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Received: 15 August 2018 | Revised: 30 November 2018 | Accepted: 24 December 2018

DOI: 10.1111/pan.13569


Tetralogy of Fallot: Everything you wanted to know but were

afraid to ask

Lisa Wise‐Faberowski1 | Ritu Asija2 | Doff B. McElhinney3

Department of Anesthesiology, Stanford
University, Palo Alto, California Summary
Department of Pediatrics, Stanford Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) has four anatomic features: right ventricular hypertrophy
University, Palo Alto, California
(RVH), ventriculoseptal defect (VSD), overriding aorta and right ventricular outflow
Department of Surgery, Stanford
University, Palo Alto, California tract obstruction (RVOT) with an occurrence of 3.9 /10,000 births. The pathophysio-
logic effects in TOF are largely determined by the degree of RVOT and not the
Lisa Wise‐Faberowski, Department of VSD. Intra‐operative anesthetic management is also dependent on the degree of
Anesthesiology, Stanford University, Palo RVOT obstruction and influenced by the extent of surgical RVOT repair.
Alto, CA.
Section Editor: Philip Arnold cardiac, children, congenital heart disease, infants, neonates, surgery

1 | INTRODUCTION Nonsyndromic TOF can be associated with various genetic defects,

Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is the most common form of congenital cyan- including transcription mutations in genes such as NKX2.5 in 4%,8
otic heart disease, occurring in approximately 4 to 5 per 100 000 live and rarely TBX1 or ZFPM2,9 or polymorphisms in genes such as
births, and represents 7%‐10% of all congenital heart defects.1,2 MTHFR.10 Syndromes associated with TOF include Down syndrome
Although TOF is often thought of in terms of the tetrad of anomalies (trisomy 21),11 Alagille syndrome (JAG 1 mutation),12 DiGeorge or
—pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect (VSD), aorta overriding velocardiofacial (22q11 deletion), and others.13 DiGeorge syndrome
the ventricular septum, and right ventricular hypertrophy—it has been occurs in 13% of TOF patients. Other malformation associations in
proposed that all of these features are the result of anterior malalign- which TOF can occur with extracardiac manifestations include VAC-
ment of the infundibular septum with the muscular septum. 3,4
There TERL association (vertebral and cardiac defects, anal atresia, trachea‐
are several variants of TOF as well, which manifest other abnormal esophageal fistula, renal and limb abnormalities) and CHARGE asso-
features and are discussed in the following review. ciation (coloboma of the eye, heart defects, choanal atresia, genito‐
Today, most patients with TOF undergo complete repair in early urinary or ear abnormalities).
infancy or early childhood with >90% survival. Children who have
undergone palliative procedures often suffer from failure to thrive
2.2 | Anatomy
and erythrocytosis. Left untreated, patients with TOF have a 50%, 5‐
10 year survival, with mortality related to hypoxemia, endocarditis, The exact embryologic process leading to TOF or its variants is
brain abscesses, or cerebral vascular accident. Longevity beyond the unknown. It is believed that faulty partitioning of the conotruncus
fourth decade of life in unrepaired or palliated TOF is rare.5,6 during septation and incomplete rotation resulting in two unequally
sized vessels (larger aorta and smaller pulmonary artery) results in a
conal septum that deviates far anteriorly. Thus, it is the anterior and
2 | MAIN ARTICLE cephalad deviation of the infundibular septum that gives rise to the
four anatomic features that characterizes TOF.3,4
2.1 | Genetics The VSD in TOF, for the most part, is single, large/unrestrictive,
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) occurs equally in males and females. Inheri- subaortic, and malaligned. The distinction from double‐outlet right
tance is typically sporadic, not familial, and rarely associated with ventricle (DORV) or DORV with Taussig‐Bing anomaly (subpulmonic
other anomalies. However, TOF can be nonsyndromic or syndromic. VSD) must be recognized. DORV is a condition with greater than

