Ocyavo Actividad Pedagogica #3

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Sardinata. Norte de Santander
Material Educativo - Trabajo Académico en Casa 2021


Fanny Stella Angarita Cacéres Telf.: 3123674393
Inglés E-mail: fanca1224@gmail.com Octavo
Ana Isabel Quintana Fuentes Telf.: 3142399672
E-mail: anaisabelquintana@gmail.com
Periodo I TEMA: Frequency adverbs, Reading ACTIVIDAD N°: 3
comprehension, vocabulary
PROPÓSIT Reconocer el uso de los adverbios de FECHA
O: frecuencia en la descripción de hábitos y Marzo 8 – Marzo
rutinas. 19

1. Add the adverb of frequency in the 2. Put the words in the correct
right place:/ Agrega el adverbio de frecuencia en order/Organiza las palabras en el orden correcto.
el lugar correcto

1. They 1.don’t
work at weekends. (usually)
Mary never eats fish.
They don’t usually work at weekends.
2. is/brilliant/he/always/on/keyboards
2. He…………………………………………………
teaches English in the morning.
(always) …………………………………………………
3. parents/my/the theatre/don’t/go/to/
3. She…………………………………………………
is late for school. (never)
4. am/for/meals/late/I/never
4. I don’t eat eggs for breakfast. (usually)
Add the adverb of frequency in the right place:
5. we/on time/are/never
5. We …………………………………………………
go out on Sunday evening. (often)
6. a shower/we/after/have/training/ usually
6. I get…. up early. (sometimes)
7. I/bad/never/dreams/have
7. He ….. doesn’t read books in the evening.
..... …………………………………………………

¡COLAVEPSA, formando y transformando vidas!

Sardinata. Norte de Santander
Material Educativo - Trabajo Académico en Casa 2021

3. Read the text and translate into spanish in your notebook / Lee el texto y tradúcelo a
español en tu cuaderno.
Hello, my name is Sandra an I live in Santiago. I am a Maths teacher and I am
going to talk about my routine in this pandemic.

I Usually get up at 8 o’clock . After getting a shower and having breakfast, I

turn my computer on and start my virtual
lessons. Sometimes I use the software
called “meet” to make videocalls. Other
teachers prefer to use “Zoom”I have lessons
with each grade only once a week because
of the lousy internet connection.

My students often have problems with

their internet, so the students that
always attend my lessons are few.
Generally, I send them the learning
material via whatsapp. They frequently
ask me to explain them the exercises
through that social media. It is a little difficult to do so because we are not
seeing each other’s faces.

In spite of all the difficulties, I never give up on my wish to do my best to help

my students.

I am going to talk: voy a hablar de Seeing each other’s faces: verse las caras
Get up: levantarse In spite of: A pesar de
Get a shower: bañarse Give up on: Rendirse ante
Have breakfast: tomar desayuno Wish: deseo
Videocalls: videollamadas To do my best: dar lo mejor de uno.
Attend: asistir a Lousy: pésimo/a
Through: a través de

4. Read the text again and tell if the sentence is true or false/ lea el texto
nuevamente y diga si la oración es verdadera o falso.

¡COLAVEPSA, formando y transformando vidas!

Sardinata. Norte de Santander
Material Educativo - Trabajo Académico en Casa 2021
1. Sandra prefers to use meet to make videocalls. ( )
2. Students have a very good internet connection. ( )
3. She usually gets up at 8 o´clock. ( )
4. Sandra thinks that teaching through remote lessons is difficult. ( )
1. Sandra uses Facebook to send the learning material. ( )
5. Choose the correct frequency adverb to answer the questions. / Escoja el adverbio
de frecuencia correcto para responder las preguntas.

1.How often does Sandra use meet?

a. Never b. sometimes c . frequently

2. How often does Sandra give virtual lessons?

a. Twice a week b. once a week c. always

3. How often do students ask Sandra to explain the exercises

a. Sometimes b. frequently c. always

4. How often does Sandra send them the learning material via whatsapp?

a. Generally b. never c, always

5. How often does Sandra give up on her work?

a. Sometimes b. never c. ocassionally


SYNONYMS : words with identical or similar meaning

1. Match the adjectives on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1 hard a) smart
2 dull b) scared
3 afraid c) little
4 intelligent d) timid
5 wealthy e) outgoing
6 cheerful f) awful
7 sociable g) difficult
8 shy h) boring

¡COLAVEPSA, formando y transformando vidas!

Sardinata. Norte de Santander
Material Educativo - Trabajo Académico en Casa 2021
9 terrible i) merry
10 small j) rich

2. Match the verbs on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1 cry a) reply ( ) 6 laugh f) reject ( )

2 clean b) giggle ( ) 7 refuse g) question ( )

3 ask c) believe ( ) 8 begin h) scrub ( )

4 answer d) sob ( ) 9 forget i) scream ( )

5 shout e) neglect ( ) 10 trust j) start ( )

3. Circle the Odd – One – Out./ Encierra la palabra que no corresponde a cada grupo.

1. crazy mad happy absurd 6. shy modest honest timid

2. cross fine angry annoyed 7. pink nice fine good

3. sad cheerful merry happy 8. upset amused sad miserable

4. clean neat wide tidy 9. refuse deny agree decline

5. stare gaze look neglect 10. loud idle noisy thundering

4. Choose the correct synonyms of the underlined words/ Selecciona el sinónimo

correcto de la palabra subrayada.

1 Mr. Black has a huge house.

a) great b) tiny c) large d) very large

2 This car is very expensive.

a) cheap b) inexpensive c) overpriced

3 John never comes on time.

a) does b) arrives c) goes d) sees

4 My elder sister is very pretty.

a) attractive b) ugly c) plain d) unattractive

5 Sam is terrible at French.

a) awful b) good c) great d) fantastic

6 Jill is a fast runner.

¡COLAVEPSA, formando y transformando vidas!

Sardinata. Norte de Santander
Material Educativo - Trabajo Académico en Casa 2021
a) slow b) quick c) calm d) inactive

¡COLAVEPSA, formando y transformando vidas!

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