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DEC 2017 S.N (49)

1) KYOTO Protocol.

2) Rights of children under convention (2)

3) National Human Rights Commission (2010) 1

4) Corfu channel case (2017) 1

5) American convention (6) imp

6) International labour Organisation (5) imp

APRIL 2017
1) Mediation as method of settlement of International Dispute/ peaceful settlement (2)


2) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

3) Rights of workers under Indian Constitution (2014) (2)

4) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

DEC 2016
1) Vienna Convention on Law

2) Peaceful Settlements of Disputes (2)

3) Directive Principles and Human Rights (2)

4) Rights of Children under Indian Constitution

5) United Nations Environment Program

6) Amnesty International (2)

APRIL 2015
1) Hot pursuit

2) Difference between contractual treaties and law-making treaties

3) European Convention on Human Rights

4) National Commission for Scheduled Castes

5) Judicial decisions on right to privacy

NOV 2015
1) Custom as a source of International Law. (2)

2) UNICEF (3)

3) Role of NGOs in the protection of Human rights

4) National Commission for Minorities. (3)

5) American Convention on Human Rights. (2)

DEC 2014
1. Principle of Jus Cogens.

2. Rights of Prisoners in India.

3. International Court of Justice. (2)

4. Principle of Non- Intervention.

5. Judicial Activism in environmental law.

APRIL 2014
1. Plurilateral Treaties.

2. International Bill Of Rights

3. European Convention (2)

4. Convention on Law of the Sea

NOV 2013
1. Right to healthy environment.

2. Convention on Rights of Children, 1989.

3. UNESCO (2)

4. Universal declaration of Human Rights. (2)

APRIL 2013
1) Sovereign equality of States

2) European Court on Human Rights

3) Briefly explain any two sources of Public International Law

4) Role of NGOs in India (2)

5) Any five rights of Prisoners in India

6) Explain the four mandates of the State.

DEC 2012
1) Directive Principles of State Policy and Human Rights (2)

2) Human Rights of Prisoners and Indian Constitution

MAY 2012
1) Theories of recognition. (3)

2) Human rights and Woman/ Child Abuse.

APRIL 2011
1) International Law is a weak Law

2) Contiguous zone

3) Rebus Sic Stantibus

4) Sovereign Equality of States

NOV 2011
1) Rights of Aliens

2) Modes of Recognition

3) Human Rights and Environment.(2)

NOV 2010
1) Rights of Coastal States.

2) Right to Information,

MAY 2010
1) Continental Shelf

2) Role of Supreme Court in protection of Human Rights

3) National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).

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