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9/10 quiz 3 understanding self by Master Bait

Is a field of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of mental illness


What is theory?
= Is a general set of principles to suggest the explanation of how a number of
separate facts are related

Deals with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of
group life as bases for the regulation of man's social environment.
=?Applied Sociology

What are the Goals of Psychology?

=. Describe, explain, predict and influence behavior and mental processes

Functionalism is a theory influenced by

= Darwin's Theory of Evolution

It deals with nature and behavior of a population and relations to the groups

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present social intuitions.

=?Human Ecology

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Is a psychologists who developed " operant conditioning theory"

=. B.F.Skinner rs e
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Psychoanalysis means ________________________________________________.
=Make unconscious; it restrain trauma through therapy

What is Psychology?

=It is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

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Is a science that studies man's culture.

= Anthropology
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