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1. Handy : Hi Heni, how are you?

Heni : . . . , And you?

Handy : I’m OK.

A. How do you do?

B. Fine, thanks.

C. Goodbye

D. Yes, I am.

2. Handy : It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time to go to bed.

Mum : Good night darling.

Handy : . . . Mum.

A. I love you too.

B. Good evening.

C. I’m very well.

D. Good night.
3. Ghania : Thanks for coming.

Aisyah : . . .

A. Coming soon.

B. My pleasure.

C. Let’s do it.

D. Thanks.

4. Father : Can you get me the newspaper?

Ghania : . . .

Father : Thanks.

A. It’s not here.

B. No thanks.

C. Here it is.

D. I’m busy.

5. Rusty : I’m sorry for losing your pencil, Aksha.

Aksha: . . . Just, don’t do it again.

Ruaty : I promise I will not.

A. You are right.

B. It’s alright.

C. I’m sad.

D. Never

6. Naura : Hello, Ani. Are you coming to the English

Club this afternoon?

Ani : Yes, I’m coming to the club this


Naura : OK, then. See you there. Bye.

Ani :...

A. OK.

B. Bye.

C. Hello

D. Good morning.

7. Look at the picture

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 – Greetings, Leave Taking, Thanking and Apologising
The correct greeting based on the picture is . . .

A. Good afternoon.

B. Good morning.

C. Good evening.

D. Good night.

8. When we meet somebody at 5pm, we greet him by saying . . .

A. Good afternoon.

B. Good morning.

C. Good evening.

D. Good night.
9. Nova : Excuse me. Do you know where Mr.

Handy’s house is?

Novi : . . . it is next to the market.

A. Oh, I see.

B. Of course.

C. Thank you.

D. You are right.

10. Babam : Can I borrow your sharpener?

Putri : Sure. Here it is.

Babam : . . .

A. Don’t mention it.

B. Yes, I do.
C. I’m Sorry.

D. OK.

Anda sedang membaca| Kumpulan Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 – Greetings, Leave Taking,
Thanking and Apologising

11. Mrs. Heni : What’s the matter?

Bayu : I’m Sorry, ma’am. I broke the vase.

Mrs. Heni : . . .

A. Please accept my condolences.

B. That’s too bad, but that’s OK.

C. You are welcome.

D. Don’t mention it.

12. Fadhil : Good morning ma’am.

Mrs. Heni : Good morning, Fadhil.

Fadhil : I’m sorry for being late, ma’am.

Mrs. Heni: . . . but don’t do it again.

A. You are lazy.

B. That’s alright.

C. I can’t believe it.

D. Don’t mention it.

13. Ayu : Pass me the salt, please.

Ika : Here you are.

Ayu : . . .

A. Thanks.

B. Never mind.
C. My pleasure.

D. You are welcome.

14. Mr. Mukti : Rizal, here is your book.

Rizal : . . . . sir.

A. It’s alright.

B. Thank you.

C. No problem.

D. My pleasure.

15. Ani : Happy birthday, Wina!

Here is a present for you.

Wina : . . .

A. Wow, you look beautiful!

B. Welcome to my house, Ani.

C. Thanks. That’s very kind of you.

D. Your present must be expensive.

The following text is for questions number 15 – 18

ID Numbers : 893475N34

Full Name : Handy Mukti

Place of Birth : Bandung

Date of Birth : 21 August 2002

Address : Jl. Kesatuan No. 96, Bandung

School : SMP Mazaya Islamic Boarding School

16.Where was Handy born?

A. Bandung*

B. Jakarta

C. Jl. Kesatuan

D. Sumedang

17. How old is he on 2014? He is . . . years old

A. 12*

B. 13

C. 14

D. 15

18. What is he? He is . . .

A. a doctor

B. a teacher

C. a student*

D. a police officer

19. Justine and Fazla come from Bandung, . . . are my friends.

A. I

B. She

C. He

D. They*

20. I am sure this pencil is . . ., not yours.

A. you
B. your

C. mine*

D. my

21. We . . . students.

A. is

B. was

C. am

D. are*

22. Bacharin and Yoga . . . from Jakarta.

A. are not*

B. is not
C. was not

D. am not

23. Dini : Hi, my name is Dini.

Hadi : Hi, Dini. I’m Hadi.

What does Dini want to?

A. to introduce Handy

B. to ask where Handy live

C. to introduce herself*

D. to tell her condition

The dialogue is for questions 24 and 25.

Rani : Handy, this is Angga. Angga, meet my classmate, Handy.

Angga : . . . (24) It’s glad to see you.

Handy : . . . (25)

Angga : So, you’re also Ran’s neighbour, aren’t you?

Handy : Yes, I am.

24. A. How do you do.

B. Hello*

C. What’s up?

D. Where are you?

25. A. It’s so nice

B. Glad to see you too*

C. Good morning

D. Thanks
Essay !

Fill in the blanks with suitable answers!

For number 1-5 put to be into the blanks.

My complete name . . . (1) Handy Mukti. I . . . (2) a new student in SMP Mazaya Islamic Boarding School
Sumedang. It . . . (3) a very big Junior High School. I have 15 classmates. We . . . (4) all from various
place. My students’ number . . . . 202107006.

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