ■ I need more practice

dog can song your a sing ?
□ . play tennis,
Lily ride can bikes and Robbie ?

bag heavy can this I carry ? play the guitar.

find camera we the can ?
□ _English?
run like Peter can wind the ?

a No, it can't, e Yes, you can.
b Yes, he can. f Yes, they can. I can say w hat I can and can't do.
с No, she can't, g Yes, I can. ■I Yes ■ I need more practice
d No, he can't. h No, we can't.

6 Ä My friends

A 2 ЕЕИ ф Т г 7 ) Listen to Freddie describe

his friend's family. Draw and colour the
*1 ЕЖИ Label the pictures with the words in the box. picture.
bald a beard brown eyes dark hair fa t glasses
long hair a moustache short short hair slim tall

2 T hey're.

3 He's

3 ЕПЗ Describe the people.

1 This woman's got
a long nose._____

8 She's g o t .

2 This man's got

a beard.
9 They've g o t.

11 She's g o t . 12 He's g o t.
be or have got? Ж
■ Circle the correct words.
He© / 's 9 o t twelve years old. 5 Her eyes are / have got brown.
I'm / 've got a very big family. 6 My brothers are / have got tall and they're / 've
I'm / 've got tall and I'm / 've got blue eyes. got fair hair.
My mother's / 's got short hair. 7 Rachel's/'s got tall and slim.
8 Jack's / 's got quite short hair and he's /'s got brown
have got/ has got
5В Я Read the text. What number are the people a-e?
M r Taylor is tall and slim. He's got a big
moustache, but he hasn't got a beard.
His w ife is quite short and fat. She's got
short fair hair. They've got three children.
Their son, Charlie, isn't tall. He's got short
dark hair and big brown eyes. Charlie's
sister, Sophie, has got long fair hair and
small blue eyes. Daisy Taylor is one year
old. She hasn't got any hair or teeth. But
she's got a big m outh!
a Mr Taylor __ I__ b Mrs Taylor _____ с Charlie d Sophie _____ e D a is y _____

0 ECO Write sentences.

1 Emily hasn't got long hair.
S h e 's got short hair._______
7 EXU Describe a person in your family. Then
describe yourself. Use some of the words in
2 L eo .
the box to help you.
eyes hair quite / very - tall / short / f a t / slim /
bald glasses a beard a moustache

He My...

4 Ella and Bradley.

T hey_________

5 Richard

6 Charlotte and Grace

T hey.
Saturday morning
Present continuous
Match the sentences to the pictures.

1 Lucy and Anna are having dinner.

[ Dan is phoning a friend.

3 Jake and Erin are watching a DVD.

[ Ethan is buying clothes.

sitting on the sofa.

[ Dad is sittii

6 Ben and his friend are w aiting fo r the train.

[ My sister is w alking to the shops.

8 Mum is reading a book.

2 HEM Write what the people are doing.

1 Alfie 's Ivina in bed. 2 Ryan

3 Lola and Florence

5 Max and Frank. 6 Sanjay.

3 И И Look at the picture. Correct the sentences. Shopping
Use the short forms.
5 Е1Ж Put the dialogue in the correct order.
And the poster? How much is that?

Good m orning! Can I help you?
Here you are.
Yes. How much are the balloons, please?
OK. Can I have three balloons and this
poster, please?
That's £8.75, then, please.

Thank you.
All the posters are £5.00 each.
They're £1.25 each.
1 A man is eating lunch at the café.
6 Е2ХЭ What are the people saying? Write a
He isn't eating lunch. He's reading the newspaper. dialogue.
2 A tall wom an is listening to the radio in the park. m ;
She______________________________________ .
3 A man is reading a magazine at the bus stop.
H e _______________________________________ .
4 Two boys are walking to the bus stop.
1 Adam How much is this magazine?
They_____________________________________ .
Assistant _________________________
5 An old man is playing the violin.
H e _______________________________________ .
6 Two girls are dancing in the park.
They_____________________________________ .
7 A bald man is getting in the car.
H e _______________________________________ .
2 Adam

8 A young man and woman are sitting outside the

T hey_____________________________________ .

4 ЦЯ Listen and write the prices. 3 Adam and this book, please?
Assistant Anything else?
Adam N o ,_________

1 £6.50 2

4 Assistant
6С Are we going to the shops?
Present continuous
I Write the answers. Use the words in the box.

Yes, they are. No, they aren't. No, we aren't. Yes, he-is;
Yes, she is. Yes, he is. No, she isn't. No, it isnt.

2 Is she playing tennis? 3 Are they listening to 4 Is he reading the

Yes. he is. the ra d io ? _________ _ newspaper?

drawing?. shops?

2 ПЯИф М .29) What are they doing now?
Listen and label the picture with the names.

j Simon Fatima Tom and James Ellen Anna and Jo Emma and Sophie Adam Katie Jack and Ben
Present simple and present 4 ЕХХЭ Correct the sentences.
continuous 1 Mum is making dinner. She / talk / to her friend.
Mum isn't making dinner. She's talking to her friend.
3 Е2Э1 Write sentences with the present
simple and the present continuous. 2 I'm reading a book. I / have / a shower.

3 W illiam is going to the shops. He / go / to the cinema.

1 Tom usually rides a bike to school but

today he 's taking the bus.__________ 4 I have an apple fo r lunch every day. I / have / an orange.

5 Dad usually walks to work. He / usually / take / the train.

2 Maria usually________________ after

school but today s h e ______________. 6 My friends are playing football in the garden. They / watch /

7 We go to the park every weekend. We / take / the bus / to

3 Karl and Martin usually____________ tow n.
after dinner but today they
___________________________ music.

Present simple or continuous?

5 С Ш ' Put the verbs into the present
simple or the present continuous.
4 Tony usually, but today
h e ________ Dear £arla
I am on holiday in a nice- town in 'Spain. At the moment,
I ' m sitting (sit) in m»! hotel room and
|2---------------------(write) to '/ou! I?_____________ (look)
at the hotel swimming pool - it's ver^ big! Mum and
4-------------------— (watch) TV now and
m-j sister kate
(listen) to music.
5 Esme usually___________ to the park 6veq morning, we 1 (go swimming) in the
but today s h e ____________________ . pool at 130, then we 1_ _ (have) breakfast at
8.15. After breakfast, 1 8_ (р Ц ) tennis with
т>| dad. Kate 1________ _ (go) to dance class with
trn^ mum - she 10______ — (like) tennis!
-------------------------------- Чои — (read) this postcard in ^our
bedroom at home?
See 40U soon
6 Isaac and Harvey usually__
at 4 o'clock but today they

1 H I Complete the crossword
Across Down

3 1

2 Е Ш What are they wearing? Colour the picture and write sentences.
1 The m other 's wearing a blue dress.
2 The fa th e r_____________________

3 The boys

4 The girl

3 ЕЛИ Complete the dialogues. 5 0 3 3 Answer the questions about yourself. Use
1 Customer How much is this shirt? t *ie w orojs ' n the box to help you.
Assistant It's £19.99. boots a cap a coat a dress a jacket jeans
2 Customer How m u c h ___________ trainers? a jum per a shirt shoes shorts a skirt
a sweatshirt a tie trainers trousers
Assistant __________ £50.
W hat do you wear at school?
3 Customer How m u c h ___________ cap?
I wear...
Assistant __________ £11.49.
4 Customer How m u c h __________ boots?
Assistant __________ £59.95.
5 Customer How m u c h ___________ tie? W hat are У °и wearing now?
Assistant __________ £14.00.
6 Customer How m u c h ___________ jumper?
Assistant __________ £24.99.

et 1.30) Listen and colour Ben's clothes.


school home
b ф 1.30) Listen aqain. Are the statements true (S) or false (X)?
1 Ben is twelve. 0 5 Ben likes his uniform. □
2 Ben goes to a school in London. □ 6 Ben wears his favourite clothes at home. □
3 The girls at his school wear ties. □ 7 A t the moment, he is sitting in the living room. □
4 The girls at his school wear blue skirts. □ 8 He is sitting in an armchair. □
Progress check
1 Describe the people. Use the words in the box.