Pediatric Anesthesia. 2019;29:475–482. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 475

50% override of the aorta over the right ventricle and absence of supplied by MAPCAs, and central pulmonary arteries that are conflu-
aortic/mitral valve continuity. Most commonly, the VSD in TOF is ent but connect to some but not all lung segments.3–5
perimembranous, but in some, can extend into the muscular septum,
and rarely there are multiple additional muscular defects.5
2.2.2 | Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary
The aorta is displaced to the right and overrides the malaligned
VSD. Thus, it receives blood flow from both ventricles depending on
the degree of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. The degree Tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve syndrome is charac-
of aortic override can vary. A right aortic arch with mirror image terized by dysgenesis of the pulmonary valve, annular stenosis, and
branching is seen in 25% of TOF patients. Aberrant origins of the pulmonary insufficiency. In TOF with absent pulmonary valve the
subclavian arteries (right subclavian from the descending aorta and main and branch pulmonary arteries are massively enlarged with
left subclavian from the pulmonary artery) can also be seen.3,4 Aortic abnormal central, segmental and subsegmental branching patterns.
arch and branching anomalies are more common in patients with a Airway compression and trachea/bronchomalacia are common to this
chromosome 22q11 deletion, but are usually not associated with a variant of TOF.3–5 Patients usually present early in the neonatal per-
vascular ring in the setting of TOF. Coronary abnormalities can be iod, some within days, in respiratory distress. Intubation, prone posi-
seen in 5%‐12% of TOF patients. Most common is a left anterior tioning, and PEEP are often indicated in addition to early surgical
descending artery originates from right coronary artery and crosses repair. Despite adequate surgical repair, many of these children con-
the RV infundibular surface. Various other coronary anomalies can tinue to have residual pulmonary difficulties, which include tracheo‐
be seen, but are less common.14 Knowledge of an aberrant left coro- and bronchomalacia and bronchospasm.18
nary artery from the right coronary artery plays an important part in
the surgical approach. In these patients, a Rastelli procedure (RV to
2.2.3 | Tetralogy of Fallot with Complete
PA conduit) is preferred as opposed to a transventricular repair.15–17
Atrioventricular (AV) canal
Right ventricle outflow obstruction can occur at multiple levels:
subvalvar, valvar, and/or supravalvar. Subvalvar obstruction can result Tetralogy of Fallot with a complete AV canal defect is commonly
from hypertrophy of the muscular bands in the subpulmonic region associated with Down syndrome, and is a relatively uncommon vari-
and/or from the anterior and cephalad deviation of the VSD. Valvar ant of TOF.11 The combination of TOF and complete AV canal is a
obstruction can be the result of a hypoplastic annulus and/or a more challenging anomaly. In these patients, the tricuspid valve is
bicuspid or stenotic pulmonary valve. Supravalvular narrowing of the often abnormal and regurgitant. The coexistence of tricuspid and
main pulmonary artery (sinotubular ridge), stenotic proximal branch pulmonary valve abnormalities with this lesion and resultant free pul-
pulmonary arteries (left pulmonary artery at the ductal insertion), monary and tricuspid insufficiency after transannular patch repair
and/or hypoplastic branch pulmonary arteries can also occur.3,4 can predispose to both right ventricular volume and pressure over-
Various other anomalies can occur in conjunction with TOF, load and their consequences.
including atrial septal defect, anomalous pulmonary venous drainage,
a left superior vena cava and/or an interrupted inferior vena cava,
2.3 | Pathophysiology of TOF
and others. Beyond this typical set of features, TOF can include
other anatomic variants such as, pulmonary atresia (PA), complete The pathophysiology of TOF is not usually dependent on the size of
atrioventricular (AV) canal, and absent pulmonary valve. the VSD, as it is usually large and unrestrictive, although in some
cases tricuspid valve tissue can cause VSD obstruction. There is typ-
ically little flow across the unrestrictive VSD in utero, as right and
2.2.1 | Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia
left ventricular pressures are equal. Postnatally, the direction of
Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia (PA) is also referred to as blood flow is determined by the path of the least resistance, and
PA with ventricular septal defect (PA/VSD). As with TOF, anterior thus is primarily dependent on the degree of right ventricular out-
malalignment of the VSD and aortic override are present, but the flow obstruction. Symptoms of congestive heart failure, as a result
pulmonary artery architecture and intrinsic structure can have vari- of pulmonary overcirculation, can be seen in patients with a large
able presentation. The central pulmonary arteries can be confluent, VSD and minimal obstruction to pulmonary blood flow. The left to
with normally arborizing intraparenchymal branches, with all flow right flow allows for a fully saturated circulation, hence the label
supplied by a patent ductus arteriosus. At the other end of the spec- “pink tet.”3–5 With moderate obstruction, a balanced circulation is
trum, the central pulmonary arteries can be absent entirely, with all present, usually with bidirectional flow across the VSD Though
pulmonary blood flow supplied by major aortopulmonary collateral patients are mildly desaturated, with oxygen saturation ~85%‐90%,
arteries (MAPCAs), which can arise not just from the aorta but also congestive heart failure and pulmonary hypertension are absent. Sig-
from other systemic arteries. In between these extremes, there are nificant hypoxemia, with saturations <80% as a result of a large
many variations, including discontinuity of the central pulmonary right to left shunt, can be seen in patients with severe subpulmonic
arteries with one lung supplied by a ductus, hypoplastic central pul- obstruction. Chronic cyanosis can result in clubbing and erythro-
monary arteries that arborize to all lung segments which are also cythemia.

