Refilwe Orwesitswe Mazunga GEME 313

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Refilwe Orwesitswe Mazunga

Bsc Pure And Applied Mathematics


A) What types of departmentalization are being used? Explain your choices

Starbucks uses three types of departmentalization, we have the geographical

departmentalization this is because Starbucks is based in both in Canada and the U.S.
We also have product departmentalization as their company is based on selling their
products rather than being service providers, they have iced coffee, tea, and espresso.
Lastly they have process departmentalization as they produce everything from scratch
until their product reaches their customers, from the cups to the straws to the tea its a
whole process that needs its own departmentalization.

B) Do you think it’s a good idea to have a president for the U.S. division and for the
other international divisions? What are the advantages of such an arrangement?

I think its a great idea to have different presidents for different international divisions.
Firstly it will be a more effective and efficient way of dealing with arising
shortcomings that need a quicker response and they will be able to make more
reasonable decision as per their given division, internationally means sometimes
absolutely different seasons. Also taking into consideration the size of Starbucks and
the range of their customers it will be best to have a structure that allows presidents
for different divisions. Even so it may create a huge bridge between the divisions and
they may end up feeling they are isolated. But in general the idea will be great for the

A) Hyundai’s Global Command and Control Center (GCCC) have cameras

strategically placed across its centers to monitor assembly lines. This helps identify
problems and respond quickly. What drives Hyundai to plan this way? Discuss
contemporary issues in planning.

Putting cameras strategically where the manufacturing process happens in sequence

helps the hyundai to know when and where the produced car became faulty so as they
know what to fix and replace therefore producing the best with close to zero faulty
productions as they will be able to quickly notice and respond to them.

Planning may create rigidity.Plans cannot be developed for dynamic environments.

Formal plans cannot replace intuition and creativity. Planning focuses managers’
attention on today’s competition, not tomorrow’s survival. Formal planning reinforces
today’s success, which may lead to tomorrow’s failure. Develop plans that are
specific but flexible. Understand that planning is an ongoing process. Change plans
when conditions warrant. Persistence in planning eventually pays off. Flatten the
organizational hierarchy to foster the development of planning skills at all
organizational levels


I)Why is it important for Chipotle to revise the company’s food-handling


Chipotle’s goal is mainly based in their food quality and freshness, to not ruin their
image and promise to their customers it will be very important to review their food-
handling to reduce their food contaminants.

Ii)Which controls would be more important to Chipotle: feedforward,

concurrent, or feedback? Explain.

Feedfoward control. With feedforward control, chipotle can have stop the bad food
from reaching their customers. Chipotle is working to have feedforward controls in
place by testing meat for contamination before it is served to the customers and
changing their food-handling and preparation procedures.

Iii)How can Chipotle make sure that employees are following the new food-
handling standards?

Chipotle can make sure that employees are following the new food-handling
standards by ensuring that every employee is properly trained in the food-handling
standards. The company could implement a concurrent control.
Iv)What are some measures of organizational performance that Chipotle management
should use?

Train people on food handling and enforce feedforward , set stardards for its
employees and make sure they are met and also teach their employees of the new food
processing standards with consistent kitchen checks.

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