j bald a beard dark (x2) fair long a moustache fa t short (x2) slim (x3) tall (x 2)

1 She 's tall and slim . She's got short. 2 H e ________a n d ________ .H e .
hair. H e __________________ a n d __

3 He. . and He hair. 4 She and . She hair.

2 Look at the pictures again. What are the people wearing?

1 The girl 's wearing a T-shirt a n d ______________________
On her feet, she's wearing socks and
2 The m a n ___________________________
On his fe e t,________________________
3 The b o y ____________________________
On his fe e t,.
4 The w o m a n .
On her feet,
3 Complete the dialogues. Put the verbs into the I can..
present simple or the present continuous.
W rite th e answers and tick ( / ) th e correct box.
Mrs Evans Joel, can you go to the shops fo r me,
Joel Oh. Mum. I1'm watching Football 1 Ian's tall and
Weekly, (watch) 12__________ it H e________ hair.
every week, (watch) Can Lily go?
H e________
Mrs Evans No, she can't. She 3__________ her
bedroom, (clean) and
He a jacket,
Mr Hall Where's Belinda?
Mrs Hall She 4__________ a shower, (have)
She alw ays5__________ a shower in
the morning, (have) I can describe people.
■ Yes ■ I need more practice
Steve Where's Joe?
Abigail He's in his bedroom. He 6__________
his homework, (do) 2 I / usually / play tennis / Saturdays
Steve 7__________ he 8___________ his today / go / to the swimming pool
hom ework every day? (do)
_, but today
Abigail No, he 9__________ .H e
10__________ it on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, (do) We / sometimes / ride our bikes to school
4a ® [ ~l.3p Listen and w rite th e prices o f th e to d a y /ta k e / the bus
W e _________________________, but today

I can talk about routines, habits and w hat

people are doing now.
1 £17.99 Ш "2 ■ Yes ■ I need more practice

3 Assistant Can _ . you?

You How. T-shirts?
Assistant ____ . pounds each.
You ____ . the red T-shirt,
Assistant That's 10

I can ask fo r things in a shop and ta lk about

how much they cost.
■ Yes ■ I need more practice
b ф Т Ц ) Listen again. W h a t do th e people
buy? Put a tic k (S ) or a cross (X).
^ Write sentences about the picture. Use There's 3 Now answer the questions. Write the correct
/ There are. answers.
1 Is Jin from the USA?
No. she isn't. She's from China.____________
2 Is her Internet friend from the USA?

3 Are Debbie's grandparents from the USA?

4 How old is Rob?

5 Is Rob a teacher?

4 Whose things are they? Write sentences.

1 There's an apple _ on a desk. Dan Mr Lee

2 . tw o oranges.
1 This is Dan's watch. 2 This is.
3 __ on a desk.
4 ______chairs.
5 on the chair.
6 in the school bag.
7 _ picture on t h e __
8 four people: tw o ________ a
and o n e _______ . She's the
4 This is
2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms
of be. Use the short forms.

My name Jin. from

China. My Internet friend’s name is Debbie.
S h e 3________from the USA. Debbie’s
grandparents 4_ ___ from Italy. Debbie’s
brother’s narr
n a m e 5________Rob. H e 6________ Ellie
eighteen. He a student. 5 This is This is

i, —gesi.

5 What pets have they got? Write sentences. 7 Write the opposites in the crossword.
Down 1
1 good
2 long a

1 Matilda

2 big
5 4 black
5 old
2 Joe
8 What do they do at the weekend? Complete
the sentences.


3 Laura and Florence

S Look at the pictures in exercise 5. Complete

the dialogue.
Teacher Have you oof a pet. Georae?
George Yes,2 !3 aot а

Teacher 5 your rabbit brown?

George N o ,6 . It's 7
Teacher 8
it small?
plays tennis. He _ TV and
George No, it's 9 a n d 10 !
n to the radio. He 4_ ___ read
Teacher Laura and Florence
. Annemarie 6____ . the guitar.
rabbits, too?
She swimming, and she
George No, 13 . Thev 14
tw o 15 . Thev 16 brown
to school at the
and white 10
_ their homework.
9 а ф 1.32) Adam is talking about his flat. 1 1 Complete the sentences with can or can't.
Listen and write the names of the rooms.
Can you ...? Jason Sophie
swim / /
play a musical X /
play football / X
play tennis X /
sing / /
dance X X

Ш 1 Jason and Sophie can swim.

2 Jason __ play a musical instrument, but
S ophie. _ play the piano,
00 3 Jason play football, but h e ________
0 play tennis.
0D 4 S ophie____ play football, but she .
play tennis.
5 T hey_____ . sing, but th e y . dance.

b ф Т 3 2 ) Listen again and draw the furniture 1 2 What are the people doing in the pictures? Use
in each room. the verbs in the box.

10 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences read listen play have walk sit
with the correct prepositions.

1 The sink is behind the table. 1 The m a n 's sitting ___________________in a café.
2 The fridge is the tw o cupboards. 2 H e ________________________________ a book.
3 The cooker is the door. 3 H e __________________________________ lunch.
4 The sink is the window. 4 The w o m a n _____________________ in the park.
5 The fridge is the cooker. 5 She______________________ to her MP3 player.
6 The small chair is the table. 6 Two b oys__________________________ football.
Grammar summary
1.4 Instructions
affirmative negative
Talk. Don't talk.
Sit down. Don't sit down.
a To make affirmative instructions or commands
we use the infinitive o f the verb,
We use am or is (the verb be) to describe someone
or something. b To make the negative form we use D on't + the
a The short form o f is is's. The short form o f am infinitive.
is 'm. We often use the short forms when we Translate
speak. Close your book.
b When we tell someone our name we can say I'm D on't look.
... or M y name's ... Draw a house.
(see also 1.2, 2.2, 2.3) 1.5 Question words; What...?
My nam e's... W h a t's this? It's a watch.
W h a t's your name? I'm Terry.
I'm ...
W h a t's your phone number? It's 547210.
1.2 my, your
My name's Tom. What's this?
What's your name? It's a toothbrush.
What's your phone number? What's your mobile number?
We use my and your fo r both male and female 1.6a Regular plurals
people. Your can be singular or plural.
We add -s to most singular nouns to show that
Translate there is more than one.
My book is yellow.
a desk two desks
Your bag is brown.
a boy two boys
1.3 Articles; a ! an We add -es to some nouns which end in -ch, -sh,
-ss or -x.
a pencil an orange a box two boxes
a house an apple a glass two glasses
a desk an umbrella
A / an is used to indicate tha t there is one of 1.6b Irregular plurals
something. These nouns are different in the plural form and do
When the follow ing noun begins w ith a consonant not take -s.
sound we use a. a man two men
When the follow ing noun begins w ith a vowel a woman two women
sound we use an. a child two children
a person two people
a picture a watch
an apple an exercise book
Grammar Summary

1.7 There is/ are...
W e're on holiday.
There's a cat. He's in Australia.
There's an orange. I'm in London.
There are four glasses.
2.3 be: negative
We can use There is / are when we w ant to show
or describe something we can see. The short form I am not
of There is is There's. 'm not
Translate We
are not at home,
There's a cat on the chair. You
aren't eleven.
There are three dogs. They
from the USA.
is not
2 Friends and family \ She
2.1 be: affirmative (long forms) To make the negative long form we put not after
the verb.
1 am For the short form we u s e 'm not, isn't or aren't.
You are at home. I'm not from London.
They eleven. He isn't in the classroom.
He from the USA. We aren't twelve.
She is 2.4 Possessive adjectives \
You can be singular or plural, but the verb is the
Subject Possessive Noun (= thing
same fo r both. adjective possessed)
1 my
you your
I am from Greece.
You (plural) are in the classroom. he his book
She is from the UK. she her pen
it its house
2.2 be: affirmative (short forms)
we our name
1am = 1'm they their
He is = He's
The possessive adjective relates to the subject, NOT
She is = She's
the noun.
It is = It 's
For men we use his. For women we use her.
We are = We're
His name is Duncan. Her name is Maria.
You are = You're
For animals we use its, but you can also use his /
They are = They're
her for pets.
We often use the short forms o f the verb be when
we speak.
His name is Tony.
We always use the long form after this and in
Her name is Jane.
Yes / No questions.
The dog is in its house.
This is my brother
Are you from America?
2.5a Question words: Whose...! 2.7 be; short answers

Whose book is this? It's Ben's book. Are you from France? Yes, I am.
We use Whose to ask about the owner of Is she on the phone? No, she isn't.
something. We always use the long form in affirmative short
Yes, we are. (NOT Yes, we're.)
Whose watch is this?
We can use short forms in negative short answers.
It's Rebecca's watch.
Are you sixteen? No, I'm not.
Are you eleven? Yes, I am,

2.8 Question words: Who ■ ft

To show possession we put 's on the end o f the W ho's Oscar? Oscar is a dog.
noun. W h o is the song for? It's fo r my sister.