Subpulmonic stenosis has fixed and variable/dynamic component angiography or MRI as a diagnostic modality has gained acceptance
and in situations of agitation or irritability, promotes an unbalanced in many centers. Indications for cardiac catheterization might include
circulation, with predominant right to left flow across the VSD. This concerns for coronary anomalies or for delineation of MAPCAs in
type of episode is often described as a hypercyanotic spell or a “tet patients with PA and diminutive or absent central pulmonary arter-
spell.” In these circumstances, cyanosis can be profound and lead to ies. A right ventricular injection will define the levels of RVOT
syncope. While these “spells” are temporary, they can increase in obstruction, as well as delineate the main and proximal branch pul-
frequency with progressive obstruction. The exact mechanism is the- monary arteries. The VSD is often best seen with a left ventricular
oretical and the etiology remains unclear, but it has been suggested injection. An aortic root injection will define the coronary and arch
that increased infundibular contractility in the presence of hyper- anatomy with selective injection in the presence of MAPCAs. Thera-
trophic infundibular muscle or muscle bundles, stimulation of right peutic interventions in selected cases of unrepaired TOF can include
ventricular mechanoreceptors, peripheral vasodilation, tachycardia, balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty and occasionally RVOT stenting.15,17
and hyperventilation contribute to the constellation of a “tet spell.”3–5 Regardless, transcatheter approaches may incur the risk of initiating
Treatment for “tet spells” can include supplementation with oxygen, a hypercyanotic spell and be considered with caution in these
sedation, volume administration, and the knee‐to‐chest position. In patients.
extreme cases, phenylephrine, 5 to 20 μg/kg may be considered.
Patients with a history of tet spells are sometimes treated with beta‐
2.5 | Management
blocking agents in an effort to prevent the cascade of events.
The management of patients with TOF varies. Some centers offer a
palliative transcatheter (balloon dilation of the RVOT with/without
2.4 | Diagnosis
stent placement or alternatively a PDA stent with/without balloon
Prenatal ultrasound has been useful in early diagnosis of TOF and in dilation of the RVOT) approach15,17 or a palliative (systemic to pul-
offering prompt postdelivery treatment in cases with duct‐dependent monary artery shunt) surgical approach. Indications for such palliative
pulmonary blood flow. The physical findings of a murmur and cyano- approaches may include unfavorable anatomy (coronary abnormali-
sis in a neonate are not specific to TOF. The presence or absence of ties, multiple VSDs, or poorly defined/absent branch pulmonary
a murmur and the quality of the murmur is dependent on the degree arteries), limited ability for adequate postoperative management or
of outflow tract obstruction and not on the presence/size of the surgical preference. The transcatheter approach does not require a
VSD. An absent murmur can indicate either the absence of obstruc- sternotomy or cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Though a systemic to
tion or the presence of severe obstruction, in which there is little pulmonary artery shunt does not require CPB, it subjects the patient
flow. Physical signs such as a right ventricular heave, a systolic thrill, to a sternotomy or throacotomy. Both of these approaches are pal-
or prominent pulses (due to diastolic runoff from a patent ductus liative and must ultimately be followed by full surgical repair.17
arteriosus or MAPCAs) may or may not always be present. Textbook The objective of surgical palliation is to provide adequate pul-
findings of a “boot‐shaped” heart on chest x‐ray and right ventricular monary blood flow and to enable not only patient growth but
hypertrophy with right axis deviation on electrocardiogram can be growth of the pulmonary artery system. The Potts (side‐to‐side anas-
useful. However, in the current era, confirmation of the anatomy tomosis of the left pulmonary artery to the descending aorta) and
with postnatal echocardiography is the gold standard for diagnosis the Waterston (ascending aorta to the right pulmonary artery) shunts
of TOF and associated anomalies.3–5 were initially used for this purpose but are no longer performed. The
Echocardiography can be useful in determining the location, “classic” Blalock‐Taussig (end to side anastomosis of the subclavian
extension, and number of VSDs in addition to valve attachments (tri- artery to the right pulmonary artery) was used in the past, but was
cuspid and aortic) in relation to the VSD. In addition, the size, func- replaced by the “modified” Blalock‐Taussig (BT) shunt. In the modi-
tionality, and appearance of the pulmonary valve and annulus can be fied BT shunt, an interposition graft (usually gortex) is placed
assessed, along with the degree and level of right ventricular outflow between the subclavian artery and the ipsilateral branch pulmonary
tract (RVOT) obstruction. The severity of RVOT obstruction is evalu- artery. The modified BT shunt allows greater control of pulmonary
ated both from its appearance and anatomic measurements, and the blood flow and is less difficult to take down compared to the “clas-
pressure gradient is estimated using the peak flow velocity measured sic” Blalock‐Taussig, Potts, or Waterston shunts.
by Doppler. The size, confluence, and proximal branching of the pul- Palliative shunt placement poses a risk of recurrent laryngeal and
monary arteries, in addition to the presence or absence of a PDA or phrenic nerve injury. Shunt thrombosis can be life threatening and an
MAPCAs can be seen. Aortic arch sidedness and branching pattern imbalance in shunt flow, inadequate or excessive, can lead to cyanosis,
of the head and neck vessels can usually be delineated, as can the failure to thrive, or congestive heart failure. Ultimate repair can be
proximal coronary artery anatomy.14 Furthermore, determination of complicated by distortion of the pulmonary artery by the shunt, and
an atrial septal defect, anomalous pulmonary venous return, systemic the presence of a previous sternotomy and resultant scarring can
venous anomalies, or other unusual features may be seen. make dissection more complicated and risky at the time of repair.17
Cardiac catheterization is not routinely performed in “classic” Most centers encourage elective complete repair between 2 and
cases of TOF. The increasing use of noninvasive imaging such as CT 4 months of age in patients with acyanotic physiology.17 In patients

