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Refilwe O. Mazunga

BSc Statistics

The corona virus known as COVID-19 outbreak has brought about unease world
wide. People are on lockdown and travel is being restricted. This on the other hand
should not curb communication in the business industry between the business and
its stakeholders. There are multiple effective communication strategies like email,
cellphones, video conferencing, radios ,newspapers and televisions. In issues and
crisis management, there’s a saying that goes, “You cannot control what happens to
you, but you can control what you do about it.”

Emails will be used to communicate with business partners and shareholders as they
are delivered very fast and are professional. Emails can attach different types of files
which can be sent at any time. They can also be encrypted making it possible for
sending confidential information. The demerits about them is that they can only sent
to people whose emails you know, email attachments may contain viruses and there
are a lot email scams.

Video conferencing which is mostly used in holding meetings will be used also to
communicate with partners and sometimes shareholders. But mostly partners as
they have a lot on the say on the day to day running of the company. The merits
about it is them is that a meeting can be held with people in their respective homes
and everyone can look at one document on screen and receive it after the meeting ,
also ideas and feedback can be shared quickly. It is very good for brain storming. The
problem maybe be because the video conferencing facilities are expensive, the
computer and fast internet. Again if hard ware breaks down some of them wont be
able to attend the meeting.

As vodafone is a telecommunication company and is able to send a text updating the

customers about the changes in their customer care services . If the customers need
help there exist a vodafone careline which can be called 24/7. Cellphones calls and
texts can be made and sent anytime which saves time. Times of crisis are periods of
time when being present with your customers is critical. Calls and texts can also be
used to communicate with partners depending on the level of seriousness and
urgency of the communicated issue.

Letters will be used to communicate with suppliers to seal deals and shareholders to
let them know of certain deals and keep them as hard proof. The merits of letters is
that they maintain formal relationship and keep a permanent record. The demerits is
that they are time consuming, lack immediate feedback and it is uncertain on how
the message will be interpreted.

Television will be used to communicate to customers and also to advertise our fast
and reliable network to new customers and let the community know where we stand
and how we are helping reduce their panic and making their movement restrictions
bearable. The good thing about television communication is that it can reach masses
and we can make the message as creative as possible. Its demerits is that the
audience size is uncertain and it is expensive.
Mayfield, J. and Mayfield, M., 2002. Leader communication strategies critical paths to improving
employee commitment. American Business Review, 20(2), pp.89-94.

Huseman, R.C., Lahiff, J.M. and Penrose, J.M., 1988. Business communication: Strategies and
skills (Vol. 38). Chicago: Dryden Press.

Richards, R., 2017. The Disadvantages Of Written Communication. [online] Bizfluent.

Available at: <
communication.html> [Accessed 5 July 2020].

 Bean-Mellinge, B., 2018. Advantages & Limitations Of Television As An Advertising Medium.

[online] Small Business - Available at: <
limitations-television-advertising-medium-26148.html> [Accessed 5 July 2020].

The Business Communication. 2020. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Business Letter. [online]

Available at: <
letter/> [Accessed 5 July 2020].

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