Translate Translate
Deborah's mobile Who's your teacher?
Tony's brother W ho is your friend?
The girl's bag
2.9 Prepositions: in, at, for
2.6 ^.questions
Roger's in the garden.
Am I Paul's at school.
we This song is fo r you.
Are you at home? We use a t when we talk about a place or building
they in the and in when we mean inside a place. We use for
he classroom? when we give something to someone.
Is she from Britain? Translate
it Mrs Brown's in Paris.
Where is she from? Brian's at home.
When is your birthday? This song is fo r my friends.
To make questions w ith the verb be we put the
verb before the subject. 3 My world
He is our new classmate Is he our new
3.1 have got: affirmative

For Wh- questions we add the question word at the I

beginning. We have
've fifty books,
Translate You
tw o mp3
Is he friendly? They got
Are they singers? He a mobile.
Where are you from? has
She 'ç3
Grammar Summary

We use have got to show possession. The short

form o f have is Ve and the short form o f has is's. 3.4a have got: affirmative
short answers
I've got three brothers. 1
She's got a computer. we
We've got a dog. have.
Yes, they
3.2 have got: negative
1 she has.
We it
have not
You haven't fifty books. W ith short answers we use have or has, but NOT
tw o mp3 got.
They got
players, Have you got a pen?
has not a mobile. Yes, I have. (NOT Yes, I have got.)
hasn't Translate
Have they got a pet? Yes, they have.
To make have got negative, we put not after have Has she got a dog? Yes, she has.
or has. The short forms are haven't got and hasn't
got. 3.4b have got: negative short
Translate answers
We haven't got a brother.
He hasn't got a car.
3.3 have got:questions you
No, they
1 he
we she hasn't.
you a radio? it
they got a camera?
a skateboard?
Has she got a house? No, she hasn't.
Has she
Have you got a brother? No, I haven't.
W hat has she got in her bag? 3.5 Adjectives
To make a question w ith have got or has got,
adjective noun
we put have or has in fro n t o f the subject. For
Wh- questions we add the question w ord at the a yellow pencil.
This is an orange bag.
a new mobile.
Translate an old picture.
Have you got a dog?
Adjectives describe nouns. We put the adjective
W hat DVDs have you got?
before the noun.
Has she got an MP3 player?
This is a w hite cat.
This is an orange watch.
3.6 favourite on + day / at+ time
What's your favourite day? W ith days o f the week we use on.
W hat are your favourite subjects?
I have Maths on Tuesdays.
W ith times o f day we use at.
We use favourite w ith the verb be to ask or talk
I get up a t 8 o'clock.
about preferences.
We often use when to ask about times.
When's the piano exam?
What's your favourite band?
My favourite day is Saturday. Translate
We have English on Tuesdays.
W hen's your History lesson?
14 Time He gets up at half past seven.

4.1 Time 4.3 Present simple: affirmative

watch TV after school,
play the guitar,
collect badges.
He likes dogs.
four o'clock five past four ten past four She plays computer games.
It starts at three o'clock.
To make the present simple we use the infinitive.
For he, she and it we add -s.
There are some exceptions in spelling fo r the third
tw enty past twenty-five goes to school,
four past four He
does her homework,
watches television.
A fter -o and -h, we add -es.
We pronounce the -es /iz / after -ch.

half past four I collect badges.
twenty-five tw enty to five
She goes to school at eight o'clock.
to five
4.4 Present simple: negative

1 get up at six.
We listen to music,
You play the drums,
guarter to five ten to five They go to school,
collect badges,
watch TV.
Half past nine He
go to bed at nine,
Ten o'clock She doesn't
start at seven
Quarter to eight It
ar Summar

To form the negative o f the present simple we use

4.6 Present simple: short answers
don't / doesn't and the infnitive.
The -s ending is now on doesn't, so we d o n 't put 1
an -s on the verb. we
He plays tennis. He doesn't play tennis. do.
Translate Yes, they
I d on 't like football. he
She doesn't play the guitar. she does.
We d o n 't watch TV after school. it
4.5 Present simple: questions
1 you
we play football? No, they
you go to school? he
they collect badges? she doesn't.
he get up at six? it
Does she have breakfast In short answers we only use do / don't or does /
it doesn't, but NOT the infinitive.
do you Do you like tea?
When does she start school? Yes, I do. (NOT Yes, I like.)
do they Does he work in a bank?
To make questions in the present simple we use Do No, he doesn't. (NOT No, he doesn't work.)
or Does and the infinitive. For Wh- questions we Translate
add the question word at the beginning, Do they watch TV?
a We use Do fo r I, you, we and they. Yes, they do.
They play tennis. Does she w ork in a shop?
Do they play tennis? No, she doesn't.
I get up at six.
When do you get up?
b We use Does fo r he, she and it. The -s ending is
on Does, so we d on 't put an -s on the verb.
He watches TV after school.
Does he watch TV after school?
He plays football on Saturday.
When does he play football?

under between

next to opposite in front of behind

Prepositions of place tell us where something is.

a We use in w ith countries, towns, streets and
They're on holiday in France.
There's a market in Witney.
5.4 can/can't
You can buy CDs in Market Street.
I'm in the kitchen.
b We use in w ith buildings when we w ant to say
You swim.
tha t we are inside the building, not outside. can
They dance.
He's in the shop. (= He isn't in the street.) can't
He speak English.
He's a t the shops. (= He's shopping.) She
Translate It
The com puter is in the box. We use can to talk about ability to do something.
The cat is under the table. Note tha t the third person does not have an s.
The book is on the desk. He can swim. (NOT He cans swim.)
She's in Greece.
The station is between the bank and the school. 5.5a can; questions \
The library is next to my house.
He lives in High Street.
5.2 There is /a re :affirmative you
Can they spell your name?
and negative
he play tennis?
is a dining she
's room it
in our
There isn't a cellar To make questions w ith can, we put can before the
are tw o subject.
aren't bedrooms He can swim.
Can he swim ?
5.3a There is/are:questions
5.5b cam short answers
a station
Is Yes, I can.
a cinema Can you speak French?
in your No, he can't.
there three
tow n?
Are churches Translate
a lot o f shops They can play the piano.
Can they ski? Yes, they can.
5.3b There is/are :short answers She can't speak French.
Can they dance? No, they can't.
Is there a station in your tow n? Yes, there is.
Are there a lot o f shops in your tow n? Yes, 5.6 Prepositions: to and at
there are.
On Saturdays we go to the cinema. We're a t the
Translate cinema.
There are tw o cinemas in my tow n. a We use to when there is movement,
Is there a park near your school? Yes, there is. b We use at when there is no movement.
Are there three bus stops in your tow n? Yes, there
I w ant to go to the shopping centre.
You can buy a drink at the café.
Grammar Summary