with cyanotic physiology, earlier complete repair in the neonatal per-

2.6 | Anesthetic considerations
iod is performed in the United States. In the United Kingdom, TOF
repair at less than 31 days of age is not a common procedure. The amount of right ventricular flow tract obstruction can influence
Patients with mild/moderate desaturation will be medically managed anesthetic induction and intraoperative course.24 Hypercyanotic spells
until around 4‐6 months then undergo primary repair. Palliation has may occur during prolonged fasting and some centers advocate place-
probably become more popular due to greater use of endovascular ment of an intravenous line. This would allow for continuous hydration
techniques. Surgery for truly “pink” TOF's would be guided by their or fluid bolus to increase preload and lessen the degree of right ven-
symptoms. tricular obstruction. With the objective of decreasing contractility
Surgical repair is performed using median sternotomy and CPB (minimizing obstruction) and increasing afterload (increasing left to
with normothermia or moderate hypothermia based on surgeon pref- right shunt) therefore increasing blood flow through the pulmonary
erence. Some institutions also use deep hypothermic arrest. If a circulation (decreasing right to left shunt) to alleviate cyanosis,24 beta‐
modified Blalock‐Taussig shunt is present, it is usually ligated and blockers, phenylephrine, deepened sedation and/or muscle relaxation
divided during cooling. After aortic cross‐clamp, cardioplegic arrest, may be required for treatment of hypercyanotic spells.
and topical cooling, a right atriotomy and a longitudinal pulmonary Aberrancy of the subclavian artery can influence radial arterial
arteriotomy are performed to access the RVOT and the pulmonary line placement and this information should be reviewed preopera-
valve. In some cases, a right ventriculotomy is performed with exten- tively. Airway considerations include an anteriorly located trachea in
sion into the infundibulum and pulmonary valve annulus, if hypoplas- 22q11 deletion.18 In absent pulmonary valve syndrome tracheal
tic, the VSD is closed with a patch (eg, pericardium or synthetic compression causing either tracheomalacia or complete obstruction
patch material) either through the atriotomy and the tricuspid valve, from the enlarged pulmonary arteries must be considered. Placement
or through a RVOT incision. Care is taken to avoid the bundle of of a TEE probe in patients with absent pulmonary valve and in
HIS with VSD closure. Several measures can be used to alleviate patients with ductal dependent pulmonary blood flow should be con-
RVOT obstruction, including infundibular muscle resection, pul- sidered with extreme caution.
monary valvotomy/valvectomy, placing a right ventricular outflow Poor right ventricular compliance, residual VSD, and arrhythmias
tract patch that may or may not extend across the pulmonary valve may complicate the early postoperative period. The hypertrophied
annulus and patch augmentation of the main pulmonary artery.19 In right ventricle can be noncompliant as a result of difficulties in
some instances, remnants of ductal tissue may promote left pul- achieving adequate myocardial protection during aortic cross‐clamp,
monary artery stenosis and should be considered during the repair. muscle resection, and the placement of a large VSD patch. Further-
