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Merging with Infinity /Ardas Bhaee

February 11, 1998

1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Stretch your arms out
straight in front of you at shoulder level with your palms touching
in Prayer Mudra. Lock your thumbs. Keep your elbows straight
and roll your shoulders inward to bring the elbows as close to each
other as possible. (Holding the elbows close to each other tests the
state of the digestive system.) Close your eyes. Keep your arms in
position and whistle with Ardas Bhaee, Instrumental Version
(Healing Sounds of the Ancients #5). 11 Minutes.

2. Raise your arms up and out to the side with the palms
at about a forty-five degree angle (the palms are not
facing forward and not facing upward, but somewhere in
between). Begin a fast Breath of Fire. 1 Minute.

“Open up the energy to every part and organ of the body.

Fast! Fast!”

3. Interlace your fingers and place your hands in your lap. Sit very straight, close your eyes, and go thoughtless. 3 Minutes.

“You have three minutes only. Use every breath in every moment of it. It is your personal strength against your downfall.
So win. Fateh, victory. No thought, no problem. A person who has a thought-less mind is served by God and nature to be maintained
with grace. It’s a law which God cannot change.”

To Finish: Inhale deeply, hold the breath (10-15 seconds) and press the tongue against the upper palate using the strength
of the neck and the jaws. Exhale. Inhale deeply again. Hold 10-15 seconds and press your tongue strongly against the upper
palate to stimulate the hypothalamus (see page 176). Exhale. Inhale deeply, deeply fill your chest cavity with air, and press the
upper palate with the strength of your tongue (10-15 seconds). Exhale and relax.


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