j 6.2 Present continuous: negative

6 People
am not
I playing the piano,
6.1 Present continuous: affirmative 'm not
am doing a project. are not reading a book,
I You
'm playing the piano. aren't w atching TV.
We He
are having a shower. is not swimming,
You She
're making a poster. isn't sitting in the car.
They It
is watching TV. Translate
's sitting in the car. My friends aren't making a poster.
Cathy isn't driving to work.
a We use the present continuous fo r actions that
are happening now. 6.3a Present continuous: questions \
b We make the present continuous w ith be {am,
is, are) and the present participle -ing. Am I speaking English?
we doing your homework?
с Note these spelling rules fo r the present
Are you having a shower?
they w ritin g an email?
1 w ith most verbs, add -ing. reading a magazine?
read - reading going to school?
Is she
play - playing listening to the radio?
do - doing
2 w ith verbs ending in -e, remove the -e and add
Where is she going?
-ing. W hat is he doing?
have - having Why are they talking ?
dance - dancing To make questions in the present continuous, we
w rite - w ritin g put Am, Is or Are in fro n t of the subject. For Wh-
3 w ith verbs w ith a short vowel + one consonant, questions add the question word at the beginning.
double the consonant and add -ing.
sit - sitting Are they going to the park?
get - getting W hat is your friend wearing?
He's playing the piano.
They're sitting in the car.
The present simple is used fo r a regular action.
6.3b Present continuous: short answers
It is often used w ith phrases like every day, every
1 am. morning, usually or all the time.

we I clean my teeth every morning.

are. We go to school every day.
Yes, they Compare
he She has a shower every day.
she is. She is having a shower a t the moment.
it Translate
I'm not. I play the piano every day.
we I'm playing the piano at the moment.
No, they 6.5 How much is/are &

How much is this book? It's £7.95.
she isn't.
How much are these DVDs? They're £9.99
In short answers we only use the verb be, NOT the
We use How much to ask about the cost of
present participle.
The verb be is in the full form in affirmative short
answers. Translate
Is she wearing jeans? How much is this MP3 player?
How much are these jeans?
Yes, she is. (NOT Yes, she is wearing.)
Are you doing your homework? 6.6 Clothes: singular and plural
Yes, I am. (NOT Yes, I am doing.)
Is he doing his homework? My
No, he isn't. (NOT No, he isn't doing.) Your
trousers white.
Are you going home? Her
jeans are new.
No, I'm not. ("NOT No, I'm not going.) His
shorts black.
Is he sitting in the car? Yes, he is.
Are they doing their homework? Yes, they are. Some names o f clothes are always plural. They
Are we going to the cinema? No, we aren't. must have a plural verb.

шт Compare
How much is this shirt? It's £ 15.
How much are these jeans? They're £20.

I go to school every day. Translate

I am going to school now. My trousers are yellow.
Tony gets up at eight o'clock every day. Their shorts are new.
It is eight o'clock now. Tony is getting up.
The present continuous is used for actions which
are happening now. We often use it w ith words like
at the moment and now.
She is doing her homework now.
He is reading a book a t the moment.
Pick up your pencil, /'p ik лр ja ,pensl/ seventy /'sevnti/
1 Introduction Put down your pencil, /'p u t daun ja ,pensl/ eighty /'e iti/
1 A Hello Read, /riid / ninety /'n a in ti/
class /kla:s/ Say 'Good m orning', /'sei ,gud 'mamit)/ a / one hundred /а, ,WAn 'hAndrad/
Sit down. /,sit 'daun/
dialogue /'daiatog/
different /'difrant/ Stand up. /,stænd 'лр/ 1 D How do you spell that?
W rite on the board. /'ra it Dn öa ,bo:d/ alphabet /'æ lfabet/
expression /ik'sprejn/
introduce /intra'dju:s/ box /bnks/
partner /'pa:tna(r)/
1 С Numbers boxes /'boksiz/
at /æt, at/ car /ka:(r)/
Greetings / Introductions Be careful! /,bi 'keafl/ child /tja ild /
bone /Ьаип/ children / ’tjild ra n /
Bye. /bai/
come /к л т / column /'kDlam/
Good afternoon. /,gud a:fta'nu:n/
collect /ka'lekt/ glass /gla:s/
Goodbye, /gud'bai/
continue /k a n 'tin ju :/ glasses /'gla:siz/
Good evening. /,gud 'iiv n irj/
Good morning. /,gud 'moinir)/ double /'dAbl/ How do you spell ... ? /'hau da ja ,spel '.../
down /daun/ letter /'leta(r)/
Good night. /,gud 'naît/
gate /geit/ Let's... /lets/
Hello, /ha'lau/
give /g iv/ me /m i:/
Hi! /hai/
heaven /'hevn/ men /т е п /
How are you? /,hau э 'ju:/
hive /haiv/ only /'aunli/
I'm ... /aim/
home /haum/ oranges
I'm fine, thanks. /, aim ’fain ,9ær|ks/
mine /main/ people /'p i:p l/
It's... /its/
my /mai/ person /'p3:sn/
My name's ... /'mai ,neimz '.../
number /'плтЬ э(г)/ plural /'pluaral/
See you (later). /,si: ,ju: 'leita(r)/
old /auld/ singular /' sir) gj ala(r)/
What's your name? /,WDts ,jo: 'neim/
on /Dn/ table /'te ib l/
Who's this? /,h u :z ‘öis/
phone number /'faun ,плтЬэ(г)/ There's/There are ... /öeaz, 'ö e a ra :,a /
1 В In the classroom play /plei/ toothbrush /'tu :0 b rA j/
roll /raul/ toothbrushes /'tu iB b rA jiz/
a /a n /а, an/
sh oe /Ju:/ watches /'wDtJiz/
apple /'æpi/
some /sAm, sam/ women /'w im in /
bag /bæg/
stick /stik/
board /bo;d/ Culture
this /öis/
book /Ьик/
tree /tr i :/ actually /'æ ktju a li/
boy /boi/
up /лр/ a lot of /a 'lot av/
but /bA t,bat/
What's your mobile number? /.wots ,jo: call /ко:1/
cat /kæt/
'maubail ,плтЬа(г)/ copy /'kDpi/
chair /tjea (r)/
What's your phone number? /.wots ,jo: country /'kA ntri/
desk /desk/ 'faun ,плтЬа(г)/ dad /dæd/
dog /dog/
What's your telephone number? /,wots English /'irjg liJ/
door /do:(r)/ ,jo: 'telifaun ,плтЬэ(г)/ everyone /'evriwAn/
exercise book /'eksasaiz ,buk/
w ith /w i 0/ first name /'f3 :st .neim/
girl /дз:1/
friend /frend/
house /haus/ Numbers from /from , fram /
It's a /a n ... /'its a, an/
oh (zero) /au ('ziarau)/ full name /'fu l ,neim/
label /'leibl/
one Лу л п / have /hæv/
man /mæn/
tw o /tu :/ initials /i'n ijlz /
orange /'t>rind3/
three /9ri:/ it isn't /,it 'iz n t/
pen /реп/
four /fo:(r)/ middle name /'m id i ,neim/
pencil /'pensl/
five /fa iv / most /maust/
picture /'piktja(r)/
six /siks/ nickname /'nikneim /
umbrella /лт'Ьге1э/
seven /'sevn/ often /'ü fn , 'üftan/
watch /wotJV
eight /e it/ only /'aunli/
What's this? /,WDts 'öis/
nine /п а т / parents /'pearants/
Why ... ? /wai/
ten /ten/ real name /'ria l ,neim/
window /'windau/
eleven /i'le vn / short fo r /'Jo:t ,fa:(r), fa(r)/
woman /'wuman/
twelve /tw e lv/ short form /'Jo:t ,fo:m/
Instructions thirteen /03:'ti:n/ so /sau/
fourteen /fo :'ti:n / surname /'s3:neim/
Close your exercise book, /'klauz jar fifteen /f if'ti:n / teacher /'ti:tja (r)/
'eksasaiz ,buk/ sixteen /s iks'tim / th a t's ... /ôæts/
Come here. /, к л т 'hia(r)/
seventeen /sevn'ti:n/ This is ... / ‘öis ,iz/
Don't listen, /'daunt ,lisn/ too /tu :/
eighteen /e i'ti:n /
Draw, /dra:/ use (v) /ju :z /
nineteen /n a in 'ti:n /
Give me your book, please, /'giv ,mi: Jo : tw enty /'tw e n ti/
'buk ,pli:z/ twenty-one /.tw enti 'wAn/ English Across the Curriculum
Go to the board, /'gau ta öa ,bo:d/
th irty /'03:ti/ blue /blu:/
Listen, /'lisn/
fo rty /'fo :ti/ dart /da:t/
Look at the picture, /'luk at öa ,piktja(r)/
fifty / 'f if t i/ divided by /d i'v a id id ,bai/
Open your exercise book, /'aupan jar
sixty /'siksti/ equals /'i:kw a lz/
'eksasaiz ,buk /