A VSD closure with RV/PA conduit may be the preferred proce- more, RV hypertrophy will itself lead to diastolic dysfunction and a
dure in patients with severe hypoplasia or atresia of the right ven- small RV cavity. Formation of a transannular patch leads to cutting
tricular outflow tract or anomalous origin of the left anterior of the ventricular muscle fibers and replacement with a noncontrac-
descending coronary artery from the right coronary artery. After tile patch on the RV free wall. All can contribute to pulmonary valve
patch closure of the VSD, a cryopreserved homograft or other type insufficiency, discoordinated RV contraction, which may further be
of valved conduit is placed between the right ventricle and the main exacerbated by new bundle branch block or arrhythmia. The use of
pulmonary artery to reconstruct the RVOT. beta‐blockers, avoidance of beta agonists (maintain pressure with
Diminished right ventricular compliance may prompt some sur- use of fluid and vasopressors if needed) have been advocated by
geons to leave or create a small atrial septal defect as a postopera- some, while others have questioned the liberal approach to fluid
tive pop off that may later close spontaneously. Though potentially loading after TOF repair. Thus, there is some debate about manage-
creating transient cyanosis, it allows off loading of a poorly function- ment of apparent, right ventricular dysfunction following TOF repair,
ing right ventricle while preserving left ventricular filling and cardiac with often quite opposite approaches being advocated.
output. However, a sizable residual VSD, 3‐4 mm by echocardio- Though all patients may have RV compromise in the postopera-
graphic evaluation is not well‐tolerated and should be addressed.20 tive period, this does not appear to cause a clinical problem in the
Residual RVOT obstruction in the immediate postoperative period is majority and even when it does it will, in most cases, recover after a
for the most part tolerated, but can pose difficulties later after few days. Severe or persistent RV dysfunction should lead to prompt
repair. RVOT gradients by echocardiography always have to be inter- detailed investigation to exclude residual surgically treatable prob-
preted in light of transvalvar flow, blood pressure, and other factors. lems. Hypoxemia, rarely, is a sign of respiratory failure and a residual
A direct RV pressure measurement less than ½ systemic pressure VSD (closure is difficult due to muscular hypertrophy) is more
provides some reassurance of an insignificant gradient. Although a likely.20 The VSD is large and its subaortic position poses the risk of
threshold numerical value for a “safe” gradient is not known, the risk heart block and potential arrhythmia. Most common is junctional
of pulmonary regurgitation and arrhythmia with further muscle bun- ectopic tachycardia for which dexmedetomidine infusion has been
dle resection must be considered. Bifasicular block can occur in successfully used while also providing sedation or administer amio-
8%‐12% of patients and complete block in 3%‐5%. Junctional ectopic dorone,25 along with conservative measures such as cooling and
tachycardia (JET) can occur in 15%‐20% of TOF patients in the early paralysis in symptomatic patients.23 Early extubation, to improve
postoperative period. preload and RV filling, is a desirable postoperative goal.

