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International Issues

1) Cold war 2 (US-China conflict) - Implications for Pakistan
2) Biden takes the global political centerstage
3) Abraham Accord in a glance
4) Kashmir's Plight: A Blot on World's Conscience
5) Afghan-Owned Afghan-Led Peace Process
6) What’s Happening In Myanmar: A Historical Snapshot
7) U.S.-Iran Conflict: Biden to Play the Dove or the Hawk?
8) The Climate Crisis – A Global Challenge that Demands Universal Solutions
9) Biden’s Foreign Policy in the Pandemic Age
10) Middle East Timeline
11) The OIC: Internal Rifts Sabotaging the Unity of Ummah
12) Iran–KSA Rivalry: Ramifications for Muslim Ummah and Policy Options for Pakistan
13) Afghan Peace Process: A US Withdrawal Plan
14) Pak-Russia Emerging Bonhomie
15) The Murky World of Cyber Warfare
16) Debating the OIC: A Palestinian Case Study
17) Myanmar: The Next Failed State in Asia
18) Can the Ice between Iran and Saudi Arabia Melt?
19) A comparative Analysis of US Foreign Policy Under Trump and Biden
20) Globalization’s Golden Age: Lessons from the Past for the Future
21) Is the South China Sea Next Global Conflict?
22) Palestine Crisis: What does the History Say?
23) Will the Build Back Better World Plan Compete with the Belt and Road Initiative?
24) 100 Years of the Communist Party of China: Is China Out-Competing the US?
25) Afghan dilemma: is history repeating itself?
26) The Taliban Regime in Afghanistan: Its Foreseeable Consequences at Home, Pakistan,
and Region
27) SARS-CoV-2’s World Tour: Far from Over
28) 2021: The year of Climate Change Disasters
29) Can ASEAN Diplomacy Do the Job in Myanmar?

National Issues
1. Challenges to national integration in Pakistan
2. Water crisis in Pakistan
3. Energy crisis in Pakistan
4. Economic crisis in Pakistan: Challenges and remedies
5. Kashmir crisis - Historical timeline
6. The Case of Revisiting 18th Amendment
7. Education in The Pandemic Age
8. Creation of New Provinces in Pakistan: Challenges & Recommendations
9. CPEC Phase 2: Prospects and Challenges
10. Debating the Civil Services Plight in Pakistan
11. Kashmir Conundrum and the Geopolitical Dynamics of the Subcontinent
12. Governance Issues Post 18th Amendment
13. Judiciary in Pakistan: Ills and Remedies
14. Digital Education – A Growing Opportunity
15. E-Commerce in Pakistan: Prospects and Challenges
16. Should Pakistan Form New Provinces?
17. Pak-India Relations- A Hope For Peace
18. Civil Service Reforms
19. IMF Bailouts and the Way to Get Out of the Crisis
20. Violence against Women in Pakistani Society
21. Post-Budget Economy of Pakistan
22. Is There a Need for a New Charter of Democracy in Pakistan?
23. The 3RD Wave of COVID-19: The Government’s Response and Vaccination
24. Silent LOC and Secret Meetings between India and Pakistan: Something’s Cooking in
The Subcontinent
25. “Absolutely Not!”: Changing Outlook of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy
26. How to Enhance Pakistan’s Economic Environment?
27. Human Capital: The Need of the Hour for Pakistan
28. The What, Why, and How of FATF
29. IMF Bailouts for Pakistan: Bane or Boon?
30. Increase in Crimes against Women in Pakistan
1. Democarcy in Pakistan: hopes & hurdles (Jan)
2. Promoting Tourism in Pakistan: Prospects and Challenges (March)
3. Great Nations Win Without Fighting (July)
4. Global Warming: Threats and Counter-measures (Aug)
5. Is Gender Equality a Myth (Aug)
6. Water Crisis and National Integration (Aug)

Essay Outlines
1. Real development should transform people’s lives, not just economic statistics
2. Crisis of good governance in Pakistan. Need for reforms & institution building?
3. Will rule of Law remain an impracticable myth in our country?
4. Climate Change and Ways to Counter It?
5. Sweet are the Uses of Adversity
6. Development Should Change People’s life not Economic Statistics
7. Is COVID-19 an Anti-Thesis to Globalization?
8. Classrooms Decide the Future of Nations
9. The Current Education System in Pakistan Does Not Lead to Learning
10. Democracy is Under Threat Due to Unbridled Populism
11. Youth: Harbingers of Change in the Country
12. Islamophobia and the role of Muslim-Ummah
13. Democracy and Illiteracy Do Not Move Together
14. War divides, Economy Unites
15. It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has superseded our humanity
16. Truth is a Rare Commodity Despite the Freedom Enjoyed by The Print and Electronic

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