fz l
go from ... to ... and back /,дэи from '...ta Moscow / 'm n s k a u / 2 D W hat day is it today?
1... эп ,bæk/ New York /,nju: 'jo :k / at hom e / a t 'h a u m /
green /g riin / Paris /'pæris/ a t th e sh o p s / a t ô a 'J o p s /
How far is it? /,hau 'fa ir ,iz ,it/ Rio de Janeiro /,ri:au da зэ'ш эгэи/ b ir th d a y / 'b 3 : 0 d e i /
km /,kei 'em, 'kilam i:taz, k i'lo m ita z / Russia /'гл /а / c a lle r / 'k o : l a ( r ) /
Maths /mæ0s/ Sydney /'sidni/ ch art / t ja :t /
minus /'mainas/ Spain /spein/ d ays o f th e w e e k / , d e i z a v ö a 'w i : k /
plus /plAs/ the USA /öa ,ju: ,es 'ei/ DJ / 'd i : ,d 3 e i /
score /skoi(r)/ Tokyo /'taukiau/ fo r / fo :( r ) , fa (r )/
sum /sAm/ H a p p y b ir th d a y . / ,h æ p i 'b 3 : 0 d e i/
symbol /'sim bl/ 2 В My fam ily H o w o ld a r e y o u ? / 'h a u , a u l d a ,j u : /
times /taim z/ connect /ka'nekt/ H o w o l d is h e ? / 'h a u , a u l d , i z , h i :/
W h a t's... ? /wDts/ fam ily /'fæmali/ OK / ,a u 'k e i /
winner /'w ina(r)/ garden /'ga:dn/ r e c o r d (n ) / 'r e k a : d /
yellow /'jelau/ mobile /'maubail/ show /Ja u /
photo /'fautau/ son g / s d i )/
Your Project Where is a / are ... ? / 'w e a r ,iz a , ,a :( r ) , te x t /te k st/
about /a'baut/ a (r)/ to d a y / t a 'd e i /
bed /bed/ W hose... is this? /,h u :z '... ,iz ,öis/ w eek / w i:k /
best friend /.best 'frend/ W h a t i s ... ? /,W D t , i z ' . . . /
bike /baik/ Family W h e n is h is b i r t h d a y ? / , w e n , i z ,h i z
caption /'kaepjn/ aunt / a:nt/ 'b 3 : 0 d e i /
computer /kam 'pju:ta(r)/ brother /'Ьгл0а(г)/ W h o s e is ... ? / ,h u :z ,iz '.. . /
fall out /.fo il 'aut/ cousin /' кл гп /
favourite /'fe iv a rit/ daughter /'do:ta(r)/ Days o f the w eek
find /faind/ father /'fa:öa(r)/ M onday / 'm A n d e i /
football team /'fu tb a :l ,ti;m / grandchildren /'græntjildran/ T u esd ay / 't j u :z d e i /
in /in/ grandfather / granddad /'grænfa:ôa(r), W ed n esd ay / 'w e n z d e i /
life /la if/ 'grændæd/ T h u rsd ay / '0 3 : z d e i /
little /'lit l/ g randm other/ grandma /'grænmAÔa(r), F r id a y / 'f r a i d e i /
make /m eik/ 'grænma:/ S a tu rd a y / 's æ t a d e i /
none /плп/ grandparents /'grænpearants/ Sunday / 's A n d e i /
no one /'пэи ,w a ii / mother (mum) /'mAÖa(r), т л т /
poster /'pausta(r)/ sister /'sista(r)/ Culture
present (v) /p ri'ze nt/ son /sAn/ ad d ress / a 'd r e s /
project /'p m d3ekt/ uncle /'лг)к1/ a lb u m / 'æ lb a m /
put /put/ bank /b a srjk /
roll over /.raul 'auva(r)/ Possessive adjectives b ig /b ig /
say / sei/ her / h 3 :( r ) / B r it is h / 'b r i t i j/
skateboard /'skeitboid/ his Ih izl c it y / 's i t i /
speech bubble /'s p n tj ,ЬлЬ1/ its /its / c r o s s in g / 'k m s i r j /
There w ere... /'des ws(r)/ our /a:(r), 'аиа(г)/ d e te c tiv e / d i 't e k t i v /
thing /01Г)/ th e ir /öea(r)/ fa m o u s / 'f e i m a s /
together /ta'geöa(r)/ your /joi(r)/ h o u se n u m b er / 'h a u s , п л т Ь э ( г ) /
ju s t / d 3 A S t/
2 С Mickey, Millie and M ut know /паи/
2 Friends and family alive /a'laiv/ L iv e rp o o l / 'l i v a p u i l /
Are th e y ...? /,a: ,ö e i '.../ o u t s id e / a u t 's a i d /
2 A Where are you from? Are you ... ? /,a: ,ju: '.../ p la c e / p le is /
classroom /'kla:sru:m / avenue /'ævanju:/ p o stc o d e / 'p a u s t k a u d /
He isn't from ... /,hi: 'izn t fram / classmate /'kla:smeit/ P r im e M in is t e r / . p r a i m 'm m i s t a ( r ) /
I'm from ... /'aim fram / dead /ded/ re a l / r i a l , 'r i :a l /
I'm not from ... /,aim 'not fram / Excuse me. /ik'skju:z ,mi:/ re c o r d in g s tu d io / r i 'k o : d i r ) , s t j u : d i a u /
Internet friends /'intanet ,frendz/ film star /‘film ,sta:(r)/ ro o m / г и :т /
She's from ... /'Ji:z fram / friendly /'frendli/ stre e t / s t r i:t /
These are ... /'ö i:z а/ growl /graul/ to w n /tau n /
They're from ... /'öea fram / Is th is ...? /,iz ,ö is '.../ w ebcam / 'w e b k æ m /
We aren't from ... /,w i: 'am t fram / Melbourne /'melbo:n/
We're from ... /'w ia fram / neighbour /'neiba(r)/ English Across the Curriculum
W ho are ... ? /'hu: а/ new /nju:/ b etw een / b i 't w i i n /
Where are they from? /'wear a ,öei 'from / no /паи/ c o ld / k a u ld /
not /nDt/ c o n tin e n t / 'k D n t i n a n t /
Countries and cities over there /,auva 'öea(r)/ d e se rt / 'd e z a t /
Australia /D'streilia/ Pleased to meet you. /, pli:zd ta 'mi:t ,ju:/ G eo g rap h y / d 3 i 'n g r a f i /
Beijing /bei'sig/ policeman /pa'li:sman/ m ap /тар /
Brazil /bra'zil/ postman /'paustman/ m o u n ta in / 'm a u n t a n /
Britain /'b ritn / road /raud/ m o u n ta in r a n g e / 'm a u n t a n , r e i n d 3 /
China /'tja in a / singer /'sirja(r)/ n ext to / 'n e k s t t a /
France /fra:ns/ sportsperson /'spo:tsp 3 :sn/ ocean / 'a u f n /
Germany /'d33:mani/ student /'stjuidnt/ p o in t /p a in t/
Greece /gri:s/ Thank you. /'0ær)k ,ju:/ r iv e r / 'r i v a ( r ) /
Italy /'ita li/ very I've ri/ w o r ld / w 3 iid /
Japan /d3a'pæn/ yes / j e s /
London /'kn d a n /
Milan /mi'læn/