3 | TETRALOGY OF FALLOT (TOF) WITH 3.3 | Diagnosis

The intracardiac anatomy in TOF with MAPCAs is relatively uniform
and can be assessed by echocardiography. However, the true
The final portion of this manuscript will describe a unique subtype heterogeneity of the pulmonary vasculature is best assessed with CT
of TOF, TOF with MAPCAs. The variability in disease presentation angiography (to address airway involvement) and with cardiac
and the heterogeneity of the anatomy in these patients create a catheterization to define the location and supply (dual, single or
challenge in management.26 Depending on the institution, the ghost) of the vessels to individual lung segments.
approach can be variable: do nothing, a staged and/or palliative
approach,28,29 or unifocalization with complete repair (VSD closure
3.4 | Surgical repair
and right ventricle‐to‐pulmonary artery conduit). The latter proce-
dure has been performed in over 500 patients at our institution over Historically, and at some institutions today, unifocalization is staged,
the past 17 years. We will focus on our management approach one lung at a time, and performed through a lateral thoracotomy,
to these patients, unifocalization with complete repair. requiring single‐lung ventilation. However, our approach is via med-
ian sternotomy.33 The objectives for the management of these
patients at our center include34:
3.1 | Anatomy
In TOF with MAPCAs, PA is complete or near complete and 20%‐ 1. Unifocalization of blood supply to all pulmonary segments, including
25% of patients do not have a main or confluent central branch pul- native pulmonary arteries and MAPCAs, to maximize incorporation
monary arteries. If the central pulmonary arteries are present and of native vascular tissue and cross‐sectional area while preserving
confluent, they are usually hypoplastic with an abnormal arborization growth potential and minimizing total pulmonary resistance.35
pattern. Hypoplasia is the result of reduced flow, as the central pul- 2. To achieve complete biventricular repair with closure of the VSD
monary arteries, rather than receiving the normal anterograde flow, and placement of a valved RV to PA conduit with a right ventric-
are fed retrograde through MAPCAs that connect to the pulmonary ular systolic pressure less than half systemic. In some cases, clo-
artery branches within the lungs. Blood supply to the lung segments sure of the VSD is determined on the basis of an intraoperative
is classified as single‐supply (supplied by MAPCAs or a ductus arte- flow study. The flow study uses a dedicated circuit off the CPB
riosus only) or dual‐supply (MAPCAs connect to the native pul- machine to increase flow incrementally across the newly unifocal-
monary artery system to supply the territory). Patients with TOF and ized vascular tree. Eventually, approximately 125% of a normal
MAPCAs can have anywhere from 1 to 9 or more MAPCAs. Most cardiac output is achieved in the flow study and pulmonary
MAPCAs arise from the descending thoracic aorta, but they can also artery pressures are then measured directly by the surgeon. If
originate from the brachiocephalic or coronary artery branches. They the mean central pulmonary artery pressure is <25 mmHg, RV:
usually run posteriorly in the chest and can cause impingement on Aortic pressure <0.4, the VSD is closed.36
the airway31,32 or run posterior to or through the esophagus. The 3. The preference is to perform complete unifocalization in infants
heterogeneity of arborization precludes the use of a discrete classifi- greater than 3 months of age. However, surgery in the neonatal
cation system to describe MAPCA anatomy. period (15%) is indicated in the following situations35:

