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Day 1 -- iDesktop Installation & Data Preparation

1 Intruduction

We will take "My City" as the theme of this session. We hope it would be a good opportunity
to introduce your city or your hometown to us. You can show your city’s location, terrain
features, and transportation, infrastructures distribution, .etc..., even the development of your
city to us.

2 Tools and data downloading

2.1 Tools

Official website:

SuperMap iDesktop 10i SP1 installation package:

For win64:

For win32:

SuperMap iDesktop 10i SP1 green package:

For win64:

For win32:

2.2 Data

 Administration data:

We need to download administration data, elevation data and population data of your country.
 Open Street Map data:

Download of your country.

**Note: Download data of your own country.

3 Installation

3.1 Installation package

 Unzip iDesktop installation package.

 Double click Setup.exe to install iDesktop.
 Refer to following steps:

 Waiting to finish.
 Then there will be a new iDesktop icon on your PC’s desktop.

 Double click it to start. The interface would look like this if the installation is successful.

3.2 Green package

1) Install license center

Find file “SuperMap.LicenseCenter(for .NET 4.0).exe” under this path:
.. \Tools\SuperMapLicenseCenter, then run it.
2) Run iDesktop

4 Trial license

You may check your license status in the License Center after the installation is complete.

Find file “SuperMap.LicenseCenter(for .NET 4.0).exe” under this path:

.. \Tools\SuperMapLicenseCenter, then open it.

Note: the trial license is valid for 3 months. You may send your PC name to us to update your
trial license after expiration.

5 Data importing

5.1 Create Datasources

New a file datasource

5.2 Import datasets to datasource

1) Import administration and OSM .shp files as vector datasets.

Administration data:
OSM data:

2) Import elevation data and population data as grid datasets (Set type to Raster).
3) Data can be viewed in the iDesktop.
Note: OSM has a large amount of data, and it takes time to display.

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