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1.  Can a society survive without the

presence of social institutions? Explain your answer.

- NO, Society cannot survive without the presence of social institutions. When
people want to make a change, they must be united. If there would not be any
social institutions, people won't get united for any cause. They won't be able to
make an impact on the world in the way that they would if there were no social

2.  Is the Philippine educational system

responsive to the needs of Filipino students? Explain your answer.

- As a student, I have the rights in education, but I think there is we are lacking
in something. In our country, there is no balanced access to education. Lack of
resources; large-scale shortages in classrooms, teachers, and other learning tools
are also a major problem.

3.  Can you consider religion a form of

social organization? Explain your answer.

- Religion is both an individual and a social institution. While religious views

can be deeply personal, religion is also a social institution. Religion, according to
social scientists, is an organized and integrated system of ideas, behaviors, and
conventions centered on fundamental societal needs and values.

4.  Why should a healthy person be

considered a functional member of society? Explain your answer.

- A healthy society protects the weak while allowing the powerful to develop,
and it respects the cultures and human rights of all members of society. A
healthy society requires strong laws and their fair enforcement, as well as
autonomous institutions that are creatively governed and operate to promote

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