i Unilateral lung supply by a ductus arteriosus or hemi‐truncus

3.2 | Physiology
(ascending aortic origin of a branch pulmonary artery) with the
Although the variability in the anatomy and nonuniformity of perfu- contralateral lung supplied by MAPCAs.
sion to the various lung segments makes it difficult to discuss the ii Hypoplastic native pulmonary arteries with normal arborization
anatomy in simple standardized terms, the physiology is more (ie, all MAPCAs are dual‐supply), in which case a neonatal aor-
straightforward.26,30 Most patients present in early infancy with a topulmonary window is performed, followed later in infancy,
relatively balanced ratio of pulmonary to systemic blood flow (Qp: by complete repair.
Qs). However, ~10%‐15% of patients have too little pulmonary iii Profound overcirculation creating failure to thrive.
blood flow and a similar percentage have too much to maintain clini- iv Profound hypoxia due to low pulmonary blood flow.
cal stability without concerted medical management. The oxygen sat-
uration, although an indicator of balanced or unbalanced pulmonary Once surgical candidacy is determined, the preference is to per-
to systemic perfusion, may not reflect the complexity of the lesion form as much of the surgery as possible prior to CPB in an effort to
or be an adequate indicator of disease progression. As some pul- minimize the amount of bleeding and reduce the duration of CPB.
monary segments become less perfused, stenotic, or atretic over Because the objective is full unifocalization, CPB times are long,
time, others can develop pulmonary vascular obstructive disease due averaging around 250 minutes, with an overall case duration of
to long‐standing high pressure and flow. approximately 930 minutes.30

