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School year: ……………

2nd Year Literature and Foreign Languages Time allotted: one hour


A. Comprehension
Read the text carefully then do the following activities.
Many years ago, past families and friends used to come together at particular times throughout the day and
dine. Children came home regularly for food and meals were served at the same time. People used to spend the course
of the meal appreciating the food and having conversations with the others at the table that encouraged bonding and
relationships. Today technology has changed all of that. It is having an influence on where we eat.

Today people have allowed technology to change where they eat. Many families and couples alike may have
dining room tables but they are not often used. Families now gather in front of the television and instead of having
conversations where they engage with one another actively and discuss the things that happened during their day, they
sit in front of a television with TV trays and ignore one another. If the families do end up sitting at a table, chances are
that every person at that table has a phone or tablet out and they are chatting to someone else while they eat or
watching something online.

Technology has gradually changed where we eat. People no longer go out save for nice occasions. People do
not cultivate relationships with their friends and family to the same degree anymore. Is this the world we want to
leave to our children?

1. Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer.

The text is about:
a. Customs and traditions in Algeria.
b. Technological development in the world.
c. Technology influence on our eating habits.
2. Read the text, then complete the table below:
When? Where? What/How?

 ………………………………………………………………………

……………. At the table
 People used to spend the course of the meal appreciating the food
and having conversations

 ………………………………………………………………………

Today ……………
 ………………………………………………………………………


3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. Why are dining room tables no longer used?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. How has technology changed the way where we eat?
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
It (§1) …………............................................. their (§3) ……………………………………………..

B. Text Exploration

1. Match words and definition.

1. Influence a. Particular time when something happens

2. Occasions b. Effect that sb/sth has on the way sb thinks or behaves

3. Ignore c. To take no notice of somebody/something

2. Cross out the odd word out.

1) a) My uncle … cells/sells…. mobile phones. b) There are millions of …cells/sells…. in the human body.
2) a) Algeria …wheel/will….. play in Nigeria next November . b) Some bicycles have only one …
3. Give the correct form of the verb between brackets.
a. I ( live ) …………….……… in Biskra, but now I live in Djamaa.
b. What ( do ) ……….………………………on summer when you were child ?
c. When I was at the middle school I (not like) ………………………………… French. Now, I find it
difficult to learn.

4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable pronouns from the list below:


 Ahmed: Hi Chaouki! Where did you go on holiday?

 Chaouki: I went to Greece ………… ….. I had a nice time.
 Ahmed: Did you see anything exciting?
 Chaouki: Yes. I went to the Acropolis, …………………. is very famous. I also went to the place
…………………the first Olympic Games were held.
 Ahmed: Did you meet anyone interesting there?
 Chaouki: Yes. I met a girl ……………….. was from England. She knew a Greek
family………………..... lived in Athens and she took me to meet them. They were a very rich and kind
family ………………. friendliness made me feel very welcome.
 Ahmed: It sounds like you enjoyed yourself!
 Chaouki: Yes, it’s a place ………………. I would like to go back.

Full name  : …………………………………………………..



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