Geographical places Colours RE (Religious Education) /,a:r 'i:, ri,lidz9S

Africa /'æfrika/ brown /braun/ edgu'keijn/
Amazon River /,æт э г э п 'п у э (г)/ grey /grei/ Science /'sai9ns/
Antarctica /æ n 'taiktiks/ red /red/
Asia /'e 133/ w hite /w a it/ Culture
Europe /'jugrep/ about /g'baut/
Himalayas /him s'leiaz/ Other adjectives England /'irjglgnd/
Nile River /,nail 'riva(r)/ bad /bæd/ from ... to ... /fram .... t s '.../
North America /,пэ:0 э'тепкэ/ long / I d 13/ half /ha:f/
Oceania /susi'ainia/ short /Jo:t/ morning / 'т э т щ /
Rocky Mountains /,mki 'mauntanz/ thick /0ik/ packed lunch /,pækt 'U ntJ/
Sahara Desert /s9 ,ha:r3 'dezgt/ thin /0 т / primary school /'praim ari ,sku:l/
South America /,sau0 э'тепкэ/ pupil /'p ju :p l/
3 С Have you got a pet? sandwich /'sænwitJV
Oceans animal /'æniml/ school day /'sku :l ,dei/
Arctic Ocean /,a:ktik 'эи/п/ asleep /a'sliip/ school system /'sku :l ,sist3m/
A tlantic Ocean /9t,læ n tik 'эи/п/ band /bænd/ secondary school /'seksndri ,sku:l/
Indian Ocean /,mdi3n 'эи/п/ beautiful /'b ju it if l/ sixth form /'siks0 ,fo:m/
Pacific Ocean /p3 ,sifik 'эи/п/ beginning w ith ... /bi'ginir) ,wiö/ sports match /'spo:ts ,mætj/
boring /'bo:rir)/ Wales /w eilz/
Revision pet /pet/
black /blask/ tail /te il/
English Across the Curriculum
card /ka:d/ W hat kind o f ... is it? /,WDt ,kaind sv '... human /'hju:m sn/
cue /kju:/ ,iz ,it/ touch /tAtJ/
fam ily tree /,fæm3Ü 'tri:/
Pets Parts o f an animal's body
Your Project bird ГЬз'А! arm /а :т /
bring back /,brir) 'bæk/ budgie /'bAd3i/ beak /bi:k/
drawing /'dro:ir)/ fish /fiJV body /'bodi/
interview /'in ta v ju :/ hamster /'hæmst3(r)/ ear /i3(r)/
over /'эиуэ(г)/ horse /ho:s/ eye I ail
plan /plæn/ mice /mais/ feathers /'feÖ3z/
sea /si:/ mouse /maus/ fo o t /fu t/
title /'ta itl/ parrot /'pæ rst/ fu r /fs:(r)/
rabbit /'ræ bit/ hand /hænd/
rat /ræt/ head /hed/
3 My world snake /sneik/ leg /leg/
nose /пэиг/
spider /'spaid3(r)/
3 A I've got a computer teeth /ti:0 /
bedroom /'bedru:m/ 3 D M y school whiskers /' w isksz/
good /gud/ wing /wir)/
afternoon /a:ft9'nu:n/
have (got) /,hæv CgDt)/
assembly /a'sembli/
living room /'livir) ,ru:m/
break /breik /
lucky /'Lvki/ compare /кэ т'р е э (г)/ adjective /'æd3ik tiv /
each / i i t j / hair /he3(r)/
Possessions possessions /p3'zejnz/
good at /'gud ,æt, 9t /
camera /'каетэгэ/
great /g re it/
computer game /k9m 'pju:t 3 ,geim/ last /la:st/ Your Project
DVD player /,di: ,vi: 'dii ,plei3(r)/ chorus /'k3:r3s/
lesson /'lesn/
games console / ' geimz ,kDns9ul/ lunch /U ntJ/ day /dei/
MP3 player /,em ,pi: '0ri: ,plei3(r)/ Games /geimz/
next /nekst/
radio /'reidigu/ registration /red3i's tre ijn /
remote-controlled car /ri,m9ut kgn.treuld
subject /'sAbd3 ik t/
television /'telivi3n/
term Л з :т / 4 Time
tim etable /'ta im te ib l/
uniform /'ju in ifo :m /
4 A What's the tim e, please?
3 В Mut's present activity /æ k 'tiv s ti/
wear /we3(r)/
act /ækt/ birthday party /'b3:9dei ,pa:ti/
year /ji3 (r)/
basket /'ba:skit/ clock /klok/
ball /Ьз:1/ School subjects concert /'kDnsat/
blanket /'blærjkit/ dance /da:ns/
A rt and Design /,a:t эп d i'za in /
cap /каер/ exam /ig'zæm/
Biology /bai'Dl3d3i/
cover /'клуэ(г)/ game /geim/
Chemistry /'ke m istri/
cricket bat /'krikit ,bæt/ half past /'h a :f ,pa:st/
Citizenship /'s itiz s n jip /
describe /di'skraib/ hockey /'Iraki/
Design and Technology /di,zain эп
difference /'difrens/ match /m æ tj/
jum per /^злтрэ(г)/
French /fre n tj/ o'clock /s'klü k/
mouth /таиб/ party /'p a :ti/
History /'h is tri/
nice /nais/ past /pa:st/
ICT (Inform ation and Communication
now /паи/ piano /рГэепэи/
Technology) /,ai ,si: 'ti:, in fs ,m e ijn эп
present (n) /'preznt/ punctuation /pAijktJu'eiJn/
k9 m ju :m ,ke ijn tek'nDl9d3i/
Really? /'п эК , 'п:эК/ quarter past /'kw o:t9 ,pa:st/
Music /'m ju :z ik /
school /sku:l/ quarter to /'k w o :t9 t 9/
PE (Physical Education) /,pi: 'i:, .fiz ik l
small /smo:l/ tennis /'tem s/
ed3u 'k e ijn /
these /öi:z/ tim e /taim /
Physics /'fiz ik s /
T-shirt /'ti: , j 3 :t/

