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Siscount 11- The terms of this agreement are subject to all applicable rules and regulations in force and AYN y ce) gil ANS) ANY de ogi eased. 44 gs peal aay pall Leas dally Les J gare dae ya The Second Party: _Golden Discount Company 6. Signature: oN 2) A feat casa pl peal AS yo: Jyh a Stamp: asl r \ - OVE oA oy ay yl The Second Party: : Nw ¢ <¥ if \ agh Signature: ame LA esl 2 sal Stamp: mS Lamocanner 2 eee’ Terms and Conditions: These terms and conditions have been concluded between (the second party) & the golden discount company (Golden Discount) to benefit from the marketing services from the golden discount (services) to the customer according to the terms and conditions below. _ 1- The services start from the date of signing the customer below with a free value 20 sre Prvveeee 120. The contract is renewed and an appendix is attached after the agreement between the two parties at the end of the aforementioned period with the conditions that serve all parties. 2- Under this agreement, the second party authorizes the first party to carry out marketing and advertising according to the data model Offers and discounts - No, (ns) and according to the form - Coupon Offers Statement - No. (.. ) The first party also disclaims all liability from all damages and compensation resulting from the second party's failure to provide the agreed upon offers and services to the holders of the first party's card and/or coupons. The second party is, also obligated to compensate the card/ coupon holder by granting him a discount on a product or other service equivalent to the value of the previous offer or by compensating him with an amount equivalent to The value of the previous offer within a maximum period of three working days. 3 - Placing a welcoming sign board for first-party card and\or coupon users in the outlets that sell and receive customers at (Second Party) \ balsas bey pal AS yh (il) a gh) ya gully dng pill 0p} 8 Coban ya Balan (SIGs Gal ye ) petal aaa Stn gay Suaall lH ( Casall ) geal pest) yo Sept slash ASAI Lay yi) Lal Spaall a8 6) a JG yo Casal is 4 2 20.SYMLGe. a8 A OS Jh ge SUNY! oy Gale Glally Sal as 2, GI GLY! JS 385 ly tll dei 5 shal! sal ys SY! Gbll 4 ohh Gis ge: iL Gl a SSiky = gaya ee GE 5 ) Bye epedlls as! 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Jar EVEN number... , — 33h Gt) (the second party - The Establishment ) — Introduction: rage The first party is the owner of the website “2 and the Golden Discount app. This site/app provides services represented digital marketing. Desiring to cooperate between the first, and second parties, the two parties have fully recognized their legal capacity to contract and act, and this replaces any previous agreements between the two parties, whether written or verbally. aA bya Dat ay JY) GL SB ISo2 Gal ys Fb oy AA Sell ob Be chs pak Sy SoM" OS bl Se shel 3 | i SaaS Suey Gay Rall ea ga Aaah §AES ol gee Qe LN ge TLL tian GOLDEN DISCOUNT ais oily Bly lal al cael ing ll de ins Statement of offers and discounts provided for holders of the Golden Discount Card a7 = 3] ei] aed Teo est] -eutus| discount The Service price | Sale Price Percentage Afer| Before discount | Discount JS. a vere At. wae | 5 ° | ° Conditions for card offers: PAE Gia e dey yt ane Signature Stamp 8M 5 eis Coupons Start Date : Coupons End Date : .. 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