We have anesthetized over 500 patients at our institution, many

3.5 | Anesthetic management during surgery for
of whom have undergone a single‐stage complete repair with VSD
closure. Vigilance in anesthetic management is a key component to
Most critical to the anesthetic assessment is an estimate of overall the outcomes of these patients and to maintain a low perioperative
pulmonary to systemic blood flow. Patients are categorized as having mortality rate (1.7%).30
high, low, or balanced pulmonary blood flow. In our series of over
500 patients, approximately half have balanced pulmonary and sys-
temic blood flow while approximately 30% have pulmonary flow that 4 | SUMMARY
exceeds systemic flow and the remaining 15%‐20% have low pul-
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) has four anatomic features: right ventricular
monary blood flow. Patients with either high or low pulmonary flow
hypertrophy (RVH), ventriculoseptal defect (VSD), overriding aorta,
pose more difficulties with anesthetic management.37 Approximately,
and right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (RVOT) with an occur-
11% of patients, in our experience, have concern for abnormal air-
rence of 3.9 /10 000 births. The pathophysiologic effects in TOF are
way anatomy, many of whom have a chromosome 22q11 deletion largely determined by the degree of RVOT and not the VSD. Intra-
and undergo prerepair bronchoscopy. Roughly 3% of patients are a
operative anesthetic management is also dependent on the degree
known difficult intubation.32 of RVOT obstruction and influenced by the extent of surgical RVOT
Anesthesiologist preferences vary, but it is common in our prac-
tice to place a radial arterial line, a central venous line, and two good However, in the extreme variant, TOF with MAPCAs, RVOT
peripheral intravenous lines. In patients undergoing re‐sternotomy,
obstruction is rare and Qp: Qs largely influences anesthetic manage-
large bore venous access is often necessary. Intravenous access can
ment. In TOF with MAPCAs, the intracardiac anatomy is straightfor-
be difficult, as the majority of patients are young, often malnour-
ward but the heterogeneity of the pulmonary vasculature and need
ished, and may have undergone IV placement (with several attempts)
for extensive dissection and repair presents many anesthetic chal-
in the cardiac catheterization lab a few days prior to surgery, reduc- lenges.
ing the number of potential access sites.37
As stated earlier, the surgical preference is to perform as much
of the surgery as possible prior to heparinization and CPB. Thus, 5 | REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS
prolonged dissection and control of MAPCAs all have implications
for the amount and balance of pulmonary blood flow. In many
1. Right ventricular dysfunction after surgical repair for TOF is
patients, active management is required to achieve an appropriate
caused by (D)
balance of pulmonary and systemic blood flow. Prolonged hypox-
ia,38,39 hypercarbia,40 and metabolic acidosis39 are common prior
a Right ventricular muscle hypertrophy limits myocardial protec-
to going on bypass. Each of these alone or combined can impact
tion during aortic cross‐clamping
pulmonary vascular resistance and consequently the pulmonary
b Right ventricular muscle bundle resection can influence the
to systemic blood flow ratio. ST segment changes are frequent
potential for arrhythmia and heart block
during the prolonged dissection. In some circumstances, the
c Right ventricular muscle hypertrophy increases the risk for
administration of low dose dopamine can help in maintaining
diastolic dysfunction and the need for high filling pressures
hemodynamic stability.37
d All of the above
Dopamine 3‐5 mcg/kg/min, milrinone 0.5 mcg/kg/min, and low‐
dose epinephrine 0.03‐0.05 mcg/kg/min are our standard inotropes 2. Junctional ectopic tachycardia, the following are true, except (B)
used upon separating from CPB. Because of the amount of dissec-
tion and the extensive vascular suture lines, post‐bypass bleeding a Onset within 12‐24 hours. after repair
can be significant ~175‐240 cc/kg and transfusion requirements sub- b Occurs in 40% of TOF patients
stantial (packed red blood cells 134 ± 34 cc/kg; platelets c Heart rates above 170 bpm
25.97 ± 7.89 cc/kg; fresh frozen plasma 57.25 ± 31.73 cc/kg; cryo- d Loss of AV synchrony
precipitate 5.26 ± 2.58 mL/kg). Because of this, we have adopted
3. Which of the following is true (B)
the use of activated four factor prothrombin complex concentrate
(FEIBA)(Shire US, Inc IL) at a dose of 10 units/kg for 1‐3 doses, and
a Pathophysiology determined by the size of the VSD
intraoperative administration of anti‐fibrinolytics has also become
b Can be associated with 22qll in 30% of the patients
common practice. Based on our experience and that of others, lower
c All present with pulmonary hypertension
right ventricle to aortic pressure ratios, 0.35 (0.32‐0.4), are associ-
d Presents uniformly with cyanosis
ated with better postoperative outcome. In an effort to reduce right
ventricular pressure and stress on the newly anastomosed vessels, 4. Complete repair for TOF with MAPCAs includes: (E)
empiric nitric oxide is instituted at 20 ppm and continued for
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