to /tu:, ta/ 4 D Mickey, Millie and M ut Your Project
volleyball /'volibail/ always /'o:lw eiz/ add /æd/
What's the time? /,WDts 0э 'taim / because /bi'kt>z, bi'kaz/ all week /,o:l 'w i:k/
catch /kæ tj/ at all /at 'oil/
4 В IMy day every /'e vri/ check /tje k /
after /'a:fta(r)/ in brackets /.in 'brækits/ comment /'knm ent/
arrive at school /a.raiv at 'sku:l/ park /paik/ cycling /'sa iklirj/
at the weekend /at öa wnk'end/ play sports /.plei 'spo:ts/ digital /'d id 3itl/
before /bi'fo:(r)/ table tennis /'te ib l ,tems/ each other / , i: t j 'AÖa(r)/
breakfast /'brekfast/ tennis ball /'tenis ,bo:l/ every week /,evri 'w i:k /
brush your teeth /,Ьгл/ ,jo: 'ti:0 / talk to /'to :k ,tu:, ta/ face /feis /
bus /bAs/ visit /'v iz it/ guess /ges/
coat /kaut/ Why not? /,wai 'nDt/ help /help/
dinner /'dina(r)/ hobby /'hübi/
do your homework /,du: ,jo: 'haumw3:k/ Culture It's tim e f o r ... /,its ,taan fa(r)
finish /'fin ijy Canada /'kænada/ stamp /stæmp/
get up /.get 'лр/ do athletics /,du: æO'letiks/ take a photo /,te ik a 'fautau/
go home /,gau 'haum/ each week /'i:t J ,w i:k/ until (till) /a n 'til (til)/
go on the Internet /,gau ,Dn öi 'intanet/ event /i'v e n t/
go to bed /,gau ta 'bed/ How often ... ? /'hau ,üfn, ,Dftan/
go to school /,gau ta 'sku:l/
go to sleep /,gau t a 'sli:p/
normally /'no:m ali/ 5 Places
popular /'pDpjala(r)/
go to w ork /,gau ta 'w 3:k/ prize /praiz/ 5 A My room
half an hour /'h a :f an ,aua(r)/ race /reis/ bedside table /.bedsaid 'te ib l/
have a shower /,hæv a 'Jaua(r)/ sports day /'spo:ts ,dei/ bookshelf /'b u k je lf/
have breakfast /,hæv 'brekfast/ summer /'sAma(r)/ carpet /'k a :p it/
have dinner /,hæv 'dina(r)/ w inter /'winta(r)/ chest o f drawers /,tJest av 'dro
have lunch /,hæv 'LmtJV football boots /'fu tb o il ,bu:ts/
homework /'haumw3:k/ Sports lamp /læmp/
in bed /,in 'bed/ American football /a,merikan 'fu tb o :l/ mirror /'m ira(r)/
Internet exchange /'intanet iks,tje ra d 3/ athletics /æB'letiks/ position /p a 'z ijn /
kitchen /'kitjin/ baseball /'beisbo:l/ robot /'raubüt/
listen to music /,lisn ta 'mju:zik/ basketball /'ba:skitbo:l/ rug /глд/
listen to the radio /,lisn ta öa 'reidiau/ cricket /'k r ik it/ see /si:/
magazine /mæga'zi:n/ g o lf /g ü lf/ sports star /'spo:ts ,sta:(r)/
or /o:(r)/ high jump /'hai ,d3Amp/ wall /w a:l/
put on /,put 'Dn/ javelin /'dgævlin/ wardrobe /'wo:draub/
school bus /,sku:l 'bAs/ long jum p /'Idt) ,d3Amp/
start /sta :t/ netball /'netbo:l/ Prepositions
take the bus /.teik öa 'bAs/ rugby /'глдЫ/ behind /bi'haind/
take the train /,teik öa 'trein / snooker /'snuika(r)/ in fro n t o f /,in 'frAnt av/
talk about /'toik a,baut/ opposite /'Dpazit/
TV / ti: 'vi:/ English Across the Curriculum under /'Anda(r)/
typical /'tip ik l/ kind /kaind/
walk /wo:k/ lots o f /' iDtz av/ 5 В Our house
watch TV /,WDtJ ,ti: 'vi:/ mime /maim/ eat /i:t/
fla t /flæ t/
4 С Free tim e Musical instruments here /hia(r)/
badge /bædg/ telephone /'te lifa u n /
clarinet /klæ ri'net/
comic /'kcmik/ double bass /,dAbl 'beis/ to let /ta 'let/
football card /'fu tb o :l ,ka:d/
drums /drAmz/
free tim e /,fri: 'taim/ Places
electric quitar /i.le k trik a i'ta :(r)/
go skiing /,gau 'skinrj/ bathroom /'ba:0ru:m /
flu te /flu :t/
go swimming /,gau 'swimir)/ harmonica /hcn'nronika/ cellar /'sela(r)/
happen /'hæpan/ dining room /'dainir) ,ru:m/
harp /haip/
like /laik/ downstairs /daun'steaz/
keyboards /'ki:ba:dz/
paragraph /'pæragra:f/ percussion instrument /р э'кл /п garage /'gæra:3 , -ra:d3/
play a musical instrument /,plei a ,mstramant/ hall /ho:l/
,mju:zikl 'instramant/ saxophone /'sæksafaisn/ stairs /steaz/
play computer games /,plei kam'pju:ta string instrument /'strir) .instramant/ to ile t /'ta ila t/
,geimz / tam bourine /tam ba'rim / upstairs /Ap'steaz/
play football /.plei 'futbo:l/ trom bone /trom 'baun/
play ice hockey /,plei 'ais ,lroki/ trum pet /'trA m p it/ Furniture
play tennis /.plei 'tenis/ wind instrument /'w in d ,instramant/ armchair /'a :m tje a (r)/
play the guitar /.plei öa gi'ta:(r)/ xylophone /'zailafaun/ bath /ba:0/
play the piano /.plei öa pi'ænau/ cooker /'kuka(r)/
play the violin /,plei öa vaia'lin/ Revision cupboard /'kAbad/
Slovakia /sla'vækia/ curtain /'k3 :tn /
by car /,bai ‘ka:(r)/
sport /spo:t/ fridge /frid 3/
in the evening /,in öi: 'i:vnir)/
sports centre /'spoits ,senta(r)/ light /la it/
turn Л з:п/
team /ti:m/ sink /sirjk/
Thailand /'tailænd/ sofa /'sauf a/
training /'tremirj/ washbasin /'wDjbeisn/
watch DVDs /,WDt/ ,di: ,vi: 'di:z/

5 С Our tow n kilometre /'kila m i:ta (r), ki'lD m ita(r)/ black hair /'blæk ,hea(r)/
Are there ... ? /,а: ,öea(r) '.../ library /'la ib ra ri/ blue eyes /'blu: ,aiz/
closed /klauzd/ live (v) /liv / brown eyes /'braun ,aiz/
dream tow n /'d riim ,taun/ market /m a :k it/ brown hair /'braun ,hea(r)/
How many ... are there? /'hau ,meni '... modern /'irrodn/ dark hair /'d a :k ,hea(r)/
,a: ,0еэ/ near /шэ(г)/ fa ir hair /'fea ,hea(r)/
I see. /,ai 'si:/ office /'o fis / fa t /fæ t/
Is th e re ...? /,iz ,0еэ(г) '.../ part /p a :t/ green eyes /'g ri:n ,aiz/
mention /'m enjn/ police station /pa'li:s .steijn/ long hair /'loi) ,hea(r)/
town centre /,taun 'senta(r)/ restaurant /'restrnnt/ moustache /ma'sta:J7
south-east /,sau0 'i:st/ slim /slim /
Places in a town think /0щ к/ short hair /'Jo:t ,hea(r)/
bank /bærjk/ Town Hall /.taun 'ho:I/ tall /to il/
bus station / 'bAS ,steijn / visitor /'v iz ita (r)/
bus stop /'bAS ,stDp/ water /'w o:ta(r)/ 6 В Saturday morning
café /'kæ fei/ balloon /ba'lu:n/
church / t j3 : t j/
English Across the Curriculum Can I help you? /,kæn, kan ,ai 'help ,ju :/
cinema /'sinama/ any /'eni/ cup o f coffee /,клр a v 'k ü fi/
hospital /'hDspitl/ attack /a'tæk/ department store /di'pa:tm ant ,sto:(r)/
hotel /hau'tel/ bridge /b rid 3/ get in /.get 'in /
museum /m ju'ziiam / Budapest /bu:da'pest/ Here they are. /'h is ,öei ,а:/
post office /'paust ,Dfis/ buy /bai/ Here you are. /'h is j u : ,a:/
shop /Jop/ by boat /,bai 'baut/ How much is / are ... ? /'hau ,niAtJ ,iz, a
shopping centre /' Jtspirj ,senta(r)/ Cambridge /'ke im b rid 3/ '.../
sports shop /'spoits Jop/ cow /каи/ ill h i!
square /skwea(r)/ crossroads /'km sraudz/ in the car /,in öa 'ka:(r)/
station /'steijn/ drink /drirjk/ lie /la i/
supermarket /'su:pama:kit/ easy /' i:zi/ Look out o f the window. /,luk ,aut av öa
sweet shop /'swiit JDp/ factory /'fæ ktri/ 'windau/
swimming pool /'swimir) ,pu:l/ farm /fa:m / newspaper /'nju:zpeipa(r)/
theatre /'Oiata(r)/ flood /flAd/ phone /faun/
train station /'trein ,steijn/ ford /fo:d/ sit /s it/
hill /h il/ w a it fo r /'w e it ,fo:(r), fa(r)/
5 D Mickey, M illie and M ut im portant /im 'p o itn t/ W hat are you doing? /,WDt a j u : 'du:irj/
any more /,eni 'mo:(r)/ lake /leik/
can (v) /kæn, кэп/ need /ni:d/ 6 С Are w e going to the shops?
carry /'kæ ri/ Oxford /'Dksfad/ at the moment /at öa 'maumant/
cross /krDs/ Prague /рга:д/ best /best/
day out /,dei 'aut/ problem /'р го Ы э т/ brush /Ьгл//
dream /dri:m / reason /'ri:zn / clothes /klauöz/
feet /fi:t/ safe /seif/ Come on. /,к л т 'Dn/
fly /fla i/ sell /sei/ cook /к и к /
g o back / , д э и 'b æ k /
similar /'sim 3la(r)/ first /f3:st/
heavy / 'h e v i / travel /'træ vl/ go out /,gau 'aut/
h u rt /h 3 :t /
village /'v ilid 3/ have a bath /,hæv a 'ba:0/
jo in /ё зо т/
wash /wdJ/ it's raining, /.its ’re in ii)/
Look, /luk/ it's sunny, /.its 'sAni/
lost /lDSt/
Revision jeans /d3i:nz/
miss a turn /,mis э Чз:п/ German /М зз:тэ п / on the bus /,Dn öa 'bAs/
ride a bike /.raid э 'baik/ left /le ft/ pet show /'pet ,Jau/
ride a horse /.raid э 'hois/ practise /'præ ktis/
run /глп/ Your Project smart /sm ait/
ski /ski:/ bookshop /'b u kjb p/ sweatshirt /'s w e tj3 :t/
speak /spi:k/ clothes shop /'klauöz JDp/ usually /'ju :3uali/
stop /stDp/ doctor's /'düktaz/ Well done! /,wel 'dAn/
swim /swim/ fire station /'fa ia .steijn/
tired /'taiad/ get /get/ 6 D Clothes
train /trein/ in the middle o f /,in öa 'm id i av/ clever /'kleva(r)/
We're lost, /,wia 'k>st/ love / I a v / far away /,fa :r a'w ei/
wind (n) /wind/ take a look /.te ik a 'luk/ gold /gauld/
wrong /ror)/ walk around /.w o:k a'raund/ ho id /hauld/
welcome /'welkam / king /kir)/
Culture laugh /la if/
a ls o / 'o : l s a u /
look at /'lu k ,a e t,a t/
anything /'eni0ir)/ 6 People magic /'mæd3ik /
Majesty /'mæd3asti/
called /ko:ld/
castle /'ka:sl/
6 A M y friends one day /'wAn ,dei/
coast /kaust/ description /d i's k rip jn / palace /'paelis/
every day /.evri 'dei/ page /peid3/ royal /'ro ia l/
fa m o u s fo r / 'f e i m a s ,f o :( r ) , fa ( r ) /
quite /k w a it/ shout /Jaut/
g o o d fo r / 'g u d , f o : ( r ) , f a ( r ) /
strange /streind3/ sing /sir)/
ice rink /'ais .rirjk/ stupid /'s tju ip id /
ice skating /'ais .skeitirj/
Physical appearance ta ilo r /'te ila (r)/
idea /ai'dia/ bald /bo:ld/ true /tru :/
beard /biad/

Clothes Vocabulary and Reading U n ite
boots /bu:ts/ again /a'gen/
dress /dres/ Unit 4 branch /braintJV
hat /hæt/ a bit o f /э 'bit av/ cheese /t jiiz /
acket /'d 3æ kit/ bring /brir)/ climb /klaim/
shirt /J3:t / cart /ka:t/ crow /krau/
shorts /Joits/ dangerous /'deind33ras/ fall /fail/
skirt /skait/ dark /da:k/ fox /füks/
socks /snks/ food /fu:d/ look up /Дик 'лр/
tie /ta i / go fo r a walk /,дэи fa r э 'wo:k/ lovely /'lA vli/
trainers /'treinaz/ happy /'hæpi/ piece /piis/
trousers /'trauzaz/ hard /ha:d/ please /pli:z/
hide /haid/ shine //am/
Culture jum p on /'d 3Amp ,nn/ smile /small/
African /'æ frikan/ loud /laud/
(be) born /(,bi) 'bo:n/ noise /'noiz/
Birmingham /Ъ зи п щ д э т/ noisy /'noizi/
Chinese /tja i'n iiz / quiet /'kwaiat/
difficu lt /'d ifik a lt/ soft /so ft/
Edinburgh /'edinbra/ story /'sta:ri/
English-speaking /'ir ig lij ,spi:kir)/ suddenly /'sAdnli/
European /juara'piian/ the next day /öa 'nekst ,dei/
Hungary /'йлддап/ Well, ... /wel/
Indian /'indisn/ w et /wet/
language /'lær)gwid3/
learn /1з:п/ Unit 5
live abroad /,liv a'braid/ a long tim e ago /a ,lDr) ,taim a'gau/
luckily /'1лкШ/ arrive /a'raiv/
Manchester /'mæntjesta(r)/ baby /'beibi/
national /'næ/nal/ bang on /'bærj ,Dn/
New Zealand /,n ju: 'zidand/ bite /bait/
Nigeria /nai'd3 iaria/ bread /bred/
Scotland /'skotland/ bread roll /,bred 'raul/
Singapore /sir)a'po:(r)/ cradle /'k re id l/
South Africa /,sau0 'æfrikа/ cry /krai/
Spanish /'spæ nij/ daddy /'dædi/
Sri Lanka /,sri: 'lærjka/ far /fa:(r)/
Tamil /'tæ m il/ fire /'faia(r)/
Turkey /'t3 :k i/ fo llo w /'fDlau/
Turkish /'t3:kiJV giant /'d3aiant/
young people /'jArj ,pi:pl/ here comes ... /'hia ,к л т г /
hungry /Ъ лпдп/
English Across the Curriculum husband /'hAzband/
closely /'klausli/ Ireland /'aialand/
dot /dût/ land /lænd/
grass /grais/ meet /mi:t/
hold /,hauld/ Oh dear, /'au ,dia(rV
island /'ailand/ open /'aupan/
paint /peint/ other /'AÖa(r)/
painter /'peinta(r)/ Ow! /au/
painting /'peintir)/ pick up /,p ik 'лр/
River Seine /,riva 'sein/ quick /k w ik /
row (v) /гэи/ rock /гок/
stand /stænd/ side /said/
smell /smel/
Revision soon /su:n/
late /le it/ stone /staun/
strong /stroi)/
Your Project th ro w /0rau/
all the tim e /,э:1 öa 'taim/ What's wrong? /,WDts 'год/
as a rule /,э гэ 'ги :1 / w ife /w a if/
banana /Ьэ,па:пэ/ wood /wud/
corridor / ' k D r i d o : ( r ) /
email /'i:meil/
feel /fill/
fine /fain/
keep /ki:p/
look like /'luk ,laik/
post /paust/
pyjamas /pa'dsaimaz/
share /Jea(r)/
sometimes /'sAmtaimz/
upload /Ap'laud/
website /'websait/
Workbook audio CD tracklisting
S e c tio n T ra ck
Title 1.1 4A Ex 1 1.17
1A Ex 4 1.2 4B Ex 4 1.18
1B Ex 5 1.3 4C Ex 5a 1.19
1C Ex3 1.4 4D Ex 5 1.20
1D Ex 3 1.5 Progress check Ex 3a 1.21
Progress check Ex 5 1.6 5A Ex 4 1.22
2A Ex 6 1.7 5B Ex 5 1.23
2B Ex 5a 1.8 5C Ex 4a 1.24
2C Ex 6b 1.9 5D Ex 4a 1.25
2D Ex 3 1.10 Progress check Ex 4 1.26
Progress check Ex 3 1.11 6A Ex 2 1.27
ЗА Ex 3 1.12 6B Ex 4 1.28
3B Ex 2 1.13 6C Ex 2 1.29
3C Ex 5a 1.14 6D Ex 4a 1.30
3D Ex 2 1.15 Progress check Ex 4a 1.31
Progress check Ex 5 1.16 Revision Ex 9a 1.32

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